hr ng in anything Jsell and service autom FIRE BROKE out in the attic of this house in Ferndale on Wednesday belonging to Mr and Mrs AlienMontgomery Ves prazFire Brigadewason the scene in 15 minutes and with plenty of water available gt major portion of the house was family lostmost of their furniture 17year old daughteriearl soonrto bemorrled lost all her wedding gifts in the fire Borriéi Mayor an mate and um Funeral ï¬les For Farmer WI Joan Little Mayorjot Barrier mute died if Royal Victoria Hospital on Wednesday in his 8531yeax bring ill for some tiin ï¬t two oclock from Jennetts FunI Funeralwill be afternoon erai Home Barrie with interment at Bnrrie Union Canetery mm Paul saved The BARRIE MOTOR By STEVEJONE Local car dealers agreed that this was an all year torextra special superduper models and for that reason the regular every day lines will be shown at the Chamber of Commerces Motor Show today and lomoirow However have not before the dealers were un animouSain=nuoinstheizznwnreg ular line as extra spectacular you round And its good to know that these gontlenitnayeeofproud of their individual makesj models sizesand shapes of vehicles it lets the public know that which over car they purchasp has the sincere approval of the dealer In this way publicdealer rela tionships can assuredly be of the best kind The idea of the Motor Show is to allow the public to get first hand View of theenrs he sees tract It gives Mr Buyer cha to com pare the many diff Assfor the dealer he is proud to meet the public and tell Mr and Mrs Buyer for that matter why he feels his lineoi automo bileris the best on the road Mr andMrs Buyer themselves that Lb whom they will deal when time comes to buy that new car is Wollfing on their behalf as well shisown 1lease Public good business must please the public This is especially true of the car dealer one cannot hide from the public at any rate for too long And these men in Barrie who have no intention of hiding Theyvin vrtv you to meet then and their an with if youiare ict They appreciate your sms Cars were made iorthe public and if you didnt buy them these men would be forced to seek em ployment elsewhere But somuch for landtravel In this day and age much of the publics leisure hours are being spent on the water And so plea sure boats will hold prominent position on the showiloor at the harr Arena lot oipeople getraround eer talliesunlaces onskatcsandrepre senting the hockey worldrwillbo Charlie Burns star iorward with Whitbys Worlduilockey Champ ion Dunlops What could he more soothing than some fine entertainment to round out the show ihc show will be officially op ened at pm with Jack Batstone chairman of the event Mayor Wil lard Kinzie and Bud Thomas vicepresident of the of taking part or Program Here is the program Friday715 to pm Ernie Burton Ensemble to 045 Barrie Collegiate Band 345 to 915 Lowry Organ Music 915 to 935 The Four Emcees 035 to 1000 Ernie Burton Ensemble 100010 1020 Lowry Organ Music 1020 to 1040 The Four Emcees 1040 to 1110 Ernie Burton EnsemblE and 1110 to 1130 Lowry Organ Music to 87 pm Ernie Burton Ensemhl 800 to 530 Lowry Organ Music 83010 845 ventriloqulst Ted Bust 345 to 900 Joey Hoilingsworth 900 to 930 Ernie Burton Ensemble 930 to 1000 Lowry Organ Music 1000 to 1030 The Kimberleys 130 to110 ErnieBurton En semble and 1100toil30 Lowry Organ Musi The beautiful floral displays in the arena are courmsy Fendlcys Flowers and Harris Flower Shop Sortheré it is laid out you be zit cog get Ag Johannai551 an ill erna tlonaily famous hockey star and aheautifully decorated showroom Oh yes To be completely overwhelming success the show needs you the public eaiherwToclay Some Colder Sfronnginds Since Wednesday cooler weather has also brought heavy winds with some rain early Thursday wben semi igarlic from SW veered to NW ter April 20 April 21 April 22 April 23 April 24 flpril aturday715 Kiwanisfleor 0n Retlrementitt Government Expense For many years the Gover ment income TaxRegulations fav ored the pension plans operated by companiesfor th mplo ees Persons engaged ness for themselves such asdoc tor 1lawyers merchants at not get any tax deferment bought pen on on their own Within the past few yebrs the tarlaws havebeenvchanged sojr as to remove this discrimination and provide tax deferment prior 99mm paying into It was expected iha change would cause people to rush into buying pensionson much larger scalebut the ex perience of the past year has shown that eyrarc at doing so one reaso is that it isni costly th to buy What lookslike tlsfactory pension gt or sonï¬sonievpayroll ere the company contributes large share Another reason is thatmonies put in pension fund are locked in torso two exe on retirement the pens his in you die before retirement there tax ten that is costly tpyget be rere Inst 25 totalef your earnings for that year if there is an overpayment due to the 25 tax he Govem mentï¬makcs no rephyment Thus it appears that it may well be difficult tore at the Gov sexpense Kayler then our antes As anexarnnlmjn 1028 it cost $1288 to buy $10 per month 945 this vity oiilfe expectancy boosts 1110 cost of annuity as much as 695 Mr Kaylor closed by painting on how complicated grains can he and insurance company 5e Barrie Scouts Troop Trinity Ang Born near Stroud Mr Little was an engineer on the CNR and the Gm and later started his Wu shoohosinessdnAliandaiorlztzn he was associatedwihh the Emp Lliie lurance Company Mr ttle was engaged in mu icipal politics for nflnumber years Vpriorï¬to 318an oflie Mayor of the town for three co secudve years Resident in Barrie is his daughter Mrs Ken Még Kcnzie son Willinn and thin otfliersons are engagedin mlnind engineering Royce at Thcdford Quebec Jack at Seven Islander iodine and Alfred at Shumacher His wife the former Juianiike predeceased him by lumber at years Clocks GioOn Daylight Savng Sta Sunilay Dnyiigh Saving Time corn mencca and will continue to mill October 28 All clocks and watches should he put on one him Art from the change to Day light Saving Time trains will continne to run on abandon time butthere will be Mr modifications to the sched ules Buses will run on day light saving time Thecfiect of putting the clack forward is the loss of onerhnur whichwlll not be regained until October 28 SeahiWJIx PvréieihniéPisPldei queen yielding Day gt Victoria Day in Bernie this year Monday May 19 is to gain some of its old timergloryh iihe First lican Church are sponsoring mammoth firework display that evening in Barrie Agricultural Park Personnel from nqamax depot Angus will be in charge of one of the finest firework displays seen in Barrie for long time There will be bolhaerial and ground dis plays Band wiillyalso bel inahtendance and cube and scouts will stage demonstrations of model camping flagflowering and fireside sing songs feature will be sur vival display put on with the ap Muslc Story Man Childrens Crusade Emmanuel Baptist former fie crease of one year nthe longe BigBrother ovement Rev Frank Wei ngton LTll will hegn childrens crusade is coming at Emmanuel Baptist Church th Rev Iï¬xerJf rail it Musicaifslory ellingtonamflreq fhis talents for mus using musicaisaw violin nd mouthorgen in his clever and nstructive efforts to wi young to Christian followi alsoiuses am ieprojector co ored slidesthand an uniqueillu Iianneigraph boar Friday there elmIndu ad in addition the Barrie Citizens Insurance Agent Agree to Help the bureau meeting held intho annmnnity HansenBanle on Wednesday the Barrie und district lnnunnco agents were told by Lion Harold Forster of the to umbilsh pool intbenorthend Barrie lie had model of the nequy four of land which has been op tioncdrand placedwirth portion nhendy owned by the town to make an area sufï¬cient to esteb lieh community swimming pool The club fostering the plan are vaQDmQIBmwn the $75000 in donations re ouiredio acquire the land and build the pool The project when mpieted will behandgd over to There be membership fee fondally or sensonhluse of the pool There are arnngements planned for the parking of 800 can at one time Mr Foster said that bocnuse of the pollution in the boy the start madcto establish playground near the footofthe Bay had been abandoned and this swimming pool project was now something to Which he hoped to enllqtthe assistance of the insurance agents ln the raising of the funds tie told the meeting that many amallcr tovms tbnnfmrrie had their swimming pools and they hadioundtuiem greatlyeppreclat€ The president of the Insurance Agents Association Coutls Melba member of the Lions Cluh assured Mr Forster that the agents would takean active part in the proiec Canada Callie 10110er cwCommercial cattle output in Canada is on the increase compared with last year saysa report of the Meat ouneii of Canada is inspected cattle slaughter in Canadashowed gain of one percent with calves Hog gradings were down Robert Stewart Leishman 52 louver iOyeara treasurerJim Andrews Presbyterian Church Barrle was convicted betom Judge Harvie on Wednes day of stealing cash in excess otswhbetween 11110 1967 and March 31 1958 11m proper ty of the congregation He was sentenced to three months determinate and 12 months indeterminate Pro forma evidence was given first bciore Magistrate Gordon Foster QC at the lower court when he elected trial before judge without jury Leishman was then transferred in custody to appear before Judge Harvie at the courthouse Barrie The whole proceedings were com pleted in little over three hours Soil or to the defence Vzwars Mac QC nd the case for the prosecution was conducted by Crown Attomey WKM Thompson Deishman en tered plea of guilty Draws on Account Evidence was given by MacLaren chairman of church finance since March 31 this year that during the period at Jan to March 10 this Year Leishman had drawn 12 cheques on the church account in his name amounting to $1190 Eachoi the cheque was drawn to the approximate value of $100 With respect to the calendar year of 1957 Leishman had first stated there were no records for thl peria romvanother checking had proval of thEJJIflXflO artment of Landsand est Family tickets at $1 can he bought prior to the night and Scouts will be selling these tickets next week On the night it is expectedadmisslonwill he at the rate of 50cents for adults and ten cents torcbiid All pr eedswili go towards Scout activ es in the Ar Coders Next Monday night April 28 will bea dress rehearsaihfor our inspection night which is getting closeMay The even will be divided be tween practising and sports so bring your running shoes full attendnneeis expected Eations have heendonated by the instructors the form of hot dogs and nks torncc To look Over Onlanoitllook School Inspector for Sirocco No inspectorate Macklem said today that arrangements had been made for Hag school inspector in West Pakistan to visit schools in this inspectorate He Will be in the Barrie District next week Mr Bag is at present studying education at the Ontario College of Education and is interested in the organization and supervision of education inLhevprnvince He shown there were 50 withdraw als from church funds for which there were no corresponding voucher or receipts The amount of these withdrawals woe to approximately $5103 During the whole of this per iod Robert Lelahmen was trees urer of the church and was the sole person with Iuthority to sign cheques No Checking To absorb these 50 withdraw als subtotals in the ehurdi year book had been raised and in most cases did not correspond with the subtotals in the no count book The balance sheet for the church yeen book had been seen by an auditor ap pointed by the congregation and had been algned by him without proper checking voluntary Restihition Confrouted by these discrep aneies Lelshman had nude confession of the act to the church and he and his wife had intimated their desire to make restitution The couple agreed to give $14000 mortgage to the church on thelrljolnt pro perty It was explained the mortgage was in excess of the amount claimed missing but it covered other matters not under con sideration in this case For the defence it was also stated that Leishmanhad been advised to accept an offer rlor his house which we enable the paymentot the rgh gag at the riteiot 900 Medical Evidence On behalf of defence Dr Laurie called to give medical evidence on behalfpt Leishman who had been his pat ient since he came 3w Rome in theearly thirties Dr Laurle stated thataitcr careful examination by experts it was evident that Leishnwn was suffering from malignant hypertension grade There are our grades of hypertension of which grade four is considered incurable vGrade three neces sitates urgent treatment Dr Laurie stated it was an accepted fact that ttle strok es are things which can change personalities sometimes disas terousiyr It was known that Deishman had had one little stroke during 1050 and might have had had to perform He had known the accused as aman in whom great deal of trust had been imposed by Virtue of his record of very fine publicservice He had been president oithn Lions Club VON and Chamber of Commeic alderman of the town in seven years chairman of the gpiannina board chairman of the finance campaignfor the YMCA last year and had held office in many other organizations will be speaking to Barrie Rotary cm on 1lhnrsdayMHi Win portï¬yed be bad beenran muman Wt Dunn of his own church ahd for that very heavy punishmentvcouid be imposed in deciding on the punish ment Judge Harvie said he took into consideration not only his past public service but also the fact that there was medical evi dence show he was sick man ho had madevoiuntary restitution bad no criminal re cord whatsoever and there was possibility of rehabilitation Comment in court As Judge Hervia pronounced the sentence of three months definite and 12 months indefin ite exdanmtions broke from the crowd listening to the case Judge Howie sharply rebuked the disturbers stating hewaa disappointed in the citizens of Barrie who took it on them Pogesefhree eARRns ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAYAF$RIL 25 1958 selves to makeupuncut on the decision of the court Scoiiish Rite Spring Reunion Ar Barrie By nos Members of the Scottish Rite of Freemésonry in the Valley of Barrie held their spring re unionTuesday and Wednesday ofthls week am of 29 candidates rev vari degrees as Befrienflï¬ilia Newmeikey Col lingwood Stayner Shelburno and Honeywood Land the of iieelsof faction Wednesday evening thevlodge adjourned to attend banquet in the newparish hail of Trina ity Anglican Church There werevnearly 200 in attendance and the splendid food and and surroundings were greatly en joyed Following the repasf TPGM Crease called on SrVG Wardenrl Butler to propose égree teamsfmm Barrie Lodge of Pert the toast to the Grand Oï¬icers presents Thiswas responded to by Ill ro Secretary Cy Alli son who also introduced the speakérlfor the occasion 11L Clauch33 DEM of who spoke on the could be meï¬ie could be dead He time to takehis first step into Masonry He could accomplishmanythmgs these period ifspent ina manrcould change hi whole life and soul efjfreedom can come to thosefwho try to go out others way to help cretary ofthe will beehiidreue mgrems every day eons lh wit A7Former Treasurer onVictedT 0f Theft congregation