last week beekmdwmtor with Mr 1116 Mr Thomas Wil Illiehoel nnd Scott weregweekend visitor with iotlersparents MKth nod Miss lrnnces idealist spent the Weekend with relatives in mnnville From Ilnto Weekend guests of Mr ners McFaddenhe Millie Cornish and son riyJlLuihyl ll Vodden muvaoen and Huglll all of Clinton Mr and Mrg Druid Meindden were visitors withthehleiaddeoa during the early port of the week Mrï¬rhicFIddnn attended he sonlc meeting in C00 Moved tdiown Mr and Mrs Frank Richardson of Toronto hove movad totown and have purchased Mr and Mrs llttersons rosid on Queen Street Retumediiloron Mrs Glass returned homo on Monday from Vancouver Island where she had been visiting her son nnd doukhierinlnw Mrondv or fsevgral weqks Miss Marjorie Wilkinson To ronto spent the weekend her moiher Mrs Mlklnso School Registration Proschool registration for next September will be held nt Cooks town Public School on Tuesday June 2303 Please bring Verification of irthday for school records Parents pleasoynole Old BoysPicni Mr Watson MLiJLainr with hostï¬ogainforanother4nioynhlo picnic at his home at Scnrhomug on Saturday JuneJéganSp when CMhstovu Void Vboys and families cardiolly invite Refreshments willi he provided Contact Mrs Dalton Draper tele phone H0 611179 address 2th North Dewhurst Blvd fioronto in ample time it youwish to at tend so provision eon be made Annual Cenietery Bee The annual hoefor cleaning up the United Chum Cemetery was telnoon Méy the cemetery tion Sunday School Convention The annual Sunday School con vontion ior TecumsethWest Gwil Mumwas held at BostonUnit ed Church on Friday May 23 The following tdelegates from Cooks town attending were Rev John PosnoMrsO Eroley Mrs Paris Albert Kell Mrs Cor rignn Mrs Corrigan Rev and MrsF Newell and Rev Adam Spec Service Tho JunioerMS of the United Church are holding spaeclalser vice at the church on Sunday even ing June Wedding The marriage of EmilyIlast tings Roberts oi Cookstown RR and Edwin Eugene Timbers of iqlnrernont Ontario ivas quietly lloughton ol Brodford ne mun other work and hullhllmeetiol nt thehomo olvlflrl Wires lay 21 with 13 momleq present The president In Film open edthe media in the my And conductedihebutlngu One new WNévlln onThursdanyiyfls Refreshments sure served by the hmtesgnssisted byMriL 1L Boati Churd mariaring th Rev sun udLnghmnotJweedspornNY and special more ntrthe two he viceaxlrere of mm othis tw andhonk nough Mn Newton Bohlpso and In of ondMrs Whitï¬eld Jessopot Alliston Mr Houzhton Toronto Mr and Mrs Ralph lloughton of Newton Robinson and Mr and Mrs West and son Herbert oi BarrieIWore among the visitors who httendedthe services Rev Koughton érfrwéeds port New York State wnsthe specia speaker at the nnnivezury servicodt the lloited Church Copltstoum on May 18 Mr Hough ton spent his boyhood days in CooksMwn Later he lived in Newton Robinson and then inthe Unite StatesAwherehéiwas min ister fat the Mgthodist Episcopal liureha GortlnndTNI gt11 Churflr Servl large crowd attended the 7ch anniversary wines atrthe United Churchi ast ridayp both morn ingoud enings Special music ms heard under he leadership oi organist IAHL nold Antheaus sndolovely duet by Mrs Smith and MrsD Monkmnnwere very much enjoyed Mr Roughton in his sermon save many remin iscenoeé and recollections at is eorlydaysinhis old home town in therveulng his subject was Leaners andLiftersAssisting ministers were Rev Adam or the Anglican church who readethe Scripture Rev Posno at the Presbter Church who led in prayer Birth of Son Congratuldtjons to Mr and Mrs DDnnldWessonon1the birth oi their 5011 Byronkiohardhpu May he iloynl Viet ria Manitoba Lodge No 236 looks townhadi the pleasure ofvpresent ing 50 daisto thre th brethren $vere initiated in Manitoba ernnized atfthe United Church rsonagek Cookstqwn ewell BABD Theattehdants wereer and M125 TWIB II as omen MIoDoNALD BnyLPrince Edward island guts nke durin celebra tlons marking nis 100th irthdny cmm oldestphysielnh he re tired only 131 months earlier alter 69yeors asvn eountrydoctor lie wearsï¬io uniform proper to Mm Amn Haugmonw Knight ofStGregory the Great to whichnncient honor he was named in 1952 by the Pope inst November hyRW Bro lf nohinsonr Brethren were present from Runnymede Lodge Toronto Brad foul Stmud CaledonEast Sault Ste Marie and Edmonton Alto WMS Meeting The Sr MS of ihe United Church me it the home oi Mrs MoFudden for 5tho1Moy meeting The presldoht Mrs residednndledi prayer and conduéted the meet ing ZAnumher of thank you let ters wereread Mr Nowell took the study hook on the last chap ter tipnn Mrs John Farts on Mrs qwell reported the Presbygt telint meetlng in Barrie for after noon and evening sessionst Mrs Parisgave the Bible study on the Philippines Mrs Stanley llalbért sang solo Sweet Hour of Prayer and Mrs Broley ledin prayer At the conclusion of the meeting nzsocial time was enjoyed and lunch served by the hostess assisted hyltdrs Halbert and WI News The meeting oi the Women hlr and Mmlfthomasnuun av dusat Midhuist ronimmsn illiorn Noonndnrnnd Rev Gothamanon Toronto lnstv wee ï¬ymdneetinzs entertain their husbands and irlends The 08A Art Gluhnre having on ugh it of paintings Cominuni gnu Beelon afteh noon and evening onWednosdny Mly 20 EVeryone welcome ured Heisin ordntd mt While ng mom ek Frank Mulholllnd inlet with nntmusual aitcideo morpzbc oitiron haremom the mower hitting hlrnzth the willow 121 wool ésrnomsï¬un marina comhhï¬ywrrn nous rnnoucnootr ourAmounsmns IO ro ansnA REGA1tDLESS 0er institute on Thursday June at the townrhall will be social evening when the members Will njsnsirzsriszéwszesarï¬ answer35 If YOUFEEo Pou TRY orovs STOCK YOU Sand YOUR FAMILY ARE INVITED To rrENo rteemu woum Neuralmat mom 23 POOL wnprNG roou onrmmusis gAnKING AREA axioms