were TEATlME TOPICS 3y CAROLYN WILIZII Canadian Pm Stiff Write Canada wore hrr springtime flurry when the lard Mayor of Coventry Easinnd Mrs Pearl Hyde made visit to cam centres And the silverhaired Lard Mayor went home sporting some Canadian fineryviwo hats she Mugbt in Hamilton le hats full colors and flowers like Canada Mrs Hyde said with many more compli mentary words about Canadian hats iastic feeling that she will he the envy of her countrywomeu in her new hats the number she bought restricted mainly by the packing problem The chief citizen at Coventry Lhe city where the legendary Lady Godiva once rodealso said she thinksCanadian wo men are just grand And Canadian women ay still feel tie with Mrs Hydes historic city badly bombed dur ing the Second World War Dur ing that time women on this side of the Atlantic parked clothing and wrote letters to help the people of Coventry through it trying time Hard Worker Mrs Hydc placed hefty shoulder to the wheel during the war years and in the post war period of rebuilding She organizcdl food kitchens and clothing centres inthe face of enemy raids Now she works as welfare officer in an alitoino bile factory At official functions in 0t tawa thcLord Mayorlwore long black and gold robes of office withoiit hatlier commanding siiavswisrin She also left with the entbiis THE NEXT TIME the man 01 the family goes on it trip crochet these comfortable pullman suppers for him to take along Folded in their own case they bake no room at all and are very light They are quickly crocheted easily washable and practical ¢x presence recalled story about her thatprobably will be part of every biography It happened just two days at ter heavy bombing raid on Coventry in November 1940 when King George Vi visited the city Mrs ltyde declined the honor of being presented to the King because she was too dirt And the story goes Hyde also explained that she was hilt only too dirty but she was also too busyorganizing surivival facilitiesand she was sure III 1957 395 459 298 with leather or rubber grin serum 321 Airhiliiblo for limited Aquingi Low in inmates suns handy lor trimming and mining aluminum 25 umnsawa quality madl Dad om for wintér an the simple crochetiristructlonssend stamped selfaddressed envelope to Ithe Needlecratt Department of this paper re questing MANS PULLMAN Leaflet No summer wear To obtain SUPPER sEr 43920 wearing the chie constables trousers Street Banking if banking is bother for mothers with carriageage ehliA drgnpiustlisien to thisa Mon treal bank has designed walk up counter leaning out on the sidewalk It isdeslgned as mothers wheeling boon to baby car ME riages as Well as to people too busy to pop inside the bank The walkup is sheltered from the weather so business on therrun can be done as easily in ofv rain as in shi The rcashier is protected by stcclencued bulletvproolwiridow So far the Montreal bank is the only one offering these street banking facilities but bank officials say there soon will be more across Canada New ornce gt Mrs Williamson of 0t tnwa is the new executive secre tary of the Canadian Federation Business and Professional Womens Clubs and will he in charge or new tional oflico in pttawa ls railings nan you PIPE wrinNeri letDld be nilo CirWV it yauraelt manrave plumb ing on xii31 iii 455 to please famed tool steel head naturlt al hickory handle owlians AT 119 and 349 HAMMER SET OF wooocursais Onarsn at Eradii ated wood norm com pie in box snail HANDLE cLiw rrAMMEris gaw nixed 50 Nl cum 315 615 169 Qua ty upus rnnde mzm in nude mm will be plnlscd to own Clelr white faced srarsarmrn Mrsasuna iundy 15 steel tape white smearw 595 SELECTION OF OTHER HAND TOOLS annulus ourrrri Here la onderlul spinning with ma will be pleased to use on SET CONSISTE 017 111 our Shimi dsand his day an lulu stimuli6 lleel uuiieiits uninr 9k eaandmny much An mmrr rmm mu Co tulauona auntf Gen Inumdnd on tiev arrival ft shun of Torontoil rm Gerald thymliuak dad to ill ma and Era liaiold vOrui lheir home ivu dertrvyedlby fire but Barry Wyantm Qtarlrsbilrg vi ited Vincent Dumo on Sunday seamnip he Icniorpupiis had very enloyablcfnnd ednortlonal trip to Orltlil detain andlvlidland lut Mr Dd MrsMlehaci Add Bride or Utopia spent the week end attlrand Mrs Dll rvsiitAv MATERNITY APPAREL loo Collier 8t PA 8330 It Door am at run Hall YOUR on PRIVACY onom antroom sun ananm mason mu in yttiotAllandilééehoolotlinc mm Barri Collegiate audit immkmrtintherecltaliheld oiiumlaatï¬aturday rumor Tillililis wmniinrimsfl 391 semis insurer Tlt arcrrs srorir conrsi islets srpar SilllilS mourners PPYJflMflS rSliiï¬wrlliiiS rrmsig 5151an Mrs sects wm 1mm 551mm nï¬sjf for in A7 NS NS want 83652 aoililnliiii illicit WITH IRWIN315 éeleeta complete Summerwndrobe Nowl Use ZellersEasytoAlee LAYvAWAY PLAN LADIES Only small deposit is required 399 size 12 to in Lovely lummer cot ton rai dlnncnk drcalup evening or Iicniel Blue Dink nqlra mauve Similar to atyle shown SEE lctltl SALE PRICE cationmm daylong cool love lineal Trinimed wlih white 51 Blouse alias 1220 Sheena sateen in belie union or black 198 Skirt to match sizes 11 20 anewzipper Novelty pockets CARESSA sr 3240 aeetatcvknylon styled ieh nylon and TIMIij 98°