BARBIE mm WEDNEDAY APRIL 23153 General Inspection Asltoldyoulastweek azloul1 of fifteen inspectan was in our anth At senior wemblyon Thursday our Aresident inspector Mr Wilson addressed as He gave us good impression of the school We are tortunate he told us to have such good school in dine connnunity From what could understand the impectnrate was satisfied with our sdl9o1ataii and students We were sorry to learn that Mr Wilson had been appointed to an other position Mr Fowler will be our now resident inspector He has been our commercial inspac to in some time Cadet inspection cadet training began on Mon day At 11neiock girls of grades and mind hays of 10 11 and 12 go outside to manh GirLs oi and to practise exercises in the gymnasium on alternating days and grade boys also practise ex crcises We hope to have plenty of practice and it the good Weather holds out this years cadet inspec tion will he great success will poke around and see if can ï¬nd outahout cadet inspection happenings gt The people of our town are al ways verydntcrested in this phase olschool life Graduation Dance On May our school will hold its annualggraduation dance The committees have already begun to work on the plans so this years dance will be bigger and better than ever We hope to see good crowd especially those who are graduating in past years attend ance of Grade 13 students has been low This dance is given ior graduates Please come and enjoy yourselves Additional iniormation about the dance will appear each week Saturday Specials Saturday April 26 is Special Day at THE JoanGarrick Salon Owen St Barrie Phone now to PA 84661 for one of these specials PERMANENT WAVES $650 STYLING $225 SHAMPOO SET $125 CHILDRENS CUTS 15 Utopia WA Sews Eor GardennPany The Womans Auxiliary Iii St GeorgesAnglican Church pla met in churchon April with nine members and one viai inhuman The préidcnt Mrs McCann opened the meeting with prayer Bible reading Matthew chapter 28waa read by lira Muir Reports were given by the treao urers Roll call was answered with Bible verse containingdhe word CrossI Mra AMulnjeadapoein and codducted an Irish gull hlra McMaster read chapter iron the study booiwhich told about Ardr bishop Anderson and his work among the Indians inthe Diocese of Moosonee Business discussions followed Sewing committees re ed pro gress in their work were made iona hamr tobe held at the annual Garden Party datemt which has been set 101 June 25 this year Hrs Harvey Turnbull invited the ladies to herhome iorthe May meeting Roll call will be Vtie Show with the owner favorite spilngflower Meeting Chuck Cohan right and the pastpres ident7Mrs Bob Mallion Mrs Moore will closed with prayer Showers Qf HarmonyWill Fall in Térllonio fThis Saturday NEW annsmm oi the ladies Remo view howling league is Mrs Joe Mohre cen of St Giles Guild On Saturday April 28 Eaton Auditorium in Toronto will ring with harmony for that iathc motto of Sweet Adelinesto Harmonize the World This event will be the third annual chorusand quartet corn petitionsyot Region No whose members hail from Michigan Indiana and Ohio as well as the Ontario centres oi London Harn ilton Amhcrstburg barrio Oril lia Oshawa and Scarboro There are 13 CHOWSES participating in the alternoon at 130and eight hurtels invthe evening itll Both these shows are open to the public The Toronto chapter of Sweet Adelinesgtpiiccd first in last years competition in gt Detroit and thus won the honor of hos tessing thlsyears contest They were founded in 1956 by Eleanor Lang whose husband Gordon directs the chorus of 70 girls He also sings lead with barber shop quartet called the To ronto Rhythmaircs who are well known to all SPEBSQSA chapters in Canada and the use rHeadquarters rfor ethe compctiV tion will be the Westhliry Hotel in Toronto Rummage Sale The warm Spring weather has not hampered the efforts of the enthusiastic workers of the Church Preparations are under way for several of their worthwhile pro jects to provide lands and assist aiast growing parish Rani mage Sale is planned for Friday April 25 at Trinity Parish Hall when gooda assortment of used clothing household articles and hrieabrac will be for sale Spring housecleaning has revealed many treasuresi If you were among those who Our store at 42 Dunlap St April 26th 1958 at pm We wishto take this opportunity ltothanirrour niany customers and friends whose loyal stay inBarrie s9 pleasant manor ARMENLTD Mail orders to our 0rillia store will receive immediate attention StlGiles qua ance torirtheiiiiany necessities oti Busy Withï¬ens Card Pariy Tera enjoyedthe Valentine Card Party held early in the winter you are againlnvlted to friendly even ing of cards on Wednesday April 30 at the Parish Hallpon Cook Street Prizes and refreshments will trb 911 Early in ay it is planned to learn something at the work of the Womens Auxiliary ot the An glican Church in Canada with the ideain mind oi owning WA in this East End parish Missionary work is essential for the full liie of the Christian Church and many parishioners not already identified with the Guild or other work can berassured of plenty of scope for their interests in this important organization Barrie church organizations are famed tortheirre oyahle social teas usually held at least once year Springdays are ideal for afternoon outlngs and social gath to sociable th County Conve ï¬ori ForWCTUApril 29 Th April meeting of the warn wu held the home Mrs Cochrane lanislil st in the ï¬reside oi the president Mn human vicar incident Mr Vaughan presided dewtloaai period was in Easter message Irittsuenpturc readinl by Era JCochiane buaincw dealt with input reports was announced that the county convention will be held April It Midlandjn St Pauls United cam the meeting closed with prayer hy liirs Cuniniingz social hours was much enjoyed by sates some aeioreuie days or the white man in Coo the indian had discovered and madeluaerof the ï¬rstcrop that M6tlietNliille Yo rv be assisted MrsAmy Maclihenney vicepresident Mrs Ellen Lay secretary treasurer and Daily Jones averagekeeper The executive was elected at the annual banquet onfIuesday April wide Mrs St Andrews WMS Plans May Rally LOU1Se lily Missionary Society oi st Andrews Church was held ire The April mpellug of the New the Ladies Parlor of the Church paradigm gxuup was held lnst air Wednesday April 16 with Saturday at The Studio homeol splendid turnout at members and is Gwen Fite bout 50 per friends ons attendediino tiiiemdtiiem of the to no ssea aims13H McCavy the pres at Central Collegiatc if by ent was in the chair and led in Miss Louise Coney nus ouey the opening devotions She was 60 Todd ned assisted by Mrs Cowan who rs rt th in con took the Bible reading and the pram hound folk dances and son Camcron who led in prayer all nations Following the devotional period Mr and Mis Gedig originally the meeting was thrown open for full discussion of the iorthoomé Irom Denmark demonstrated ï¬fanish dancer TOUIHKEEI companied iimAlmri the bagpipes when Mr lmrie anticipated that delegates iroinalso in naï¬mm dress perform every Society within the Presby Scottish dance solo tery will be present Several co The whole companyAIeamed rnittees were set up and plans crrnan and Scottish folk were made for the serving of the dance Later the collegiate banquet in connection with the dancers demonstrated square HW dance afterwards assisting tincc groups of eight in the perform During the meeting the Pres ance of another ent announced that an invite Then while resting them had been received from the Essa selves songshcets were passed Road WMS for the members around the companyj andfolk attend spcoial Thankotiering songs inEngiish and other lan meeting in the Essa Road Church guages were heartily sung on Tuesday evening April Aiter adclicious lunch serv Thespeakcr was to ed by Miss Elsie liaikesv and her Peersalla former this hblpe om dancing was Essa Road Church andnow Sew enloyed broil to ihe music ing as Deaconess oi the Fresh piano played in ways by mem terian Church in Manitoba bers of the company Mrs Maria gt gt Reidstras piano accompaniment The meeting closed with th throughout the evenin was per singing or hymn and allrepeat ticularly appreciated ing the Lords Prayer date May24 wasset for an On theoocasion olvthelr til weddingannlversary Mr and Mrs Grahambrm Guernsey Sh Victoria held in reception their home dullng the hours 01 too and to 10 on Monday March 31 large number or triendsoniled to after congratulations Among the guests wereLaura dirces eachspilng from our ood léts in the iom oimaplesyrup it istoo bad we do notJiave more sugar bushes where this crop could be harvested The demand will alwaysbe there 0rangevilleAanncr eaids Follk And Last Friday Evening the last dance at the school year wai held in the cafeteria llual Thompson ironi CKEY was the featured IgueaLVlhc roomwas beautituiiyï¬ecoratcdlnta spring until irds and lime adorn edtlie curtains and washing well wasv theN cen of attrac DW whole the dance was very auccesslul Proceedswent to the student Counciltreasury George to Final3 Thepubiic speaking trlct and regional ï¬nals were be it on Wednesday April is One pf helzcontestants was George ay at 12A George warn district winner and then was de rclarcd regional winner also is next step will be to the eastern Ontario iinals in Trenton on May Congratulations and bestrroiduck George Proud of BDNC During last week inspectors have been popping in and out or some oi our classes observing teachers students methoda of teaching and work habits then ii Lamb In The Studio the inmtois ieit our school the iinalmcetingwt the season they left behind good reer The partywill be heid at bliss They were very pleased with Fifes intactaw Codrington SL our school the teachers 51 at admin Au flew Canadians demand organizational activ are invited Zanid local residents Ities hut mostly they were are askedto tell any newcomers pleased with the amount ol aboutithe invent Imam school spirlt which wasnot the formation about the groups ae leastbit fslnined Weare do tivitiea can beobtnined hymn me good Work scam lets keep phoningthe seaem Mrs cut it upl Vc have school to be on Ward proud of ietsmakc it proud of us gt Bun es Til next week vYoullVncver gt get indiigiestion from swallowing Romp aiLSPHnQWea an EXAMINER an The Evening Guild of St WM Ach merit Day QnMo April ditch ry lab at lJtliesHili held fourth meat in atthc home Mn Graha in thevaitcrnoon Bifliness was the bahitigh supper The group made aroni andcheescwith tanninsK cabbage salad salad woman wheat germ muifinsor Graham mnilinrleinon creamy rice ger drops and hot chocolate The group closed thesmeetios by singing and Save the Queenr and heipingywlth the dishea On Tuesday April is are Chflry Winks held their filth meeting with business dealing with Achievement Day to be heldat Strgudmn May it will be to makc dish irom roiled oatsvand hunt up averV ite recipe for quickhread the making of white aauce and Carol Campbell made porridge complete REUPHGLSIERY SeqVice Let our exhcrieneederaita men REUPHOLSTim your worn or iaded furniture now gt Barrie Tent E7 Awning aanayraiastriim 343 Georges Anglican Church held successful Spring tea on Apnl in the parish hall Easter bunnies and chickenson nests plus spring flowers decor ated the hall Mrs Herb Noble the Guild president received at the door Mrs AKohlmeycr took tickets at the door Mrs William Little Mrs Walter Bayliss Mrs Godden and Mrs godden poured tea during the Serving the guests Trainer Fancywork was for sale on the white elephant table which was directed by Mrs Walter Gregory Mls llama and Miss Joyce Gregory The bake table was conducted by MrsAlvin Mitchell and Mrs in the kitchen were Mrs Harry Smethurst Mrs Jack McCabe Mrs John McGowan Mrs Jack paw Mrs George Wardle and Mrs William Crooks Babysitting was provided un der the convenership of Mrs Wil liam Parr music provided by 124 DUNLOP 51 on 134423 been FULL bars WEEK To in Barrie erings and the ladies of StGilea are looking forwardto their Mayv will be closed time Tea on May 28 This small but busy group ex tends friendly welcome to new comers to Barrie Meetings are held the firstandthird Mondays 539qu has maqe of each month Marie Curie who with her law hand Pierre discovered radiumin 1898 once made the remark that iNihing is was feared iris onlyto be understood gears Finewools tweeds and cos meres featuring hack tenant and flattering lines range sons sizes to 2652 LAYAWAY LAN lne dressy fitted suits in grey worsted ribelene and fine wool tweeda Casual boxy style in the seasons newest tweedy peelothGoodnangel 2652 Priced from ham and Ruth Russell 01 Port Arthur Mr Graham is the sonot the late Mr and Mr Wililam Graham oishanty Bay The couple were married at Silverwater and lived tor short time in Port Arthur in Toronto Fort Willi rn Wiar ton oro Station and encouver the eyes of aiia Canadians was focused on me Chamber of Com mercemovement in Canada Th week hasbeen set aside to bring abouta greater understanding and appreciation at the local level the role at the Chamber otCam movement in build Calgary and Vera Graham and also tram PrimeMlnister and Mrs Dieienhakerrand Premier aiid Mrs Douglas of Victoria HearhVSoci Ty 18 At FirstNight The iirstmeeting of the rie Health Societyp recently tablished byan interested group in town was held Monday night at the Barrie Muscles and muscle stress and strain main subject but post and coronaryattacks were atrodis cussed Harry Holm lectured the evening at which also shoutn There turned out for the evening Next months meeting apicnie atSpringwater Park on May 24 Mrs ce will Caf dian connnunitles ar the na tional good Carleton Plan Canadia lass Joyce Gregory was played hroughoiit the afternoon scalliosrrciiiisf BOTH OURflOCATIONsw taunt rerun To star YOU amine HOUR BRECK AND ZOTA PERMS RE $1500 CUT STYLE AND SET FOR ONLY $1000 SAME PRICES AT BOTH SHOPS Walk in or phone we would be pieasedï¬o cater to you Babys Beauty 35110115 17gt rssxan ra 9ll TUESDAYS THURSDA 10 arr iii disarm Villiiiiitlilis ear bread chocolate girliegroups home assignment There was demonstration in