lodgeServiec 0nSunday May 25 the Glen Rebehh IngeNo 205 of ï¬lm vale and the Independent 0r der lot Oddleiiows Subordihate Lodge No 868 Elmvale joined with the congregation of St Johns United Church for the morning service which was con ducted by Dr Reynolds whospoke onthe Sacrament of Friendshi Wlth the Sick Mrs McGuire and Mrs Fergus Jewel are patients in Penetang General Hospital speedy recovery is wished for them Mr and Mrs Leslie Todd oi Woodstock visited for couple of days with Mrs Manning Toronto Visit hits RCJ Gossllng spent iewqinys with her sister and brotherinlaw Mr and Mrs Watson Toronto par Jor hnnty Bay Visitors Li djlneson of Shantyiiay isyisitlng ith MrsF Bish Mr Simpson an Sunday Guests Fisher spent Sun and Mrs George rs George Carruthl nd Mr and Mrs Derek of Whitby husband and herself gilt us she now rallies in Elm vale Mrs Brown one of the oldest members cut the anniver sary cake Mrs Turner of Elmvale won the lucky draw Ail report hav had More Pleasant Books THE STARSMAKE ROOM Berancy Jones Is work of fiction and Mrs Jones saya the diameters are not real people excepting the husband whom the reader real lzcs does portray the fine char acter of the husband in her earlier book For Goodness sake whi was about her own family Again she has uscd the plot of clergyman and rhisriam ily and they do seémyto stand out as living people PLEASE DONT EAT THE DAISIES By Jean Kerr The writer is the coauthor oi the play ing of Hearts which was success on Broad way It is gay book about her and four stirring very stirring children SOUTH or JAVA llEAD newt Gibraltar 1e Iuiiyea me the lirstgday oftha war the Rock becameil vital pivot 61 the Menorah eon theatre Character studies are interesting they depict auto natives of Gibraltar the English families who in iiied there to enertlo an 1h lishmonsent out to country Vlh nutllor luthe itoyaiiNuvy it is book ofï¬eli OR BY DEFAULT By George Valley lieutenant ebmmnde of the British New maritiailed and heoouse 101 wh serious carelessness du The booir man in little English village Hdalwnys felt he wouldliken LIle to the President 01 the U11 through would come By ited States new no nauseous 315 one Irisms and that slim to T6 Look After inmen pu on on lioepv winking not when holthlniu Itl tlooi tgrouilutoluï¬ tome BELLEVILLEicr Thirteen yearold Roy Pidgeoo worklogto lree lishhook caught in his ala ters sleeve while they were visit ing fishing tackle display end ed up with thehook in his nose ing greet excitement Then he says Take inc to your Presi dent Revamp Staff Royal Visitors OiYIWWA GP Camdnlijn creasing social responsibilities in world nilnirs have led the Pro resolve Conservative ernment to recastthe machinery or taking care otzthern Temp flavor new Canadian andrauador to Denmnrk is being recalled to become the external affairx departments chief of protocol itiwasannouuced gt the announcement responsible source sold theisro Vtocoi oï¬lca is to be expanded in terms both personnei ond Quanta Already on the governments hospitality datehook are two royal visits and ï¬ve by highnnklng personalities with word oi still others forthcoming iiltherto the external atlnias partment has been the mainsprlng the government hospitality committee Commonwealth visitors and member of the Royal Family hove been theiesponaiblllty ut the secretary of late dqurtment The oulee will handle trrangc menu or Princess Mugrats forthcoming summer visit to Can ada in connection with the British Coan centennial celebrations Ollier impending viaitslduring Mey June and July are by Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands Field Marshal Lord Montgomery SecretaryGeneral PoulBerni Spank of NATO President The odor Heuss of WestGermany and Vl Brim ol Gin The Queennnd Prince Philip are to visit Canadunexl year to Minister Khme lilrruniah open the St Lawrence Seaway project sum NEED worm thousand and one alitorn atle deviées have replaced man or woman power It is progress but lt has not lessened the working oree because people are needed to make these devices Camphell River 30 Courier home NOTICE TRUCK OPERATORS or THETOWN or BARRIE have increased their rentalv ratesip$400 per houreffecï¬ve June lsi UFT REFRIGERATORFREEZE TRUEEREEZElticlIESTL FULLY AUTOMATIC DEFROSTING rni roomy remrentgnimu CONVENIENT ROLUTQAO USHELF without purhhutionl or eioelta or 1958 DUMi muck ornlmrons Per Dennis Moran Look for the red CLEARANCE SALE Tickets in EATONS Appliance Shop VIII empty Child re dooi malty brings nod rl ht outJNnt no removuh shelves Denture ln refflllnlor lecilon Dayslidlnl TollttrYntl lhell that Slitdown removable egg dnwen roe or Mr the Mrs 18 Thomngooper for few days By Mb Lem Author of thatwonderlul ilkllldevout melt keeper Butter noelem complrtmen an slty ofToronto ReeEllthisitbrs with Mr and Mrs Clift Archer were Mr and Mrs Stanley Brown and Brian of Barrie Mr and Mrs Lorne Archer and children and Doug las Seottol Wingham Mr and Mrs Eldon McFadden and Dodglasund Wayne oi Drillia Mr and Mrs Ronald Archer and Mitchell Congratulations Miss Gail Langman daughter of Mr and Mrs Gelshom Langv man Alienwoodtgraduated from Macdonald Institute Guelph on Wednesday May 14 Among those attending the ceremonies Were Mr and Mrs Gershom Langman Mrs Parnell and Mrs Clarence Carson Mlss Faye Parnell daughter of Mr and MrsEarl Parnell re ceivedher Bachelor of House hold Sciencc degreein the grad uatio eremonies oi Macdonald lnstiiute uelph She also won the Bradley Memorial Award scholarship and high standing in foods and cooking John Cnpelaud son of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Cnpeland has suc cessful olflbietied his second year in iorestry atthe Univer alid leaves or york under the De or em Affairs glenDoants0n of Mr and ha pleted his flPst year eourse Iorestry at theUniversity of Toronto Ledge Anniversary nunfbe of membersof Eirn vale LOBA ourneyod to Stayner on lhulsdayl ay22 to be with their sister lodge Which was celebrating its 36th ersary Mrs Fisher who was rnemlher was presented th farewell book HMS Uiyms Maebean has written another exciting wartime tale He knows how to create tension to the nth degree happily to he eased by the ending of the story THE SEA MY SilltGEltY By Joseph Maguirc nuinlonwer tohol dewylresh in addition it hoovnnt cheat nutrient nick mogulla hot maven ilhirtyyears afloat as ships officer 15 of them spent on ï¬lter Queen Elizabeth and the Queen Mary He tells of the celebrities he meets on thepeacetime voy ages and then later of the years as troop ship jim packed with 15000 men on the runs to the Clyde from New York he relates the many times they dodged enemy submarines STREETOF RICHES By Gabrielle Roy ilhis author noted for her brilliant writings depicted so manyunhnppy characters and so many unhappy circumstances in her welllrnwwn books par ti larly in The Tin Flute that many readers might hesi tate to open this her recent work However Street of Riohes is comfortable book lhe story of happy household in pleasant modest home and tells about their ups downs in their quiet life AN ALLI ATOR NAMED moss By Charles Terrot This is deiiï¬tiuiiy amusing and ridiculous tale of young inali maiden and an alligator and runinnovating FLAME By Nigel Tmnter An archaeological group ob tains permission toenternn al most unknownpart the Mid mm their hit Nilgrub tildeout e5iageug IhFeaureckd RERGTGR Monolith 13 cubic sezemnrnlcn each BlK runny cupcity veuleneel Features utor section it top eu planned ranger with fully auto matic defrostmeut stonu tray reliant shelves parcel nanomei erirper bin Iheivea ond rocks aplenty indoornull injddition lowensecllonwirue fuller chest that will quiEklreeze Ilo Rev 175 lbs or foods nor them lol long periods oi timound hold zero temperaturel Approx deep 30 wide GI lllgh 66 cycle am Price inch 439 BATDNS Budget Plan runnylam oowu no as Monthly rum ts or real True freezer chest nlon 1W1 lbs of Hedi About 253 gun solc wide 65 In Van on Price each 712cn rhyming iieirigeruloriireezer 20 Approx 61 mei stores alioiit nods flavoursenior and zero¢old for month 1311 dewyvfresh drowns on linesslink stillale tray your ï¬nnertlpai hlElI pprox 551 2r wide 28 dee cycle genius every vvayexcepi in size and price turesoasy touse dlllcnntm ed dellest Chlldsnieï¬oar lam murylutl laxg capacity freezer com re vmen width hu drawer to keep ventole thiitdown removable ur and cheese compartmentsK Ind shelves door hlgh enough ml dean enough to hold goodvsized mum tonsready It dull car