ruin in scion oonmNcmN immanent meeting ot the Codrlngtoo Home 1nd VSchool Annotation will be held on Thu dnytevenlog May 15 nt 315 Mrn Jean Gable will apeskon ardent end tollowtne her ud dreos will answer on ns on thlsunbieet Ayeryrtull evenng lsj promised with elections it occur the installation at ofï¬cers end re Fgll attendance is reque ed or this important onnuslrsnd ï¬nal meetingoi the associsllon year mnwnm The liillcresiriiome and School Assoclstion will hold theinsnnusl meeting an Thursday May 15 at Hillerest School at 845 prn The meeting coincides with the Barrie Puhlie SchoolsGrsdes 7and display inthejsuditorium of Hill crest School For this reason the meeting will be held inthe Kin dergorteniroom it is suggested em Home and School members attending the meeting shouldnarkdheir éors at the lower level behind the school entering by way of the lower com mercial entrance and enter the building by the lowerfdoor This will leaye the upperpnrlrlng free 15 nuum For Melinth CHEV SERVICE its BilliGEliFlELllS 55 Willie SW 10 HEN WE it our SERVICE CENTRE Phuur St 87 Pm Appointment Emmi time in Jalmvale It the Blg egdln Irhis modern architecture appears Red Rooster Restaurantwhlch opened on Mothers Day and is located onemile south of Eimvele rior cars at the general nubile vls itingg the display Members are urged turn out in one tor this important meet ins and to avail themsele at the nmothne of theopportunity of wine the pupils display Re reshments on being served by the home economics pupils Johnson Johnson strrot School was the sceneoi card party and dance ongtl4frlday May Dancing eom rhenceri nt pm to theexoellent muéic of Wally Kennedy assisted by DonGray oi CKVRTV who acted as MC Don conducted the dancing both round and square and the novelty dances distrihut lng thernnny prizes for these events At the close of the eveningo lavish buiiet lunch was served by melodies oi the school Itwis ynirpored that the neigh borhood can hardly wait till the bitter another Baxter Baxter Home and School meet ing was heldsMonday evening April 21 The meetingwas open ed with singing Conad Scriplt tum gradingand mayer were tekenby Rev Calvin Presi GUERNSEY DISPERSAL Owner MacQuorrie Maple0nf wearersosv MAY 21 I00pm 44 REGISTERED GUERNsaYs 34 Cows Bred Halters 1958Carlves Mr MacQuanie is kéEPingvthe 195p Heifers ACCREDITED VACCINATED nLoon TESTED gt Dehorned This is one of the top producing commercial Guernsey herds 31 cows producing 1011 cans of milk daily lhe cows are ng and are in nice shape lot of Ontario Guernsey Breeders Association Box 99 Guelph Ont Triple Celebration Mr and MrsNelson Watson en tertalned at Inniin party Mon day May in honor of their is ther Joseph Thirds birthday also MrnndMrsJo Lowell dent Mrs wJ Gauieyjr wel comed the parents also members of the Mission Bend and the Ex plorers Mrs Walkom rerninded the parents that swimmingv clesses would be heldagainthis yea Mrs Menury introducedyflrs hi= oehrnne Mission Bend leader and Mrs McLachlan leader oi the Exolorers Mrs Coehiane took charge of the Mission Boothnow to be known as COO Children of the Church The parents learned at the offices held by diiferent ehild ran and the activities being car ried on display at their handiwork in eluded such iclesras kitesnnd gt cush Th sang ctionsongsunderthe direction of Mr Cnlvi pls let WhyHave Mission Bend concluded this part of the pro gram Mrs McLaehlan then introduced the leaders in her group The Explorers showed how they con ducted their meetings Mrs hiel Lachlan toldehy they were called Explorers This yeanï¬ the Explor ers have studied Japan on dis play werednpnnese shoes chop sticks and fans list of Jen nnese words with thejcorrespond log EnglishT word fan the black board took our attention play by some of the boys and girls representing different coun tries ol the world gave an idea of customs in faraway lands The Explorérs brought their meeting to aclose by singing Childrén Who Walk inJesustayl Mrs lurnouii thanked the leaders of the COCandEx plorcrs groups for their splendid work with the childre The meeting closedvvwlih the singing of The Queen followed by soeial hour wnicn attrition2 f1 Bismuth selenium 5suununlninonnins IVSHURGAIN now offers ultry edpprograms Make your choice nrqnnrncmncxz motion so Cï¬lilm Chick Grower ed ated bell entertainedgstlndfly Iy 11 at Christening party er the service at the church gt yoiiantcsirrmr ms ï¬t wonm Museum fun omen FREE TIRE SAFETY CK NOW Jicxsn nitrous fruition St Balance on innit Gonulno sing wantn Fsrogtooo TORES