13 Good supply Home W25 iiéiicncics rm lluich runny Home Baked Bread cookies Pies Cakes Postries ious Dutch Specialties murmur szmv Meat Pies Buns ond many ple 31min mutation gm another attended the tuners iish in Canniocton recently lnilolpflll aunt his Harry 21m in at present patient ihthe hospital We wilh her speedy recovery YPS Meetlnl The Prubyterian Younz Pen Society met on Tuesday evening April as at the home of Mrnnd Mrs Ewart Bates The viceorcsident lohn Nell presid ed over the businesspmot the meeting It was decided to close EXECUTIVE can 1953 MERCURY MONTEREY yScdan fully equipped only 4000 miles will be sold with anew our warranty 1955 STUDEBAKER vs COMMANDER Very clean condition inside and out Economical running car $1250 1957 METEOR BIDEAU 500 $1th Fully cciuippcdThis is heautifui car which will be sold with warranty 1954 PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN Equipped with radio and many extras one owner car $950 lass nonnE SEDAN Al conditionI one owner 13 sure to see this one today Ismso 1953 hlliiEOll SEDAN Sharp condition throughout See this low cost car today Sssoi 1952 CHEVROLETSedan Delivery one owner $450 new rhesus 7l95ti Nillittlth 195i rein 31an Ton Pickup Al CONDITION 1953 illiliiiiliiiitiililt TON RECONDITIONEID MOTOR EXCELhENT RUBBER COMPLETELY RECONDITIONED ms liiiiiiiiiiiifitiitiii K7 RECONDITIONED on Used Ems hunts Curry ll 30 lldy Worran Bulli0 Motor Sales nu MERCURY TRUCK DEALER Steel 84 Blake Sts Just Past New DominionStore Phone PA 85573 Wllitlii or THESE SlllllliTllTliiiltili llESltlllEli snunEnmrnuamns 1157 BEST run my entails Miss CalliyxMéEachern un mr no Mmmmm to ram my by the your the Younzieoplos with roller skating party ntvColilngwood fol lowed by wiener roast nt thet homepd Mr and Unfitth Bud The service commie Bates was in charge otthe wort ship service and the topic Refreshments were served loi lowing the meeting was Meeting The Zion Presbyterian WMS met ntihe home or Mrs Huold Wood on Wednesday evening April 80 with 22me and Vii tom present The president Miss litireldallinlntyre presided over the business portion of the meet ing The Scripture was taken by Mrs Earl Buic The Glad Tidings prayer was given by Mrs John Hood Mrs Herb Culham gave the Glad TidingSremrh Mrs Culharn eorlducted contest on Biblical characters 01 ihe Oid Testaman The topic for the evening the Korean Christian Church in Japan was capahly xiv on by Mrs EdBule The nest of honor was Mrs Schaly nee Willie Nyhoft who is recent bride She was pit sented with living room table and picture Mrs Schaly thanked the ladies in few well chosen Words hountcous lunch was served by the hostess MrsWoodassist¢ ed by Mrs Herb Culham In Hospital went tonsils operation last wee at Royal Victoriaï¬lospitni Barrie She is progressing nicely Bill EWAIH Rummnqe Sale the Baptlst Church was decided success illnny thanks to those who do noted clothing and also to those who came to buy The ladies hopeto have another sale in the fail Sundayflsimrs Mr and Mrs Lorne Baxter were Sunday visitols with Mrs George Baxter Brian Cundals is spending the sum th his grandparentsL Leases Service Station Mr and Mrs Albert Cundals have leased service station and restaurant on Highway ll south offlrillia Anyone travel ling norith should patronize them lhey will get hearty welcomeand we know item ex perienceJhat Helen and Albert give Ilrchinss servic David and Dehhic have moved to the village for me while in Barrie being oration New Church Members Mrs Hadley Geraldine Hadley and Marylan Perrier who were baptized in First Bap tlst Cliulthy Barrie few Sun days ago were received as members ot the Belle Ewart Rohertxzynn and several and family Keswtekepent Sunl day Mu with ma menu spent Monday Connor Angus momentum Grenlel apdUtopia held very earth in and lake nlc onlhursday May AngtnUiiitedtchurch Hall 11 me torSuinnur lohn Allawn and friend Mr Hall are home tram university London or the sunnner Prom Detroit Cardinal Woolsey at Detroit spent the weekend visiting this brother Garnet fond Mrs John Woolsey also his sister Mrs Gor don How magnate Lilow RevK Guergis Braeehrldge attended theHresbyterill at Ben rle and called on Mr and Mrs intends on Wednesday neat3m an rs ourgcau and Karen Collingwood spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Oscar Linton Mr Ind Mrs Keith Weher of Exeter spent the weekend with Cpl and Patience and neigh bors an tre street Baptist éhurch at the cammum Ion service on Sunday weekend Vlsitors Visitors this weekend were Mrsand Mrs Amoto and Johnny at MacDowelis Mrs Lutnstall and Miss Dunstan at From Chicago Itir ond Mrs Hullish 01 Chicago have returned to their summer home here Mrs Britilell spent the week end in Toronto giWillis As aspeclai introductoryoiterto the homeowners of Bdrrle and District to celehrate the NEW OFFICE at IROSS sat at Hayfield you may have your DUMONT wmoows noons or aw LEDNOW and you PAY NOTHINGnot even one penny oiintercst for six months that the windows fla mam These are all the materials yo need for youll proud pm sixteen oKiiot eis ceiling=tiles trim entrance door necessary strapping éndnnilsTnll for Complete Price 12295 only $900 month on our Home No CASH militant Anni VWILL siui PW Bin mums Mi in in tin2436 NEXT 16 Lonmws surnnmannnr Improvement Budget Plun on STlllllViSl Brow annulus MIN Pilï¬lfl TINT SST opening at our NGS INSTAL are on and than on NOV 1958 youmay decide whether you wish to pay cash or use our convenient thne payment plan No Down Payment and up to SlYeaer to Pay THIS IS TEULX EXCEFTIONAL OFFER 50 ACT NOW SEE THEVDUMONT MAN TODAY WEmsniin how 23mm WHILE you Nannmnnm Yiiii in not FREET DEMONSTRATION Younnomn We honestly hclicvethat you owe it to yourself to See and COMPARE gt thé DUMONT DELUXEMIINDOWS itis truly window that you be proud to have on your home DONT FIGHT These OLD WOODEN 519er humour our DONT PAY ANYTHING TILL NOV special offer me fowners jn Bariic and 11 brownies2419 And havepne of DUMQNTsnonm SALESMEN show you this on window and tell you how little Districtyou may have yourAwn ingsinstalled now andyou pay no tliingtill Nov At which time you may decide to pay cash or use you repla gt WINDOWS during our opening lll troductory offer AndRememher HIGHEFFICIENCY PROGRAM mmWIN High Cal 16 AllMesh Chiek Grower dicated FAST DEVELOPMENT SHUBGANno offers poultry fdrrne nogiams Make yourcholge rs choice of scienfi gt AilvMasn Chic Madicited Super Growing Mash Plus oats only LU Moon MPHEr tNoduwn payment and years to pay our convenient time payment plané wooden trames no hie arncnhrfr TYPE co ode or rust UMV INUM YOU ARE umber No onLinarroN N0 rhmnnr orInte st ILL NOV Williuodjtltiltliiliiil rimming urnrmnaunnmn not verbalybut in it GEQN EA STflflPlNG ALLJNSERTS 40 feet onaveragesize windows FREEZSERVICE REPLACEMENT no en inserts DOWN PAYMENT UP TO YEARS TODAY ap Hved tor NHZA benkloans TREMCOCAULKING COMPOUND 0N LL INSTAL LATIONS itsthehest