Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Apr 1958, p. 6

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cavew ciiAniiisi 13a nation land AV Ann 15 liililii KiriEl um Diu is ca ti All am out its no Junlov saai or an Iranian DIMM rainiiv lotr1 aw an no no luml uanui figiiiiiimfltitisiti as we IW Tomb sunnnv unit 21 121 1m Ianm use lbi use you Faint Iu hay no country maur 300 no links not Ouno CoinIn LIIh too rianunn Wam no Docnin 13a manna raw ii 32 ig no Anal mama 1111 Tour in Iron Iwlluulfl Um infant nonL as lgiliiiiail ii lamina in in An Allan an moo Iullivan sno moo undo sun no sniptin iooo ciao4 uoo on no mu an ww uo riimauuntatian no uau onn wni Tun Iliony no New soon Headline itch nuiioun Beam mun Jock nuiua Bhol Hes or Sport aeoru um own score Nova at noon seem Newl or Sport Scorer Sisu on IAIIIIDAV Bin As NIII Bob Ink Bill BM scores Pom erkct mnorl Nels Short Star thrill Hemlian NII senca in 0J0 ahaum Rule II III Jim Carey Show millr7 unit Inwnnav no Headlines No 1210 ram Market Report iaJo Bonita Disc nan Neil 1215 Binicoc County Home and ram im Heudlines ana L02 nuuatin noaro quand 558 883888 on ES catS 100 aian rayini Show moo naluaibna Ill uio lwil ghoul noun mu 5001 imam us am an Inn no Womnn sno uio Goon nana goo an okay Corner us cniinmv Iflhrllla not on no Wellm Thoth KBB PROGRAMS 05 Jim cam show Hudllno on Porn mar Report oo Report on abort licudlina News Bulletin Board ma green viiu non suunav 525 Headlines it Weather oao iiiu ra Ila Stor om NBII soon scarer one usht and tuned mos Church Cllcndar inoo Noisell in Headline News church service 1215 Mona Muntnvani sunnnv v1 iaao nun me soon spotlight 1250 Music by uanio 100 Headiinaa News ina Joe or woman Lin aunoay Pops no one How anon 2m Newscaat Intel 05 aimmm anon no aiiiu no om amanna no run na chairno no munt no on TV nuan iMo Tito viu nose cooimam it th wamnnan Todl in lama 25 communib mu no wmuin chicane he one to aiaia Hour 310 Bill Orlhlu 100 meld New JIM CE Show Nail Ind IN Ecldlinl Nll no church annu iaiian sattr 30 Canada At wait 45 Jul nuttia Bbow 1100 Newscast 00 Neil iioo It soon wutbi iLoo also on nounnv Hire an stream for ma Du nob lacuna Show News sport seem Parai Market item Nun anon scam wetuicr mam tillemma tggm or nos aiaa Taylor ow no snowunn Ravi Ms Time to chat iooo Nan Han no son com ann AS AIIdio aluaumda ELMVALE BUSINESS MAN BUYS WASAGA GOLF CLUB Elmvale Lance Wasaga Golf and Country Club will reopen May under the new rownership of Burton Elm vale who recently Acquired the fine property from the Davidson company Toronto Considered one of the most at tractive golf clubs in Ontario the clubhouse swimmingpooi holeo6urse and adjacent picturv esque Marl Lakepresents real attraction to the golfer and as it is now controlled by Elmvale interests will appeal more than ever to local and district golfers Mr Burton an enthusiastic golf SH RG FORMULA GHICK STARTER has now solditseif Followthe crowds and ioin the throng of satis fied customers SEED All lines of Garyand had they Seed Oats Brunt Bar ley Clovcr Seed trmoney saving prices Use our Pickup and Deliv ery Service during seeding and save money nannfiMiLL Anne St Bnrrte PHONE PAVE4264 or 84504 lcr for many years plans to keep the club open until the snow flies operating on on eight months basis Applications for membership are now being in vited for the 1953 season These include mens ladies husband andwife family with one child and also juniors 10 and under Under the new direction of the clubiheriiisnodoubt but visitors will receive warm and friendly tys best playgrounds and tourist drawing card The new owners areto be congratulated on their new venture and The Lance ex tends best wishesyfor success Already inquiries are being re ceived by groups seeking daily reservations One insurance com pany is bringing in 150 golfers for al days sport in June FARMERS N0 HEMLOCK LUMBER $70 PER sincinLo Nuiviisnii HEMLOCK Vsuu VALLEY Illan Phone BA 89128 Stock on hand at cash and BUILDERS dressed sides 14 weszs= No 11 Hwy rimin or nanre carry prices after Aprillfil blue suitfcloaiiCd for the wedding on Saturday afternoon bring the Suit toour shop by welcome to one of Simcoe Coun By DODDB sqretaryADirectnr We are happy to announce that tbeYa Men Club oi Bar rie has made donatiopuot two boats for the new camp at Monte Lake These Vstudy boats loot lengtlg skills have been painted and arcsoon to en ter the waters of GoneLakc to inaugurate thc season of camping They will be partied arly helpful in moving necessary supplies to the campslte Many of the Ys men planto Visit the campsite early in May to plot the areas and camping develop ment Our thanks to theYs men Camp Name The camp cont mlttec and board are veryinter cstedin giving this new camp site name Should it be in the manner of most camps an In dian name or would modern Canadian namc do as weil Should it be named after one of mdmcuuwem 141151 lorical figiiic or shoul it take its title from the surrounding territory These are cw of the considerations that the clmp committee or the will be dealing with very soon Perhaps youiiavc riame that you feel would distinguishvthis campsite If so we would wcl come your suggestions letter or phone call to the with your nomination of name for the campsite will be most welt come and considered Copper Tooling This class for boys on Saturday morning will be continuing for some time it has grown in numbers this last icw weeks and Max Morris the instructor has found it necessary to have qualified assistant Girls are welcome to the copper tooling class as well as boys The cost is nominal and some fine artistic pieces have been made by the boys and girls iri the class Mr Moms plans to have special exhibit ofthe work done and award prizes for those outstanding pieces Bean Food With the warm weather and change in our program emphasis this Satur day wilibc the last of the bean feeds until they begin early next fall To mark the occasion the bean feed this week will be hav ing special food and desserts that appeal to every boy and girl Dont miss the last bean fced 12 noonfiatumarmflc Wrestling Monday and Thurs day evenings these wrcstliiig classes for boys and young men are still drawing big crowds However in May these classes too will be discontinued for the summer season The wrestling group at their last interY meet with Orillia did much bet ter evening the score with the theFY for the boys Ind girl to useon MN The hockey gamed oi particular interest to the boys know atlth you $findwaomen game inlour that oldest you and intrigue you Saturday mornings fin omhfm quantity of selected good Rummage sale Saturday May comic books are Ikoievalhblr at Farmers MarketMulcaster St forthosc prckrrion to sud 530 am Sponsored by Midhurat We however ask tbstmay boys United Church WA 58506 babe goodf comlcbooh they gt no longer have use for bring Rummage plant and bulb sale them aloug to the or om TrucBlucHallBigh St Satur ers to read Please drop these day May 930 am Ausplces into the office so that the secre Blue HIV MBA 1129 4359 Dance at communityflall Bond cadcach Saturday night aus pices oiAngliun Young Peg law can look thenr overcare fully before they are put into circulation niv Clubs will meet heduled thistween Nor1h iiiY on Friday at noon and Cotr tnl HiY on Wednesday It noon pins and casts are now mvaiizble from the officers of the cluhl Special programs are planned for few weeks re maining before examinations be Bothrclubsvwlllrbe induction ceremonies the very nearfuture Saturday Gym Cm Aiflillv crest and Codrinxton schools the Saturday morning classes will be held out of doors on the stir ietic fields and the instructors are now encouraging baseball and outdoor sports Join them on Saturdays Girls from 010 am and boys from lDll illll in Live VYcra Dance The rcgu lar dance will be held at the this Friday evening from to 11 The new executive will be in charge of arrangements An executive committee will be meeting on Thursday at pm Ys MensClub It wasenjo able to heal the high school students who made the recent tour to New counter the impressions of Rummage sale aftlrnoon of Ap ril 30 in StroudCnmmunity Ball Auspiccs of Mothers committee of Girl Guiduvand Brownies 48 Roundwandlaouaro dancing at GrenielCnininunlty Centre Sat urday April 25 ll to 12 Lunch counter Proceeds for the choir 4748 Dancing to your favorite records at UtopiaCommunity Centre Sa urdnyfvAprll 261330 to 120041 mission 35c couples 50c Luna Nearly New Sale by lrinity Guild Opening May am to May Open at rcgular store hours Duniop west This is not Rummage Sale $850 Dance to the music of Andrews Orchestra at Guthrie Community Hall onSxiturday April 28 at pm Door prize Lucky spot Lunch counter Ad isslon i5c48 Come to the Spring Fair at BurtonAve United Church April 30 afternoon 230 to pm even ing 780 to 10 leL Bazaar table delicatessen and bake table Tea 35c schoolage children 25c 4548 hummage sale undcr auspices oiMotbors oi Barrie Collegiate Band on Saturday April 26 in York City Sharon Ayers and new gymnaSlUM Barrie Ccnmll Jan MacDonald spoke to the Ys Mens Club meeting last Mon day The United Nations via and Radio City Music Hail scorn to have how thetop attracti ns and experiences of the teen agers attending The girls were intmduccd by Gord Watt and thanked by president John Herr dcrscn Progrun Committee Chairman Dait Nesbitt has announced th the programv committee is asked meet next Monday night til 28 at 815 ruiniv APRIL 25 noes cam EGGS room As quoted by First Cooperative Packers of Ontario Barrie Hogs $3025 Sows $2400 EGGS equipment and reminds theclass Oriliia club and making the match draw There are many promising wrestlers states Steve Winters and as they develop next fall this class should have some outstandingjnen and boys Judd Frank Cicarc ins tor in Judo will cbntinu classes Tuesday and Friday nights for at least another two months Frank announcod that they would have two Judo wrést ling suits of clothing that the Judo membersr require available for those not having their own However they will not be ready until next wccks class Judo is the fastest groWing sport in Canada and young fellows 18 years ofagc and over members of the Ygt are invited to par ticipate in those classes Weight Training 011 Monday Wednesday and Friday evenings the weight training class will continueto develop muscles and good health Wally Stainton has added several pieces of new Large Medium Small Crack PeoWee cmcxnivs Over lbs Grade Grade Grade Ste lbs Grade Grade Grade to lbs Grade Grade Grade Capone Grade Grade Over lbs 45 1115 tinder tablaa5 were ourbrides azitruzeetiené John decided at the last minute on Fridaytohziveiiis phoned wmoirr CLEANERS anatiiey sold Yes ii yo oclock tomorrowmorning it And we were rcdily pleased Witl cleanEd and ceased the suit Sunday Visitols with Mrs Collegiate at am For pickup call PA M530 auytiuieor PA 06244 evenings 42 4548 airmen Dont forget the dance at the Community Centre on Saturday evening April 26 Procecds for thc choir Sec Coming Events for funnier particulars There were six tables of euchre at the DommunltyCentra on Fri day evening adies high Mrs DonneBarre mens high Nor man Scott ladies lone hands Mrs VieMaate mens lone bands Garnet McMaslcr consola tion Mrs lysonSmithund Charles Cole Committee in charge Mr and Mrs Maurice Baldwick and Mr and Mrs Hamid McMaster Friday April 25 will be the last euchrc for the season Printing Eirror To correct the errors in print ingoi the euchre on April 11 mens high prize was won by Wil bur Walton and the committee in charge was Mr and Mrs Frank Ford and Mr and Mrs Victor Howard Mr and Mrs Howard were Ct Hunt and HWard and Miss May Howard at Alliston cvsrowi KILLING Cutting Wrapping Qiiurtcrs Retail Moats Saunigca hamburg etc Kill Momlh ruéssriaat service ADA bungling on 22in Ind Stank duatuthnl Vlfited with binand Mrs Sheardowu and family on Sunday Salvation ArnLyEDrive Mn Hayes baa been ap poihtcd to collect in the common ity for the Salvation Army Drive Donations will be gratefuin ae copied for this worthy muse aira Hart of Dalston visited with Mn Bouncy ter week WA Meeting The WA met at the home of Mrs Hayes Wednesday even ing April 18 with 11 members and twovisitors attending The nreddcnt openethe meeting with the theme song The devotional was takcnhy Mrs MacLood Thank you letters were read by Mrs Everett for sick boxes re ceived in the absence of Mrs Leis contest was given by Mrs Partridge Mrs Fraser being the winner Two ladle wercappoinicd to see about having repairs made to dilurch door and church decor ntcdi also discussion onclcaning church in May donation of was sent and prayer M95 Mrs Hutchinson assisted the host ass with lunch Bridal Shower bridal shower was held in Belle Ewart school under the sus pices of the WI in honor of John Hadley and his hridctoho Jean Maik Some 40 neighbors turned out to make the eventa success The evening opened with apro grain of games and songs with Mrs Dalbon icrrler at the piano and Mrs DArcy Tromblcy MCJ The name in the song contest was won by Mrs Jock Torrens Uncles won thcgguessirig contest After few songs which onuscd inuoh mcriiment Mis Flossio Rose mad message of good wishes and welcome to Jean Jean assisted by her sister Betty then opened the gifts which were varied and useful After Jean and John thanked the com pany lunch was served by few of the WI members Back Home Mrs Quantz has returned to her home Welcome home Ada Hope you will continue to improve in hebllh Mr and Mrs Quantz Miss Betty Reid and friend spent Sun day at McDowells From Toronto Mr and Mrs George Reid of Toronto visited their brother and sisterfltlr and ahiés Rcid onSunday 21ka IREFAIR ro WI TELESilllli DRIVEIN cnnnnoio sermon 36 MARY STPA it PS renewing an unison neuron Llliv Wheel Balancing BRAKE COMPLETE CARBURETION Service Mills So was observed it ed hero on sunday ing Dont forget to put your clocks on next Saturday um or you may be late for churcbncxt Sunday morning Kitand Mrs Peter Glut and davsbters oiElnwale visited last Sunday witbMr and Mrs Douglas and Mr and Mrs Graydon Gillan Sunday Guests Mr and Mrs Gianna and ms Lyman WarmJerome vis itcdonFridaywithMraners Harry Glffcn and Mrs Gal laugber Mr and Mrs Chnrleslnegeci and Willred visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ciiflord Gra ham0mugevllle Mr and Mrs Walter Middleton Eirmrale visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs JD MeNabb grin and Mrs Bert Maw maid and Carol visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Arthur cox Anton YPS Convention Robert Margaret and John Gwdfcflow attended the Young Peoples convention at Hawke slone on Sunday Mr and Mrs Orvlllc Dobson Spring Reunion Continued from page one left message that iiiouldbuu something to live up to Toas to the candidates proposed by ill Bro hunky Sbaanon Bro Don Magcc re piled Mr Maze felt be bad been honored and thanked 1M lodge for the manner in wbicb it bad ushered the class through the degrees and hoped they would become lasting credit to the lodge Adjournment was their mado to the lodge room to complcto the work of thescssloo Ili Bro it Greer thanked the ladies Trinity Church for serving the banquet W0 Ill Service at St Georges Church at Utopia will be at 030 am this Sunday April 27 Archdeacon 11 Daun formér rector ol parish willprcach ANGUS Centre minis Service al SL Geocgeflhm iied on Sunday with Russell Maw Final ailcm The final euchre party for the season was held in the hall last Wednesday night with good at tendance treat of pie and ice cream was surved by the ladies meeting of the officers and teachers of tbc Sunday School was held in the church on Monday night Mr and W3 our SETS lllllililllilE llllllES Mn at Utopia Sunday April 27 Archdeacon Darin former rector of parish will prcadi Essa Rd Phrases he at 030 am this BULK or in CYLINDERS We Also can aAnnWicx ens QES or words TANKS srncn HEATERS enhances Comparebcfole You Buy CALL THE or pa 55531 EVERARD iii Your Service EdithREPRESENTATIVE HARRIS or BEAVER winner co um lor Putin Building Plans Estimates lind Planning llelp PHONE on 658289 Arrhngc for an fluteyour form uppointment now mambo unions Beaver Lumber Co Ltd ms sxriiii slnwcss IIIAI Make The Ierence llelver an neprdscnhtlc unrisals at yourlcair rai onthe spot mm building and pianainc osslstnnccor quick phoneconaulta tion at no nbllgntion dust phone and he will Kiadly ills you your nvenlcnco to discuss iamtniiuinri ideas material and 1mm short puts ind savings that will helpyuu build Aim your Beaver ram Representlive memo non1a through his extensive contacts has the ldvlsory help of well known ngricuiiurailbuuaiaz cxpcrtalfor exmmnnicniauvicn and service TPliBnc today hes always glad tohulp Bnnk Loan iisnmues Careful coilinatchor farmibuildl improvements Ire necessary nix be rospeed nuuaing Service ii you in not navntne lllllfl luvor your buildings beaver will build It in you urioilaerlieavcr service with one cai to ucavui you cup establish the costof hoth materialanderection bneainp service thotjahio vu you onflicob tinge nonveralninraymenirian confidentially and dimtlywith inii BA in COMVANY LIMITED

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