Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 28 May 2003, C04

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C4 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday May 28, 2003 Historical society marks 50 years The Oakville Historical Society (OHS) is celebrating its 50th anniversary with a free concert at Lakeside Park. The public is invited to enjoy an afternoon picnic and listen to the Oakville Wind Orchestra and St. Paul's Dixieland Band on Sunday June 8 from 1- 4 p.m. Lakeside Park, at the foot of Navy Street in Oakville's first Heritage District, is most appropriate for this golden anniversary as the OHS was bom at this site with the restoration of both the Thomas House and the Old Oakville Post Office. The OHS was founded by Hazel Chisholm Mathews in 1953. It is a volunteer organ ization managing Oakville's Archival Collections. The OHS has an extensive collec tion covering various aspects of Oakville's history in. and that o f former Trafalgar Township. The collections include more than 4,000 pho tographs portraying the life of the community and many of its families since the mid19th century. For more information con tact OHS at 905-844-2695. Seven year old a cancer survivor Liam is a happy seven year old boy. With beautiful brown eyes and reddish-brown hair he seems like a normal child. He goes to school, excels in math and spelling and is one of the top students in his class. He enjoys swimming, playing video games and is a huge fan of the television show Survivor. He likes to climb trees, has lots of friends and loves taekwondo. On the surface, Liam is a very typical young boy. But what makes Liam not so typical is that he has cancer. It is called neuroblastoma and it is a rare cancer of the nervous system. The cause of neuroblastoma is not known. It is not hereditary, does not result from injury and is not infectious. It usually occurs in children under five. Each year 25 children are diag nosed in Ontario and neuroblas toma is responsible for 8-10 per cent of all childhood cancers. The other reason that Liam is not so typical is because he is sur viving neuroblastoma. He was diagnosed in January 2001, at the age of five. He underwent a bone marrow transplant in July 2001, days after his sixth birthday and he is currently 20 months post trans plant. His original survival rate of 15 per cent is currently at 50 per cent. There is still a higher than average risk of developing all other forms of cancer. However, if there is no sign of disease recurrence five years after diagnosis he has a very good chance of a normal, cancer free life. "His diagnosis really defined us as a family," explained Sharon. Liam's mother. "There was no room for sympathy or negativity. "When Liam was in the hospital we tried to keep his life as normal as possible. We held classes and made him do homework," recalled Canadian C u c rr Societe r a iu d im a e d ll < M ( C T Society Relay For Life \ / - o J C Relate pour la vie Liam's mother. "We wanted no tears shed, no sadness, just happiness. We needed to help his body and his mind heal and only happiness can do this. We kept our routine going. He's not a cancerous child, he is a child that happens to have cancer." Liam's hospital room was cov ered with signs his classmates made: words like courage, strength, hope and love were posted on the walls, doors and ceiling. Sharon believes that parents need to be a rock of support for their children. "You can not let the disease define you or your family." She also gives credit to the Canadian Cancer Society, as it offers many support services for parents and their children. "Enough can't be done. The Canadian Cancer Society needs so much more support, and events like the Relay For Life are a perfect opportunity to do so." The Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life is truly a communi ty event. It is a celebration of life, love, strength and community appreciation. Liam remembers how much fun he had last year when he participat ed in the Oakville relay. He recalls walking the Survivors' Victory Lap, Photo special to the Beaver Liam , 7, is a can cer survivor, having been treated fo r neuroblas tom a. Diagnosed in Ja n u a ry 2001, he had a bone m arrow transplant in July of th at year shortly a fte r his sixth birthday. surrounded by family, friends and played a big part in his healing process, as well as ours. Each fam the community. "People were clapping, and he ily needs to find out what works for was overcome with emotion, he them and use that as a support sys was so happy. We can't wait to take tem." Liam has hopes and dreams of part in this year's relay. The event is so great. The different moving his own. He comes from a family ceremonies illicit so many emo of doctors, his grandmother is a tions: tears of pain, gratitude and pediatric nurse and his grandfather is a well respected doctor in the joy," said Liam's mother. Liam's love of taekwondo has Pilipino community. helped him battle the mental part of "I want to be a doctor like my grandfather Mario," Liam said. the disease. And. judging from his spirit and His mother says, "once you can overcome cancer you leam that the inspiring hope, he will. mind has to be strong first in order Children like Liam put meaning for your body to follow." into events like the Relay For Life. Liam's determination, will and They inspire and encourage hope to mental strength were never more persevere and make a difference. evident than the day he was dis This is your chance to help those charged from Sick Kids Hospital. who battle the disease and support He insisted on walking down eight the Canadian Cancer Society pro flights of stairs. vide support and services to the Family and community support Oakville community. Oakville's Relay For Life is a has meant a lot for Liam, Sharon and their family. 12-hour, non-competitive relay to "Everyone has been really sup raise funds to beat cancer, June 6-7 portive. So many people have at Appleby College. The first lap. Survivors' Victory helped, everyone from his godfa ther to his taekwondo instructor. Lap. is dedicated to cancer sur Master Dos Santos, to the staff at vivors to acknowledge and cele the hospitals. In the beginning we brate their courage. Survivors are invited to sign up had to go to Credit Valley Hospital for the `Victory Lap' online at twice a week for months. "The staff treated Liam and all www.cancer.ca or by contacting the the children there with so much Oakville unit at 905-845-5231. Luminaries can also be pur respect and love," Liam's mom continued. "I think my sense of chased in memory of loved ones or humour nourished there and in the in honour of cancer survivors. Help make this year's Canadian support groups at Wellspring. "We treated Liam's illness dif Cancer Society Relay For Life ferently. We used humour to main Oakville an even bigger success. tain a sense of normalcy. That Let's Make Cancer History. PUBLIC AUCTION NEW OFFICE FURNrTURE & COMPUTERS S A L E D A T E : S a t ur da y, May 31" 10 A M PREVIEW: Fri.. May 30* 10 AM-3 PM & Sale day 8 AM - 10 AM P L A C E : 2 0 0 9 W y « c r o f t R d . . U n l t C -1 , O a k v i l l * . O N (Wy«croW. Wwt of 3rd Lino. South of ttw QEW) Phon«: [90S) 4«9-1<47 1-866-259-6631 SALE CONSISTS O F: Reception & Secretary desks* Credenras · Book cases w/ matching wall units · Executive board room tables* Great assortment of Executive leather office chairs · Steno chairs · Office arm chairs · Student computer desks · (2) Barco 67" TV's / Monitors · (2) Sanyo LCD Projectors · (10)Pentium III laptops · (10) Complete pentium computer systems · Laser & Inkjet Printers · 17* & 21' Monitors · Computer accessories · Intel USB cameras, etc Limited edition decorative prints · Designer Area rugs · and much more (Partial listing Only) TERMS: Cash, Debit, Visa & M astercard · 10% Buyers Premium at this sale TTris listing s onty a amde. subject to deletions additions, errors and om mgions 2009 W yecroft R oad. U nit C Oakville. O N L6L SJ4 » V * V I IV J E a s te rn L td . Tel ,-866-259-662' Fa* <905)469-;4<:8 W<ah£it*» w w ic ir n /n kc mm n Website w www ou w or rk s r co E m a il in fo o n tffiic o w o r k s com % Uem Cabinets r Manufacturer's Showroom · K itch en s · Bedroom s · Bathroom s · Wall U nits · Custom Designs, Custom Finishes · Top Quality Cabinetry, Competitively Priced · E verything we build comes with a lifetime w arran ty · Free Design 8c Estimating Service 'U nique Cabinets 4 1 5 0 South S trv k e Rd., Burlington w w w w .u n iq u e c a b ln e t c o n c e p t s . c o m * Psychic Readers Tarot Readers * Palm Readers * Angel Readings * Past Lives * Mediumship * Aura Photos * Free Lectures * Vendors & More! ^Manufacturer's Showroom A family run business for over 30 years South Service Rd " M ay 30, 31 A Ju n e l Fri: 1-10 - S at: 11-10 - S u n : 11-7 6 3 2 -0 0 2 9S T^^S4 p m 1 f M a in w a y A r e n a u r ie G . B r a n c h A u d ito r iu m . 4 015 M a in w a y (From QEW. Exit 105. N o rth o n W a lk e rs Line! A d m issio n *5 -- Valid A ll W aaktnd ^C o b b l e S l O N E m b e r S " Masonry & Fireplace Design Specialists" All types of masonry work & restoration: · chimneys · stairs · walkways · patios · planters · tuck pointing QUALITY BRAND NAMES C1AS & ELECTRIC FIREPLACES AVAILABLE Get the Results You Want, at a Price You Can Afford! 3-month Student SPECIAL 0 f l l y 5 1 3 9 ? °g s t ^ (all Inclusive) W e Make Fitness Easy! Rotary Club needs donations for Mega Garage Sale A woman and her children leave a women's shelter and find themselves in a furnished home rather than back with the abuser. Eight under privileged or terminally ill children experience the magic of Disneyworld. Hundreds of children in third world countries are inoculated against the crippling Polio virus. Two teachers annual salaries are paid so that women in an Afghanistan com munity may receive an education. Numerous bed kits will be sent around the world to children who might otherwise sleep on dirt floors and schol arships will be given to local youth so that they might pursue higher learning. This represents a small portion o f the work that the Rotary Club of Oakville Trafalgar commits to each year. With the commitment o f `Service Above Self.' Rotarians endeavour to improve the quality of life for those around them locally and in the global community. Rotary's latest fundraising initiative requires the public's help to succeed in raising the funds necessary to continue with its initiatives. The Rotary Club o f Oakville Trafalgar needs your `stuff' for its Mega Garage Sale on June 7 at O tello's Banquet Hall at Ford Drive and Royal Windsor Drive. The club wants good, saleable `stuff' that can be sold to raise money for its many worthy causes. Clean out your garage, clean out your basement, clean out the attic and deliver your `stu ff to the warehouse at 407 Speers Rd.. (past the Amity drop off) from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. this Saturday. Doors will open at 8 a.m. and prom ises to be a `barrage o f bargains' for the most discerning o f deal hunters. The club hopes to raise in excess of $10,000 with this one event. A lightly used coffee maker could mean Polio inoculations for a small school in a third world country. A piece o f furniture could mean a day at Disneyworld for a terminally ill child who might not otherwise have the opportunity to `experience the magic.* Donated items could mean that a woman and her children don't have to return to a home fraught with violence and abuse. Without the support of the club's members and the communiuty at large, these goals cannot, and will not. be real ized. ^ Barbecues f ' / d S B M w H M to Design & installation of gas, electric & conventional fireplaces: · stone & brick facings · built-in · wood surrounds cabinetry · cast stone mantels 4 Nautilus T o Jo in C a ll 8 4 4 - 1 6 1 0 (across from Rona Lansing) THE £ GYM M A U ntU SS P O U T S /M E D IC A LIN( IIUKBH0RE RD. W.. OAKYILU 406 Speers RcL, Oakville o n e Q Q 17 t/U U " 0 0 I o visrr the specialists to SEE THE DIFFERENCE V oted O a k v ille 's B est F itn ess C l u b 3 years r u n n i n g . Hands on History Dag Camp a t Oakville Museum Explore, discover and create! Enroll your children in Oakville Museum's " Hands on History" ! heart at work O Serve Week 2003 C> Ju n e 16 · 1 7 · 1 9 * 2 0 King's Christian Collegiate student's hearts are beating in tune with the Salvation Arm y's project for the homeless: The Lighthouse. In these four days the students will conduct an environmental cleanup in the Town of Oakville, taking pledges and sponsorships to gather community support 100% of funds raised will go to the Lighthouse, an emergency housing shelter that serves all of Halton, providing a temporary home as well as advocacy and support to people facing a life crisis. King's student chose this activity to serve as stewards of the environment, honoring God given gifts and His people in need. Yes!! I would like to sponsor this event. 1. I will sponsor a student at S I00 or 2. I will sponsor the event at S200 or 3. 1 will make a $________ donation Make check payable to: "Salvation A rm y" For more information visit: SPO N SO R C o n tact N am e: C o r p o r a tio n :_ A d d re s s :______ C i t y : _________ Postal code: P hone: Email: A s a suggested c h a rt to reach o u r goal o f $100,000 Our Town & Community July 7-11 Explore your town and get to know the history of your community with visits to local sites of historical importance! Visit a First Nations historic site in Oakville, a pioneer farmhouse and cook over an open hearth. Medieval Times July 14-18 A week of fun from the time of damsels knights and castles. Children will enjoy a memorable trip to the Medieval Times Tournament at Exhibition Place in Toronto. Andent Days July 21-25 Activities from the days of Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt. Participate in Ancient Olympic Games. Children will also enjoy an art session, where they will be creating their very own "mini mosaic". A special pan of the Ancient Days program will be a visit to the Royal Ontario Museum, for an andent exploration! Prov: Six Continents in 5 days! July 28 - Aug. 1 Pack the kids...without really packing! Sue Continents in 5 days will take the kids on a journey through the history of six continents in 5 days! Kids will even get a chance to put their chef hat on at Paradiso Restaurant for a "Southern European Cooking" Day. Crafts, games and many international celebrations make this week most memorable! Pre-registration is required and w e highly recom m end that you book now a s sp a c e s are limited, c o st for "H ands on History Day Cam p" is $156.00 per week, per child. heartatworkfa'kingsc hristian.net www.kingschristian.net 905-257-5464 Tax receipt provided by Salvation Army and will be mailed to you for 2003 tax year. 200 corporations @ S200 each 200 corporations @5100 each 200 citizens @ S I 00 each 200 citizens @ S 50 each 500 citizens @ S 20 each T h e S o lv a tio n A r m y in O a k v ille w w w .o a k v ille m u s e u m .c o m or call (j> OAKVILLE D ID Y O U K N O W ? 1.460 hungry people were served in Oakviie in 2002 OAKVI LLE G> 905-338-4400 8 Navy Street, Downtown Oakville THE OAKVILLE B « The Salvation Arm y Lighthouse Shelter b a short-term home where people in emergency financial o r Irfe ctisjs can greet the day with dignity 142 adults (97 rm n and 45 w om en), plus 37 te e m and children were served in 2002

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