IJIOTELS PREPARE FOR SUMMER The great outdoors beckons Vacationers oi the continent to Canadian Pacifics chain of summer resorts irom coast to coast picture Banii Springs llotel and its iamous Bow bask in the sun show ing few 01 the many delights oi the Canadian Picture at lower River Valley goli coursp Rockies Lior holidaymakers left shows the swimming pool at irom all parts In the upper Banii Springs the5ea N8 is Visitors Mr and Mrs William Wise oi Woodbridu Were Sunday suésts at Mr and lire Harold MeKilli at Toronto were recent Sunday Mrs Adam on Athebirth of Sept 16 The sister resori heautiiul Chateau LakeLouise will be open iromxlune 10 to Sept in the seaoonditioncd Maritimes on the east coast Canadian Paciï¬c hotels will be open again this year with their many seaside attractions such as sailing lower right near the Lakeside Inn Yarmouth Nova Scotia This hotel and the Digby Pines Dighy NS is open June2710 Sept while the Algonquin llotel atSt Andrewshy open June to SeptL law Mrandiirs Alex Copeland Mr and Mrs Arthur Thompson of Tottenham were weekend vial tan with Mr and Mrs William Carr From Alton and Mrs David Huston ol Alton spent the weekend with the latterr parents Mrs Hank Broiley Mr and Mrs McFadden guests 01 Mr and Mlsahl Mo Fodden Back From Florida MLIfld Mrs John Fariswho spent the past month in Florida returned to their home in town From Toronto Recentiviritors with Mrs olive Broleywere Dr and Mrs hi Wilkinson Mr and Mrs Cliiiord Madden nnd children oi Toronto Fromlnng Branch Russell Allison 11 lormerresldu cnt oi Cookstown called on old neighborsand friends in town on Wednesday Dr ond= Mrs Dunsmoie and Miss Muriel McMillan of Toronto Bnclr From holidays Mr and MrsCharles Copeland have return homeiromst Cath arines ailerspendingscvenl days with their son and daughterin Birth of Daughter Congratulations to Rev and daughter at WomensCollege Hos pitalyloronto on April 13 1958 AudaSon To Mr and Mrs Edward Daoust of madman stin at RoyalVic torla Hospital Barrie on April ll 1958 Mrs Pat Beach is patient in Newmarket hospital Out oi Hospital Mrs Monkman who has spent several weeks in Toronto General Hospital has returned to her home and isconvaleseing Deputy Fire Chief Don Barrett has been apPQinted eputy fire chief of Cookstown Fire Department The iiremen Hotel which is open this year irom May 23 to STBOIID lionor BridelqBc The lovely spacious home of MIQ and Mrs Nelson Watson was the scene of miscellaneous shower onSaturday night when about 40 neighbors and moods oi MlSsEVv elyn Ayers igathercd to extend beSt wishes and good luck on her iorlhcoming marriage Two very interesting contests were heartily entered into by all after which Evelyn was ushered to chair of honor tastefully dec orated for the occasion with background of pink and white flowers Sharon and Lynda Wat sori wheeled in doll carriages full gifts with Donna Jean carry ing the larger parcels to the bride tobe who was assisted by her sisters Mrs Krul and Shirley in opening the many lovely and use guLgifls Evelyn very nicely thanked all ASMALL DEPOSIT Will HOLD ANY ARTICLE and know he tnessag Ev or their beautiful gills All en joyed tasteylunch and cup of 33 Mrs Fred BoherLson isa patient in the Royal Victoriafliospital We wish her speedy returnrto health WI Flower Show With the nice weather garden ing is commencing or will be soon The Womens Institute expect to have their annualfluwer show with prize lists as last year Work has commenced on the lot purchased by Mg and Mrs Clarence Ferguson on Highway 11 for their new home Finished Seeding Some of the local iarrners fin ished seeding last week New Tru it on Route Lakeview Dairy are making their milk collections dram the local farmers now with new truck oi cans capacity Biltlr of Son Congratulatiohsto Mr andMrs William Hughes on the hirth of gt piil Royal Victoria Hospi Mrs00llihsMidhurst spent ow days last week with her sister Joseph an spending dew days with his son Mr and Mrs Fraser Glencairn Miss Naueyltaynor returned ai iter spending12wo Weeks at her home at Rockton Churcthnniversary Stroud Fresbyterian anniversary will he held on Sunday June Qwing to prevrnus engagements Rev Dr CD MaaKinnonM Little Narrows Cape Breton NovaV Scotia was able only to come for anniversary services on Sunday June The congregation deal ve honored to be able to have Dr acKinno asvtheir speaker have splendid Toronto chu hes were unable to procure Dr noon in hishusy ywattuntu illpm and 11 your carrier has at arrived then call sdméa the larger schedule as Moderator of Lhe General Assembly aflthe Presby terian Church in Canada Land Meeting The regular meeting of Wednesday April 16 heldin lnnisfil loss59 areas follows PresidentMrs Gordon Rix lst viccpresident Mrs Fraser Suth erland 2nd vicepresident Mrs Wilfred Cooper assistant secretary Mrs Norman Mayes treasurer Mrs Jone secretary Mrs Ayers The speaker of theevening was Griffith Ford president of the Al cona Home and School Associa xs resumeoi recent panel di cussion held at Lakelands Hall Mr Ford told oi the questions lion who gave most interes the Second Homeaad schoolAssocia tionwas held in Stroud Schoolon gt It was de cided that the school picnic be Park on Wednes day June 13 at11am The nominating committee submitted their report and the otiieers for have had busy time lately being suddenly called out to the coun try ior grass iires which were be coming dangerous Guests From Barri Mr and Mrs Gordon Lemmon were weekend guests with the for Lemmon Mr and Mrs Kidd spent and Orillia Sympathy oi Community vCool¢stown and community ex tends deepest sympathy to Mrs Borden Nixon son and family in the sudden death of husband and father Borden Nixon who passed away Friday April 18 1958 was Meeting good number attended the Senior WMS of the United Church at the home of Mrs Stanley Hal bert on TuesdayApril absence of thepresident Mrs Corrigan Mrs roley presided of the meeting $500 was dona ted to the Mission Band for sop pli ken by Mrs Newell WMS on April 24 was accepted The study hook conducted as questionnaire Students 11 the in Japn given by Mrs wontjean guests MMrsrwrw McMillan and Miss Nita McMillan mers parenu Mi andMrs Doug Saturday and Sunday in Toronto and conddcted the business parl vitation to attend the Presbyterian Faddenl The special speaker Mn Henderson oi rottenhnm gaven inspirational iolloifled by hymn andflgloainl benediction Refreshment1mm served by the hostess and com mittee in charge Bonspiel Supper turkey supper will be suited on Friday evening to the man hers and their wives andhusbands at the curlingxink Barrie Glee Club Concert Cookstown United Evening Aux iiiarywill sponsor concert on Wednesday evening May by the Central United Church Glee Club to be held in the toWn hall ll pm Eudue The ladies auxiliary oi the Legion hold another successiul euchra at the Legion Hall on Md LAM SE cinlto satisfaction bonus miles lnthe ouse an Mrs MEMe and pm innu The out and ï¬nal one yill be Monday April At the end oi the evening the Judie missionary address iemnanummm vb sumiinn Wendi Mn adminslathe opened meeting yith hymn andpnyer and aim readn ltdt clean attire Miailonary Monthly by Miss Luelianourlul Business included In lnvltatlonto attend theVOoobtoIu Presbytulil was BertArmannasa on April llJor another work meetlnx There were 13 members andlhree guests pre sent The myth was opened by Mrs rd saunas inciua edanappedimmtheCnnurSo dew ml WDÂ¥mnhx fund mm was voted to each cause One quilt val Immpleted for Mrs Sylvester nitBar rle me next will be held on Ilny fl Itlnï¬wmlam Nevils land was Why the hostess assistedby Herbert Lemon and her committee the Umtedmrchheld their Ens ter Thankotiering meeting at the home Mrs French on Thurs Twostemmed frornï¬the Loolr behind the scenes and youll soon discoverwhy more add more haulers aromakingthe successful fleet operators such as Kleysona Cottage CompanyLimited Winnipeg buy forty big Forgoo at once you know Fargos got something taFARGowaen oifer AKleyaona Caringetypiï¬ea the truck fleets that ï¬nd real dayafterday yearafteryear with Fargobn thejohThere are plenty of reasons for that satisfaction me Take economy for New Fargo VBa packup to 234horsepower yetizheir unique combustion chamber design wrings fromevery tankï¬il of gas And no other engine has the famouagforthrift reputation of Fargoa efï¬cient Six Klayaena Cottage Company Limited orwamim kceplthiafleet ur Fargo PowerMum track in aniline dayin dnyoirti may or WIT tlyingsinn Represenlalive BARRIE on Thundnyevenlnz Ap ril 2A which wit Incepted urn iloulston and the pale for Indian residential school had been packed indent It was decided to spot sor wncert on luy hythe tantra United Glue Ciu rw Candy to he sol by the lilie slooland at mucoust item here were Inkede lene their donatiou with Mn Taylor Hiedaybeiorefthe concert Each membecfia Imhrin in item clothing to thejby more flour wears All Scripture reading Hrs Alvin Smith oi Bond Had vicepresident at South Sinai Presbytery um sped1 rpeaker She gave an interesting talk on the workot unanimous phlsotherltemsoiinterest hithev Prabytery work Mn Mewattm thanked Mrs Smith or her this talk Neil French ave you solarad the meetuu cloud with ham and ulzpah benediction lunch was served theth Dominik SeamusMill panda in St Judes Mullen ohmvoextpsflday April 21 at Pm mm visitors at unimo eluded Mm JA Fed alumna Hrs 13 Jobbltt Ruthimd Kenn lot Tomato and Ross Gllrvy me another reason AFargorear all alaaare heavydutyengi neared pecially trehted for fatigue resistance Redr springs on highlionnage DTQOa have heed inpteadedï¬to Kiddies wide are extrnldng ahd resilient for greater strength Frames havedoubléwidth front eroesmemhersanderhadeep centre and rear orossmembers Fargosv hetterjealfor superresponsive steering an parldng Vlirake that adjusts the cab the we With shorter turning diametera smooth indepéndént from inside So why not follow the lead of successful truckoperators like KleysenagCnrtage Company and checkrinto 58 Fargo Power Masters now Come in right awaysee howyoure farther ahead theFARflGQway then you haul Phon 42 gamma Rlpr enmnv ew iv