Did you knowtbat were drownings Do you think that it necessarythailln country withIthe small population which Canada has one thousand people most oi than children should dmwn each year Do you realize that your child could bethe next diowning vic tim or far that matter it could be your Nol Nobody everthinhs of themselves not any one of thelrs as the next person to haveartiï¬cial respiration unsuccefully applied Yet those 1000 deaths mothels debts hi some of them falt nl dogs And no one can claim for certain that hadlthere been proper Instruction and supervised facilities the fatal mishap wouldnt have occurred But the saddest thought of all what price would someone pay to ensure that their car was urine im holiday in iouorvos 35 affect somebody Theyll have plans false teeth favorite books and Mobile Little Uiiitsvof the0n tario Division the Canadian Cancer Society iireir Job is to visit factories industrial establishments andiarge oigfices in Ontario to give the facts about cancer From left to right standing beside the cars that take them to all corners of Medlnnd anaLM pin es are is that it might have been to to bring to smuï¬osaf we to each esmiiaim voidax the sire he eftalk onrcan rtionaifiim The messag the in perfect running order so that it wouldnt cause disastrous accid cnt or that house had the latest ï¬re prevention facilitias to avoid loss of this worlds material blessings or that ababyvsitier would be handy so that morn moron could so touthenext Lionsrbingo whichincldentally is tomorrow nightaiid perhaps win the $5000 prize Well whats the bingo got drowned in Ontario on the long to do with thesi people who eokend its got this murh You couldstay homewith the kids your self and put the babysittingmoney towards the new swimming pool project whlch will providethe kids around town with supervised recreation or on the other bah you could go to the bingo and turn your winnings into thefund nhepiovince fromwtndsorvto Fort William are the three Registered Nurses of Ontario Niiiioiiiiiiiiiiversiiy Women joint dinner meeting of the Barrie branch with theOrllha University Womens Club is to be heldat St Andrews Presby terian Church on Friday May 30 at 839 pm Dr Doras Saunders oi the Univcrs Manitoba will he the speaker graduate of that lnsiitution where she was gold medallist inEngllsh and Philosophy she also dbtained at thchnchlSlly AQbfleguhgvvnr EQUcéï¬on tueltedDoorla of course it isnt little mum is the name std theftraveliiog repreurij of the Education Committee 12 th Ontario Division of the Ca Cancer Society of misrepresentti use his horse na Fa Min Lea Xenia laiosproad usage that manytypes of scanner mote cured iijthey are tected early and treatment la begun To dotiiis they attempt to teachtbe seven danger signalaofeancerr lrhisn how it wam Nurse 15 MANY TYPES CANCER CAN Kenly comes iactorymér an ludua possum DEWEAR AND try where there are number of employees Arrangements have been made with management ahead of time for the workers to we is airwofli Nurse Keniy givesa seven mln lltEr talk on cancer She then shows rather humorous cartoon illni which graphically makes the point that ignoring danger signals in yonrbody or taking your tron tiles to quack is about as re hl as taking your car to mach local ind person witthecaoeeiofthe tongue had been to the plant doe immhdihnwlï¬ tiff cu er an ask about thisqu that wouldnt The Flke heal AfterJeclngthe aim and by doctors ï¬n Bring Can er vm tllwihterestiinxtonotethatthc the monomed The on ntstep held on nun in preventative medicine Exec ulna dd mg utivesrin the nis ited whole thing about it The Mobile Little Red Door is anextenaiori ofthe fainoiis red door in Toronto which iormany years has been an information centre where worried persons could learn the facts about cancer fihe ï¬rst tnaveiling nurse was Miss Lois Cahiil who is slow captain of the teamand makes heartedly endorssthr scheme ln each place visited and the Show got the ï¬lm educational literature oncaneer is made available and is dis played in spccial racks in the plant Mueh of this is taken home by thociriployees arid in this way thelmportant message of cancer control is brought to thepreiimlnary amusements with families rugSandiiirniture cleaned in your home the attention oi the workers The local business girls oould do without another palroi Bermuda shorts to help in the building oia pool from which their children will benefit The gay Lhiades in the area could eliminate the 19th hole on their nextround and throw ni trni mum of me mm yew ho has ad no gt nlng or experience Lil namcmoloann £3 01 After the film showing Nurse ready to pse some day Engnsh in myth the me Kenly is available for private ln Needed one Tinnsiunhn their weight with the welfare organizations Because this isnt just kids those too but the big project is Did you know that Barrie is wadingvpool There he one of general pool with diving area separate from the main swimming and instruction area it will slope irom three feet to 1i feet to give scope from the youngest dug paddler to the doublesomcrsault expert The $75000 being raised with thevhelp of every personsiri Bar rlc will provide the pool bathhousewading pool altering equipment parking area and utilities if every family gave slkandmamwlll give hiore and unfori tunately many will give lessbull ding will commence immediately The completed pool will be used for muchnecdcdinstmrtion in swrmming and lifesaving techniques as well as for public swimming Post Oiiice this would truly if cvéry family couldElihu gress oi the ambitious swimmer on the sign by the old helped speed the pro be community project and would he used by all shapes and cites But it one child dies by falling off the dock into Kempenfelt Bay may the poor parent be spared thevtliougnt hat supervised swrmming might have been but wasntbecause to many parents were blind to the warning signs of water in their midst western Science trail oira Groat Caldwell received Bachelor of Sci ence degree in nursing at the annual Spring Convocation of the University of Western Ontario held in London on satnrilaYMayA24 Moira is agraduate of BBC and receiired her Reg from Toronto General Hospital The fifth year of her degree dourse was spent in Nursing Education option She has joined the Educational staff of Victoria Hospital in Iron oi polluted and dangerous body MrLnnd Mrs Fred Great and granddaughter of Mrs Look Thornton TAN EXAMINER VWANI All PHONE lfA 82414 sick Not incurahly fortunately but it is suffering from chrome disease of indifferencewhich is keeping it under par Weve been neglectingthe daily vitamins of elvierhealth the paint brush the abroomhthe rake the use of trash containers and after the long winter weve begun to look little wan and untidy But atijust the right time we have lifegiving transfusion ava ight lipis lthelremedy but it iiiusthe administered by you azid your neighbors bc inning May our cvnros CORNWIALL CP visitor to the St Lawrence Seaway con struction area found two curios of the last century onetis record ing secretarys cash and order book oithe independent Order of Foresters dated 1892 the other blctheeleimUp=ï¬intUFhankseedoiiorvplantlng corn and Plant tipLight Up program with little extraeffort we can make up for our neglects oi the past and present shining heal thy face that will reflect enthusi astic interest instead of indiffer ence And after wo have practised joint community health habits during the campaign we should set up pattern of daily chores to cop our home and neighbor hoo spin and span The recov ered patient will never become run down again Clean lipPaint UpPiant Up 14 sriiiiiii SPECIALS AT Born ouR LOCATIONS Lauoun pram CllT 5E1 and srvisn 10 Son YOU ALONE Vovn BRECK AND ZOTA moms and $1500 CUT STYLED AND SET FOILO 510 00 SAME BQIICES ATflQTll SHOPS we would lie 11 eased to cater Rileys IN AlLtANDALiix BEAUTYASALOIN 124 DUNLOP sr rim 34423 il rssli iio inoni OPEN ruin pars WEEK 10 frunsoars moments orot pumpkin seed TRY an nxardiivsn WANT an room as s2414 lionary Io Samuel Johnson From 194d president It has been to Cinndai cultural and intellectual growth as well asgiving staunchjsup WAlKil siotts llMllED tervlews with anyone who feels they may have problem or wishes to askquestions She doee give any personal medical ad ice but sherdoea give the facts Toslipwhow valuable this per ice can be in one Tomato firm vvhich wasa little reluctant to ac rapt the service at ï¬rst no less than three cases of cancer were detected as result of the nurses visit One had eancer of the tongue another cancer of the mouthuaiid another cancer of the timcieaiinww NO muay unkind No shrinking No ruinous ucrubblnu N9 harah soap For FEIE estimate cull moms ens993 genome LADIES moorm rowan Is sameness oRfrwo or THESE Dare monomer sums FOR ms or SELEdMON on amps AND COLOURS NEV RB an Trims Ans gar NOTEXACTLli as ILLUSTRATED OTTON swimmers cosion Spouses Tp WEAR WITH 3mm Nva Kmrlon snacks 0111 commas or REDBLACK rmx on some in