Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Apr 1958, p. 5

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tantalum examined MONDAYAPBIL is ml tutti waitco CiiERKTYPT General omrsupmrnre and tele phone ahluiv eueniinl Pie roman Ml liORne PiloneJA ooze DISHERFARRAND SALARY RANGE s59 5754mm Required lor Cree acres ltome tor AIM Ncwnmue to ms and crans products time nd events Onduota in occupational therapy we Inslruct luporvise resident in the making oi organise tornd under 15 years oi ago Apply Pusaaacl ol Metropolitan Toronto 1337 East REGISTERED NURSES srnnTlNG SALARY $6280 Grecnncru Home tor the Re for tor lnnenl duiiu titshour work ncncnis Include pension plan cumulative sick pay iintuiory hailildys Ncwmlrket Imneat position week etc Oltire Municipality tiloor St iUJW Apply Pcnohnci Office 31 moor st Eastroronio or Superintendent orccnnrrcs d9 Rodin 5L Newmnrhe Itssi SALESMAN Do on det to go into htlsiness for En yourself no your own boss all the profit or your labors you answer yes to those oucsiions then you may be the men we are Shopon Tools of Cnnodu Limited hnvc territory open in thc Successiul applicant should reside in the terri tory provide suitable unit and matte For iull de tails send your name addrcss age looking tor Eonlo Colllhgwood orca reasonable investment 10 SnapOn T0015 etc or Canada Limited with First Ave Wcsi ELLIABLE Woman to WAImEssEs Good starting cigar counter store adae Gun House 25 nunlop Barrie Barrie Nothing to invest experience necessary as we train you Minimum earnings $60 weekly Apply in Writing to Mr Rivllrd 350 Clinton iloom DO YOU WANT money Avon Cosme tics offers wonderlui earning oppor tunity to smart women who will work Opon territories in Ml Phelpsto Cooksiown and many rural distrlc st Roch Street Montreal car an asset cling Midhursi HliLtdale Phone PA 55551 or write Walker 15 Thomson uoUszonK wanted Phone PA 37 YOUNG Mothe child in own home works PA 59371 whlle In Phone PA 34492 tarm worlr daily Goon CARE given to small child in lilynworhome while mothcr wotha Phone PA 139442 24550 EXPERIENCED DriverSalesman ml Hell with reierences urzently requires position would accept other work pply Box 10 Barrie Examiner 1434 Monday toFridny Sumtnér Collages NORTH BAY Ontario liast clean house every Friday Phone PA Ersaol 141tl salary UnlformfiresuppllciiCompleltmlli7 henotiis Apply Unltcd Clflnr sturc 14549 sALEsLADY Good starting salary complete group henctlta to work at Apply Unltcd CIEEI 14849 SPORTING Goods Salcsman wanted Must be experienced in hunting and llsiilnz Apply Harry Twiss CanA St 14850 mniBntArE Opening Man or WonIan to take over vacant Watkins rontc in No Mrs Barrie I45tt by the hour 724950 ill look alisr small mother 24951 WOMAN wlu look atter small child own home while mother works 24849 yOUNG Woman with myoonold child desire position Ins domestic help or hone Leimy in 14 roll nu FluTor son Ind Onvnl buva Ind undid DENNIS IionAN la ANNE PA MADEToORDER WEAYMdUTHS BOOK STORE DUNLOP 51 WEST KARI IMII APPLES APPLE BARN IPAlNSWlCK No ll nilhwu stciniosh Spy Couniand coorlnt Apples Apolo Cluer Apple Butler in and 13 CHRISTMAS TREE SEEDLINGS AUSTRIAN AND scorcn PINE 2YEAROLD SEEDLINGS FOR SPRING PLANTING $15 PER THOUSAND HURONIA NURSEEIES on Wysyala out P110145 ELMVALE girl 4m ENGLISH PaAM good condition lien sonnble Phone PA 34971 14966 slItALL aERcmgaratora Iplrimtmt size 60 each Appiy valley raglan Into rings and Mattress 40inch in load fifndltinn $35 Phona PA Atlt COMPRESSOR Al condition com plcic with motor Phone PA $41 DRYER ANI Washer automatic also Wnlhlnl Machine Phone PA 5494 71950 nouNn OAK extension table in ex ccllent condition Phone Stroud GIRLS Blue and WIiite nicycit good condition vlii Piurl PA it 0y if POWER ann Mower tho Jacohson Lawn Queen $80 or out oiicr Phone Stroud 62M 419 1951 WEslwooD Housu Trailer ex ccllcnt condition onc bedroom Phone lrazl Eimvnin 74951 ENGLlSIi Slivcrrcrosl VCBrlringe in excellent condition 575 on heat ofiel rPhoneTPArilHifl 7142 BEAUTIFUL Electric Coliec Percola tor Continental lied Dresser oiirroniYHUHPPAWGIF seam RAILS 15 quantity good used hrlclt 1949 Mercury aton Truck Apply Ward lillneslnz 74845 REMINGTON Butt Deluxe Portablo Typewriter irl good working condition Suitable for student Phone PA Hid135 EAVEEmoUGIuNG colnpleta in stallation in town or country Furnaces oil Burners sheet Metal Work clarka floating and Sheet Metal PA Hi 748tl ALUMINUM Doors awnings triple track windows ornamental tron nil ings Free estimates Phone PA tom utter pm PA ohm winters Alur minuru 172 nuniop tvest 7495a DOUBLE sle Bed with lprlnzx bookcase and matching douhle drm er like now yet white baked enamel tubs no chips Phono PA M135 74549 onED PANsnIs 30c Geraniuma 52 each oldo early Tomatoes Ageraiulns Coleus vcrandn vox petunlas Tuberous Begonias No bu cos on Sunday Phone PA 31975 113 Puget Si 749 smnElt Electric portable to rent by week urmonth ree estimates given on repairs or Enyrmlke at sewing machine Applycsinger sewing Mach inenunlop St West Phone initial ex ttiAoE sellout Heavy EqUIpmeni yVe are Eeekinfl men Ill Ire to train for Diesel nnd Heavy Equips mentl High pay and future security are thejencfita of rillled and experienced Diesel Man you have mechanic pulude 210 11 tor tree information Without obligation astoltnw you may become part at this rapidly eltplnding industry TRACTOR TRAINING SERVICE LTDJ modhm RUBBER STAMPS LTD i4NI ilhoi PIERRE 1110le Pentium PA 85934 GARAGE BUILDING on Cement older with cute Service punpr Located on husy highway Eurvev show 50000 ga am 500 down call Peny Ford PA new ior vour convenience liter noun PA c7230 wallaCENTRAL necroom omeuiih attractive living room and place mnnydinlng room with ouIiiin clipboaml torced llr oil tuinace extra lot filmOUTSIDE BARR room home on extra large lot aole tor rctlred couple or am irmlly smau down ymenth EXCHANGE if you hive and home vllucd up to shout sum and would like larger or more dcluxe property can thin omte Alli lboul our li room custombiilit homo with commit Inl view or the like in tile Edst end ol town This on LI only yam old Ark for DAN CONNELL or the mil plnicuhn PA ml or EVRB PA Br7701 BEDitOOMilé STOREY $2000 down tar yea old home pean tliuliy decorated Large modern kit chen large rommm Ind love haih dowmllim with lovely ivinl room Ealanco on casy terms on ona rnort and at It Calimncimne PA c5934 or PA 37702 NORTH END OF BARRIE neauliiui new hriclr bunzliow on completely new lireet Largo living room lichen with dining arca three hedro ceramic tile haihroomNitA rotalews In mortgaae Monthly pay menu or nterest principal and taxes only 76 Call Humid Forster Now PA 3594 For your convenience alter hours PA Miss PAY YOURSELF THE RENT You cm do tint if youbuy this compact dupiex liu tell contained looms on each floor oil housed and in centnl location to schools enur Cites Ind stores Clll Percy Ford PA N934 For your convenience lter hour PA $7110 WEST END41600 DOWN la storey stutgco homo carries ror month inicrrsi principal all¢ taxes Large iot can Caliilaroid Forster PA Lotti lPor your conveni ence alter hours IPA was For your convenience mer noun Pliaiic my or our Salesman DAN CONNELLPA 787702 AL FARQUHARSONPAEIW PERCY FORDPA 7830 HAROLD 66Rst PA E4435 SLESSOR REALTOR orilca PA 85934 Iiemhcr Barrie ontafio Canadian and National Real Batik Board 1549 Real Estate Brgkgr OwenSireet Barrio CONSULT us ON bow Down Paymaot Housing Pinon Exchange ot Properties National 110mm 10an ncorne Propertiu Olltldinma Opportupiii Property Management PHONES ortteaPA shutsEvening PA I458 ill49 CLOSE TO BARRIE OnElnwny 400 Two insuilled blinr pmperty could not 411i per month Down payment $2590 Telms DUPLEX rullprlcs 590w Lower haallivinz room kllehen bedrooms iece hath Upper same rooms with rill Lot so 320 UNDER NHA In Barrie number hedronm bungalows carrying ai $61 per month We have tor sala cross nation or horned and cottage in tho town Ul mania and district WILLIAM KELLYV REAL ESTATE it BuslNEss idiom 15 Clapprrion st Phone PA amt lH9 llloWs and lungs ldul investment or heautlrul brick ouNmrrsl IrROOK PA HoltDuly on to wpn nut 51 ouutnvidinl lit Iivei homitwtih pacimu brinwrmm Oil Blrrlk invcliutnhotnu slum lullprlce BLAKE comm ndin View of Kemprnlelt nay tioni plot reytlndoal oi llle room and vetlndlh room bungalow wiih ulirl modern bflck ox iellot UN lull price or thllex citrive curtain built home MAPLE Ava room stucco hunga iow lth rooioiueltnaeounour men 3H fllll WEB mill mart gage payment or only 75 month wohsuzll 51 lhiirteii oungdlow all no 331i iv sot oron month intiudiug taxes 5llANrv um hulldlnl Iot WtJuh PULL Palc Iii or foie swoon wind down you can llodrooln isriclt hunlltow with matched room jafluuon on ST VINCENT room milygt decanted modded Ind the drivo ST only vitriol home living room 3m mince dining room kitchen bedroom and path nmain naor andtwohedruonls unid lth oilmould noorxsusootuu ce $81m lUlL PRICE Good retidenilal arc urge alto two bedroom oun nloyl with lull baiemerlt mnyaowr sled modern in uvvty mml one led on niecly llndlcpod lot llh IP sdnool ago close to codrlnrioa 5i 153 REA nontop 5m Pliooc PAVMI DAILY SATURDAY Duplex central Contains complan oustedcorn sp ripants plus rm atloo room invblment Saprite hydro males loicod air ou helilnl years old Pric ior auiclr nle Eeo lth one Clil le Eilotxnn PA ml viidlnute Wnik From Downan slow down $7100 lull price largo roomr bedrooms Esrceuent condi tion inside and out For tulideiniid csii Russell Carson Ii PA hotel DUPLEX 51000 down 35500 mil price For nil thcr details call PA W51 VHAVEiYOU $1300 V$i500 Timur $26m would like to own aErand New Home with Layman less than finFRfit my Quinn PA mi evenings PA Moot MODERN FIVEFLEX MAIN STREET completely modern aprrirncni huildlog iirlclt Less thin three years old Very compact with all epanle entnn can No hall maintenance Laundry and locker room sound lnvestmentin lovely location with very reasonable down payment No ronial wotr1 with this one Excellent parking Please call gm Quinn PA Hm evenings PA if you BUSINESSES FOR SALE lNVESTMENT PROPERTIES SUMMER PROPERTIES COMMERCIAL SITES NEW NHA VHOMES Call Jerry Quinn PA Will evening PA 2395 ROOMS sumo down new brick hunglow itv ing room dining roomthros bedrooms oermic tile on walls and floor in halhroom also on countet in kitchen Newest Iton decorating throughout laundry tops in basement Forced air all heating ery complete home Call Ted ElliotsouPA 5M8 1649 ANGIJS AREA 32150 mu PRICE room hungr low2 bedrooms ed road Ellu lit the Above prlco lott ms AND OTHER PROPERms CALL wlLLlAlu KELLY Real Estate Business Broker 15 Ciapperton St Luke Simona nelr Stroud Apply Box 73 Barrie Examiner LARDE colnpieiely renovated winter lxedhnme on rllkeironl pt Shunty IE Largo grounds and hoathnusc vApply ooeoolrsi it one child Pllfllll Cooksiown 73 PA E7251 mmnllll an PA saw uv most Apartment Rauouauo small ettnd moronic Phooa Ilria mono nitinvited tor tough Wold omeni acneum MEX5 nilWilla CARA GI Wlnted to roni rm out or ilulcldtnr rlhovie Phils xItIsdili Ilium mvm turtle desire hedlooio omnt otlllllll ham Bltflc Phohdivy 1m timid Roomnlnillhod bedroom Oentrnily Poona FAQM we Kllehen with iooatod 2n and Al Pnonr IA noon pittaant hm troops silt Judaism iautad Moronlg the PA Vl WI maulunwound heated merit Cetiinl With private iinlh entrlhce and plfllnl adutingPhoae PA undo iiisol Room tarnished huledtuo or hlL washing machine suit rAmy or IRCAF louple alpgie per week at Mary st Earria 1574149 LARGE furnished room apartment Kitchenhu refrigeratorwand mntctle Down town Ill lM Blylielti 51 or phone PA 52 54951 UNPURNISIIBD one bedronl apartmcnt bull in eupbauda heavy wiring pri vats hath no Iy Panclahg st Phone Pnwsl istltsl one laxnnoon ca anodroolo and one hedezomiotltuels with inddo oouve en in Kruger Wang Enoch gt iiimil Etuctt Perot Hatue room and bl¢mcliiluflliifll water and garden fin Cleanh road iziniliyo oru New owe one ew we istm ROOM Apartlnent with stove irtl and automatic her son contained Sultl le tor role onst couple Adult only Central location Phons 55010 15449 nooMED lipase electric stove and rclrigeraior supplied em cnd or town close to public school Immedi ate wtgenlon PA 34m liner six oclock 154951 sMALL Cottage In country rooms Water at sink comhinatlsn wood and electric move cupboards and roirlger ator garden Suitable tor couple and in H550 heat upstlirs nai Pedantde kitchen bathroom Completely turn lshed to start housekeeping right lwififiuitonuorfiwofidulhrlfllcelr PA E7104 APARTMENTS unnnnished room very large and kitchen hath irig and heavy duty stove hot and coid water on heating newly decorated One child welcome Class in school location Bttrton Ava Available now Apply 43 Centre St Allandale siier ZPao 154549 BUILDING IRADEEI PLAEIEIuNG fillpair Work done mtrlnd mulble Phone PA omi 354550 WANTED Barrie Metal Saila SCRAP mON METALS £1ng RIDES RAGS mm LIYEIPOULTRY ghgfinmmo tam MAX PUSHKOFF motmm fluid and Guido 20 Sf DUMP ruUcKs wanted All niltimer ark Apply Phelpston Hotel 31951 aMALL Rouse Tniierrwanted Good condition Cult Poona Pat Rolland PA 94675 3A7Iii rrltncron Wanied International all Supor AWlth hydrutlitl State con ditionnprice and location to lqu st Barrio Examiner 341 ultimo ill49o nunoration ojlRAcIOR REPAmn ELECTRIC GAS WELDING 54940 Wat nntarlo ill BME km 3M up chimet Wrilel ii 352 Vgt noon AN BOARD at mat iztmo itoolng on main noornur lllill Phone PA l14149 3503 to ahIreroom Pavlnzlmh and Dani tlnono Pit train lloor nerr lorkinl 79 Grotto St Elli ho luau 1+3 Iqbntsxlo Ilenl or rent Phone PA 454749 Phone til4m NBDROM um smote mmilhedvhedradm PA dull BEDROOMVort central Phonu PA 54686 lifter Slit lion siurnishedorurintrnlihcd 205 nrsdloni sh Barrie 45454 COMFORTAHLE itooht in good home Control Relsonnble Phone PA 562 454149 ROOM in modern apartment given in exchange for cooperative lady com panion or hinlneszor pmienianll lhune PA 84450 454849 Miscltuueous COLLECTIONS No collecflon No charge Credit Ellieu or Rasher Phone PA was limsu STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE PHONE PA 34532 33 Cidppcrton St Hm HUNT cmmta In In mod but molt ntIlt Dellb Chitin Older Phone tara Poultry Richelieu lnnirel ranan ikflrigjaurnmunn in tad tact Pzncv lotto Sing 32 at lo ocular street PA om nor your convenience altar hairs PAE 9m rant Plant or tax Pnona EA Oriole In WILL Ill tuto runnfni flan APARMINIgsutomerfcolugc li thiu mu led on Noluwmp iiv er Boatd Itieal hullaroa turner milalterl oiaafih TildaTrout or an Inn or arty Phone Promo analfilm ornonfllulliesl uiomotlye5uppliets has Lime opsnlnn rupplylng uh vice lion with its producu Must have car no selling upcricm nec essary To quality you nutsi hac $695 Fltin pacurcd hy rioclr and lnveniory You collect cash your minga should be mo manlth to hart in your sp ro time This can develop Inln in Lima operation you quality no ply Ia conll once It once Box 72 Burie Ekamlner 191560 21an mullER Business room hrlch home all convcnlences mo hlrd hmiier house only untomltic Apply Box 325 Stnyner 234560 pensotuu was at Gm CLOTHING ALTERATIONS AND fizlfAlR SERVICI EOPE Dunlop Well PA EM doon west Mill oi Nova sooth aozddot GENERAL CESTRUCTTON gt typ construction irTci repair work PlQNE PA 32042 LEIGH Heating installations Financed up to yesm PHONE hLmrliEAlmct PA 56843 PA 970 dENmAL IPqtrliers Decorators Waliplperlnl opecilily Free mumatca Pliole PA LETJUS ETYOUE GARDEN READY 1N9Wn piow and discs 370331an PHONE PA 37155 oiwaf WELL DlGGlNG COMPBEiEillLE also CUEANEDOR RETILED installation Suptit iadlra TOM COLIN Stroud afistroud urn OArlnstronra oor around onuishd Ittd Atnhaltflh onmucwsltnna antenna supplied and donation The mfll Permanent Waves STRAWBERRY SPLANTS Apply WRCOVERINGE RIDE WANTED troni Barrlc tooniila daily Leave italno return merinoin PhonerPA Hm dnor pm toiMI nnnwm Hairdressing School gives Manicure 15c r250 Facials rfloibflni ing or Bienfll For appointment Phone PA on is Collier St all4555 PLANT Novvl Weeping WiIlOWS Good healthy trees PLownnlNG smuns PERENNlAls PDT PLANTS er BOXES SiroudNUrseries PHONE 14 STROUD mzsoi DHH Maw vizmie RR Plan PA oats 31 4749 asPAIuGus Roots healthy atouk growing instructian flee Also straw berry Dllilts Pnnsies now readv Hill crest Glidenaconi Fins one mile rel of 27 Highway Phone shim PalA1035 or rat Apply Joo Mooneynphone Bndiotd PR 358 iojtm CLEANED AISIKE Dutch Clovarfieed lot lo mired Eoynao Minesi phone 12 noricy hald well over iced harlcy throughout lust lonl Contrdet weed ow nvniinlle he vy seed to naie oualitlcstiona ddlhery when Item 71 Stroud wrotila Hulk Paltn Stroud 144ng WANTED Reliahle mama no galranebygnpr in not IA in at iota ii iii rotitr Products mmllndgr iii1 file Mlellh Deni Din16105 Ilaad or them auardu May Ailel on nounholil rurnltura at tho rhglnll oaru the property or ll need endlt including all household eitectg power mower ritchcn suite hedroo during room run pianoIn vhlnlill picium including Telnu eun Salo at Pmlh No rennin em owlhll Apnlluilon for the volition ol Plrkl Superintendent for the yelr 195 will be received at the Township other until noon April Si Appiinntl inner clerkllrcaanre 4749 OiiNS church ISTON ONT readers are invited on or hetero Win an lDSB tor the supply and la si Ition lot Totcod Flow Hot Water licatin gymn in you church Aulsiod Ontario in accordance with in and xpeculcstions which available rpm the undersigned certified chtaque in the lrnou or licenmoliars must bu placed nilm hahd oi the Chairman petorc plans and speciilcuiions are issued fightobthcir return in the com Lowcst or up oy ender not nceeuarily ii ltrrcnatt chlirman gt2 Church at south ALLISTON Oat Sealed tenders clearly marked Tendon or Pony land Hofidbmtk hid in Connexion Slbblldlolnt Provin cial Par will he received by the underfllnekuntililmipm $13de Monday Mly 195a live dollars island must accompany each lender Comileledétalls iiiay tie istned trom the District Forester Depart ment or Lands and Parcsia Maple Ontario The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted cum MAPLEMRAM Mtaisterotunds and Pomp Toronto Ontario l9 butAnia Sealed iendeni clearly lurked renders tor Rerrerhrnent Booth vCon emio Sibhlld Point Provincili Park he received by the un dersiemdtmtlii Supm 53 Mo dayMays deposit lathe amount or twenty live flaunt165 must accompany each tender Compleia details may be obtained from istrici Eoreste Depulr ment or ads and Forem Maple ontario lhchlgtiost or dnytendlr not necessarily cepted CLAREE MAPLEDORRM Minister at Lands and Parents romnto Ontario April 15 W58 ouruat Sealed Wonders clearly marked fiendois lor Reneshment Booth Con cessim oél 5351 xzylrgflnciaé lnIltyd on on gh until 1230 PmESlT Monday Mly 11959 CONSULT US llrdlnl your require mental oiovers graes aodaolxrurea Any compilation put Wll mentaliin live lid kzolrAGE ior sale or rent loo running watcr lBel Airc Ecach envy wiring hedi nox1l Barrie Examiner liliTilS 254 lum 333918310 Street TORONTO 1i oNIAnio Debt lv Mo Deadline For Copy 606 pull one tiny preoolling ma liEADLmBFolZMONDAYSAWBDA¥ lLoo pln AnLirrs MAY RE mEPRONEoro PA wit X4 eachword ntin n1di 80d following consecutive insertions word minimum foil CASHRATE 3i wordin nimunfGOo Following consecutive insertions ac wnld minimum 40c luvsl EE Pam wml olmn nor mothers orrcplicsdlrcctcd to thlsroiilcr zsoelitca EOMING EVENTS LOCALE AUCTION SALES NOTICES 4t wordytnlniniuln 3109 Following consecutive Insertions an wordImllllmltm li MEMORIAMCABD 0P dniiltlrluln $109 ENGAGE aci will mum liver tiletlllphona no not 75 responllhilliy tor luyeflorh uniu Runtih nrrrlasilnostresldentlrl arrla or the executive typapurchaser jiimsEJlNE Homesxmmav Tait IOEulitin slurIa flllly Plldtedod thrl wunmom Iron Alde ro mercr CoNTAGT atlanER on your own Ailm lofiml am or ammzslhetterlltomu unnidhla Rold lurveyed Close to ac optma bilingwnodl 4i taiaitrtamwa who did May intent Ill boflrrnnied For inlonx tion phone PAavgl55 1650 BUNGALOW bedroomazaruge rec Rannoolvi house on Highwayii Paioswlclr Down Payment moon Deiuxo Custom with and without radios Lowjmii reatiollrooni Bus onebiock Ichooi niltl Uornlni ll Wire blocks Cll PK 7115 to 170 an lnilel Welt of town It in crovteusizlt able for houses on garage Good Soil Renault hits 1on EN mutant cvelwith1lotwnier lion in finished audition lroom lth lirep El bulilrlll gauze Allcrnultll low rooma Llie hath arrdo our loprllllllAppl Hill cRnighi lat Rodney oh no PA woo on PUPPIEE ioir sale bookst Splniei Apply Mr gt3in Burndent Kennels tro phona torn So4 hit lilo Phone PA ll glen llrlie door canon 134550 dznnunnl Ivsi chev Pllnnc PA 68415 urcm goodrinotor ltd orrbeai otter Alton7 Blake st alter tun 1134749 Sedan rldlo halter 00 ouil Pho alga 1355 DODGE Any reasonable ofio ad iinuaced Pltone PA L54 STUDEBAKER tomatlo tat class condition new tires To saitla eltuto goatcannon Phon PA 817 liner ladsMERCURY lintvery lllp ly AUSTIN on Atlantic Convortibia arbitrowmgood mechanical can it or ll Il co ham to list VylSeed Ind Gllht Co ProrN merian and Hoe nudism Indtantalu Top only from dlack Cyril Inan flliblNG Done Phone 1041 slimline and ooverIrlop ihdlllt iteed mixture with hionto art and Chancellor sitter Lan rdoo anr rimmops ltlt snuvchAELE Age imnl re cred attic Richard ronp 5qu m4 Hi BerrilhVl 56357 slightlth Buili yent yea scalable Crawford wnm WELBS riled repaired perionocdxdriltar in thuldmrict ii ordarfltlkefl Speciucitioa Ontario Indy be htllned The highest or an orh ecesslrilyjcflep ELLEN MAFllEDDRAM wuatstcrj cr Lands and Pnrcsir Toronto Ontario April 15 1958 Walling anrd snliIIIEIISfIllr STiiliWPliiljSEEiiiiiie Eriday birl io vciopevmayiieoh mentione dross IoEPAitrlIiim or

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