Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1957, p. 16

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uws emulated lav era boys to tooth birthday pm on some Cautions Visit ii mhflgcm am it on Saturday with Mr and it it sinulnar up newline ut We no will soon tallest pe Ila Denivi Iiifli Mrs Rump nl Egbert visits it Radius an we suntan sortsqu The phonograph Invented by Thomas Edison in la was Cylindrical drum which revolved tier needJ Antifreeze Dangerfield Motors IIAVE YOUR Full Motor lime and meeoNTGRCnsimg ADERS THE BEST IN FALL SERVIQE IS AT rthvaaileglute go will make their lirst appearance this Saturday when the area Goldy Chentler Jan track and iield meet will be in Barrie Not yet equipped With lord These girls come un theunliorms theglrls look quite athletic in their practice the Collegiate stall menoing lit prn If Gréal Books Club To Holcl FirSi Meeting ThEBIilie Great Book Club will hold its out regular meeting on on at the Library All cone Mrs Sara iisicy the club chairman and it Mocklem previously member lsmhntm mm ramArsm 21 1951 ceptiag regislndons irorn nti who dcr will arise Hardy lmmedieteln Ire interested to Joining this Book orders placed on or hetero group it you wish to order Ole Sept will be filled belore the of the Buileviile duh have valun teered to lead the group in du cusslon DI the American Declare tlan oi independence Copies at this document will be available at the meeting The lead oi the succeeding meetings be assumed by other members The Great Books ciuhwelcoincs oyle ARIILIEIIDH MacDonald Barb inesdn and Lois Bed der the direction at Miss Simpson or rnvm CANADIAN Goose At least nine species or wild geese are recorded for Canada 65 COLLIER ST PA lZIBI lid flago Service Manager including SDDSE goose Womens Institutes the famed Canada snow goose and blue X+Ythe kind young versatile dresses that are per fect for any busy women and who isntl in town or traveling As you can see this amazing blend requires minimum of core Xzean figure nicely in your wardrobe Anattering slim line belted heath in Lomello Button trimmul oniiuu front and back repeated again on 915 in Brown Tweed Grey Twocdochigs is eqrially niee lor misses lDls one piece slim line sheath in Domella restoring Tweed or Grey Noni Call in today at your favour ite Evangeline Ask one or our courteous salesladiu to show you both Youllilove lN ToWNt ati nurtures smart short Cufledslegves Sim high Vt neck Choose Brown fivhse GUTHRIE The September 18 meeting or Guthrie WI met at the home or illrs Gordon Caldwell being an evening meeting There were 20 members and tire visitors pres eni llllnutos were read and thank you notes were also read Bus inoss dealt with included two gas stoves bought by our Womens institute and installed in Guthrie Community iiall The aprons dis played at Oro Fair are for sale Delegates for area Convention to be held in Barrie are Mrs Wes Caldwell and Mrs Pllkey or one day and Mrs ltiel Jamieson tor the other Mrs Caldwell and Mrs Wood are to attend the local leads as training class The Rural Lite conterence laircs place Oct 24 25 and 2o at Big chlorherige November is the date set ter our shortvcourse on cultural actlv ittcs lo im till pm Roll call The valuewe receive train the taxes we pay was un swered then Mrs Cameron gave short tail on taxes and taxation and some interesting things about Fashions newest loblit of tile yeartor the look you loven truly niirtltulous tweed look styled by lomotis WASN 10 WEAR IN CREASERESISIANI nsrusss to srnercn It NEEDS ND IRONiNO rite II iiostess toExeeutive Mrs Gary Wilson was hostess to the South Simcoe executive of the Wills on ltlttnday evening to plan the sectional conicrcnce to he held at Bord Head on Oct 23 Dr Thomas of Cheltenham will tslre the worship service and Mrs Shimize wile ol the Ja punese minister oi Toronto church noon session nccent Visitors Mr and Mrs Ray Allen oi Barrie and Gwen oi Toronto spout Wednesday with Mr and Mrs Altman moi Mr and Mrs Spencer twinning Ball Team Congratulations to our senior boll team on winning thevSnuth Simone League in the last game of In season on Saturday large crmillii attended the games here and at Aliiston In owen sound Dwerl days with relatives in Sound this week At Coqltstown Fa number lrorn he Cookstown tair on Friday Good nay We thtnir woheve gondneason pron rrremgsgt wear rite on will address the niter Mrs West is spending holi attended The boys and girls from the our home baked bread Out mistomers tell us its the best they have ever tested We bake many Speci ties Canadian and DutchEvery piece tram do at the purest and finest materials and years of rienoe mtoathe boltingv St Andrews WMS in SolithEaslAsia wastnkcii by Mrs James Ferguson stirs rcr cveryone Thcrc is no ice or edit eottonal requirement The clubs aim is to give everyone the op portunily to read the booksho has always Intended to read and in addillun the opportunity to dis cuss Him hook with congenial gmun ot trienvlr and neighbors mm alliwolks oi lite MislCnnstanro Hardy til the Barrie Public Library is now le EVERETT Recent Visitors hliss Donna nbhhins spent the weekend with Mr andiMrs Larry De Wilda at Billion Pickingll Over All the tobacco gmwlgrs in Illls district are very happy now They have ilnished picking anti got their entire crop all without any lrost They all report very good crop and season guson spoke on the chapter War eiying West Continue East and Communism in SouthEast 0n lllonlhy at noon Mr and sia itirs ourns Wales boarded ASIaIt Study Book The meeting eioscd with the piano at Malina Airport tor Lordls prayer Saskatchewan where Mr Wales The monthly meeting of the will attend the Canadian Good Womens Missionary Society at Tint An minivan WANT is Roldl special conference Stu Andrews Presbyterian Church was held in the chumh parlor on Wednesday Sept 18 with the president Mrs McKionon presiding The meeting opened with the singing of Psalm 109 Unto the hills around do hit up my long lng eyes and the scripture les son read by Mrs LeGear Prayer was altered by Mrsli Dinar Roll call was answered by verse of scripture contain lng the word redeemer The study book Ttte Church iishlng tackle with samples to show to lure the lish PIIIITECIIVE SECURITY Modern Funeral Service provides security through Practical Approach to important Decisions Funeral instructions and Set tlement Provisions with lull Protection can now be made in ad vlnee DI need Alli iunerulexpensc itemsmay be paid out at Income through our insured Tlmo Payment Plan too sriiciiuni surreal lions Phone PA 85553 so worsley st Mrs WES Caldwell conducted contest on Slincoe County which proved very educational and lots of fun Meeting closed with TheQqun alter which our hostess served homemade candy Next meeting is to be held on Thursday i7th at Mrs William Campbells Roll call My first baking experience hirs nuke will give demonstration liost esses Mrs CamphEli and Mrs Grey ESSA RQAD enssorrsniatq crtuttqli REV MUIR BA Minister MR FRANK DUTCHER Organist RALLY DAY SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 25 1957 11 mamNursery and Kindergarten 1100 amnALLi DArsmvrcg Church School will join with congregation 730 pmCHRISTIAN EDUCATION CLASS Everyone Welcome public school had splendid day at the school hair at Baxter and won number or prizes Trip to Oshawa Mr and Mrs Earl Cunning ham and boys had tripto Oshawa on Sunday ti visit with Mr and Mrs Soiomori WI IA Bradford BiiiiiiiE SATURDAY ornamentation BETHEL CHURCH Mulcnster St The young people will he taking full charge or the meeting in eludinglocnl talent The director will bring hrict report at the Youth or Christ course he hits been taking in Kansas City ERIN YOUR FRIENDS EVERYONE WELCOME Several members of the Woe mens institute and their hus bandawent to Bradford on Sat iirday evening to hear Dr Mar garet Nix assistant professor at medicine at McGill University Mr and Mrs Bloekol Conlrs town led the singsong and also sang several solos Mrs Spencer vicepresident or the district introduced the speaker Mrs Todd 2nd vicepreside thanked her and presented the speaker with shoot of flowers Several or lhecounty nitlcers were present anderiloyed the splendid address given BEARS PLENTIEFUL SAULT STE MARIE CF clitrord Golly or Tarentorlus Township has shot 13 hears in two months He doesnt hunt them They cometo teed on garbage at his pig farm and he blames them tor the loss at two hogs and in lory to third to be proud ot The BARRIE EXAMINER The Christian and Missionary ALLIANCE CHURCH CORNER BEBCZij DUNLOP STREET EAST Bllll till AlliLlltllTli MINI Tm Roma TRIMBLEHBA on tMsmmTBEGINNERS DEPARTMENT AND MR sooner Ross easroit SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 aln Ll armWORSHIP SERVICE pmEVANGELISTIC SERVICE EVERYONE WELCOME him ween SERVICE WEDNESDAY pan MORNING WORSHIP WHAT CAN ONE MAN DD turnROLLY uNlTizn enuncu ilr SUNDAY SCHOOLS RICHIE LORIGANIST MR DANIELS fullness muslin sellou CQMMUNtoNSUNDAit ocnorion risiiu ipglwo in and than illn onENN on Bert 0110an organist rains services at tols Toronto Street is LilliSENIORSUNDAY senoor to yeitrs had over 015 aimJ SUNDAY sonoai mm WHY RIDE WRENYOU CAN WALK nude years AW 957 roundlion please place your or be FIRST BAPTIST cuuncli Clapperton SL Worker REV LUCK BA BB Minister MISS CLUUGHLEY organist and Choir Lender SUNDAY SEII29 1957 950 am4UNDAY SCHOOL RALLY DAY AND PROMOTION SERVICES mm Condition is Discipleship Broadcast CKllll Service iinll Special Reports sotir ANNiVERSArtv snitvtchs NEXT SUNDAY urnSong cotuen 51 UNITED Rev Lewis MA RD Minister Lloyd lullord Drunk and Choth SUNDAY SEPT 28 i957 ll LieMORNING SERVICE THE CIIURCII SCHOOL I0 Tit L1 TRINITY CHURCH Angllcin Con El HARVEST ssnwcss aoo nmunly Communion 930 lamFamily Service Sunday Schdal Baby Department Downstairs 1100 mm HARVEST MORNING PRAYER Sermon Canon ArREad Buhy Dept Downstairs 700 pmHARVEST Evensonl Sermon REV MCMULKIN Choir Director Mrs Roberts and complete set at book iron the tint meeting Other orders tolll Free Methodist Church Special Speaker and Singing Groan from lmrntl Park Cnllelet Rev James Ferguson Minister 945 mlunior intermediate ll ntaucginners Kindergarten and Senior Departments and Primary Classes sis ramAdult Bible Study COME To oiiuncn GTMIF remEVENING SERVICE THE STRANGER THE SALVATION IN THE HOUSE ARMY CITADEL One of the exceptions good iilms 80 Collier street being produced by hi church MM gm about religion and life Shown in connection with the SUNDAY SEPT en 1957 snucoe COUNTY secron PLAN 11 emsMIXED VALUES We 215 pmSUNDAY SClioou my The nemedy tor mans heard the voice ii Jesus sny Come unto tile and rest Lay down then weary one iay Thy head upon lily breast Angllean 300 amFlI0LY COMMUNION 945 tuneSenior Sunday School ILOD armMorning Prayer placed later 200 Baylleld Street REV GOlIEEN SUNDAY SEPT 23 1557 00 LineSUNDAY 00L no 730 prnPREACIIING Pnrt Crtdil Ont ST AN DR EWS FRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Owen and warsicy tits rtLl Clarke lllus Elia FTCL Organist and Cimlrinaslcr SUNDAY SEPT 29 1957 ll am and Pm IIIE MINISTER sacrament oi napiisniat the Morning Servlec The Church School gt munJunior Snnlor ClasuIt Ills down 95 Cook St Sermon REV JOHN RIDDEL Junior Sunday School Suintifleotgdidtliglioun Church NewtnneSmiIh BA Organist Mrs Show ATCMi Choirlcader Mrsll Smcthurst llllllllliSl THANKSGIVING SERVICES Rector Rev tunaHOLY COMMUNloNf pm7EVENING PRAYER EVERYONEWE ll amMORNING PRAYER It SUNDAY SCHOOL Rev Jakob Jacz Ill Director or Nathanael Institute Toronto Preacher Rev Adams Cookstown LCOME EL 945 tumlilBLE SCHOOL ll incc Street Fellowship at Evangelical Baptists Presentltion or Sunday School Awards Dedication of Sunday School Sthli BAPJISI 2v Nullmeyer Poster PROMOTION SUNDAY pun BORN ToniCprEMNEo ill about Illsisms Do you sometimeswonde why it is happiness and tree some at the reasons it you will use ture Even it you are only slightty your friends to gt by ungen Wood 05 otjvan Member the lanaio oi tFirstiG rehovahrlhI Sol once that christian science brings andiearsi You will learn the invitation to this le interested or even skeptical this lecturewilltiuterelt yo You are invited tncomeand brin Arno heorun Cgtltléd Th titherutlng Light or Truth eo ver British Columbia cmreshipiq The Mother Church Thai

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