2111 noon in exam winnisn anti Mmsm mun arms Jonas womens Editor The Kempview Bowl is ending its winter ison with number of league parties The ladies as usualeopcned thefestivities by holding their banquet on Tuesday April at the Legion The child renewill follow this coming Saturday when 40 to 50 of theyouthful bowlers will gather at the Oddfcllows Hall for abanquetand enter talnmcnt Mr and Mrs Chuck Cohan owners and operators of the Kompview Bowl are personally in chargeiof arrangements for this party The mixed ileague will whoop it up on Wednesday April 30 in the Legion Hall JohnRaimer organitcrof the festivi ties expects no to sit or turkey dinner and later dance the evening away Trophies will beprescnted on that even ing Aiso at the Legion will be the official ending of the Bastword and Gas Leagues Trophiesa turkey dinner and an eveninl of dancing will he enjoyed by around 60 sportsmen And the mens stag will invade the Legion on Mondayiiiay 12 when 250 gather for dinner andran evening of entertainment There are large number oi itrnphies to be presented at thisbanquet The annual Regimental dinner of the Warrantofticers and Senior Nonsotlhe Grey and Simone Foresters 28 Armd Regt RCAC was heldon Saturday April 19 proceeded by acocktnil partyiandi allowed by dance Over 100 members wives and friends enjoyed the turkey dinner served by the Legion iadies Dancing followed with the Grey and Simcoehand providing themusic and Sgt hlaa Munro of Barrie as emcee The annual dinner for which was Barries turn to behest is the oneoccasion in the year when the members get together Sgt Xlnsella of lheBnrrle Mesa is the man to commend for the excellent arrangements sale of cleaned neariynew clothes will be held fromMay tab at regular store hourssnt Dunlop This new venture being sponsored by the Trinity Church Guild is very popular fundraising activity in Toronto and other large centres The ladies Emphasize that this is NOT Rummage sale but Nearly New one TherBarrie and District Association for Retarded Children were pleased at public response to their Rummage sale heldin the Market Building last Friday Thedonors of articlesand thecustomers are thanked sincerely as the sole netted $230 profit for that very worthy organiution The 315i wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Mills 32 Caroline St was observed bya dinner party oi2511mcmbers Of the family and eight close friends on SitndayIApril 20 Held atthe home of their son Lyn Mills 38 Caroline the dinner was organized by Mr and Mrs Don Moore thecouples niece andnephew and Mr and Mrs Robert Knight their daughter and soninlaw The dinner was complete surprise and was all the more enjoy able because the couple were unable to celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary The couple were presented with gifts by those attending Mrs George Wiley the aunt of Mrs Mills added further sur prise to the affair by providing the tablecloth silver centrepiece and the wedding cake knife from the original wedding reception Guests were present tramps far as Lopeer Michigan The mothers of members of the BDCC lland are husin engaged in their second projecta Rummage Sale on Satur day April 26 in the Central Collegiate Gym Mrs Smith Mrs Emberson and ME unfold Forster are ctrconverters of the project Students have offered to collect articles which people will provide for the sale Anyone interested should phone PA 6530 anytime nd PA 66244 in the even ngs Doorsupen at mm The rooms have also been busy selling tickets on $100 bill which will be drawn for onSoturday at the TesnmonialDihneri Under the chairmanship of Daaneast the annual Ladies Night the Corinthian Masonic Lodge which is now in its Centennial Year was very successful event held in the Eastern Star rooms on Owen Street banquet at 630 on Saturday April 19 started the festivities with 170 enjoying the meal Dress was informal Ev Smith was guest artist for the evening Music for dancing was provided by Ali Shepherd and his orehestraand members could play canasta euchre or bridge it they wished winners of the spot dances during the evening were ilir and Mrs Meaford Thompson and Mn and Mrs Foreman VEvery wyomarn looks ilove Theres good Lesion why Gothieb women than anypther bro on the market today The secret es in the eleveriygariyructed bust ci on receive their diplomas Three of thegrad uatlngmembers nrechildren Shownhere search To ï¬rearms roman held tonight at the Joan Garrick charm Schoolwhen nine successful students will eight Dhey arethe lntï¬ In the outer grouping from W5 multitude prllle at 8pm The meeting opened with the hymn When Survey theWond mus Cross followed by prays Roll call was answered with motto Eonuinlngthe word hop nine Minutes were read adopted rAn itemot special interestin theiadiea was the announcement of arthree point tea and bake sale May tram 3105 pm and to MeMastel reed devo tions the Source of Powerflrioll owedby the singing ora hymn Duckworth on Mrs Baker sang duct The Light of the Worldis Jcsua The kneeling closed with benediction by Mrs Dexter sident he corrected endgaved tie re lated many mousing incidents and Waist IisizA Waste The BarrieExamineri look until now but oven poia ï¬nerTending your comm or toes would find such wrap un becoming someweeks have noticed that The en rimvlobk yofthe Womens Ediior men complainabout the female you are confident the is ï¬lters As me er of st male that lsl say heav en forbid Mind you there are places where it is suitablea takeoff on the 19205 in the op erating room of hospital ona casual vmidnight stroll where none of your friends will see you ed by the seve pleasant to the rnasculinéeye of boy triendwho turned up in beard and highstiff col lar its pretty obvioiis vheiethis mole stands on the issue and lm very proud to say that my ing these queer and unattractive neatly and smartly dressed with efforts to please their male out this socalled sack AMQDERN MALE friends havent heard many some very sad one onne tan wit his work spehlter was MralRose was served by the hosteaaasstated by her mother Mrs Couison and her aunt Redterii WEE fAsack= IsaInspiacé male figure can never be repiae rel nes of beard Girls Wouldmake short shriIt Surely the women arent wear lady friend has managed to stay ppnsite and certainlya urve is for more ln town 22 mm St pieatedsk Just the kind afgay youno dr kiss yoyliweur right now brough summer ith little or nocare Why no take whirl through summer in this qne piece sleeveless so op néck Au almost snlk ï¬ne washablesateen cotton withalloversottï¬oral print Lov ly fuiiunpressed Brown blue or rose in sizes 947 $1295 For thejonathah Logan VseeNker he annepiscc dress with us and stitc trim on that tucks from low Mandn rin neck Canbe worn with or withou contour theit bl melon or sites lliS atthese modest prices D6 Seetheytsaon com patron run jwlth Coifleldsiexcluslve design gy valjidttom Tub washes clothes like axle on clothes tpoi anated well below down the bowl hoped the Wash mesa it or when wash complete auyomnrrerownn URG 1qu capture heavy it from movingback into asit slides