taletell woo about the time he was accompanying some high rankinz oï¬ï¬cersot the American Army bank to Washington They were mummcrhordcr at one All thb wéslArn airports and the uiugl questions werebeinz ask Where are you lromifl the oiiiccr American immigration and Wmmt Hillsdale the quick reply thre 15 Hillsdale the of ticer hired in doubt Do you mean to say you dont kndw where Hillsdale is Lance shot hack Then turning to in en liter he where Hillgdnta expect to get is otticllla Finally the place in Canada That wnsonly one of his many stories thatlncludethc hamlet of Hillsdale his birthplace in Simcoe County The article below icle tells all stories served where and dale the night of April stunned He seemed one of his friends said That seemed for the reminiscing triengk during the days waited for his body to brought by Beach Honda ho day get frame seeming ntense nect with Luv as priniéd what they knew at him hrnr as th General Tharp salesman for consecutive years ed that he had been came the bias said You inï¬rmfsomattnnzcrabautï¬ at otticlal of your gov ho tloesnlkknowL We cannot along neighborly with such ignorance nmongyour imnligration oi iicer concluded that it must be which ap peared in The Durham Chron the lnstrEstinE place of this man whose witty to make many people rotor lathe map to see how big was Hills when the news at Lance hum death reached Durham thosewhoheard it were indestructible to he the text among his they be train from Palm where he had died of heart attack while on vital nt spirit with himself andthe world death was the least liker thing one would con Motors truck diVislon and told how he had soldn truck day own They report gt or two years head of drive to raise Tunds ior retarded cblldren They imenlionedliditten twine cluhs or which ber But somehow the re accurate as they were did seem satisfactory oy could have been written equally as Is is inert ers Yes he was supersalesman When truck he had sold toa Durham man hmké down soon nitcnlt loft Toronto tore Mon treal the driver phoned him Lance sent out another unit toldthe driver torhooig his load on to it and got on hisvway The busylrucker last no time Kindto chlldr gt unmouhtfnfzthat ArethaLXunur home in orontorhystnndersln tlced ea rshahhlly dr dmnn bring his little son upio the casket Holdingv the youngster up to look he saidtothe boy Thats the man who fed for six weeks whenl have any money director oi several companv ies Yes his keen business sense was pin to us in many big deal Durhnrn peoplewere hard putto it sometimes to realize the vast nmounu of money he handled and the scope of his business ventures But in the midst oi nerve wracklng big deals he found time to advise and aid at least one small business man in Dur ham during difï¬cult period Nearly everybody knew what remarkable racontcur Lance Rumble was He gsve literally thousands of talks in Canada Unitcdï¬tates and Mrlca and other places And in Durham too He gave the address at the Rotary ladicsnight not too many yenrs ago and rolled them in the aisles Anyone who hasnt heard Lance tell the story yet his conversation with the man in theprlvy or of how he sold the truck to the county council just hasnt livéd The last time weta ed to him just nJew weeks ag we askedhlm to get them recorded but as so often happens it was too late They rni ht not ha the same though hout mingthe be de ming pool in his nt permuda tea in And the Hackneyhorses lIe certainly did love them True he wasnt able tovisit the stables at Durham asotten as he would haveliked But when cannon man or mooncc all about other business lead shortrmroigrmscmmptnrm to Mrslame givi andhixiily in the pained nines Davidson who paScdawa Aorilil otfloroatd ittend ma lineal mammong nnjotufdu April 19 andvisiicd with Mr and Mn Waiter Murder newind Mrs chart Lacey and ismlly Toronto spent Sunday LMI andjtrs Emean Mr and Mrs sandtordjue spent Sunday with Mnlgt other Mn Gemencych ei Jl owlmus William Munaonfhodltrs Mshuttleworthy spa lsst er iiiFlo an Mrs Clifford ob nson ntFoymount Mr and Alvln Robin on MOakrdbclszih Went to Toronto Wednesday to be with theirlsonL Ronald who is to undergo serious operation on hursday lIis man Irlends vnh im speedyrecovery Retirement Son flanguet The other and son banquet tor the Scouts was held in the church hall on Wednesday April to and ivns ahuge success Visiting Danlhter Mr anerd McCalhmi Wind sor are visiting with their daugh ter and soninlaw Cpl and Mrs Jerry Sounders Back to College Miss Lola Holland returned to the Alma College St Thomas at tor spending the Easter holidays with her parents Mr anti Mrs Ed mrd Holland Attended Funeral Mr and Mrs Clifford Duck worthand Mrs Duncan Graham attended the frineral of Mrs Gra hams cousin Mrs Dunbar in Toronto on gtSaturday April 19 WA Ten and Honor The WA of Angus United Ohumh are holdinga tea and bake he took visitors through he n1 wnys was enmful to visit each horsein order of its importance no FPudon mo Willis Illp into nothing comfortable lb sue tilevniwo Chum Stay from to proan 1Mr and Mrs Gordonin turncduhome lIastjweekh spendingum wre their aoninlaw arid daughterair arid it Gcorge Bridger or Out 2517519 Fm humoroan Mr and Mrs Grant Wallace David an Douglngg retentionought merittire weekend witthr and Mrs William Wallac Scouts and Vilolthibsot lnnlstll snav Lionel Wedpreached lei guests rn en ng Were cï¬eï¬misi Miss Smith and Commissmner MrsCarter Mrs Moisey brought her in A1 landaie Girl Guides nutR Simpkin took pictures Paulette Mcetlng ThePaulettes meeting will he held Mayiirtt perturaters Frank Greenshome wrWcllington St Barrie thisaddress is just past the Dutch Reform Church arid turnto the letti St Pauls TA will meet at Mrs Craig Hunters home May in thevatternoon in fflinutes Kerr and II Hand atte the new WA nieatnu insertiona mens Associatlo tar their April meeting in 1316511an roomon iuesa daynl meme withthe mm length illiam Nolliie ï¬resid oponded to hynslng Scripture quotation with theword opened ray the president bysmpture reading hy hrlet picsldent jannounced the coming Premth meeting to he held in ilcr Street United Church miceM Mfs Sellers MaltNitric and rs Perrier taking the dialogu Chappel gaveagshort reading and MrsLJVhzh 3133 The society were pleased have Mrs Watspn and Mrs Knight from Barrie Baptist congrega tion present and very much en joyed Mrs Watsonsqu on The Comforts otthe Holy Spirit 01 God Mrs Knight sang two love iy solos io Times Like These We Need Saviour and Joys Are Flowing onthe River with Mrs Watson accompanying on the rle in es tor theirpieasingpart ln the program dainty lunch was served by the convene Mrs Sellersalid hirs William Reid assisted by Mrs Atkinson Church Ammo lqu Bosc Toronto who ioprelldentol the Dominion Councilotthe We thr and one Ciaorge schnon wenthost and hostess Tuesday evening to the Burnsiownllne Farm Forum group withrï¬djmemt here and visitors present The presideMLRaymondSutcliï¬e ducted the meeting Phns discussed for the annual picnic to bebeld in Allision Park June 11 MrsDonntd Kenv my mina Russia increased her imports of em dwdxiidrennrmnt wool from South Atricn to nearly newly looted president htrl Itoy 18000000 pounds inihe 196158 Macy ind Plunge to season The new executive tor the moose sson was chasen Presidium Georg Jatirayr lat vicepresident 1Rny Downoy and SMALL DEPOSIT Will HOLD ANY ARTICLE Secgram my and lowiir paced 00° gtShrting3ï¬thm hi greeting slceyL thehestoi social He and Mrs Rumble were pres edto the Queen when shevrst ed Canada 15 tise our Savings Account together all bills by heque on Person Cheqptng Account quarterly statem Intwilihelpiyqu5keep your records straight The low ea charges are pr ziuqinhnn noun It vglll help you control ynur personl finan ld Your cancelled chequos que Whété