ANNE MtGlNN mullc What did tell ya IboulJuvlol nothing to do rwi it The inlurlltcd ialhcr dark ey blazing taccdltls teenage rona For the last lime warn you he shouted Reaching out he snatched the violin train the young mans hands At this the boys mother hur ried in mm the next room sung the violin tram his lather She raced hrr husttand dciitnti ssss ss she handed it back to the boy Iy it he wants music then he shall have music she said quiet ly but tlrmly and besides that vluilo is his You have no right to take it away trom him Father and son taced each other quivering with rage For moment it seemed as though all hell would break loose and tltat should either shout the hot and hitter words choking in his throat the thundering c1th ot these would cause the whole scene people and all to go up in tire and smoke ror moment the rather trembled with ury opened his mouth to hollow iorlh his rage then caught sight oi his wiin calm poised and detennlned standing beside her boy Without uttering sound he closed his lips in tirm linc shot her look at utter hatred and then turned on his heel and stitlk cd from the r001n Mother and son heard the front door downstairs hang with re sounding crash He had walked out at the house for the last time He was gone This time it was ior good Both sensed it Both knew And thus began the most faith on father and son cud in the history at music Johann Strauss Jr vs Johann Strauss Sr The motives tor the fathers opposition to the sons musical studies have never becnquite clarified Some hiographcrs claim that it was an underlying jealousy desperate desire in the heart oi the Waltz King ot Vienna to re main Austrias greatest musician Perhaps he sensed that some where in this boy lay fragment of his own genius seed of greatness which given the op portunity might blossom into something greater than he had cvnr been At any rate he spent good portion ot his litc attempting to keep young lohann away trorn music Young Johann on the other handI worshipped the ground his latherwalkcd on listened enrapa lured whenever his father con ducted but was forced to study his beloved music in secrecy Unttil of course his father iuund tin Once the rift had been made and his tather had walked perm anently out or his life Johann Strauss began meteoric climb to dazzling success which eventually resulted in the total cclipsing of his famous lather known all over Europe as the Waltz King and once the idol of Vienna It is an irnnlcal facts that his tory has brought out the very thing his father battled to sup press his greatness and his gen ius whichhas caused generations of music lovers everywhere to look upon Johann Strauss Junior as Johann Strauss not the Kath er The fathersan feud was house hold conversation in every Viennese home and was discuss ed blow by blow in every Ii Vienna care There are even stories by father and son neith er on speaking terms but each conducting his own orchestra at the same concert simultaneously each trying with all the resources at his command to drown out the other Young Johann Strauss became public idol very last There were many reasons why Illa Viennese went mad over him Tall dark with big expressive brown eyes rn artistic refine ment of manner and debonair instinctive taste tor good clothes he conducted the orchestras that played his tamoux waltles with dash style and showmanship that was equalled by no one Many devoutworshlpper or his distinguished father was forced to admit vcryrearlily that here in deed was all the talent of the old man poured into the person latii young Adonis It would be difï¬cult to say which is the most iimous or most Popularothls Waltzes Pile Beautlful Blue Danube is perhaps the best known But surely Tales from the Vienna Woods thclArtists Life and the Emperor Waltzare qually Is loved Someof lllsotllertt lint as well known are Wine Women and Song Vienna Blood Acceleration Walu and the woltzca from lli famous operas fDle Fle emails and 111 Gy Baron Some latter of his music ureter his Southern Roses Mornlni as What did tell you about Journals or Voices of Spring to his other Waltzes This latter wait has been made into beautltul waltzsong or eoioratura soprano and is especially Well done by the film ous Lily runs when Strauss died on June 1899 most at Vienna followed the casket in solemn procession through the streets liouses along the wall leading to the cemetery were draped in black itchin the open hearse mourn or carried black silk cushion on which rested the maestros ht loved violin This was perhaps the thing most symbolic oi his lite For as the strings of his violin sang so did the hearts ot those who heard his lovely music WEDNESDAY SEPT 25 with His Worship Magistrate Foster presiding Gordon hlcTurk as Crown Attorney and Chief Tachirhart court clerk assisted by PC McKenzie BP The docket was light Adiournments LCA These were more numerous than usual mostly on trailic trou ble Onc Toronto trucker was ï¬ned $25 with costs or having liquor in his volllnle on July 18 on charge by Innisill Police charge laid by ItCAF Police against young girl for Illegal entry at harden being an alien was withdrawn Unsual Case Two young Toronto mcn Jack Wager and Raymond Chamber iand taced charge ni supplying liquor to minors They had been working on tobacco near Alliston and on Tuesday night Sept 17 had brought two girls 13 and 15 years of age to Harries While in the City Cale the younger girl had taken the car and started back but was stopped by PC Pickard ot Barrie force Mean time he found part at case of beer in the Vehicle and the trail followed back to the cafe and the charge was laid Chamberland pleaded guilty and was convicted and remanded in custody until Thursday for sentence Wager pleaded not guilty The bcei had been consumed on the way in to Barrie The older girl had known the young man for some time On ii charge of consuming illt gally she was rlned $20 with costs $450 ior what His Worship classed as shocking conduct for girl of 16 Wager was not ï¬ned but the magistrate commcnted do want to say that your conduct in glib matter was most reprehensi Heavy Costs Judgment was given in trot lic charge against youth Fred Strong iollowinga collision The line Was $25 but cosLs ran to $57 and deience counseloharles son asked an extension and he was given until Oct GREAT LAKE Lake Superior largest of the live Great Lakes is ted by more than 200 rivers Eternal Triangle Every molt to new home III vulvrr YIPI Mann and Hal Mover when you ask tor jiwtleApprovea move In North Itm tun Vln Iln every bod thP CI III today or rltrtt estimate on your move lit envnpbell Mmitpfl agents or North Amulclh Van lain lttovtnr Ind storage rill Burton Ave Phono PA 6555 classic suite at exc the decorator rails superbly constructed with centreguldcd dovetailed drawers Sulbe includes drawer triple dresser with tilt mirror roomy drawer chest bookcase bed 12 wide by4s long Dressmg Mirror This long dressing mlr rot is must in every well propor homa 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