NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS the some at any autumn retired oeeeqoq gt All Demnl hnvlnl chlm the estate at tho than in into ot the Town oi Barrio to the County at sitnooo who oioaettbe uin room or Borne on tho fluidly oi October uglyn required to mo prooi oi unto with mqllndtnl1ned faaorbeiore the vinoy oi July Alter thot one the Publlc rruoteo wui proceed to dhlflbule the uteie hvinx regrd only to tho eininu oi whichhe men enoii hove boo nouco tum et Toronto thin nth do at 195 no TRUSTEE tumultmuck its queen so West toronto Notice To 11 Public WARNING CAMP BOKDEN RANGES Fltlnz wfllbe utriro out on the chino hordzn itenlu notii turthu Iotlle The unite property lienrwlllilll the comp boundary no to hammer lol iows Tn tho NORTH hy the Sunniooie lounmnllo Towmhlp Lino Ind the Sunnld em Tommitip Line nnd ito the 1hy the Fourth Lino lor the Tumulin oi Eur Ind to the scum by the iiiteenth tide mud ollheTowmhlp oi Touch onti nd to the Wist hy the VFoiIrlh Lino oi the Townsth oi Tommnllo The dluer am no oiooriy merited by dlnlerilzn on oil lppmlchu uni indiution tint ï¬ring in in promos Llllven by tho Ulnl oi red tint et ontnncu to rlnlel nno ot the min point Ind butto No umuthnrizeo oer oon my tho unto property and trespmino prohibited The Crown wiii not accept moonst otiity for my claim which imy orixe out oi damllo orlnjury ineiunin neutn to persons or property resuitinz iron dltrcalrd oi this notice BY ORDER mum hopnty biiottter 4n Axumn nu valence git sitti 9i mild Treasure omu any at my nag clearly dgflned SALE SILAND INTHE CpUNrY 0F SIMCOE ron ARREABS or 11ng NOTICE ll hereby llven Hm ha lllt ol lliidl lhle lo mild or or our oi mu in the County at slum bu bear Pityred Ind illegibth In In ldveflllemnl Hly In he OntHo Gluue 009ch of HM hot at had or on vortieement con ho teen in my own or win be united upon mm App ution tor umo inuoinit oi ply ment ller ehown on salt int on or oeiore ruxsou Allaull test It Llie nour oi two oclock lose in uiolnernooii thoii 1t thot time In the Coumll ctrmoor Court itouso horrio Ontno proceed to non hy public Iucllon the mo had to men one together wiih chem thereon it lllld not on on Auiust on Adjoumnd uio win no min on we ony August zo mo at two oclock D532 GQLBMAN flaunt county oi simeoe muttan omoo court Houee Bun10 lth tiny of April 1958 FuhLwnirii rFREEZER SHELvEs IN noon CRISPERS BUTTEEKEEPER and othar great Matures kite sebaon 5sEiitian iiiiii iiiiiihiii not pitiï¬iotttv XSAEOBD TANK RANGE IlHlfWfllltanulufd nus tun noun alloying not to point opposite tinnetion pl the mumwater ml at Lot conceooton It Int in Townhhlp oLSyneniunn Then tootheriy outth tho utii bounoory unui it new not it Township oi Vincent oouthor to tho touthbounoury oi tho The inn censor ant oi tho nix duller Hm Aitermto eeerip on oi wetu net in ioiiowt Beginning int on more in letitudo North dexreu mine utoo not so month lnnfltuda Wat iso demos to miniu end on teen token min Emmin Hy dro phlc service chm No IN the ii on mile in delreu to tine buoy II 44 noon to inlntitu Ind reconoo to no rreu antinuieo end 42 second thenco 51 netreu too 1115 Jana to delreu in minute end at leeondl on deneel to Mum and mount thence ll degree at 7V mllu to it delNu ta inntutu And It oeclt anus on delires minute onti Ian month thence tit dunes or mile to 44 dotreer Itan ea 41 recount an oureet minute Ind 35 toeondo theme at urea in on toilet to 44 de gun he mlnulel so lecondl anneal 31 minutes on mono Min point on lholhore itno ohout iniieo northweni oi Hu iord The houndery WHL ho onorited by ipnr huoyo oronge yeiiow in eoiour atrome coution to be ur Itod whiiot nvluunllhe weter Ire nnn treopusint on the lurid Dru uotriciiy prohibited Tho Crown wul not accept reopen1e biiity ior my claim which meymte out oi dhmlze or Injury inoiuninz dellh to venom or property remit ltizvlrgin amount at thl notice HY ORDER MILLER Deputy Mills hep11ml Nation Del orrAwn CANADA ments and spin épsafety switqhes 15 421900 olm It 510 hour Luthpm yin mo on raw can Com XVI VIII MWlnll mjnnwn on in tho county at mun1 an tdhm MM Ind the homerat ugh Comoton xvt hu boon by m3 Gdbnflh Onurln yeyor who nu Med Imon Ind Add not with tho uni 0n VolHeld June Islhf 1m and ï¬eld no will be In lumpl Olflta 153 Monto Inoooonieor uiNitov Whow um 01 tho Vulllc WIN Bunch neeeii Ontario Ind rile I¢tedh1lho may VI hunt eoneemih any obieetion to the curve uperlorined copy oi the mimile report In ml min notu be teen ll Lmlunk oi oehou tho oiiiee oi tho SurvryflrGenonl Pon uoinent Buuoihu Toronto WvBBAllY surveyor count CLARK MAPLIDORAM tore Minute oi Lula um up Attiiiniittf DRUGS mm mumWWW or out Swot WWW noon nan Hemline Non IA nniioun Moro 100 Nln or hutuo show At noon scum on Sport Burn It upon scum =3 388282 at lt gagaag on short sumo mall Weethor mumo Ne lion 333222 iii Jim Carey show mittr than not 10 tun snott mun tun um simeoo county Home you run New flouting Neti nuiietin Bond sun Tuior Bho Egzfli ii 31 itttittieï¬i magma Luci ti 595109 Enzsoass Zoo not men nos nun in out kuuy nil in iof noono mount 205 lundu Potzl uo not to hibi Hour uo hm ctrhem Loo Nunn nonconoen flour Nowout Jim com show am Noon eon anon 55 tiedune Neu 7m chomh nonto mn Hlnl Euth up evolution aniot no cnnldl onwo out no Ruttlo lhaw Nemoet Non um Non loon wootho not sign on mm sunny AI 525 ï¬nallin Non wnthor Iio rhie moo Noon BM Beaten mos Lint no church Unloadr moo Nlmfl 1050 Hoedltne Nun um moron m5 nert conooio wututv at 1530 Non l1 noon amnion 11le by Illrun 21W uenoiinn No to John 102 auuti loutuv AI 55 sin 0n Euro in tor the my 30 Leon Ehu Nom Sport seme nrmaluitot Report New sport Beam walnut moon MHudflnu Noun Non 00 Sport Round in Now sport Boom hyior show 930 Eh lino MVIBI to con KO omenten non Nun Jllu Cm In Il story not Lyrici 85 Eznlu churonui nt tho out lnr Waxun no Pm moo Show rm EXTRA LARGE TABLE opens toliiz 36 605112 with two uu Boo Wmmk Monet RK moon TAXHsAviNGs attVJYOURVRETIREMENT INCOME For furtherjniiirmmonml thlsjduid sii noihbnnjontiie ottoman BanIA about imitNitiioNnL mnvhsiEh own DUNLOP ST CHOKERLEAF jBARRIE CARS TRUCKS 195s itAMBilit va moss COUNTRY INTERNATIONAL6 mm in wow 1955 INTERNATIONAL Picxur 1995 inimciiitii SEDAN DELIVERY 195$ immNuioNiiL TON 1955 GMC yum DUNtl iNTEitNAnoNAi TRACIOR with 12 Yard Tandem Dump Tull er INTERNATIONAL 21m 10an WHEEL Bliss Giiic DUMP iNmNniiotini TON cunsms K133 1952 INTERNATIONAL 21000 mum mmo iNiEitNAimNAL TRAILMQBILE as EO0TWITK or riArooo PRICE COMPLETE $1411 Seats our people tour cyllnder Witter cooled engine 60 cents worth guoline will take you to Toronto NY iXiiIï¬iis iMpeniAt