WHSlleetingwnsp Presbyterian met on Wednesday May at the main of Ills ww campben open It with call to vmrshi hymn and prayer by pres ent Mrs lnnlr CWalI lt Roll call ya answered mine to have small part in the making of someone for greater nthan ourselves Dont despise it The singing of hymn was followed by MrsEd Gibbons taking the chapter0f thestudy book assisted by Mrs Cook telling or our share in the work in theChristian Church inJa panandrof1hc inn fella ship among the women within the church hymn followed by prayer by Mrs Cowan closed the meet ing Committees were appoint edto look after the preparation for the strawberry tea to be held at the Presbyterian Church on Saturday Junezlu Also sale of baking The hostess wds assisted by Mrs Third andMrs Watson in serving an enjoyable lunch St James Evening WA The Evening WA held their regularmeeting on Wednesday May 28 at Miss Mae Fergusons The president Mrs Elmer Pratt was in the chair The meeting opened with the theme hymn Minutesband treas urers report were read and ap proved BibLe Vacation School was discussed and leaders ranged Also renovation of the kitchen Anyone having items for the bazaar please have the at the June meeting The worship period opened with the singing of Jiymn Mrs Henry Boer read thescripture offering was received and dedi rated by Mrs Boer very interesting paper on Stewardship of Prayer was read by Mrs Elwood Webb fol lowed by prayer by lirs Ross Ridden hymn was£ollowed by the closing player by Mrs Pratt gt Thehostess was assisted by Mrs Mervyn Booth Mrs Ross Hubbert Mrs Don Wiceyand Mrs Maurice Brown in serving it uyable lunch Anniversary Services An vetsary services held in Strand UnitEdChurch Sunday June at 11 am an 730pm thesneakertobe Dr Macmnnon Moderator of Pr byterian Gen eral Assembly of ttle Narrow Cape Breton NS The first Presbyteria service held in In isfil Town in was in Painswick 1822 with the first Presby narrows Recent Vslflbfl and Mrs 11 Kevin of Shanty Bay visited at the homesofMr andMrs Bowden and Mr and Mrs Arthur Wright nd family ted with Mrand Mrskllamld Wright at Guelphon Sunday will be being fpamin my Serviée zOn tsundy Jonel5 rantm Chaplar ot the 0rd othA Eastern Star will hold their ug Birthday Dinner Mr and MrsW Clinnd en tertained at birthday dinner on Sunday June in honor at their father Handoi Al liston who celebrated his 89th birthday on June Those at tending incl dcd Mr and Mrs lloss Hand im and Gerald and Miserabel Hand of Alliston Mr and Mrs Leohardi Hand and Mr MetcalIe of Toronto jnd Thombury alongwith the guest of honor During thed3y number of friends called to extend btst wishesto MrHnnd Weekend Guests Mr and Mrs Duncan Camp bell and Grant spent the week end withMr and Mrs Glen Blackburn Huntsville Recent visitors Visitors recently included Mr and Mrs Chapman of Mount Forat called on frieridsnnd old neighbors in the village Mr and Mrs Lorne Campbell Glen Huron at Campbells Hesterï¬eyrion af Flint Mich and her aughter MaeKehite and Debbie of San Diego Calm called on relatives and friends on Sun day 3150 HILL flhe Evening Circle held itsMay meeting at the horhe of Mrs How ard Partridge on May 21 with good number present Mr How ard Caldwell wasin ch gej of the devotional part oi the meet ing Roll call wasan exchange or house plants orshrubs Plans were made for tilrnmresentatibn in the chureh basement on May 29 Teehostess was Mrs Leonard Edgerton erratum in Girls Club and its lead ers attended Achievement Day at Guthrie on Saturday rnini Buffalov Mrs Lockte and Miss Betty 30f Buffalo spent aiEWV days with Mrs Ellerington Home for Weekend Miss Betty Caston was home fromloronto for the weekend manna MrsMel Cumin and Miss Shirley ot Edenvale visited Mr and Mrs hur Dunnat the weekend Toronto Weekend Mrs George Sheffield and Bill were in Toronto at and brought the children back to spend some time l1 the grandparen Mrs Mom ere weekendns April 26 such avsuccessl come two grand nual church service at Stroud and Adelefl on intat Anodatlon On Thursday May lnnlstil District Local Association held their last meeting of the season at the home of Mrs Barker 80 1e The meet pres ed over by Miss Nancy Snu District Commissioner came to order by members repenting the Guide Promise Minutes of the prey ions meeting were lreagb Accord ing to our treasurers report tinances look very healthy Miss Smith thanked them bemvfor their part inm our spring tea andbak sale Further plans or the rally in Orillin were mad Our cook ie day st May3 had only one drawbackwe had more custom crs than cookies Kempenfelt Division Guider dinner is to be on Tuesday June 17 at River Gardens at pm at $175 LA members Who would care to attend are ynsked to get in touch with Miss Smith at PA BSIM You will receive wel Miss Smith told of success ful Guider Training held on April 19 There is to be train ing at Bond Head on Sept for divisionerand district corn missioners and also eecre taries Our Girl Guideeamp being held at Bass Lake trorn uly to 14 Thus Smith has altzlher counsellorslined up we re treal wishghervand er ilyzth very best andwe they have excellent local assoc iat rt Montreal Wejelso wanted to show our hostess Mrs ParkerL in some smal ho cit we eally proud to 81012 To the chilly give them their pretty size 246 enjoyed her open door had basketshaped cnke made and had Best wishes torojiw it They were two very surprised people but none more deserving Before anyone was allowed to partake of the cake we all join ed hands and sang flnor Lang Syne Mrs Davidson who served very nice lunch together with Mrs Carlton were responsible for the cake Our next meeting the 7one to start off theall season is again to bLbeldmLthe 110de Mrs Parke BO Sunnidnle Road East Strum LA The May meetingof the East Simcoc Local Assooiatlon was weunttended last WednESday evening inst Gilesl Hall There was short business meeting with Division Commissioneers Gainer in the chair The three Guides from this district going to larger camps this summer Doe Lake and Kirkland Lake will the given $15 each nowan expenses The ï¬lm Jeane Alli Guid late eial part ing card games sale of baking rpreserves plants was enjoyed thoroug and talent and with Mrs Goodwin and Winters each winning tip and queer Mrs Lewisa pumi dislr and Mrs 1Tb mps tealt put The next event dinner being héld at dens Julie 17 nnual BARR For Qu Ln Reliable will SEEMS its EidiiSEiiFEmS bï¬ tnllirr qrot CE CE Séfili TEE mm for standing heart kedninteren in rellxl ufthts character Woodmen may think It many details shamanam de flow 1mm hirvern Illa Hermithme unint shim learnlhg Thevreedermay ormhy obtain structtonsyxsimply sen addressedlenvetope ti partment of this paper re WA mamas its May meeting at thehome rot mm with to members and one visitor preaen Mrs JaekMcConn pmideaann bmuglrau intlrlsbook nbened thsgnteetlnu withpnye followed bygTheLords Pray and mensbetjaprnyerih unison Minutes were read and adopt and treasurers reports given Roll call minimum with nem ingyourlavorlte ri not met withthe tetherShut story3verygtreealing But underneath the acts are very grim vanestorytroncems nimfltr nsovichJWW vicepresident ol bank and mloysl commumst whims horrttiedto liar one his daughter Slmoehh some sociallyde merits rbouHhe PartyJontudenla litthe rsity which sh Ii piano furlchitjtau mobile good den cult Jilin dimmer wui not marinau Mindful lrantic when she is arrested But then new of Khrushcheva chance at policypfhis break th St run eh ndjmt to reigns terror is to use tyne come for porn at th high at icittls The th seemno have veryng nderstandlnz of mm outline althoughvthechar when my arent em inent Medea ï¬rm at chartered nmmm mi about tribute audit 01 the Paris blinds Ind Dunllmtir ban nl film has Mmmmr uut grand shamcarried on at bank The stall re not tomentlon mus nontrnnsy metnblevlolderstlahles 89 and 131 as Htflpio an qufllertbn vitllTbe cancelledvia that tlnie and ute instead IRAva mnomo unroN STATtONat 410 rnanyi June 27 toiAu st29 inclusive and operate yia Aurora Newmarltet Allandale Barrie and Uri to Washago thence to North Buy 44 annnny rm to leaving oflhbayi1203m daily except Sundays will be scheduled at slightly earlier times at stations Strgud to Newmarket inclusive was closed by lunehz served by the are eastern mm ltiver Gar MrsMnxv nwnrn You en PLAN de la terijtsvfor heavens us it means has