Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1957, p. 15

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hiatory England tried the Fnr one he moment In pertinent ot abolishing the Crown only restore it again with an impatient rich or heart felt relic some it years aitcl Cmmeliacommnnwcllth 1m was doomed to allure mm the outletior deep In the heart at every ordinary Briton is the eonvlclion that kingship should be In otllce unattainable to ambition and in all but the legally constituted hcir This veneration tor the Crown by the people has resulted in the the centur Ies oi many buildings customs associated with the Crown and thus it is that not Iew noyal Piinccs though some at them are no longer residences oi the Sovereign remain to this day in an excellent state at prc scene oi the annual State Open survival throughout and cercmonics cervlllon Nut unnaturally most most ancient has in its ooth as palace and as prison and today it houses Jewels in the world Cllhcrine Howard thetie Lady Jane Grcy several others whn the enmity oi the Crown anetlughain Palace Is the prin clpal residence of Her Majesty not open to Its splendid apart ments which contain pricelcss the Queen and the public mllecllon ui paintings are th scene oi many ii the great court On occlsions of national rejoicing It is the habit of Londoners to as scmblc in rent oi lhe Palace and ceremonies and receptions make thc welkinring when th quccn balcony as she Coronation on June 1053 Ilnrnpton Court Palace and Jlmcs Palace are Henry VIII Hampton Cour which contains 01 pictures lie and its licent made to this so that today it prcscnls cu Ions mingling orthu turrets and mullions or Tudor days with the stately classic architecture oi the Renaissance St James Palace the battl mented clock mwcr Street is the Mtieialaddress Morse Boeing Simon County Black White Show putario Belgian Horse Show of lhe lioyal Palaces are ccntrcd In or around London And ol these the Towcr oi London is by iar the and historic Il long history served lhe Crown Jewels the richest collection at On Tower Green were executed two wivcs oi Henry VIII Anne Boleyn and and the pa besides had risked appears on the central did after her two mellow redrbrick buildings oi the time at line Collcclion ls open to the pub walied gardens in spring and stlmrncr are magni Extensive additions were great Thnmcsside palace by Sir Christopher Wren at which crowns the vista down St James and It not open to the pifllc it was in this palace in 1649 thlt Charles spent his last night beloro being executed in root at Whitehall Palace at which Ill that minains ls the blnquctinghlli with its beautltul ceiling painted by Rubens This is now the United Service More cum The state apartmrnts ot Ken sington Pnlncr which stands In Kennington Gardens are open to the public tram spring to aut umn Part or the palace is occu pied hy the London Museum Queen Victoria was born at Ken sinlton Palace In lain largest at Londons royal pai aces is the Palace el Westmin ster unoitlcially and more usual ly known as the llouscs oi Parlia ment This great building is the log at Parliament by the Queen and It is open to visitors on Sat Windsor Castle situated on its hill overlooking lhe mvcr Tham es has heen the home at the Sovereign or over eight hundred yours The state Apartments which contain manymagniiiccnt pictures are open to the public when the Court is not in rest dencc St Georges Chapel the chapel oi the Knights ot the Gartcr is lovely example at perpendicular architecture at its tinest Palace in Scotland Thcre are two important noyal alaccs at Edinhurgh Edin burgh Castle perched on pre cipitous rock rising irnm the centre oi the city has played notable part in British history tor it was here that James the first King Great Britain was born The nttish War Memor lnl which terms part or the Cas tle is probably the most hcauli tui war memorial ever to have been erected The Palace or Holyroodhouse is the onielal residence or the Queen when in Edinburgh it is open lo the puhlic in the ab sence ll Court and visitors are shown the room where Bi in was stabbed to death while cling ing to the skirt at Mary Queen at Scots It was in this palace that the romantle Bonnie Prince charliemade encmi the delays that proved fatal to his cause and the Jacobite hnpcs Bllomnl Castle situated amid the mountains oi Aberdeenshire and Sandrlngham near the coast oi Norfolk are iavuritc country homes of the Royal Family but being private residence oi the Queen they do not rank as pal aces KNOCK sympathy or Community Much sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Ed Sturgess and ram lly and all other relatives oi the late Mrs sturgcas who passed away last week of Community Club The Community Club met on Thursday evening Sept 19 at Mrs hoy Metcalls There was little business on hand but it has been planned to quilt quilt for the Red Cross at the next meating to he held atthe hall with Mrs Pat Poland as hostess Seine thank you cards were read Mrs Hublieit and Mrs Schroe flnAY SEPTEMBER 27 I957 inner courtyards Cardinal Wolsey in 1525 Two deliglittul lunch was served by the hostess and committee Quite number oi ladies gath taxed at Mrs Wes Hoggs on Tues day evening to meet andwelcome the new teacher Miss Amos Mrs Oscar Bowman had arranged very amusing and varied program including instrumental duets vo cal quartet reeitations and com test which brought lots oi laughs lovely lunch topped art de lightful evening spent several days at Lou Neil lys this week dcr were in charge oi the program Meeting closed with the Queen Toronto on Tuesday or the day Welcome New Teacher Herb Shannon and Mrs GlthitD rm mm Ted llipweli is continad to like at 73 Newrnarket hospital His many bn Bcllevllo visitor 55 5° M65 mm 5PM Mrs uston or Believille MY and Mrs Chute WereJn REGISTRATION OCT with the director Miss Louise Coilcy Classes other than those listed may be tormed it was presented to King covery home services naunoralonsiic private home or the Queen BOND HEAD Weekend Visitors Miss Edna Ball oi Barrie spent the weekend with lriends here llarvest llorne Services Mr and Mrs Weston spent Sunday with lriends here and attended harvest home services Pollard Toronto Visitors Visitors with Mrs Smith and Miss ida Smith last weekend were Mrs Smiths Edith Morris Ruth Meredith utlluronto sister and niece In Hospital Good Attendance meat of tittcen studentswould be excepted Classes will be conducted twohights each week registration fee of Five Dollars payable at the to suldents who have an attendanearecord of mm or better good crowd attendcd harvest in the Anglican BhRRIE DISTRICT ccNrRitl CDLLEGIATE EVENING cLAsscs Regular Classesilelitlitenee Tile Ital Classes willbo organized in the following suhiects It registration is sufliclent ART LEATHER TOOLING BASIC ENGLISH METAL WORKING SEWING BOOKKEEPNG TYPNG TYPING C7 OFFICE MACHINES CHEMISTRY FOR NURSES WOODWORKING LEATHER CARVING MOTORMECHANICS JUJlTSU for Women FOLKANl sooAhc DANCING cuissns will be sponsored by the Simcoe County accrdutlon Council and attlilnted with the Night School program there is suiiicient interest minimum enrol on Tuesdays an Thulisdays Ilst regular class Two Dollars will Classes in English or New Canadiansvareprovidedivvithaut charge aAititiEDISTlticrcottEeiAer BOA Those who lire interested will get in touch vnst buildingwith several to haunt the palace the gardens or Which are among the Henryvul by most beautliul in the con Henry VIIls wivesgre said Church on Sunday Allan hen nox or painswick was the speak er at the afternoon service From Willnwdalor Mr and Mrs Ted McClean oi Willowdale visited Mr and Mrs Brooks on Saturday 6vv ANGUS Church Anniversary oi Mrs Miss Ing service is visiting with Rev and Mrs Hewitt A130 930 pm be returned ntry Windsor Castle beside the hiver Thames Angus United Church anniver sary will be held on Sunday Sept 29 at arm and 730 pint REV Hewitt will take the mom and Rev Cecii Ercnn of Barrie will take the star Rev and Mrs Guerguis oi Bracebridge are visiting with Mr and Mrs George Guerguls Back ironi Florida Mr and Mrs Guy Mason re turned from trip to Florida to visit Joseph Mason who was ser iously ill Back from States Mr and Mrs Porter returned home last week from few days visit to the States Cup Winners Congratulations to the Angus TAurora wcra JaniotsyPalnce has residence at Court Barrie OrIliia Shoppers Win Loblaw Prizes Recent list at habit the duct Picture Glmo winner darned tronl Tomato gives the name at Mrs James at Donaldstreots Barrie Mrs James won Lottiw iood certldate by Appletord Wax Paper ner playing card was obilined from the Inth Blyfield Street Stipermflhl An Orlllla winner last week was Mrs Gaye hath no Fem Street North whose price was claim to that at Mrs Jam iiirc Lamb got her card tron the ltllsstssaga Street East IAIth stare Lohilw Product Picture games are hand each Wed ncsday in The Barrie Elan iner ¢Q BELLE EWART Recently Married Congratulations to by Rev halve Recent Visitor Mr and Mrs son oi Kirkland Lake and Mrs Hutchlson weekend with Mr and Mrs Torrens tow weeks in Florida here PASSENGER AUTOS For every five total population tantra Silili Tigers on winning the cup for 1957 There will be PoNlEs qPALoMiNo NER tlvssrocKrAitADEs 5A ARABIAN licitsEs To Tnltlti You REGIONAL sllows QFELD CROPS STING tlAthliHIEITS rEATUitEATTltACrloNs FOR tintYotis To ROApsrait RACES ARM tr COMMEaCIAtplsrtAYs lions RACING Jose Blakernrn and June llussey were married on Saturday Sepl at at Churchill Anglican Church Robert Hender and lilr and son of visitors ltrs Chappell is spending handle at Toronto is spend ing tew days at his home There is now one passenger automobile registered in Canada members at this EASTERN STAB wish to announce they will hold iillli riisrivat Weth not alteration and evening SIROUD Bliss Margaret Neilly and Mr and Mrs Irwin Neilly olToronto and Bird Norman Nellly spent Sunday with Mi Mamie Green law oi Elinvale and Lee Wright oi Wycvale Ntll POISONOUS CHATHAM CF Tho biz spider which alarmed father at twoyaamld twmt in his home in Raleigh Township wasnt poise anous tarantula experts found The insect trapped in jar measured more than two inches leg span THE ECONOMY SIZE in INSURANCE nowadays is the new Homeowners Combination policy which combines your es rential Insurance Into one pulley and thus SAVES you 10 over separate policies Call us about this money uvlng INSURANCE plan and let us show youhow to get the best Insurance at the lowest comparable cost sriivriisilii llisuiillticli lsac 135 clear FOR insurance at ALL KINBB as Dunlop at ra pm lttIIIMS owliii fist BAZAAR BAKE Sana necncarton TEA REMEMBER Tilll lillTlz ouroiittliizq demand

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