Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1957, p. 8

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No 44 1mm North Bay um dale 10 V9 Toronto 710 Daily merit Sunday No 116 leave Barrie 1m you Sunday only larva Mirndale 108 pm Arrive Toronto 545 pun No 156 Iron North Bay Luv one TIME ABLES Ali Eastern Vslandorl CANADIAN NATIONAL WAY ue eee no vi norm no In Itlli MW Barrie 725 1tn Lem Allrn lv rm eg new 9434 mutt emum man one 740 Arrive Toronto no re on on no nn tee Inn nday No55 luvo Toronto 645 In N0 262 um rum Lu hula 1313 33 Nnghmfiylesxie muglg mp 9335133 urdry only No it luve Toronto no Lin 71 minn nun Arrive Allnndzle lull luve Ben fmmw cm MW us In min John gute Imam 48 Nmu my mu Northbound zgtrwm mm mm cepl Sundl Nlo 263° Domllllonalluvu To TM no PM If Inconver rue nevi Ioeetul grow No 45 lane Toronto 650 on mm Nahum an duly And dont hunter back 10 51 no Arnve Allmdale 802 Iuve Blrrle no luv elm read than smoke no londlon rm orlllln daily em 509 WWI 1° Sildbm mum on limi Id 11613 In no om Sum an cyan N0 rent Toronlo Arrive Hldhunl 101 no loCort WH liem loti connecilono north Train No II the Comdieu To ronto to Vnncouverv door not uop II Mlditursl beetle Toroqu pun Pure Itlidllulst It 800 pm daily No 25 ToroIIIo In Sudbury No 53 the Conliiteolll luv Toronto 11 lull Arrive Allandlle 1248 no have Burris 100 MIL or Vulcouver dolly No 47 lenve Toronto 1130 run rrive Minndele no Leave mrrlu L84 nm or Codinlle rlnlly No 66 leave llemiltou 730 cevnlne lmh ennnnvl mute ma mm FRIDAY OCTOBER AT 12 01mm SHARP use one rtere II no In some II cumlolly rten rue Intrt Ink lm Arrive AlIlndllfl 1115 mm Alva MIthIrniilDfi dolly except Leave nilndnle 1145 or Me Sunday BOND HAVEN cnusAoeo CHAMP own senlor hull call and reserve Iunlor ehnmplon dv My WP Sm 5mm No the DomInIou roll VIII couver Arrive Mldhurlt 14 unit daily No mm Fort William Ar rlve Mldhurst 527 In dilly Local connections seuih ed by McKnne Georgetown and bred Holstein at the CNE oy Cersweu Beewn was the ltrst prize ENGAGEMENT Southbound No 48 rum North Bay Lew Blrrln 445 Irn Leave Allaodalc 500 mm Arrive Toronto 850 mm duly No 42 leave Barrie 700 no BY HAINES Let Concaxsion Walt Gwilllmbug Twp oNIIlouwIn lull NOIfll or ICIIOMBEIG IIon or runnhuo Ann alien lIounlNl Verdeled lully rceredltrd Tell luhlrfl to Blood Tut wroNESDXY OCT BUSY IlENIlSTS ST JOHNS CPDThe denial register shows only all dcnusls IIAY FEVER HAVENS Alaska and Pucrto Ritans have dirtunt llnkbolh Ire seidio on WLWWW ilr and Mrs James Campbell be tree at rnrwccd bane ot my move Aillndlle 701 Arrive To ronto No In the Clmdlnn GREENOCK FARM STlfi ellrltl°n on wish to announce the on mm NM°¥ route 355 no mp Sunday ynuulorm on Lochnn 2M entby= 11 cfwle Illolrlnelrl gym um um mm at them in st John and and Am an nixed 91 eru rouru or llAllllE Irenln mend cell by ride cow lol MIL rtcln llnntcln rmh due tune or Drill cow lion to your new Work till Doreen it Wilbert Douglas Wyllc you drop achemo roqu 530 11 sun ol Mr and Mrs Wilbert Wyllc No 56 from North any Lem Barrie Loo pm Lem Allin Norlrlt or rmnun 0N Ircnu mend all by ride cow Inollwn No II air No 20 Sudburyln Toronto MAItIgET PRICES rh illld In mininalfi1rmemo amt gswrafllelien hell Em WWW dnle Ili Arrlve Toronto 319 Leave Mid urrt sad ly except theyrfslgned and left in with hlglt rnllll pronoun Tm hm cell by Al llolllciu Ireh plate on Octobcr ill WEDNESDAY SEPT 5mm on body foil worsh other no In II Job In rmpmln 3°¢ my nun more BORN IIOGSCA11LEEGGB ornrhtcrn ol the InliowInK pooulnr and In niru relllnn unna llrven tut anle Ind Stwerelm Prt Lonnlrn Texol Antony Plchwicit Terri Homenel Tr oovcntoelc clvdc llul llu Ii Len Ind Selltnr Soverelnn Ac Ill POULTRY nilWNItt llo ri vtetrrl llniyllnl Bnrrle on Sepl 21 1051 In Ilr an As quoted by Let coopcnuyc Mn Stnicy urnwn lllllulntr drum mp um Packcrb ol Ontario Barrie miiklnl bred lIrlte Ileller Home iilird cell bred flow urea cow llolrteln lull no bred lleltrr llolnteln Ilcltcr Ilolrleln due October tron drunncr Moireht hayl victorl Ilorvlittl mum on snot 25 ml to Lpl nun lure wtlllrn timer Senlo Loo Litqu unmen druvhtcr Anni hlecllnnteaht nnynl vlclnrlu II orrrlc on Sept 15 I951 In Inll rte no mien 01 WW qm Ind worth coming mile or two to tlro rclllnn 2unll cdnp univernl ullrtnr litrhino with pump nd motor ongEfl ennrrntnr slrnud Auctionecrr ll llruu 5mm New Holland 71 llnuteln duo orlnocrl llrller II rd will be nnded rnn rhneltpd IHn lour Dclubflerh lII llglfn for flgltlgillggjgn Iggy Illflgg 30 Hugs $2000 bows sumo omnrncy ortan run yenrn er rm ln mm We nail Hafiz 13 Ind Mn Lloyd rlelchrr oro bu EGGS try lMILBVlENTS combine to re propelled good min on rubner pow eoll nd hydraullr rump unler rerl flood side De Murry lliAIIS livery unite new rule Elevtor arm Mm nunId dillHr ne lllower lnlcrnllianli hydrnullc rte daughter lunrlctne F°°wm 12 tilt on rubber IIInure soreden Menu CHICKENS HIEaim tonnnoeeny on rubber eultlv hlrlturAt SlltryaIHVIlcaI5v7rln warnl nor rem NHL on mob mute on Flow Internlien nee bottom on Mn llrvey anal1 ounlop Grade GIVE IHE 20051152 whim llerrowr rectlon Wllon on Well Glimmer IInlce Heulne Grade Czech HE DOESHY IN rubber Ind In on tor fliilnl tun rZNNOCKAI fluyll vlrlorl Iloipilflly and STALLAT0N rem Number Gluel unrreu nnrne on Supt 21 Ivar to Mr nd NEED AH ALARM CLOCK too lbs DAIRYEQUIPMENT llulil Curler Mn it Pennock thee Mnry AERIAL Deuvnl Zuni nonriy new our area commune so om Grade To WAKE HIM fgfraurunilhlrrpumn no elmn lcr my Anne Grade Bu or ner rhesToNAI Royl Viclo up CUSTOM me mum WW Benin on Sept trim to he on $33 If Excluslvc to nAToNs the VIKING INSTALLATION Egoiighfinflcmficfinlghfl shelter 231fig¢tlfif°éyfllnfa mime Dryer IT 9400 In every aspect on me gt KIT Null lyilgifién Efnfellislfn 3331 Grade llcnt Control Select the current de Grade HAY at STRAW llry onled lune Un er no or no qurntlty good no rntn WhoI strnw Irre qulntily Mn RonId ltrine lttch st lifllv Ronid nonAt lloyni victorl llnvlltu gree oI heat lor everything you dry WITH EVERY Time Control Set the drying lily to llllw cllll lllllllu Purchased Iit Ilousltllobo tinacts cnertnrheln Stine lpkxe Dlnlni room Suite bul IcI Kohl And ellIn Bedroom Sultu 5pan lprtnl Ind Inlttren and Inn ll unrrle on Sept 24 I951 to Mr lire wtlllrrn Tnylnr 65 Collier run deemed CLARKEAI Wellerlty llospllll Tor Lu BER DOD JUPPLEJ Caponr up to 38¢ accordlnz to weight and qunlily OWL suit your Inbrlcs Scratchresistant Porcelain Enamcllnd Top it useful extra surlace lo the kitchen or basement onto on Sc 1957 to Mr nnd 3355 ziifiellnellrnlméfii€2fi Mn GPTed Clhrku Toronto 1h Large Capacity nonmatting drying cm cm may an armed or Barrie daughter ver cylinder and tar your conveniencelll Minding In I3 Chli Childn MW 351 lb utninztctt control pnncl Berrlen only cur rIilo drive In service ngfs 333 DIED EAT NErlceeuch anhhlx to he removed until settled 36 MARY STREET IoNea4uadcnly an Tunnely Sept Ilnlrert LeonIv Clerk ll Me IllsI Trout rowrd Inner owner Ewell Auctioneer long Crescent or lnnlntll reexen beloved hururnd melon lrono Cll mm at Lenn Veitntln Ind deer lntncr ol urn Gil Lloyd lWln hnd Cedric Tnll both or unrrtc end Mn cull HUNT BEAR mlkingnzlh all no rill IE Udall oronrl ADAIMSVILLE Que mp yerr hermit um Jonnetl run Sezrch was launched here tor bear that destroyed row on the crnl Home llnrrte runcrnl rervlce snnrdny sent pJn Inter hrln at Aurcle Langeviu Ind lo lurecl two othcrr KEATONS llurlget rlnn Terms 5ooliowu colvlullllclllr FRIDAY nllllulvlrlt f7 BOOK YOUR olloEIls Now SEPT 27 turn lllllsrolllls rncnt Ilnlon Cemetery IN MEMOIuAM ltllNTONIn lovini memory or Violet Kenton who plucd nwry Sept 17 Mattelqu room MARKET 139 BEET ISULP FREE DRAW Am Curlond Arriving in octoher ran ller memory non in on rm my BUY THE BEST FOR LESS mined by another Iothler lollllllle Tel sr rulers Ind fiE ELECTRIC FRY PAN GE ELECTRIC KEITLE brother will be operating We nre nn clnre as your tele HUNTERIn lnvlnu memory at lloocrt Ready to go where you go one oi the finest mm who passed Iwny so 2a the MI in Tolgvisloll portaolcs Light enough 5m ELMVALE sumo gt chollg to be lnlly your own personal to Sept 25 Oct lllltrllrlryfinlynl frrflillril INEW WSW onnme Scpl 252723 salflgilrllnl Wynn nnncntm IQCATION LL lnch Saree lonlv uIw FEED umlnizc Picture Free Drhw With mailbox yumn lame markurmuvrabmain THE themeST 0N4 mm Anne 5t Barrie 23 slaupd at only 5159 OF THEM ALL grlgsultmr vim Pulled wy Sept TttiI control are lot ted on top at se or easy tun rig The lull price goes to our Now with small additions 32 Togglgzgfnm Bayfleld st Type Antennae optional attached to club funds recently made we now have In in Illn end mrruor lui blink PA 264 or M594 rm ynu an even greater can We ll remember thee PHONE PA 83922 choice at multmolours green ltlue 2Frer Draws for Loop Surtena So much so that we make you FABULOUS OFFER Take one dairy heifer call and feed her Purina CIII Sturteha if site Is not the higgcst Ind best calf you ev er rilsud hi months of rge plus beingihe lowest cost to produce we will give lDu the CIlI Surtenl ABSO LUTELY FREE You and Be your Dwnvludge our Tomi Al FfifliétilriflSillllll luzly remembered by drunn tern Violet and Nrnry III CASH AUCTION SALE 017 to MARQUIS Gruntivlcw Drive North end of hlnin meet MEAFORD ONT wul rell by public xuetluu uh WEDNESDAY OCT THE POLLDWING leinn odorn vurnlnlrlngr Dlnlnl Room Pumiture Kitchen uni mcnl Electrici Aprilheel Bed In lico memnershlp order 10 Free Draws lor Clrup debenture order See you at the Fulrs or order from any club member eul ONTARIO FUEL BOARD IN Till MATan or The Municipal rrrnchlm Acl curnler zlv Section IIIILIIGDLI Ind IN THE MATTER or Appllentlnnr by Coluumen Gar conpuny or Toronto for lpproyli ol pmpnlud oylrwr Arid Pranchlrc Agreemenu ol the underrnen tlnned municipeilties return the re ectlvo municiprlltler end the Applicant grunting to the Appllcrnt the rtlht extend it work And plpu Into the veto munirlprlttlrr AND IN THE MATTEROF en Apollonon by cunrurnen on Complny at Toronto tor nn Order clcelrrlnr rnd dimllnlz out the ment of the muntclprl ulrtelnrl or the respective munlelpnlltles in not nceeury in men Byiwl 1150 195 EAToNBndget lll monthly pynrentr nl 980 ms nu olvner cenlu OvaVOIan omen In meteorIn Illnflvly Noluwiuu lumol limit My In enIIllwIIIl Innlnm we to mun cnrporrunn of Town or Almnlito cornerlion or Town or lekelbury Corporrtlnn at Town or revnbrolte Colon Sponsors an out Time Flddlero Coolest at Elmvule Corporelioll 01 Town Penn Fflr supp 17 Strut ifigmwls My mum Corpontlon er Townhirer Alice Ind lrnror See you It the Fairs Barrie PA will run or riuriy new lnrntrnlncr Dro Emuv °I TownP Emith vialnr homemlkerl opportunity C° Wm mm 222232 mull milr WWW onlluu or Tovmrhi or More Arrhox Col Mariel ancss Kmflhr Mmmm Cognntlon oi Townnil Pembroke careernon Towluhlp or llou LEFT HAND noun optLy Corporetlnll of VIIIKn OI Cubden copontlon or Town Alurtnn Corporltlon ol Vliluo ol llutlnu crrporrtlou pl Tawnrhlp ot leubethtnwn NOTICE IF HEARING TIIB OIIIIIID hie Baird hereby lypolntl Friflly October 1th 57 II In oclock In In lorcnoon locll time It the amour ol the Bondy Sillkc Richmond street nit Toronto Ontario the helrlnl at the ebavn ApplI mum and eitheron inrerented therein Theres II world at convenience In this colour Iully compact Super Model Ihltl less Ihfln25 inches wide Fullwidth SupervIreczcr Cheat in two Qulekube Trays gives you space or holding up to 29 pounds at trocen Ioodi7lve removable ShclVElalld Butter Compartment on the floorcolourful ullulu um shelvex and lullwldth Plastic Hydrate p11an cirrus llliftl IMQIWIII it held Moody llll Thursday or III Intenilve rlx mootlls courlle Shorthand Bailouerl noti nflIfClh pawritlug Belluuerl hull lielrelherl VMklelIflle oxlrlle anyone soon Any two 51000 till three per month win he heldlorkcertilielter copier ot the AppllcItonr oylrwr Ind rnnchuu Agnewnut my be inspected and Iurther prtlculm ehtnlnea It the dllleev or the clerk ol corn mnnlclpntlty the Appllcrut the Solicitor tor the Appllennt lvlcurr ZImIIrIelrvgnn Heywood Turvllle lti Richmnnd street Went Toronto Outrill or or NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO VDXSIVENBE WITH VOTE 0FMUNICIPAL ELECTQM TAKE NOTICE lhll ILIIIB lbov pilhlle helrln mindId wlll be like to iuue In order decilnnl end directlnr tint the nun ol the rupective rnllllIflplI alerton to ho pluinl Bl Id Byllwl not netteulry HEATH II Toronto Hill III any III Seplemberylfll ONTARIO rum Bonito chozlrlh onelrrnnlu Iv llow Spaniel Cosh Prlc Commhuauer

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