Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Apr 1958, p. 5

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In tannin 2301thch Imokkcepar Accountant Mulradifl KIth HARDWARIM APPLY IN Reason LICENSED MOTOR MECHANIC for FORD DEALERSNIP Phone PA 85526 14541 DRIVERSALESMAN FOR lCE CREAM DELleV IN RARRIE AREA Mini be ex Iiulced iiiIver Prent eacs glvui barne man with lush School education plus neat appear alien Ind lhillly to meet the pnhiln Th1 L1 pennant lob Willi mlule will lumish lhiea iralnlhl with pay until qualified Apply in own halid wrlting to ALLAN FRASER Drawer and Braccbiidgo Out HOME KNITTERS BROTHER SEWING at KNITTING CENTRE requires ladies ior piiiMlmc home knitting by machine No experience necessary homo Instruction given APPLY BARRIE EXAMINER 14143 1745 BOX 61 PRINTING STATIONERY APPLIANCE OPERATORS $120 an hour VDsznlmtnl Vol Public Printing and stationery CAMP BORDEN Ontario Details and application forms available at Post Olflcel National Employment omces and civil Service commission should he lied with the Civil service commission 25 st Clair Avenue East roronto boron April aoih 1958 47 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST SALARY RANGE $5957a$6810 Reouired tor areenacrcs lIome tor the AflltdN=wmarke to inetruet and supepllse residents In the soaking pi arts and 1mm products organize izalnu and events craduate in occupational therapy pro icrrrd under 45 years or ago Apply Persomeiauiflcer municipality ot Metropolitan Toronto 1111 hioor St Iraat 141050 DUMONT ALUMINUM PRODUCTS LTD CONTINuPs TO GROW AND OPENS Alew BARRIE OFFICE OUR LOOAL OFFICE OFFERS YOU UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITY Honest and Reliable Interested in making Selling Your Caren Desire to Earn More Marley Ambitious ior Advancement WE WILL GIVE you The Worlds Largest sellinc Aluminum Window boar Maximum Take Home Pay Newspaper Advertising Canadas Finest Sales Training Program EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY Apply in personor write to IMEL NEWMAN ml Pllv ALUMINUM WINDOWS Doahs AND AWNINas ROSSISTREET IIIIIIET icniuIinIsT 14141 iIILP wanna UNEMPLOYED MALES repaired Iol park connmclfin labor war CONTACT SAVAOE ROUmT ST HAWK PA 85002 14540 POSITIONSDPEN lN LOCAL MANUFACTURING FIRM SHIPPING AND RECEIVING capital 4223 Ills be accurate is mathematics and able to type Saint uxpciilnfle 24 esrary smPPINa CLERKs HELPER 1925 Must be ambitions and Mill Io loam PhonvcrioN 5121 UP 1th 2530 Must be mechanically inclined have cood memory and capable oi accepting mpsaslbiutse Experience pretemd nnly ambitious intelligent and respou tibia persons need apply to Rebuilt or CANADA LTD 149 VICTORIA sirilszi BAPRIE ilAN Wanted is work in the plant Apply Wright cleaners 147 RELIABLE woman Io clean house every niday Phone PA 66301 Ii7ti BABY slniiit by the day while moth er works Apply Box as liarrie Eran 141 iner WAITRESSES Must be cicsn and re liable Apply Eileenti Grill 239 Inad lord Sl llB iiaUsamPsR to can Ior eldeer Ins valid Modern honsg Write lips as har rio Dramlncr 1149 MARRIED MAN or dairy iarin Ex perienced niillte separate house To start immediately Apply Frank lodd Lcrroy lirliw 147 Ann 350 T0 sli weekly to your in come sell in your surroundings quality products including cosmetics house hold necessities arm specialties Prce catalozlle and details Ghnlncr Dept 15 150 Delorimier biontr TEACHERS wanted for School Area aro Protestant pretemd salary rangs 32900 to $3100 When applying state age ex erieilce iormer inspec tor and tclcp one number John Currie Secyaircas arc station ant 11547 man To increasc your income Sell our 225 Iiia Products regularly or on pantime basis interesting commisv sion Protected territory Free prod ucts Special ortesiarnings $50 to 335 weekly IllO bepi also rinhert Montreal 111 sALEsilEN Increase your income and build sales career Enrol your con tacte lorourexccuuvoplan with guar antccd proiiia plans neck man over Simon ioyou year Fulior part time Age no barrier ii over 11 Can tact Mr Rush at Queens BoteI to night or Thursday 111 Do You WANT money Avon Cosmos tics oilers wonderlul ehrriIilg oPPor tunity to smart women who Willi work Car an asset Dpen territories In Min csing Midhursi Hillsdale Phelpston Cookstown and many rural districts Phone PA W51 or writc Mrs Walker all Thomson st harrif Am Pas ions Wunled AlAlmlED Man with family wishes employment as watchman Phone ZMI stroud 24148 liousiaKlzlzPiNa position desired in elderly gentlemans home on tarm or in iuwn Goad home prercrrco iii Waring Bracebridgc Po 21743 WANI£D Barrie Metal 71 Salvage SCRAP IRONMETAXSFURS HIDES RAGS BAITERIES FEATEERS LIVE POULTRY °Isipeniprieef scram orw llama PA 8298 MAX PUSHKOFF ANn mMPANY laidand Office 204 row with rubber tirewanted Phone PA H344 H547 ghiALL TRUNK Wanted Phoiic FA 334311 alter H7 GARAGE Wanted to rent vicinity nun lap hone PA $74M 34547 sMALL House Traiier wanted Good condition cash Phone Pat Holland PA 615 1174 TRACTOR wanted International Farlav all Super with hydraulic state coli dition price and location to aBIut on Barrie Examiner Lasrond FOUND an Vhite Bostongflbil Terrier lho PA 3464 114143 all week day preceding Issue Eoilowulg obnsbéutivé insertions 2c quilnlflllnum 401 MussBa PAID wnll onnisit RUBBER STAMPS mphmm wEAYMOUTHs BOOK TQRE DUN 51 APPLES APPLE BARN PAmSchK Ra ii high II Colinhum Coaxial Agplczh Apnry Olden APPIE Ellar PA some OHRISTMAS TREE SEEDLINGS AUSTRIAN AND scofcrl PINE 2YEAleD sonobiiicé PoltsrltING PLANil sis PER Iil0USAND KURONIAV Ril wycvaleL opt PHaNi ELMVAii 5515 14mm 51 141 HEAVY DUTY RANGam lhohePA um 74118 IIIANURE ottsalolnlilvusi Phone PA 85881 gt 7474 PIANO practically new console mo Phone PA b1543 74745 USED VACUUM Eleanor gcod corilI tion PhonoIA M111 liter 74141 sIIIALL GB fleglllirllovflal apartment Ire earn Pi oley 14 isUILDBIts Transit Level Canen used only twice Phone PA 174141 RED SprIngs and Mattress winch In good condition $35 Phone PA 521 lU Nonah It cu It year old sln ilest avach stove years old 550 Phone PA R7110 4541 300 CEDAR POLBB and inch iopr Ioscph Van Gaol Rh Barrie Con oit Vcsprs 11 on WOODEN Lawn chairs strongly built white ebamcl nnlsh good condition Phona PA mm ALUMINUM Zburnrr picnic stove Burns Prcpo Iuei Never used QIII Phone PA 740 141 coAi IUitNAciz automatic excellent condition 50 Avalabic alter May May beseen in operation Quin PA 8041 JPIECB Chesterfield good condition idols lot slimmer collueoramnallona room Phonc PA 56659 utter pm 74143 ANNEXEE 515 each also Renter sill Quebec Heater 52 stochtiPAl PhohcPA WEI all be seen 1i Iohn st 1347113 cAit ltADIo 315 Phone PA tric Rnnge Prig Peters Simcoe 5L Angus 2IiUItNIR Ranxettc 15 Portable electric Washing Machine suitabielor cottage or trailer 20 Both In load condition Phone PA ilems 10143 liIAnitnss inner spring double bed sire excellent condition $I1 hoya cowboy designed iargebodspread green agglzswhlle like new Phone PA IDltD TRACTOR with loader basic ets srinwpiow blade Ilrsdlng blade chainand zltirrow plow Reasonable asippiy William Lowe 125 Wellington WESTINGHOUSE Laundromat moch CLs 311950 also Westinghouse 21 Television consoleltenyie swivel base 5149 Apply Home Appliance snop PA 35511 14541 RANGEIIE with automatic oven Washing Machine in good condition nest otters Apply toIMss Pior encsaeroes bridge entre treetopst Angus ant Laoiv ALUMINUM Doo awnings trIpIe track windows ornamental imn nil llizl Free estimates Phone PA M3711 after pm PA 83145 White All minum I12 Dunlap West 1AM scAN INTERNATIONAL Portsbl hulk Cooler pertcct condition Reason for selling have gone bulk tank Arthur Spooner Edina Farm RR stayrier Ratteaua Road on Highway 447 SINGER ElectsIn Portable to lupin week or month Free estimates given on repairs of any make of sewing machine Apply singer Sewing Macho isle Dunlap St West Filling PA D7960 11511 1le OUR Rascmcntbepsrtmcbt tor some real buys in used appliances Phone Me Ayerst Robinson Hard ware Raagcttes no Ito Space Heaters sissession some Washer 25 Heavy Ranges winch size all and ma Heavy Ranger 24inch $65 and 575 147 PASTUIIE Pass11111 LOP Enr sale Phone PA 82944 TAKING IN cattle on good purplishat illg with VPASTUILETD LET 20 or fihudslb credited approved Phone chansons town ll Itsiney Lot Con3llml M4 ra=S FARM communal TRACTORS IohnDeercModei MaascyHarrlaModei TRACTOR EQUIPMENT nesrbdra Lainrow Plov Dosrhom owac Mower STAN SINTON GIZSO loIiN pm SALIE at SERVch Ailén Quinlan AIN DRILL Arnmr 1bit hxi 147 not CHROME Kitchen suite Finlay Elcc All in good candiliohr Contact Mrs 74648 gt 1414A 74 also DUNLllllrSl nm flw DIRK Ihull alas lovers loos ronditon Suitable ai store arm amp Auk Bnlflinl huh WI plus drag114900 nithmi terms snmilAY ml irlntulnd M85 with love lir vicar 00ml atods Ulchui larsr living room with Mull three bed ND bathroom Mi lylleln and flood wile llPDly 0500 will team NMASTER SI commerehll site Wilt Only sod DUNLOP $1 commerciaisite isosm 1n rear iwc ilk tor regalant $1400 WORSLEY 81 at iooriav Perteet spot Minorica with dawn Lilint lit andblihmnni Pi that rents or eiyxmxnlh MINETS POINT winterized collIQ cit two bedroom room apartment Modern kitchen lane Ilvlnl room with loodllreglaee Mbedrooou Largo acnened wer lndlh Clnu lolill hke rum zit villa 100 down smhhsvrAva Priced five room bungalow onbeautiiiilloi Pricedrighi at 31890 Cliff Brown minoil LVgNthls cud mist RizPlttsmniIvss chxdmanhsoitfPA cm sinm camma PA um Pm SCWEANUS FA m1 MAC KAEFABLANE PA E215 bicmber iiarris sad Diatrlct REIlFfllldflolid Member Ontario lissl rststa holrd REAL ESTATE LETITIA STREET 1H7 alum vciy 14m ed lancebed room hung 0W with tached halted 10 gonzo on Millimily med 60foot lot Houseis lust yearold muyoeesr ladlnénomplzle wiLh lulu xlru HA lineal hubwaler hueboud hub ing estrs walk is mulrd l0 wumo for balance to arrange rail inspection rTHREEBEDROOM DUPLEX $13500 ellMm room and double sec on room space substantial cash by age 313429 Phillie PA M181 woyaanoid brick Duplex in north central IMidenllal location sauce dluerent in rooms ior owner having three bed Prlvatc entrants to upstairs apartment which is one at the veanILcai ln mrflm4ld loot wide 10 has paved driveway and extra width garage Jinnahbi down filament with single open mortgage on sisy riy terms is wort seelhgflmmediatnlyl Well be pleased to show to 11217 widechoiceotm priced homes income properti Ind bulidlnl lots in Him Ind closeto Town PHONE PA Mial ANYTIMEDAY on avmmo Charles ROgers REALTOR enema Well Ir iiNEWMODERN 111111515 JamilBARE Membershsrrte District Real hatstc Board REAL ESTATE IssIBAYPIELn 51 PllONE PA 1152 NEW 1547 BARRIE New subdivision Down pryments less than $2MCiirrles pt 55 per month Plus lute LMATED MILE PROM nAiiRm Zmilctairnni IMldlaurst= Choice acres garden soiLSnsslt orchard Many large an de trees room stucco home with bedroom Ampis salt water drilled welLr Taxes Cash 52500 who mlcaI dawn payme supply heavy winng hardwood loo located itsAngus on paved road 551 Puu price ssaoa ii room bungalow good water LISCAnzb awaits Irom centre or Blml yau brick bunflllow cairn prising rpoms with piece gbath Lovelyvlal oil heated storms and screens aluminum mu price slum Cash $4000 balance owl open mun gage LOCATED ONi MILE ironi barrio Lovelylot with truit trees excellent roenIaoii acod waterIprcssure sylc em room home run basement $111 Pm 55300 Taxes Univ 84 WCOME PROPERTY comprising dpplsptwo cottages rooms each locatedlivc blocks from down town Lllza lot 9500 TWELVE mm from park FlVOA ml or Ems NV humans1th lficca bungalow semen int 110 180 llniibi soon to IlIEPEHSUN that wants income Full prica 311500 cash rfiiii with leisure to get lake trcntago two 5moln colts ca one brooln cote tsge one double cottge tour rooms esc si ibltlngbulfl 3powe oor ho motors storage 5PM boua located one mile from Pull price $1500tl Cash 35 on on mortgage open annablg Iymchu Call PNMPABM farms convenience altar hours IPA new TillI mullIII 53mm mflwwl lined It MI lad cm for £14115 mtla roe qunloma tlaa Putt Pond PA Par your continuance aflv hum PA Mm BUNWHXIPEUS 22 LOTS LimitII or min ow Il beated1witb ZIdllconl iaa Iou oas nirIueh aids at notice versabeauiltuisemri atlas with plus or tree on Neptu Call Dan Conn ll 711com aye PA mos EAST END in RESALE insular rery vs year old bedroom In Immaculate con dliian beau Ily deedsam alums Im Ind mgr flflni poured basement with steel bum con struction syn mart age anterior 3118 month laciud taste Cali Dan Council PA 31102 10 R00MQLDERHOMEI Very ccniaai on very large lot love trees alluvialam hishome ll net 31 hlhmml Nd wouldth EKG flinthnml°f apartments ilam sun Dan con neii PA 35935 EVGVIHYA 5110 400 FT 0N HIGHWAY No11 includtl nlca nine iivlfll We large kitchen kiehenctte and bed room aanrstnoor bedrooms on second hour plum bath hardwood loots heavy duty wiring Oood me only mm Por huther inrormaiion phone Iiaroid lornpr PA ma Eves PA Miss AN EYE PLEASING VIEW Uttérioaialnl Kuilpenfdli Fli ranch style brick bungalow wilhvhi inched luau on Mull till Shmly Buy Raids Thu privataly bulila hum in large ilvlnl mmwith finite replace dininl ml modern kitchen lWElyv All with double closeup place It bathroom Willi colored tisturcs very large nation rpanin the basement that afioor lcading to tha fihckyull on the all level Wales rant properly nclud 2d This beantimi home is dill16d on large lot 72 23W Cull Hlmld Funlerd PA 59 Evas PA Mids WOULDXOU LIKE TO OWN new home built under NHA with Iow down payment homo close it downtown Beds rooms new Iorced air iurnace Terms may be arranged Aloveiy serviced lot can and Owen SIREN penthouse wiih summer living qulr ters tustown limits For more latonnatlon can charlie Read PA 5593 Nr your canvenienca after hours PA 84817 SPLIT LEVEL N0 SALARY REQUIREMENT $1540 Lovely bedroom buogaloijitb st tacbed garage Largo living rsoin with large bright windows situated on big lot Comes complete with screens and atom doors and windows dimly his For appointment all Al Fl su srsoa pays PA Hm Aiter hours PA wanna Par your convenience artér hours Phone any at our Salesman DAN CONNEIIIsPA 87702 AL IFARQUHABSONPA 37683 PERCY PomPA Moan HAROLD FORSTER PA 84485 CHARLIE READ PA 82311 11 al1133011 REALTOR piling PA 85934 MambaJanie Ontario CHINEhind National ReuIFJhta loan EASIEND 0F BARRIE $4000 doivn iorrhcauulul red brick unlaiow Localbd close to vschooId nd shupping Six lovely rooms less tiled bath with vanity sndno ess than double closets Pu divi are Full prlinsflqflfl Ii Mo ERAiELY PRICED NilA Ibed orbs ilvingsroom dining room roomy kitchen piece bath ceramic full poured concrete basement Down aymentsfizgno Pull price $11909 PAINSW GDXMIL ROAD 36109 lull gr bedroom such type bungalow newly decoratedjlgil POr lass Haatllcd spiced th billions cupboards tllc mllfil south or Barrlea mile to sand oea water and government doc SUMMER PROPERTIES wamso at 00 beach Must be oil laltelrontbiod ottsg CHURCHILL roamed modern bungalow conveni ces PM snugbungsiow built with hellllllul View in picturesgue iub muhdlngs pefleclhnme for young or retiredcoupic Owner movln Pdcrd right torouick ssie unusual down ill Estate iTISIneES Broke 15 PA87251 164 guilt in as an Rncnrcsldgntlal ara tor the executive type purchaser rlIPSEIPINI Hom mmh FOLLOWING roomrlnc dipgflamllzvmoln builtiii garage guIIyi plastered Extnwaahrodm our EVE PAIN We ed basement and other special ics oon throuthnut miss bulimic PA Huinauy an to am pm wrmsnANHIPAY Nubia loi sum you mind lam Milan orbed uh 3111c roam bungalow v1 attached an lovely home llama moans NEAR ImLIcANo SEPARATE SCHOOIS filmlute room my brick hoot535 priva drive and rsa gt BUNGALOW WITH BASth APAR slim Mi price ior this room buli gaiaw with room apartment and uiiliiy room in basement carport and cementIririvs and well landscaped lot hillood resident Ire clue In In downtown 81M dam payinuil NEW NhAbUNGALows MC DOWN PAYIm bedroom brlcrmianlalnwl Iullysle canted inland teenlion mout lawns ed walks in and drive gra find outstandle Iian carry as low as 15 he monih Call now tor niriher detsi Brick BungalowDowntown $11500 PULL Pitch room with bedroom on main noor and large chudtenaAroomupsisln Large kitchen hiring realm Paws drive and In uric or er moah Iiieludinft PT isu LUNCK MKHEV SHANTY BAIY ROAD $3500 DOWN lmmncuial bedroom Bunlllow Clm to lhDDPlIIla schools and hill service completely landscaped and Mdedg lowed Ilr heating Price in cludes stand windows and screens 119101116 is brick Kflmlfllcuofl and tppmximllsly yurl old consists of goodsired living room with open like lace fl sized dinlnl room kltc all with penly gt0 cupboards bedrooms with one 1er good Illa Til home was Drillnfllly financed 1m dcr National Housing and has an es iabiished mortgage oral2 interest Monthly payments on the tint mon lllehr $8480 which includes Intels Principal and Mel DUPLEX our sumo down will buy thismodern duplt lax only lhlw year old It to locked isr the Ailandaledirtrict close to the lair grounds Main silooraaconuin large living room kitchen and two good sized bedrooms Ivlece bath The up stairs has separate entrance con tains living room kitchen and two bed roonuwlth 3plccu batb mi sired barmeat hot alroii hosting this is mlldm homeJol youngIaoupIa who could occupy the IDWQI apartment llid rent the upper apartment which would more than carry the price ODRINGTON STREET Modelits roamed bungalow ncar Cod iinston street School This bungalow is in excellent condition and contains large living room kitchen and Koodslzed bedrooms Hot sic heating We have an cstrblished firstlnort age on this propertyat interest ii slice $10500u $4000 down willIhandIc wner has been transtemd and imme diate possession can bs amused MINETS POINT44300 Five roamed cottage hood and hilly insulated lnsidc conveniences Hydro and goqdwaler supplied $11m down haiance snagged on easy terms BUILDING LOTS Napier Street 57 leet Price $200000 Meirose Avenueoo reel prire shallow Lakevlcw Crescent loo ieet Price $1100 Officer PA 8551 Evenings Paddy $5115 PA 3152110 hob Howelung PA REAL ESTATE rialIN ST bedroom stucco caltale with lanP ilvlnx 0m dinlng Iuom kitchen piece ha is ten bargain $8500 with terms gt NRA RESALE bedroom sput level only years old has paved drive carport recreation room close to schools and churches INCOME PROPERTY apartments close tilhospital stove and trig in each New oil turoacet incomeslw pér month $11500 with em Good election or building lots In Ind unundwlovvn Summer properties on Lake sirncoe GOOD nil13mm PhoPERmS pR LISTING INVITED IOZDUNLOP ST wast PHONE P11345901 lviombers no and caotdisn Resihststs Rosrds Ian vvalsma Cori PA in nob Hodgu PA ems 1547 out REALTOR Doaiop at Dania Hanna PAMII Mil3 scrimi vgu BEAM1m mm ISIoNg Hm Lovely cut field stori maidens in nary Golan11mg laps medbode situation will on an large lot Dulles mini no sailing Pie call lmr Pl7pvurs out HAVE YOU $1300 $l500 Islam 20002 you would use to brand New iiricit home with payments icu than your present neat piarc eali Ierry Quinn PA util evenings PA oust ROOMS 900 down on brick or lie mm dining room no heir mmcnmicilla on in Infl floor in bathroom also on counter in hitch en Notififllkdflflflunl through Laundry who In baseman creed Illr on heating very coin Nels homi Chll lrd EulolsonPA MINUTE WALK moiiI oomowu mfl Ewing hfcliieazfllfi lion inlid and Ills Nil dfllul taillllilauli Cream at PA squat BEAN NEWI Ill with Dualnth IMO lullPrtea Pint amalgam ill large modern kllchln and living room large lnd piece bath Ermirent model IIIHIE with an rsnre an meters Now mummifi per moaih Poe mil ll Carson at PA mi Real Estate Broker 50werl Street BariId CONSULT US ON de Down Payment Rousing Plans luchluo of Properties Nlllohu Housing Mun lncama Pro MEI Business opportunities mpnfl Monument PHONES DUI PA lm5Evenlll FA am 1H7 NEW BRICKI illle bedroom home one floor pan Very central U11 landscaped lot 56 NBA mortgage Apply 34 Eugenia st Phone PA 59431 1m91l4145l748 71 air irontage 17 deep paved road highways 14 miles west at town limits thlii hydro wcii stilt ah lol or houses organize ioll Reasons Etrx so iiarrie lfilTSO Bll INESS OPPQ llllllllfis VASTO gt REAL ESTATE ICE CREAM BAR great opportunity iot someone This business Islocelted in very busy district Selling building IIIid all equipment only 311500 with terms GOOD mvisniml PRoPialtiIm YOUR Lislma INVITED GORDON STOUTT 02 DUNLOP ST WEST PHONEPA 8590 Memo Ontario dpsaodian ghosts intros Ian Welsinnn PA 85901 LJCorby PA will Bab Harlan PABTZJE 2941 PAHTub qulppbd lunchlfluin Koodlo cation Reasonable rent to right party Apply it Taylor supcrteat cookstawn phone saw 194541 zAcnl 1111011111 Business room brick home all conveniences 000 bird broiler house fully automatic APPLVHJOII 7323 Slayner 294560 RBSTADRANT To rent onIbusy corner ln orliil Doing approximately suon monthly Apply or write Comer Grill 19 coiborne st East Drllilh H648 IIsz Busmssawul Travel Let our orfllinlzlllnn mnhllfll part time bugls nest Ior youwith world flunous Ned tic products Investors txsquiied Box 56 Bird Examiner M4 IiiPr GLENDALE Mobile lion wide completclv luralahed iexccucnt condilian Talia oyerIpaymehta Behind lrZor Tl Isrs An APPIY Angus ob Apply Hi ha lc Rita Pbonc PA Mm 27 Mi AsrAMaIIsI Roots healthy stoek growing instructions area Also can berry Iplants ilhaules now ready HI crest II= smartest free sale Goon swim Lot pitNelson st viahroomsi basement HOMES split level with hot willg beating ilnlaiied rc hilflanfraoin wi nrcplsce limitin Xmi lifirbagu Hi Itom PDY all was IJIQHGPA3lt25W 16 mi xtn Iarl hndelok turlngliviag so as with aPen lircplaeo diningImom kitchen bedrooms and pleastiled bath on main floor edy wvyliroam miss tiniehed rcoreatio room with Completely nilltdch HIII Me Also bonsai in Ith upIiut driveway ax sumlimbo osw in lawns Aim Lamb Apply Daniseil Newton RobhlaonP one neeton 55m lionSE 6yaarsoldqlllel Good to work ninth otdouhia Ilhona PA Jim H7402 Wilhelmina lawless Ap M2 ply LG REGISTERED HereiozdgComdue loonflerdhccrelllted Phone Cooitstowsl zdrzz Alien Homll YOUNG saw 11 Bows lo Wehnllnl Pill 41 in is ll ll soda CARNON kitchen PA $7104 APARTMENT on mailav is use oi rharaiori ground floor with biannual pn VII YellBAA ll Elm mink Ilka 3mm Ill ppplyila person to Pomii Care 1H JooflsApaflmch tritb bath Apply pl hora Si alter ib41 goons part oi lam ham to Ailr DII Emma Flinn Pnkview 7610 137474 new pmiy milith hound Ind hath Iri AIIandaIe Phone PA Mill 54148 ltooM seil contained apsrimea Ihll Ml Phone PA mil IMa partmeai IAPDU ll momma lbiuv lIDDMS at Pcradals partly rum ished around noor Apply on Map Ava isim GARAGE at 113 haylleld St ti per month Phone PA 64401 or pl IIsr rll Plaunn Elm Roomsli country home 9muea south west or barrio immediate possession Phone by ms 1541 UNIuitNIiilino Rooms privatc ul irsacs spltca bath healed Phon Pa two alter pm 154141 ROOM Apartment bedrooms unl hhed llul lulled round Hugh Phillie PA Halo evenings 154141 roux insulated room cabin water and hydro Apply Springwatsr lodge Mldhurst PA sun lsilia I00 Illuminth gum bathroom wu WPhone PA hoards Apartment tarnished new Lolllawg Adults Apply iii iieid st Phone PA bull 154347 UNPIIRNIBIIRD Apartment heated May illGrounfl floor bedroom Ar ply Slds Barber Shop BilHt IBM1 so ACRE PAIM on the 1th concession IIHOS or rent Apply to H11 Downer 415 hassle SL Sudbury lHfl liumi tarnished apartment uch and Adulir Also garageto rent Phone PA 84826 or call s7 Essa ii 154746 LovaLv large room lower duplex oil heated ll basement garage lawn be He st Apply an Napier st iiimi NEWLY mrnisiled and decorated choice room apartment with private bath Reasonable Alter 55 Mary st iSflvfl BEDROOM deluxe apartment sell contained Willi llillnliry Acumen ll immediately Phona FA liHil AVAILAnLE May Furnished room apartment with private bathroom besi hospital Apply Ross or phone PA mu 15470 goo sd tarnished heated use or irig washing machine Suit Army or RCAF coupic hlnlie $5 Per week EIMI st Rarric 1511 mil iRaomnn uniurnishcd apart ments newly decorated 50 per month Across liom Drivel Thema Phone PA 35650 154741 UNFIIRNISIIEDone bedrom apartment built in cupboards heavy wiring pri vats bath Apply 149 PensionsSt litone PA M553 154149 ONE lsBEDlIDOM ona 1bedroom 1111 one shedroom cottages with inside conveniences Apply Dava Krelger Wmll Belch lllflll UNFURNISHED room heated apart menl mlind floor self contined Aduils Ind nuilflilllls Fal May Phone PA 12006 15414 PURNisnish Apartment overlooking iak seit contained rooms all con venlencer Not suitabio tor children Phone PA saws 154541 UNFURMSIIED biparirncnt Single bed poorn stinroam living room hitches bathroom Nicely decorated Adqu only Phone PA $5016 54748 PARALY iurnlshcd rooms and hit chenette with large cupboards large and pright Central Reasonable rent Vacant hlay Phone PA H406 154146 J4 UNFURNISHED Roam hydro sink telephone Garden if desired Sill lid erIy couple Reasonable rent On High wsy it close to town Phone 551m 154745 ROOM Apartment with stove rig and ailldmfllh Washer hell canlAllIied LARanApartment in Slrauilim No ii highway hot and cold wot bedrooms living room kitchen and dining room Immediate possession 154148 Water at sink combination wood and electric stove cupboards and reirlgen ator garden Suitable tor couple and one child Phone Cockatown 1am 154560 UNPURNIPIIRD 41001115 and bath ap rtment ith balcony liot water heated heavy wiring laund and parking taeliities Private and quiet adults Vacant May Phone PA bmk V15t IdMALL self contained upstairs slat Private housewlihgardcn Bedalltlng bathroom Completely surn ished tostart ousekecping right away Suit oneIor two adults 14 Peel 154848 APARJMENTS unfurnished room very large and kilcheliyhnth and heavy uty stove hot and cold waicroil heating newly decoin one child welcome class 10 mil location Button Ave Available no Army 43 Centrc st Allandaic sitar pm gt iiidoes ohm cauliils IwashinNiiilluminate Partsand lambs nn all brakes or militara Au makes ol used rangers We ust have cannotg the dairyroannaeds Plus a401an line or Lice and Tick Controllo maat all cohdiiiomi Piiants us soday at who Lassa barrio Farm Supplyi caster narri Rdoms FaaaI Renal ilooMs iorrent at strec 4541 BEDRDOM for 07551 SINGLE Bedrooms Downtownare IPlionnvPAB Fred 4A BIIGHIBeilrobm Téll as hot winter Very cenlr Overt 11min Grill menacing st We sane41 Pilande Rooms sired oeauemsn availabi Phone

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