Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 May 1958, p. 7

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rinnrs National Triumphs The4iollowlng not was receiveddram Eobemion secretarytreasureroi theNationai council of Canadian Bondmasters Association by in Flsher director of the Barrie Collegiate Bofld 111m proud Indeedl View the great record or the trlum past few years In at Toronto rd here or your information phs of your band during the theicanadiiin National Band Competitions in the 195 ONE contest your band was entered In the section opento hands from Canadian cities and towns and your band won first prize In the 1953 CNEeontest your band was entered in the senior section open to bonds from the larger cities and towns of Canadayand your bandwas awarded the second prize InJBSLcmcontesLyourbdndwcsenterediinvthea open to bands from smaller band won the first prize In 1955 CNE contest your towns in Canada and your and entered in the senior sec tion open to all firstoiass Canadian bands and your band won the first prize In 1956 ONE contest again band won the first prize In 195 ONE contest your In the top senior section your band was entered in the top senior section and wona tieforfilst prize At the great Annual WaterlooBand Festival your band in 1957 won the first prize In the top senior section The Canadian Bopdmasters Association extends to you and toyour bandits ry best pletely successful tr Eui wishes for happy and coin ope=and we are very pleasedio have such an out tanding band under such competent director bands Festival of Canada at the Kerkrade Printableinns one Central Collegiulesfv fileceiit fiiciiiiilies The do VIII studcnts through the yEicmentary School Inspectors chcrsand th ugh upancl discus problemsvin AlhlS pleased to have Jnn Graduation special assemblyyand the problem of enrollln new ude wére the main itcms htcret in the regular report submittedfio the Barrie Dis gt Board by Bowman of Barrio Distric giate The report is given belo on April 25 ciai Assembly put on by Miss Smith and her French Cliib The Scripture readin pf er and hymnwcrc conducted This was ioilqwedbyfia shorl play written by Heathc McNahb on the theme ofour ban arriving at the railway station or gholc program was on light iii and enjoyed by the as scmbly The problem enrolling our ncw students romGradc Vlii at thistime ot ways comes year To to ate this We send out application orms withtho different courses outlined to all This year under the direction of Mr Knox meeting on school all Gra ill to sion some of tho ticld were made clcare We us for the meeting On May owe he Gymnasi 18 and for zxxu hnishin June 23 Our promotion mee ngs committee am sure that they Would be imprcssedas we were ith the dccorations music dress of ourjstudents and their general depo nia tersirom Toronto Teachers College to interview prospective public school teachers We had 22 students planning to go to Tea chersVCoiicge inextycar Dr Stai pies andyhlr Stenent were well pleased with our plicants Ju examination schedules are postedwith examinations in all grades commencing on June on willrbe held on June 27 Results should be ready to be mailedout about July surr BLY NAMED The toivn offBlhid River 0n tario on thcnorth shore of Lake llnron was given that name by early fur traders because they could not see the river mouth thereas theycame up the lakcby canoe ti ly ma ling fled into 97999090 canal 10rdin Lnynavmnn BARNETT Bxaflner News Editor Firtyfour young students members or Band will set foot in England Barrie Collegiate just at theclose yof August Bank Holiday weekend This is thegreat summer holldpy weekend for the British Isles and wonderful Introduction for the group on their first stage of an outoftheordinary adventure In threeweek band tour these young Canadianswiii have ample opportunity of seeing something of England deal of London Paris Holland Brus scls andpossibly the World lfair The major engagement iiithis musicjour Is the WdridMns Festival at CKerkradc Thar thcyvwiilbe representin adian nds in competition Vth othér European hands in their panticutar class They have earned this honor by virtue of their long list of successes in national competition in this country Playing in Park in addition to this spccific en gagement arrangeman have al so been made 10 thcband to give two concerts and make BBC recording during their week in London The concerts will be given in Lincolns Inn Fields closely associated with the law professionand at Vic toria Embankment Gardcns close by the Rivcr Thamc5 Harry Mortimer himself famous bnndsman and now pro gram directorfor bandsfor the BBC has contracted for half hour recording before the band leaves Londoni Trip tojLondon Paying closc attcntiondo the cost problem the tour manager JHRodgcrs dcvised most complete itincrary The groups first night on English soil Will bespentl in Birming hamand here the Civic Centre is worth seeing Ncirt dayAug on the way to London the group will havc an opportunity of seeing Shakespeares birth pla StratfordonAvon the may even gct flccti sci oi Anne Hathaways rMagicoi oxrard Speeding pnthey will have chance to see something of the university wtown of0x finding ford with its magnificent storm buiitvcolicgcs and the streets too narrow to take the present flow ofntraific Just near fard the River Thames rises and little later thcy willgseea vastly different River Thames in Loodon Theyoungc people Fsc rts will luxury cl thcy win find tion atthc Imperial Hotel sci Square adequalc They will be living in the heart of intel lectualgLondon Close by isthc Bn sh Museum and theVScnute Building or the IUnivcrsity of London student Centre Many young students studying at the university particularly those from abroad find lodgings in this neighborhood because of its relative cheapnas For those who know their way around London Russel Square is iocat dd within walklngfidislance of the theatres and the shopping centre of Shaftosbury Avenue Piccadilly Circus and Regent St There is also tubesame as subwaystation at Russel Square which once the group has mastered thuteohnigue of their way aroundithe tuhe system will get thcinany whcrc in case of doubt there is always London Bobby somewhere at hand who canbe asked for information Enchanting Paris By arrangement with thcyFrench consul gahd ythe Frcnch trade commissioner in Montreal Mr Hoilicri the band is scheduled to spend four days in Paris Theywill be billcted iycee at nominal charge Meals will be provided at the university for thecquivalcnt of 80 cents each French educational hutho ties are making arr gements liTv iiy 2871958 organKY MAY buses available tours of Paris may be past spring but but doubt these young nadians and the grownups ac companying thcin ill find Paris an cnchant city The Ruc dc Rivoll with its fascinat ing boutiques the coniusion of thiiicat the Place de lOchai Eta Bond Point the Cafe dc six where thc world meets acre Cocur andhfontrnzirteallv is this limc theyoung people wllbe peoplc of billeted with Kerkradc the wonderful opp Clean TUE Protects Childrensrliealih Activatsupportroi the Clean Up Pain lipPlant UhLight Up program is aconcrete wayvto prir tect your in ilys health By getting rid of trash and rub bish obtaining covered garbage containers disposingoi old ten wood pilespyou will dep ve rats of food and shelter Theyacant lot clearing pro jects Spraying operations pond and swamp drainage will reduce the mosquito population treméa dousiy Iihcjvacant lot program will also rid the town or the greatest ragweed source which will mean that hey rwill he minimizedth fa Gcimsof many kinds wil fall before the attackof scrub bucket and paint brush and thegcom munity as whole wilihej heal thier place in which tolive Par ticuiariy for the salient our chil drenwont you participate fully in the campaign WITH VSIMPLE TOOLS In aperiodof 20ycas the fur trader David Thompson mapped more than million square miles of the Canadianwest andhisoniy tools were pockét Which is sex tant arcandlegand the stars for sight tunily toget tolrnow thepeopie of Holland Thc group is scheduledvto fly out of Brussels homcward on kug 22 sufficient funds are available is hoped that the youngstudents will have two days to scc the World Fair at Brussels if his is not possible the band wiii fulfill engage ments in Holland where they have hccn invited to play in cer tain towns gt to this As curtain raiser great adventures the band will be giving the summer concert with the celebrated Rafael Men dezias soloist in Banic Arcnr one week before they leave for mm to nmbarktonwse Em British cram when in London it is hardly possible to avoid the theatre dancing for Tilié choice is yours and ib British oveyof drama found its outlet the religious Inystery plays Bythe 16th century Shakespeare and other Elizabethan dramatists were delighting audienccspi every class with annunsurpassed range of lays The Puritans tried to stamp out the theatre but with the return of Kingfiharies II in 16 Rcstoratian comedysay and bawdy bubbled up again Then crime he 18th and 19th centuries and the daysof the great actor Garrick Kcan Mrs Siddqns Irv ing and dozens mores day the standard of Br sh is as high ever and newgcneration of playwrights has come to the fore look at just iew of the entertainments which the visitor will find in London thisspring and summer At the Harmarkct Sir Ralph Richardson is appc in mov ingypsycholo cal study SFlower Cheijry by Robert Bolt Mich engrave dDi comedy about problem child HOLLAND PrinusMariakemg so Meerkerk Holland May 1953 Barrie Collegiate Band co Mr Bowman Central collegiate Dear sirs As we heard from the Stichting Wereidniuzielr concours at Kerkrade you have the Intention to visit Kerkrade from 1518 August Wiil you please iniorm us whether it would be possible for ryouatoagiyeoaconcertinfonrvii ofimuray In from 810 hours in the month of August Our Meerkerk brass band is founded in 1898 and has reached the top division oithe Nederiandse Federatie van Harmonie en Fanfaregezelschappen Thisiyenr we have our 60 years jubilee and we should ilketo have good concert in our meerkerk village which is situated in the neighborhod of Gorlhcham near Dordrechtand Rotterdam Lodglng we cangive you inthehohses oi the members of our brass bandEuphonla 60 If you should like ittoyisltf us please write about further costs maintain Nolmmmheenlmadooggfyet expecting on generous inwitatlo gt Slayer In tendon are in Hunters Touch the Am ssadors is now in it of the Sun at the Princes and sixth year nd her latest play at the Apollo Emlyn Wiij ins Verdict IE4 mining to London latest work Beth serious soon Shakespeare Old Vic are the 195758 season completes the fiveyearplan to produce 36 plays printe in King Lear Tyreifth Night are in the present repertoryhndon May 13 wds thefirst nigh of productio or HenIyZVil Joh plays Wolseyyliarry Andrews the King and me ithEValIS Later Vivien Leigh is to appear in So Like Lucrece2 Christopher Frys adaptation of the Giraudoux play which will be directed by the great French actor and pro ducer Jean Louis Barraiilti MusicalFare 0n the musical side Norman Wisdom one of Britains most popular comedian is starringin 7Wheres Cheri musical verlt sion of the old fivorit Charleys Aunt at the Palace and The Bride and 1hchnchclor at he Duchess has superb comedy team in Cicely Courtneidge llobv ertson Hare Naunton Wayne Musicai highlight nft season will be My Fair Lady at Drury Lane at the end of Apr The Royal court Theatre is the home oil the English Stage Corn any whichyhasuiad great successes with The Enterminer amrwook Back in Anger isded ated to the produc Cov to celebrate tooLthe centenary oi the pr uilding ejof the special opera pmductions will be Verd gt edonMay willi Bo Hristoff to Gobbl and GiulioNcri in the unefthcreuwill be Wagners Tris

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