ailazm lag Contpletevwitbihigh head ghooks 0Prnched pleats Two patterns floraljérfnzodern Three colors in eachBeigelGrey or White grounds Beautifully tailored withhidden stitching fully linedlwithstcndurd lining pleated with high headinghooks attached readyt ung to give yourrooms that new look today select yours from 460 vale beautlful floral pattern or CarnivalIllustrated an qltrac tive modern design both printed in blending colors on Beige Grey or Whltrgraundr ywnmmigntnhezmtbcln minutes after arriving homeusing your presentrod or re itodoyLthree widihs to lit most windqws wonderful value SPECIAL Puxguasglz SINGLE WIDTH wanker Illjugs up09v Target In DOllBLEfwlDTH woke5 gn Illndava up 196 Rogets hr TRIPLE WIDTH Walker Vin wlndom ll le IMf Target Sela Walkerslï¬udget Plan farms ll Dexlreil No Down Payment lVlafl GuanofeedWashflble Combed Cotton liirls llenim Slim lmls For spring and Summer Comlort Drossylaflil burfblé Two 50 105 or lrlé One for boys 591° mums Boxeru Slacks 13 mama slusztos specI gt 193 321119 guilgga Walkers Targclï¬llc WalkerngargelSalo w5 lkers Target Sale gt izes flcl Black Watch plaid ho nlost popular of Slim Jims Islylc Ikevmums with Ines boxer waist also mpl d5 oi Blaék and White and Blue and Red uy several the price is low gctSalcEachl Leaguebuclde Seniorizerl lacs to wiumvy ncg19s Buy several al this In sale price choose Exec ï¬nWm rm and Summer slec ltinp enough for dross wcarldcal or play fromSmany style nd olors crew necks mg cgnï¬on for Boyspang Girls regmc fr oov Ior irls or boys well made with bullon necks boalh ks sosuitablcrln Babydarsmymr gmï¬in pisteEmannish oï¬s cuffs and IvyLcague buck ow through Summer outstanding vsme boys in assorted primi Keg L98 at back Tan Navy Charcoal Red Blue Sizes thoB Wa1kcrs Target Sp 198 Walkershrget SoleElm 149 Each 69 the Bésfpré9d 56k Soï¬a to Keep mamaraglan To lhcmuny many women who prefcrlhcse fine so Nylons 10p value at regular pricé Walkers offers these veryhspecial prices to those who have notfwomhemPWalkersinviles you to try them during Target Sale at good savings every pair Lanolin lrcatcd orsoflerlonger more snagresistant wear see the slimming fine seams and slend izing heels buy several pair nowLand save Walkers ramp SaleEth 15 £5553 1ng Low pricedibecollse they are gauge15dém TargetvSole rm continued patterns but al first BETTER WEARING sum quality usually 398Vparr so gauge 15583191 Sizés 10 ll gt Pmpnrllonerllenglhg sAvï¬i ml sisAMLEss PLAIN leading drapes