Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1957, p. 16

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BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY OCIOBBR 1951 GEORGE WHITE former Progressive Conservative member of Parliament tor HastingsFrom tennc has been appointed to the ML White hull previous ly resigned from his Commons seat and it is expected that Ex Sidney Smith will run or the vaeiint sent Senllc ternal Altair Minister saunter Form Radio Forum to Meet Orillicl Oct This year or the first time the semiannual board meeting oi Ont Irlo Farm Rodin Forum will he held on Tucsflly Oct ti at Big Chlet 140d Orillla Thcrc willbe morning and dis ternoan sessions devoted to the business at Ontario Farm Radio Forum and any problems that the zones wish to have discussed The evening session will consist oi panel discussion on the lop Do We Need individual Opinion Ex pressed Through Small Group Dis eusslon to Assure Democratic Society The audience will have ample opportunity to participate In this discussion This will he lol lowed by period ol reereatlan under the direction oi simcoo County Farm Forum Committee Everyone is welcome to attend and special invitation is ex tended to county torum memhers tor the evening session Mrs Fred Stott has returned to her daughters hum In more white at Duntlns liter spending the summer at her sons Itr and Mn Victor Stntt otWyc vsio Back To Job llss Mae Withail in returned to Toronto to take over her Job again she hadbeeo with hcr pamlu horn nitnr undergoing serious operation In Peneunx General Hospitals We wish her the best oi health in tho tulure llack Front Visit Mrs ilill Webb ll home again after visiting with her husband who is patient in Toronto tiosc pita We hope Bill will be home again soon Toronto Visitor ltlrs littti otToronto visited wllh Iiliss Iihrtha Clarke one day lost week Prize Winnerl Conuratulatlons lo the Girls 4r Homemaking Club at Wyc valt who took first prize with their exhibit at Eimvale Fall Fair last week Recently Mnrried Best wishes go out In Mr itnli ployeu met in Sidnny Mérlt WordD On Sept 23 In Toronto Sidney Markwm son ol the III Charles Ward and Mrs Ward nl Coldwatrr passed awayon Sept ember 23 in Toronto irnntcorun ary thrombosis Iie was born on May 11 loos In Mlnesing afld had resided It Midllurst or number oI years be torn going to Toronto An Anette In by faith he leaves to mourn his passing his mother and our Ihcr Clarence Minot Cultlwnlcr Another brother Dr Ward ls locfled in Detroit Rev Dunnltl Churchcr ill 5t nlrttnnslun Worshiptul sticpcott tilidhurstf water conducted the funeral ser linsurer sidenco or clarence Ward lnter conuucwr ment was in the iamlly plot at Mitt aiidhursl hurst Pallbearers werelltcx inlking Ker Camiman horne Steven Sninshury George Side tylcr Abbott Clarence Jones llurry linztyoud West and llcdvers Dobson oarrto ilelativcs and lriends Irom liar rtc Groniel Toronto and Detroit Ilurst listless Sister recording Sister Alnrjorlc DIV Iilldhurs Matthias Angiltan Church old KM chaplttn Sister Leaking 0th vice on September 26 trom the re comic Dam TV on Comfy mend Sam Sister div evening all onlltz second lecturer Sls Sister Sister tlrsl lecturer auditors Shed Prucnhflon Frldiy alternooa rniorestry lune RUGBY Vumnver GoutI Mr and urn George ltorae the loud room Vancouver are visiting with Mr Loyll True nine Loyal irue Blue tncnlbcrs went to unlit irlday evening to the district meeting tor 1908 were elected as iollaws mistress COUlngwoed Now Sister Collingwood Sister Mchcn pianist Sister Wyncs Bro Larking Orillla anti Bro Frilllck nlld oilicers tieptily Monteith secretary ttlm presented Harold Bowen with andJlrn Albert Home Ind other so lyo may wrist watch air Bowen has relatives to ibis district taken new position in Toronto We all wishvhim good luck Kingston Visit airs itontcith tell on Sun or Mrs wtlired and Beraal Jolirh day to visit her daughter Ethel ston anrs Lyle Mcatillant anti lamtly WI iicctioc The wt will meet on Tuesday Oct at 230 pm It the home the 6mm Roll cauoos and dnnln or hospital visitors Prolt Hum Home economics and heiith specter ltlrs Duket 0n ticullulal Society on iirst prilo at Barrio talrr CBC Visit Earl Cox and CliC TV station men rallodon Brown and took pictures at the house and his dlhlll bed and showed them on winning In Cole Motto Too many coors tpnii Lunch Mn Art human Inn Edward Johnson II Pelt soil Mrs Thomas Jammy Note tit urea convention the Wom change at dnte At Ares annula Mrs Thomas Rodgers attended ens institute in Barrie last week Tunertested grandee Assttres best money service some by 79 you 2O ovals st West Whoa you used up to stone on your mooy protalcnatoltrccaasdaa larget nod naetrnoonunoadod conulna unans eonapsay You rooatv monsy mine bnotad by 79 yurl uperiempromptt ttcatton wlds choice or repayment plans and your money in on day Visit or phon are today Robot Motoval phon rA nsm nAItltlE with the lit in hyelectton Nov MANSFIELD Farewell Gathering large crowd oi iricnds and neighbors at Mr and ltlrs Edgar Bates gathered at the hall at ltlnnshcld on Friday evening to express their appreciation at their be gtven by Frank Koii tellowship through the years and is be answered by Cmdhn manuiactured article used in your their best wisheslur happiness in their new home at Allistan They were presented with bonus titut laryboy chair and clock Edgar replied with cw words or appreciation ltnd lunch was served Rusks orchestra provid ed thrntusio nlrth oi 5on Congratulations to Mr and ltlrs Donald Mattltews on the ar rival ol their little son on Sept 24 at Alliston hospital Flu Vlttlms Some ut those who are down are John lreland home trom university and dill nutledge who has been at Guelph Carmen Fornaturo who developed virus pneumonia is on her third week home from Alliston High School and recovering slowly kitchen Sympathy or Community The community was saddened by the unexpected passing at Sam Shnw at New Turuntu on Monday morning Sept 23 Ills happy personality will he missed oround hittnsrteltl Surviving are one hruthcr will show and sister ltlrs Rebeica Reid The remains rested lit the home at Mrs Reid and Elmer until time tor service on Wednesday at the Presbyterian church which wns conducted by iicv Burgess with interment in lite adjoining cemetery Farewell To Grandson Mrs David Kierndn and iioy as well as his immediate family were to Camp Burden on Monday night at last week to bid tare weli to her granlisun Wallace Kiernnn as he ielt tllr Germany Wallace is sun 0t Mr and ltlrs Gordon Kicrnnn at Baxter 0R0 STATION Untlcr Doctors Care speedy recovery is wished or Bill Graham whu is under tilt doctors care Rnliy Day number at the Sundpy School children took part in the ltally Day service in the United church During the service the children received their diplomas ior per ich attendance Congratulations to oil rind keep up the good work Weekend in Toronto Mr and ltlrs Kori Gilchrist and family spent the weekend in To ninth and Niagara Falls Sunday Guest Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Elwood and Nelson lohn StilllE were Mr anders Steve Muglortl and son Torn Mrs Bill Mugtord Bob and Virginia of Toronto and George Mortal or Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Elmer Caldwe of Barrie visited during the week with Frank Dunsmnre tthtstw earth1min CHud WI Merlin All interested ladies are lnvtt cd to attend ttlcWilmens loath tutu meeting in the Community llall on Thursday evening Oct to in uptodale report on lind tngs rc lnnistll High School will Dont give tipgive is little time to Civil Detence Fire preventionis everybodys job Do your part to stop fire before it starts Check your home for fire hazards and always be careful with fire or flame in any form iiememher llllE llilS no utilized PERSONS DONT keep inflam mables near flame or smoke when youre using them i0llllE illtlloln toohstown without it Colitis initial diminution MlilrtithStillS lllSllltIlittIE fltifiiiltl CHILL ltlrs Marshall GmnierWho were married last Saturdny in Perkins fleld Roman Catholic Church They have lelt on honeymoon to Prince Edward Island and later will be making their home hero Recent Visitor Recent visitors with Mr and ltlrs George Stott were Mr and ltlrs Duncan Campbell ol Strand Campbell at Port llownn and Mr and Mrs Robert Martin at Hillsdale Wln litany Prizes Roll call attended the funeral Spring llrs tloward Grier and Mrs George Stott who received many prizes on their exhibits at Elmvalc Fall Fntr HARDY FELINE GERALDNN CF Firemen lighting blue It the home at Elchen tound the tnmlly ent stretched on the floor as though dead They sprayed it with water and put it outside lites inter the cat was running Congratulationo to Miss lal around very much alive Next meeting in Barrie in lani uar Farewell rarty Civil servants ol narric district had iarewell party In the lores try park Friday evening tor their membnfi who have taken new positions in other places Weekend with Sun Mr and Mrs Collie Sru spent the weekend with their son Michael and tamily llt Angus wms First Award Congratulations to Vpspra Hore Twenty tnln ON THE ONTARIO Islnnlrndld IN THE MATmil or an Apptt Simeoe and more nnrtltulnriy deser IN THE ilArnzn Ur llyluw Number nurrtc Till aNTAItm MUNICIPAL uuAnn ltr October ml at the staur or Ten ocloelt In oArrzn at Toronto Ontario this Win day or his ANNnxnn av Tm TOWN or uAnnm ALL AND sINoULAll those certain puree and belns waters or Kcmpentuldt nay more particularly COMMENCING at point in the high water lllllk ot Kcmoentcldt day where the unto ls intersected bytha centre line or Concussion east oi the nonc tlnxullheno Road in tho Townthip or am Tunch Northcuterly aionl uld centre line mu reel more or less to tho northerly limit or lot No in said concession THENCE Northwesterly along nid northerly llmli 1m tent more or less in tho northw=slerly null or raid Lot No and Continuinl northwesterly as root more or less to tho northonnteriy angle at but Na in Coneeutolt West or the renelngulshene ltoad ltili or mum DONT load electric wiring beyond cupd city ASMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE itllIMiixWElihltlSIlllilllEEillihtltl WW instillincr lilililltll ynlrclilztl litilzlllEv DONT let litter pile up in attic or base merit llilllillE linll hissnut litsillllilttnrlitilillis ASSlltilillfllltll lltllilillij Intracllltittlharst airliner ylllsvllllllllcliilliililtcll ll tl Slnrlllll Strand sisssolt II III Smithson it to li iii mini mil cine ju DONT throw away ct lighted smoke or match in wooded area And DO put out camp fires Ton rflirrillsnll in the Township ot yesprs THENCE Northwesterly slonsthe northerly nmlt or salt Lot No and the westerly production thcrcal ioso toct more or less to the intcrtcotton thereot by the northerly production of the centre line or the ltaao Allowance between Conceaslan West at the Prnctansulshnnn nose and concession New survey in tho Townnhlp or Vespr THENCE Northwesterly parallel to the westerly limit or Lot No 2t ln Concession New Survey to point in thc enslerly production oi the northerly limit or said Lot No an THENCE Southrwenteriy alonn nd aid production along salti northerly limit to the northwesterly nnlle more or loss to the northeastcrt angle or Lot No no in coneeulon or said Towash THENCE Southwasterly Iionl the northerly limit ol taltt Lot No II to the northwesterly Inlio or uld Lot and continulnn soul bsteriy so lect more or less to the rthenteriy angle or Lot No no In Concession at old Tow nty THENCE southwesterly slung til northerly limit at said Lot 10 to ho northwesterly allfltn at tho But hill or Lot THENCE Nortluwcsterly alone the contra line or Concession to lost more or less to the northeastern angle oi the West Hall or ald Lot No in TliKNCE Southwesterly slon the northerly limit at said Lot to tho northswestery smile or said West tlall and continuing umwuicriy so icet more or tear to the northoatterly angle at Lot No an in Concession or said Township TllnNcI southwesterly along the northerly limit oitho East Hall or said Lot in to the northwesterly annle or said But THENCE Norms esterly stand the centre line or conccsalen 51m tort more or tens to the narthoaatcrly shale or the West Hall of Lot No To In Cnncerlton THENCE Southwesterly alone the northern limit at said West Hall to the northxweslcrly mete or nid West nail and continuing Sout sterly so leet more or less to the nertheastcrly Irwin or the cast hair or Lot No to in Concession or said Township THENCE southwesterly alanp the northerly limit oat nlld Hall to the northwesterly anzie or said natedat isnrrte Ontario May eta 1957 IN nll MATmt ur Seclllm It or The Municipal Art tnsu mo antl tton at The Cannrnllon at the Town or narrlc tor Annexation thereto or para or the annsh nnd lands under the waters Kempenlrlot nay or Lake oI rain but 20 and continuing southwesterly so lcet nnlo UNICIPAL BOARD in sods sitter Tm pr or mutant cm and Vrapr lmcoetn the County attached hereto lbrd In schedqu anll Trio at the corporation at the Town ot APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING nnnv ItVPflINfl TunsltAv the tsth day til the lorenoon lam amt tLocsl Time in the tourt llouae In the Town oi llarrlc Ontrlo tor the hearing or III interested persons in support or or in opposition to this application iulr I951 tisz it CllArMAN Secretary SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION HF lsANliS lN THE ToWNslllns or INNisills uno ANu vlzsrnA To lllc CouNTir or silicon is or tract or land and premises situntr lyan riilsrby Lands In the Townshlpt at InnltAl 0m and Vesora including lands under the described at lollows Tilthl southeastrrly stain the centre line or Concession it to the nonheuslerly mm or the Welt llnlt or said Lot No in NCC Southwestern lionu the northerly limit Wsat ltnil to tho nortnwetrrly angle or said We all or Lot No at in Concession and continu lnn sauthmestcriy so lect more or less to the north eastcrly antrlc or the Cant ltall nt Lot No To In con rettalon or said Township TillLNCP southwesterly Iinru the northerly limit at said East nail to thc northwastcrly angle or said East llatl TllerCC Soulhcartcrly along the centre lint or Concession nt nit anmhlr or Vrapra and tho toutheriy praduetian thercor to the southerly limit or the lton Allowance between the Townships or lnnlsnl anti Vcnpra THENCE Northeasterly llomt itll southerly limit or said noo Itltownllte tn the northwesterly until at Lot No in Connnsnlun it or the Township or lnntsnl TnnNCr Southeasterly alone the westerly limit or lot No In Concession it or said Township to the southwesterly angle or said Lot and coutlnulntt south easterly so lcet more or less to ttte northwesterly innit or Lot No in concession is at said Township TilnNCr south stcrly along the westerly limit or said wt No the southwesterly angle or said Lot No and continuing aouthosstcrly or lent to the northrwesterly angle or Lot No in Concession or nid Township THENCE Southeastern along the westerly limit or the North llali or said Lot No lo the touthwcslcrty angle or laid North ilall Tllchz Nonhcssterly III the elzntro lino or Concession is or the Towns oi mum to the cnntre line or the Road Allowance between tho North llnlvts or Lot No l5 and to or saidConcession TitoNCn Nortmwnsteriy along sald centre line and the northerly producttan thereoi toIhn centre line or the noun Allownee between Canccnslont l2 rpm is or naht Township TilCNCt Nortllsweslerly to and atom theccntre line or the hard Allowance between the smutlama at Lola No is and il in Concession is teet to too centre line or Concession 01 said Township 111an southwesterly nlon talcl centre line 21a tent more nr less to the centre line or the ltoad Allowance between the North Parts or llrotrcn Lats No is and lo tn raid Concession Tluchi Northweaterly slonc nld centre line no teet more ar lean to the Hun watcr Maris or item ponlelot tray or Lake stmeoc 11lan Northwesterly across the waters ot Kem pcnlcldt hay in straight lino lo the point com menccmcnt SAVING AND EXCEPTING thcrrlrom the land presently comprlnlnz the Town oi Barrie JAMES nlAltroNn Ontario Land mnnyori

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