The Trout noun qty Ir plenty or fluith Whlls limi fish carefully Keep nut local anumItho were in linduiiniet handyjnd use it Use In semissis settled Million ItoII same of headed heavy Blow Indlong nosed Vein lumdnflflll Ill If IWJQHXM cw primal pliers when removing hooks Virolri luteHon Barn ther were some nice eat 1uskies9lndother such lish Iches rlsbl mourn rho Cost clear oiiothIzrfangiers when mm hIIPoen err yen but umIiheI overhead it cost it LI in the last mount due to the increased fishing pte 9116mm mm mtflwltaemgdm nott sure these iiratdtywoteheslln it is dangerous to fly of the leuownmho phde witty ectly overheadasa pufl ll fulï¬l 1° bowie 132le oi onellinoiénd rain lnay bIlow tildehoakeii nybackdn PIWNI wucnug ust two your see as isermenqse So lame president Bruce mles rom he Town limits the threeouirteis out It keeps VV VV Your for mung When we travel 0qu me theline to one side hit So be ml womans Except right around harrie sndIadisccnt 5m 10 menions lt Townships we are impressed with 9m wereiflfdm the growing numbers otfishermen Fish only fin ï¬rm looting which Poly serves to remind us To ï¬sh fréma slippeiorlogor Mk le$e£fl$mtfld it that Treienes of our natural re is to invite disaster dro team wmhemmodm lg sources are reaching the point eraae streams with care Never to buy with new entry PM Where WE Wire marathon 1h chas¢arunnlng iish unless you Tennis seeking applichtiou handfulhai nullvetconservnuonlsis réallkanow the stream and its hoi can contact air now it xiich $21esenttly hovef indigo tori Amidden Eek ding anhohi PAMSZI betweeii the haul1 Mn soft tor and en r0 an andI Eorests cghnot do all you down and slung£11151 gt at In Wu hm 1955 requires the active interest of all could be or keeps especially omit who mike liscol the iiieat when laden dowanitiLallolVéyouVi gt lt oors gear No fish sworth anigcc an gt Ne Sew Getting bick to Conservation The next iishingsooson which AumormesVthB is question open on May 15 or this area is which com in min in 1511 Pike and Pickerel We should gt say that it opens in this immediate ï¬rst Step Birgughmg cons iiroa onMny 15 May 18 and Z4 darn Au in other areas The creel llxiiitiVor aï¬gwegï¬uma ziggggmrggeg Hell need th least one pair oi hy Canadian manufacturers heg Slamming arises on on watershed my imam htfiis mix his is WW son opens at the samotimo with In nue Mink Planning it to kw Me DP be dIIDwdoï¬mem can new lt or his lecH ventilated torwsrdhoth for reasons otooro the some creel limit leather Lype and nylonVniesh fort and appearance tahlhln no great is 2iiihiiishz shmin ana1enmomnn relativelyVEasy to catch the Pick Mm ume and II tion erelV is hghwreVgoriigdn hy inth Pm for me meeting aVndVShm Add one pair at dressy suin ang ersk rioanme in naVIVIVIV nomy the Council every Mun mer casuale suchIas alippns or The real Goth lsthat we hiveI em °wn icipallty in the Watershed tosend 551 3W1 55099 3W5 nt Quebec Walleye to most US re clout Blunt cored Mk representatives on the population ed leathers another purely tor emu bout VA dd basis leisuretlme io weir withshorts manym°re 0° Good fishing good hunting rno it beachtime hell he glad in needs PL moment sml less Flinn bl mum she above all good sportsmanship strap leather sandalsg those the mortow the Etch mung 65 Obey the rules Lots save some With uge wa eyes grea other day ii be more apt to satuetor misidennerhaveueemed to be flfllï¬ï¬gflï¬gxflmm capacity for gathering light to en WOEKBEGAN THIIS WEEKONANEW Graveniiuist Bradford illusion And Stoy looking 8015 shoes this on moroniclamenyiiomns paynienipiinhe iiledin VV able minnows an other TRANSMITTER ISITEIV tor Radio IVSItatian ner 0mm will then be iconed at 950 on the seamPin Whiter hm mesmerized by the trivial mi iii 2IJif9°kÂ¥Â°ï¬ load on tho darkest mshiS c1933 Barrie The new location tiyeImiles uni Participating in the soil turning ce 43 Wh°e° mmb° she the worthless gt Pigs in With oi Without slashed Kilte 9d FREE Picigerel like Pike Perch an south or Barrie aside highway 400 will monies are John Cutler representing Em ton cote or wo are nothing WW°HIW°kawé°k 3155 5h Emmi house the transmitting tacillties of OKBEs ery EngineeringVot BartléMark Hunter gt ddVSKIppenh can supply lovely fillets when one With wardroheIIlheihirheii Riinb Alta knows how to obtain themVThe new 5000 watt station Expected to be in son or OKBB Manager Bob Hunter and wok mummth and we VV Re demand of Clem this operation earlyin July the increased pow Scoot Snelgrove son at CKBBOKIRTV hide ofCflIlldll Wilemï¬ yzelstugshwhï¬1he best wE have er will send Malaysian 99 centres in Cpmptroller Bars snelsrlilm dais 19 95 found is the following VV eluding Collingwood Midland Penetimg anon Eu fund Vm VJOENSONMOTOB Take good sharp knife and The position of the BarrieVIVaan mum swumm huh mob woman score thean around just back District Senior Softball League er the head join this ring with championship team from Minesing Wynn mm two more scores along the middle is not too clear at the moment VOTTVAWAVCP panning gaiofor binson weVarile mlmyiou or £25315 so of the hock just missing the tins To start with The Examiner has in pigs comparativelwammdn VVltV Vs FEEY 8D umummmmmm Score the tail end oi the fish the not been able to pin snyononown aimdi results from Jacki flesh VVVVV 19m in terst any gct same way as the head cutting Va whoknows who the coachwill be VI water go Wm inueasedV 5a ms IVE Ve ring around just missing theull GVeorge Miles was the success dosagoV says the Canadian vet ma VcenV VVesV ltseli The next stop is fairly iVul mentor last year getting aid hm Medich Madman Th VVThe oxford beg mm the VV Boa mes hunted gem ECW°d oondition did not occur when high my laced hoot not by summons OF lime patiencevnnd pracmem 1920 the rout was complete ex LCM BOATS the knife and 0119 the SUITES Barrie Corinthians who play VIV sloplg the backbone startingViust Sonieoflost yearsVthars have Qwen sound at the Fair Grounds mduflry VV haw of the head Eegpiugdflvllsletlg $1332 $1123 iifvlÂ¥lisiir3 snmrday Afternoon in Barrie In the early day 13117 have For Reservation bmes Mung and District Senior Soccer Les wards the belly When you come up With the club for the earning mm he gm $65 mom 23 e11 bï¬elnithis TlViViVinasVeV on WV mum JOHNSON Vs ALES hollhelienqd 331 11 sthrfiiilgllf agitothe ï¬oiifasigtogtï¬iefmu has wednuday evening with the developmentoi footwear 32R2 STROUD héwï¬lfxsxgkyflm slimy on each 551910 that you Bob McCartney andVgeorge FVal NORM hewcongls Were Wit EBB V3139 for the Pensionand EV seVason wind up with two solid fillets of cVoVner twostVrong cogs in the Mln lads if Cain VOIdenr one ilesh skin still on The next step esing machinery last Summer whom is reported to have play ls one which also requires prac have yet to advise the other fel ed toer major Toronto team last tloefand that is to lay the fillets lows oIVtheir intentions year skin side down on flat hard sur George Mohanold the smooth CoinMans were slaughmmd lace such as smooth rock or flat letthanded clincher has moved to in the in outmg by Golï¬ng hoard Cut slice about an inch StewansILunchyrindIitVis report woodVlastVSaturdayV and are in from the tail end of thet fillet goan id that lVie htas already been inkodV desperate he of rep the flesh but not hroug soon rao skin Nnowall you have to do is However the Mingsmg pitching Later ï¬llathggtfllingzgang Wan catch your fingernail in this slit department still has two strong égetliVsmylgames haVVVVBarBe HVmV ld our knife en ri ht arms in the persona of Wen 3211a tomtgheyfillet bladep gm DMey and PanlqursianVen Eafmfls playing atV SllcotE and 00 fell than onesflsVreVl with sawing slicing motion you Behind the plate is steady Win NEW Lowell 2t C011mgwood always €V Wink can actually force the valesh from Downey tWin of Wen gt VV the skin wind up on CHURCHJZE semee was taken gate flight agavtei5°i£é other returnees are intielders bzdPlï¬gtfV Sgtgmxggleugfsam Pala Eg m1 um rests of the Bill andCorbott Adams and out Sunshine Mission Band 3H er ensdl tn re mbse late fielder Glen Adams Harvey Mor April meeting of the Sullth ml Jsd l7aner roils it tsaf 3191 tin Bill Grant George Luck and Minion Band was held Friday re cm Vi Vanspoljta ion lcele n9 thigylt at fish in 133 Dumbm April 25131 ï¬lehomef13m°e an Brawl Slum this arnlmg er tthhead miles The duh hopest up Todd with so chilueanresent VuonVVsongs was 0V owVed by e105 entrails artildtall come out one kids 9m the Junior team Roll call was answered With name IE Yin solid unit aridtake it horn me in 5in Km Park in of aspr Is flowen The melnhers is nicecleanivify of obtaining Clememe are savingVShiEId Coat Paste 931 inlets can almost taste those Willey can demo mi raise moneyjor the al flaky golden ï¬lms gm now young Corbett then the sham ons 1m Mm the mean 19V be the Nb childrenIIinade Icherry Iblossnms den and Pike gt lt3 and Japanese writing then lunch VlIerewith the 1858 Pickefnel ling liVIieore think17030IVhosérVitzilï¬d1 Pkeopen seasons for ang ve rans pa cipae eV VI VV dates inclusive and subject to cross Arbs and Crafts program Inharfle Hospital VV mummy change as snnouncedh tsrlo sure the veteran is not Guam Kelly of Dairy is stay gemlbguqugjgnzg Minds and Forests Ministo hen you support the lng lth Mrs IConstablvehll mahmmnm me Hon Carle EvMspledtiram Mrs Kelly iinn Royal Vic newVlmuonV Conic Yellow Pickerel Dore No commitments ervening waters ex cept Bay of Quinta of Lake Ontario Pickerel May 15 to March 31 next Iollowin Pike no osed season th North and West of an ex shown cluding the French and Mottawa flesh mammal Rivers und LskeNipissing er mm 9° galll all Pickfoï¬l Mayrzéto pn Lnextr owmg except Kenora and RainyRViver and him us get Bay IDVVVVVistlictsVother thondLske uperior ay 18 to April nex following ik no closed seas guarantee to produc rmflnnv when taken layangling direction ibis Southof an including thi IL chromi ï¬lm he French and attawa Rivers and 33 Dug issing otherthaunI May if aple banqug Pauls Flshéryvli ulon Ontiir