there in union olherl were plenty The migadne rock how cver carried Chincsc periodlcsis Coming out ol the slant we ï¬nally crossed Chdlhlrn Squire ll ill lower end of ill Bowery and passed through the Jowish sullen ol the lower East Slde quick subwn rldi Ind we were luck ln Inc Dlllco Igaln In the modern world ol skyscrapers Ind western culture There Cerulnly never need be dull lunch line in Ellnhattan NEW YORKTho lnlarmllbul enlhllllullc edllorlll gnumnll Ire lluy moose hunllnz In the lab ll the allies attendzd in north are Mr Ind Mn Elltiy chincso lea Iodzy tor its itrst hovering at North River and niootlrig ot the reason About graduate who sllrled ll during numy iolinston oi Goldwitcr dotcn lcllow editors and mysell colicgo days lnolazraphs ot look the EMT subway to Clnll notatiic people who have eaten reel this lunch tiinclnd lroin here are on the trails Among here walked through New their notahlcs wereTox McCrary Yorks Chinatown our druina ind ilnx rsikenhcrg flux is ion 15 Bow Ton Lccs it ill rcll past Miss Aincrica Slrrcla strcat no doubt well re ilnenbcrcd hy iinyone who has tskcn Islghlcclng qur or low lives In llle dislrcL Ell molllulgidl and poslcssc miss ler degree The reshunnl is owned by it Columbia Unlvcnily By WRNE LITIIIERBY Bereavement Relallvel In Goldwater Itl hnd Orlllla and elsewhere in the urea rezelved word last week lhll George Pall had passed ley In La Angelu itiilnwing heart seilulc Mn Pall wile ol the dewsod lhl timer Edith Tudnapc dlughler the lale Mr and Mrs onto former ruldenu whuhs Iylnl II Blmhmere hntel Illentlnd St Andrew DCG tcoyyrisht by Greenwood m1 when we rain on of the res iltlranl we looked In Chlnue Mrs Henry oi Pott Curling visl iupennlrkcl Such things as cans childs Wan mde or am mmmfle 5m ner New york and Chinatown at triend inullet birds nests ind lticdcllnolriflaï¬ mfribmvï¬ tIylh at gm line allctrllm hlatter Together with Matt Strcct ichcc nuts adorned the shelves rno cr r3 or is these two siroots spclt ohina Jn the lower lhelvcs were dried your ago lilrx Pall had ills returned In LBS Allxelcs allowing Vaulan In his dislrlcl with ï¬shes owl and olhcr cnmplele ly unrecognluhlc menu which must cunless luflkld lnr Ill the lawn ID mnsl vlsllurs In It clly Among recent visitors or Mr nd even New Yorkers Acl Ind Mrs llnles Laxonby were Nursery School tourist cabins owned by the dordnn and crscr ot Prices Cornnrs will hogtican Sunday Scllnul attend the Wests Srmer Eifmheth burgersl sh soloist opening til lhc church service nn The happening Inspired an AWN has two hrothcrs and two sisters Al lllL morning service the allcrniltc Sunday murlnings nntl wwk Wm Pam lest Trixie lvilitlgylylutolcbgiï¬ On split decision with the 35 Ho ï¬licglhsmllg gflcsfujm mm Mrs Pelt Lctts cucyrl and in the Chinese scolion oi the ltoove casting thedccidtng votc a°°v It Shcila have spent the past wcck ily and no invenlio dellnnucncy Council at special rncattng ap mm ï¬r WT church Local items with the lorrncrs parcnls Mr proved pm submmcd by umc in 55 yam5 making the mp mug is pas it Mr and flex valkinuhnmc Mm 5hy or Zephyr Walkingthrnttgh these narrow by plane Another sister is Mrs has heon rodccorutcd inside IhE illcell ts like visiting ii tor away UM mm In unln no on ioh tor new residence helng wtll mark their ltith wodding ans Mr and Mrs Thornton itohi or Fred Adams or pan exterior painted and other lm 1c no in vpl viin of lnlllldlll Amsrdirip In lot built ior rlclschinan oi Sud She two brothers mfg movements made nivcrsary on Del riiwassan were guests oi their bxflmg in $135 ohtclnllipur snnihotoslsohouithsttloiniurnnso notion hury adlacenl to the Unitcd Mr and Mrs Malcolm Lovcr sister Mrs Stephcns and Church parsonage on Gray street 3°55 Mimi MK and Har The Wm WM ing and iainiiy oi Des loachims lamlty over the weekend mm Will an Dolll corne lromx Building lama Archie Tum ry Burgess oi Myrtle Station gharlcs 691 mltvc son have been vismng Humps dows rc stockcd Chinese iruitsiv to id The Bayviow Hill con ie havu in Blrrle vegcta lcs helii rpmu smoke lilg apcrllllllusfm lhcluhgwn htllulse son nnd tree milliliter They sundry 5mm marfrCtlrlrtill anltrllllï¬ng Ed WW ï¬lm Md CNN9 Wk contonding the plan presented are RIph Altchison ot Coldwnt =indge at Novor last weekend 3W days Mimi Mm Chlckmt 5° Hm Regular church and Sunday Slephenson in Barrie iasi wnoir cs temples and the itcrouc Sa tacked essential ininrrnation re er member all vtliiige coun Sch Nice be he in Bruce Plphers iakc vessel tied St iin oulrcd hy lho huitding hylaw Ell Misses Violet Edith and Coldwam am Inflow adopm up tor the season and he his wA New Se sum Eve yn Aitchison oi Buyvlew Hill DUB programs wmhiu loincd his wire and tomlly in The WA or untied Church The too that we sat down to 74¢ no trout pmnlllnu paid 16 com ram earnings on Coldwamr public 50ml Edam Msons my mouth Last Sunduy promotion and COIQWalcr held their Septciuhcr inccting consisted ot many diltcront hy policyholqu or lmuvanc to nnircyiioiriup inndr rpm rm held cum mm which David ltlrrigpri who passed awgy rally services were held at the Directors 0i lluronia Fair in the Sunday School room on smail dishes at nDodlcwrlpped mtchthtirwivcsndiiniilics sic invrsicd under Government was mm mm mi Lan and mugymm chums cleaned up the agricultural buildA Thursday evening Tho preri mcat and tish preparations Thero umluvscurttyinthcirownotdsic mimiuon md help to duvets the sale or the 01nd $2051 2001 was laid tr ml in chaï¬ng This Sunday she puuowshtp aha Ings nlltlwlng the recent annual dcnl Mrs Lloyd Sawyer prc in no aln course with the Cum will 1d shun School 510 In make way or the Jaycecs sided and the secretary lilrs citrysarit omllln tea these hors Id its conlcnu cemetery at service last week p01 whl happen Io Inch Dolln The huiidiniz at the corner or under Masonic ousplccs hold motions mm wmam Shddonv ad d° Gray sud Craddnck streets has from Robinsons Funeralflomc Sunday 5=h°1 mm m9 mm mcmng mics ï¬tment mil been vacant since the tail oi isso Goldwater to the Memorial shipped with the Mariam at Newton Robinson Wm Wm mm h°l nah when il we ri Church Waubnushcric Rev St Andrews Presbyterian Church udt Mrs Tad Kcilough read the led on mxc satt wo cs on re lra uteried to the new school on Gray street Bld churchcr at St Mnflhlas on Scpl 29 Mm we scripture passage and Mrs Smart small cakes are served or nun cast The unused school is over Anglican Church Goldwater cons Scripture passages were read Mr and Mrs ciarcncc riris nt Fadmh hm °g 55°5 70 your old ducted thc service immediate by Shirley McCaskcll nndSally Ccdarourg visited Mr and Mrs my Our guide tor this gastronomic an WWW at mm am plans mi in hard run survivors are Mr Mansons wire Galbrllth choir oi hcgtnnors Gronvillc Haihcrt last wcck mm mum outing was in editor who is inie which includmt solo at cquiprncnt and fltllngs the lotmar icnnic Kcliy and Includlnl Connle Galbraith nge and Grenville Ham ltrmz 1° 1° mm 13 recent addition to our staff He gumsEng 2¢ if on zu prid inan and then otter the building tor son wtlliiin Manson oi Toronto sang hymns and lainiiiy visited Mr and Mrs km himsalt in Chinese and nctualty hoidrrilnoio lo poiiiynoinrrL nisnt vl sale Trustees have pointed out Emmott day was he I9 Archie Woodrow in Barrie last mm lt mt Wildm that the land on which Iheold cd Chm 5mm 50W Sunday 53 9mm was oitNl srun school stands and other property In L°dl 511 MA With Sum 3va Gmldim mm mm NEW GLASGOW Dig v° at the same location would moire ï¬nd lbw Chmhi Taylorv Wm MWh Carl Lyei 5f Gm During WW mime ging in his garden ErncstT Him suriinhan Wsliiir moi onIhlIIumlmmullerhm chum building In an inlnister tor pm Der and gym 3mg Sunday visitors were liir and Lamsnn played some dclighuul smumm mug iwiririr ï¬gmwmveflg fenc0531 taking part 35 tSlam Noble at Barrie at Dec selections on the pianooecordion mm wclghm 26 Found ycrisn urc promotion lencc and gate an crs and Mr Sicwart of itliariicy El Mr and Mrs Locking coll Goldwateron Sunday Oct were utilized ioc children to pass Mr and Mrs Dalton Drapur Belch showed sornc lovely piC cffflgzï¬ï¬ï¬mflt FE INSURANE mMPANIEs IN CANADA tirated their 43rd weddinglanni There will he special inusic at through to higher classes and as Toronto at Allan iiorncrs turns pounds ï¬cegglyomtghfle vmlltng mihlhrzmigtg rmsz services tinsg Lid Isullahle hymn was Mr and Mrs Alien Giussiord it was regrcllablebthal the at as dr sun itn overlng and girls ol Benton at Hamill lendancc of morn ors was so Among those lrom Goldwater ginist and choir leader chorins children at st Matthias An Andrews small Mrs Quanlz oi Belle Mr and Mrs Rnhori Hamilton Ewart kindly acted as pianist and Kettclhy at Dalton Jacksons ms Present greatly cnloycd the Mr nd Mrs Charles hton and nSnald oi Ancastnr El Mr Smm will KW Haughmns SLlVl Vvery ll lllIC hlr and Mrs Mel iiolt oi Lang The irgflsurcrs report of rc sta at Vernon Councils urns 5m expenses was vary on Rev and Mrs Higginstm anii comadmit Mr and Mrs Gordon liadiii and boys ol Richmond Hill and Mr 335 ï¬ï¬‚gï¬iou hm and Mrs George Hall at Thorn rust enroycd weeks holiday ion at Walter Andrews With their niece Mrs Evil at it and Mrs sid Gapp and mu Louise oi Bradtord Miss Alma Sinnemitll and John chct oi To WI Mcctlntt runlu and Mr and Mrs Gordon The Womens institute will Todd Miss Marilyn Todd and meet in the church basement on Glen ol Churchill at Ben Sleersn Tuesday evening Del at 315 irillrb and an ArliéurHCouspter sharp Motto is Present your an 015 an all rs tt health rather than your wealth in furztgctmdand ï¬cylnl Cunks Roll call good habit Mem ow or 0n ers hers are lslmd to bring an ar Mr and Mrs Harry Terrence ï¬g sell err in George and Miss Lorraine Mit concur rerrioroiilvosilor Er lord and Mrs Lovcieitc of Sutton homg ccnnomics and health wiu Mrs West and Herbert oi Barrie hm Mrs gt1an or Faults is girvgggrflrshgorvrafl Hoish the speaker Mrs itowo will also rs ce show ï¬lms tnkcn oi the Eskimos 50 spIecli musical number is Gm Hymn promscd so it iii hoped that all Splendid congregations allcnd 1mm Wm be Ed dlhe hlllllvï¬rsfliy Eervined on lendance do try troy Higginson Richl pm Tm mond Hill gave SPlflndld talks Jim Burrm or Tammi rpoirt morning and evening In the Sunday Wm Arthur Jack morning the Young Peoples choiri addeltl greatly to cilia selrvicc and flxï¬nlnmtlons Em inteevenngtesoaistM ongrau and ill re mane to end along ï¬gural Turnnlo was much 112123 winning the Miss burlIi 118 601 POWER it°iiiiiiitlhtlrihm um Avat inflilillprolecnhcirluturc scsnni Lildmut we be me Hm Cum Yes that sllle absolute truth An Extde is the and on mum Sept most powerful battery in automotive servme her cousln Mrs qudaur oi lnglcwbod Calil ller husband hlld been in killing health or some years no Gives Alsrrn Thanks to warning harks in the middle oi thc night by their pet ring only pup Mn and Mrs Pclcr Wcsl were able ll escape with their lives lrom their horn ing home it the Lillie cnutc near Port Severn last wceis Mr West had to smash win dow tor he and his wile to get out ot the dwelling in lhelr night clothes as the doorway was cut oil The house was total loss Wnuhaushcne ï¬re brigade irrivs ed in tlinc to savc number at Mrs Stanley Wilson and Elwood Wllxon ol Weston Mrs Muriel Addison Mr and Mrs Clarence bl Winnipeg Ind Mrs Ward while 01 Mldland Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs William Altchison lor mlny years rcsidcnts oi buy view iiiil north or Goldwater quictiy ohscrvcd their 5Dlh wed ding anniversary on Scpl 28 Bath are in good health lnr their years Mr Aitchlson 83 was born ncar Cohourg He has two hro thcrs Fred Aand iranit Altchison at Toronto Mrs Allchlsann0v 82 wills Wnodcr pl Toronto Mrs Ferguson Wilma 0F BUICKS IN CANADA Canada Limited is shown sect above with three at the men up If chattel for thtir Ill tsundiritsiid tod dint is problem llloyu mined in all plum lilg nl Lilo Iulllr nee llwlll the illluc hietodti luaukillednli iislpiu invincith yml sis likon to and in in other oonipany BARlliE0FI1ltE Wotrail WilgnrrCLLU REE luI Ihlorulourollul urrutv counuv tcANAooiumtrto l1 bwsii Slraai glint giro you immodioto protection and so Income is inter lite at lower cost than through ny other method it youre sincerely interested uty ciiihds Lilo man can Ihuw you him to have more money to spend us you go Alon and still hva troodoni troin worry Telephone lists3154 501 ANNIVERSARY chdlrmnn oi the board or General Motors or with him in 1907 when the contract to build Euleks was signed Horace Gibbs Clarence Duncan and Ernest Luke llll joined The Mc Lnughlin Motor Company Oshawa in 1907 in that yeur on Oct Mr McLaughlin ar McLaughlin corporated in nu irom lelt ieil started who worked parimeni lire iodny is ilow employed in the tool section or the trimiund hardware department Mr Duncan who worked on the body or the lirsl car and Mr Luke who started in the trim de ranged moron Tact with Durant that brought Buickmotors b0 Cnnttdu to be in MeLdughiin curs Mr Gibbs in the trim department and both employed in inspection The BRRRIE cdrrier bill not arrived illén clll VALLEYT is AND only YOURSELF CARS AND Titliclts 33 ually lhe district takes in othcr reels well but ihusc two are the hub ol the tlislrltl Chlnalnwn Is pcilcenhle now but year nzu lhcrc Wu loudai ilcllvlly bclween Iwn malll tongs These were Int 0n scans and lip Slng oclcllcs Many mur dcrs and much bloodshed occurr rctl because of this rivalry One became known as lhe bloody nnv gie There ls lllllc rhyme by Keith lreslon litll goes We wnuletl Ll Winn Bul we winged Wllllc Wang sad hul excusable slip ol the lonu corner nt Fall and noycrs strccts also many wellknown Amerlcln wurld like something even Ilu vultures iiad tctt hchtndi me WWmm class ounliiicdicachcrs Tani Scnlcl rt 811 Bill noticed lhal ihcre were foods Crosse it Black products Hclnz More than 200 parents and 69 years of worldwide experience have gone into making In Exide the worlds ï¬nest aubornotivehattery An Exicle packs the power to handle all the electrical equipment on any moderncar 00 give you unidiï¬ng starting and deliver years of troublefree service Thats real laying powerfthe kind you get with an Exido lure mm with Exit all low as $1293 excitable MN