Paplneiuyceorgeoux ledge Giant sinsme Tim Wv For some talks Saturday was lustvanolher shopping day oth4 ers it ms lust about the biggest soccer day even witnessed here and many people spent all oi the daylight hoursst Hair Grounds ta themflrnial the school sta last yea were featur ed in theactioa The flly afternoon oust local allistar teanti dhip Toronto teams in fegular scheduled National League games Then at 17ml the blg teliosu tookov with Corinthians oi dirrie playing Owen Sound The final game started at 830 when Sande Wan dercrs battled and lost against Mldland mi oithese éontriiromi sohiethhii different Tali the kids in the school leagues They lay because they really love the game Its still novelty to them bu they strive to learnall otthetim The clni oi soccer is improved in the kids National League gant cs These kids are further advanced that those oi the school leagues but the enthusiasm iorit stands out even more here too the game ls taken hltkmore seriousand members of the losing élulis in this case Ulcraiala and White Eagles both oi Toronto grumble little and their coaches go even farther It was disheartening to listen to the Toronto mentors whom we understand get paid tidy sum for poaching the kids complain and miike ugly accusations Oillcials of both Toronto clubii cried on this reporter shoulders We didnt have to get caught in the rain seeinatliat the Torah tonians Harry Wack Rybak and Mr Kaszczy first of all felt that the Barrie kids were too rough Secondlyrthey claimed that the lads ptldnimsand Pieknrd were overage Fortunately these accusa did not tipset the two local coaches at the time at least arid they continued to treat the Tar onto min as gentlemen throughout the tendon Its In senior chiliizetltloii that soccer are on the appearanceioi hockey with constant hody contact usually just taken for granted The big fellows move quite inst ahd on the slippery ground it is dity iicult to veer all at the last second are result the spectators gdt moretlrrills than they eitpecledp The excitement mounted even moie saturdayetenlxg When theMld lond goaltender whos nut much biggesthan the kids whoplayeda couple of hours earlier challengedSeveral members of the Wanderers But just the same it was grent day withBorrieivlnnlhg three oiiour decisions from autoiAtown clubs CORINTfllANS NEW COACH The rejuvenated Corinthian Soccer Club come up with new coach Saturday whos probably one of the most recent arrivals to this coun try He is Nell Morrison of Scotland who lett his duties as trainer at the Junior Dundee Arnotts hiorrisori who is qualiï¬ed massenr has played lot at soccer in his younger days including HalesoWen Wattord and Sin Josephs in England and Lochee United in Scotland cm Neil who has been in Barrie only avweek endin Canada alert night says hes most anxious to get to work as coaeh but that wont come until he finds himself joh one that will allow him three meals odayetcr Morrisons son Harry is mehtber of the St Johnstons profess sionnl team in Windsor JUST NOTES Dont iorgfl to take in that national wrest mg card atBatrie Arena tomorrow night in the main go its Gorgeous George Grant vs Louie Paplneau The semiiinal pitsshag ornas ogaihstBohhy Red Cloud and the prelim has Sir Charles Stewart ight ing Ha illoan Frankie Thompson Théveirhibltlon gaine between aaiiie Legion and lsxfiwAF sche= duled or last Friday was outweathered Only twanore weeks to the start oi the harrie and District Sen ior Soittiatl League schedule Dorrie and District Ladies Softball League also starts May 28 which is liondsy Bruce Law president of the Barrie industrial League has called meetingjor Thursday evening in the Club Room atVGanadlan Gen eral Electric Poop who has been worltlng on with ivas rumored to be on his Wayto Targis Autom the Legionaires so that settles that incidentally the Legionalreswill he sporting Legio aha who has signed with won by King scho whéa Prin Wat erg failed this thing pinean innit iii Li indicate madam some morrow night withLoula Mule sends alongthis means Daeto unofficialtire coople ot deeuidai we an Barrie wrestllal ma last Stim mer held gehtlema did not the Pride pride lituve robin Hutch which will he pleasure at 2th iuesdly at Barrio Arena As an added treat to you lucky people havedecided to earniy newest and most colo roï¬e Kiss at to go alongvflth my always am alsobringing wlili other nttracilon in the persnnot Sir Charles Stewart my new man agar Charles thou gentleman as myself is also an ac eohlplished wrestler Toprove this have hlld Mr Kasaboski the pk motor match him with litankle Thompson lathe preliminary th as contidept of Sir Charles victory as in of my own Perfume Shield The letter waswritten on per tamed paper andsealed in per hummusruined sleeves whodoa as minus kidding thgentiemanl lie may you on guard bu quibble hutlet the incidents rlde talks 11681 ehnleglauiewarhed that he wouldnt stand tor any inching abound from him an steps oi line fndthit guy will if theï¬a tut lathe dï¬ltfliiflï¬r gt ti immediate in mammal Cloudagainat Shag Tliomas ind Cloud is the la est Indian it this to lonimld fitie talents as his Withers Thomas was in list Weeks main event He was dliflullilled for huh ling Paplneiu Ml the top rope And at eourse the veryfirst boutonuhe bud lll he the Sir Bobby Red 3a hash3 Tali weeKed pin no reutottm ding CharlesFrankie ampson tangle fumed envelope all of Which only RonPickard and Ken Emma are twoon the happiest men in oWn today and well they might he These aoecer edges are the coaches of thelocatvflantam and Juvenile squads respectively that opened thei doles this Both Victorious Both clubs came out violation in fact the Bantams won rm contests both by veniie we was shutout routo Both Barrie clubs were to Ee action earlier in the wee but number ayor Wil Kinzie otticially rie home season and wi lads all the luck Not my dldhe wls th but he stayed aroundior quite at while hopping fmni one pitch to the other atthe Fair Grounds is lnany failed to lI AND CHEMI tram to obstaclesmreyented Kid opened the Bat Ithem indJuvenilesï¬ï¬‚erii ln NationalSoccer ca actio dlmllutive Donnie At hsd stnood out Not onny did he puff of goals ï¬ht he had poï¬ngveouches siilging his praises Torontlarls complained dhout the also at the Danie kids the stir at the game but were he thelr time when little felloivs like Atkinson Comad Maloheyfclarelshephsrd and the medon tli heat Shopliairdiiso of markers add Dennis Scandrett Moloney and RichyRay got slngle tons thecityit Fred Ham Park yesterday the smalltry agate rmthrougk greeteble thrilling several thousand specta Donnie Atkinsonhwlth the pret tiest goal oivt game from the rlghtvwing rltl Ray and Conrad its to the Juvenilesgtoolc get rolling properly henthey did there was noistonping theta ldFerrle booted home airo on and FQR GiflHOUSES CAL TOILETS test couple day ard fullhaéks Jaskula halthacks Sliwinski at play lemlrm ogsfintt on normiv Giuliani the Pm andfled at goals for movie ors Withtha ngleton going her at the Corinthians who was loaned to the visitors 101 the ternoon Slmcoek was ï¬lled by Conrad Maloney Clare Shepherd Bob Nellson alternates l3lll Flanagan DougSmith Dick Green lat Quinn Dennis Scandrett Pat Goodwln Shy ko Shymko halfb gas its inio Kawun for dsv BoidrialtK opo ucy hlternates Wolomk ullbacks StevevGalllmor Miller hallhadrs Wilson Watll Garryz=fllo€sg=iorwarda Harold Ferrier Arnott Ted Emms Norm Ferguson Lloyd Giv ens alternates Dennis Patterson Bell White goal Tokaz inllhaeks Damagaln Sche wslr haltbacks SlitvinskiD Perrucca Kvoicz forwards Machnicki Kuropas Cero vich Colayk Borek alter nates proton Trella Sunday Lineupsl Barrie Bantams same as Satur white Eagles gain CMolin Kuropas Janneta rSienko forwards Polka Grezesyczlr Golczyk Schewskï¬FDemarko alterna Rawslti Scian Se Groppa aim actress rear is gay each occasion Sorensenmsds great save This coming Thursday Barrle Hungarians who have yet to play at home vel to Bdrden for game With the RCAF cant Odd Twist Nelther Owen Sound nor Lowell have scor John Pentax David ill seal 35 Pikulyk tn hunch Singol Faber Sundial alternates Corlnthlsna Newa Lowell Owen Sound OQOMHHflNfls anuwgï¬ber lt gutobv da includes whfléflsh olekmeln but tulliï¬ee feed or or tatIns dishes on the largest species IIRESALepuuevg EEGoodiichrmes 15 sirmraéw BFGdodrich DELUXE NYLON rrunntr 67015 rummr WIl nus voun riparian tunmN Younkicsrriolt tints aseworrnémn mow f0ROTlTO LABORATORY ell naonucr LlMlED CANADA PROFEIONA DIRECTORY LEGAL EAGRAMV ROWE senate1 ra Nonflel Pooli Conn shears etc non Loan his llmgn