Mantrai at htmx Alinvave ï¬npelnhMun mllmumllanndedbylhuvkwdmdddl like kit way reoently or nulnpuedby cruciicrur sod shopping wnm mm and Evadon also pmmudoplahopfltbeamamln mooin threestorey transportaan centre to integrate rail bus air and automch tacilitisc The plan area will Hm Ville settlement intruded on this to st what new hlootrcai and tbia on will be based to Ltd tor immediate acyclopmcnt Donald cordon pnol dent oi the Grill belcw right with William Wendell will 1510 building block be handheldtidal scooptcd tbs doubprncot oi it CamII TanninI chb and Knapp Canada us it uoutcr plan mun thre biocxa in hlnotracia heartland Ieduflalorltomeyoï¬oewldluxhtholhpcla vidc plan with when opendr musants with twolewla oi porhluundeh to commemorate thesm slit and Kmpp Charmin la awdylng the model oi Webb and rigor daughter at the late Humphrey Amber and the ormer Miss Ellen Opinion of Readers Continued lrom page seven law which ignores the way ihc students can continue theabove dangerous stupid and illegal ac tions on the streets seems to be somewhat ul an insult to allcare tul drivers IRATE MOTORIST and Taxpayer Commends Scenery Of Beaver Valley Hanover Sept 24 1957 Tolhe Editor The Barrie Examiner Sir For lulurnnvheauty the Beaver Vaiicy centrally located In Grey County and the site of the Georgian nay hydro generat ing station probably unrivall ed in Out Im sure motorists would like the southwestern approach Turn right all Higwhay to one mile north of Flesherton Proceed about live miles and make an other right turn where the tele phone lint branches oil into the valley The lirst View of the valley is one not soon to he iorgctteh The lower road to the let reaches the main highway belore going through couple of miles oi dilierent type of scenery Then turn right and maybe pausc on the slope in the space provided tor panoramic view Irnm the east Thisroad leads to Eugenia where there is very small park in the opposite dlrcction Kimberley and Georgian Bay Yours truly AOIIN GILBERT Where Fahh ltliilllurst Ill Sept 25 1957 To the Editor The Barrie Examiner Sir Would you please publish lie this letter rcicrring to the church would like to give special mention to our minister Rev Vinet on his most inspir ing subject The Invisible church am sure it touched the hearts of our People who heard him preach at the evening anniversary scrvicc in Midhurst Is it not trite that we Chris tians in the Protestant taith do not witncss enough about our Saviour The invisible church is the only one church which we should allvbclong to Color and creed are all alike in the sight at God and we are as one big universe seeking to find the sum place called Heaven We have so much jealousy and hackchiting in the church Why Because we as Christians do not or by rcvoro or run photonpoor that put lnthl pomper arc milahia In lolly prlnll enumrsngvrce 10 mo title ginr xv lirw Isc Tquns pa 2414 work together but rather try to gel nhead or one another in closing let me say Do good unto others or We are as Bro thers and Sisters in Christ Jesus Hebrews llzflr But without Faith it is impossible to please Him For he thlt eomclh to God must believe that He is rewacder of them that diligently seek Him John 154 Sincerely hills ALEX CAMERON New York Letter Continued from page scvcu be without gnodly share of na turai beauty Tile hackleschool movement has once again been completed here The mornings have been pleasearit and dry with touch all in the air and once again the streets round about 830 have been alive with children They gather at bus stops with their school snlchels and lunch boxes They ill the buses and present bright and shining incos rhcy certainly do not go whin or creeping like snails unwillingly to school which perhaps shows some progress since shake speares day inan York children are re quired to dress comparativon iorrnaliy tor school Boys for instance have to wcar tics with their shirts and also pressed trousers nuv jeans positively hiany schools require boys to wear once week white shirts and tie appropriate to whatever the school color may be Yesterday one ot the sight seeing boats had tairiy serious collision with tug boat in the iiarlcrn River rwcntycight pooplc suitcrcd minor injuries whcn thcy wrrc thrown to the dock Eleven were detained in hospital it is rarely that such an accident occurs The rest were lransportsd back by taxis enc lady was reported to have exclaimed that They dont treat people this way in Seattle Im sure she will reilect that they dont treat people that way in New York except when tho bust collidcsl DCG Copyright by Greenwood mi GRENFEL Sunday In Toronto Mr ad Mrs Dohsun spent Sunday in Toronto with Mr and Mr George Nixon and family and visited theirgrandson Bobby Nixon who is progressing favor ably in Sick Ch drens Hospital Tribute To Courage Continued trorn page seven and met many old tricnds again but not in good health shc re turned to England Irid lived only short time atlcrwards Through the years so mlny other line people were associat ed with the firm and have pleas ant memories til days spent there some now located in California and other near and distlnt plaelt es Summer Vacation Spare time brought number sornc trorn protcsslonai ranks in school ageReginald Godden was one The writer was always encour aged in window dressing and card writing and it meant real thrill to see reproduction oi Christmas poster in copy at the Canadian Grocen magazine of many years back Both JD and Mr Erunton were line em players in recent year Mr Wisdorns sonsinrlaw Albert Kel eey had taken over the heavy share at the business but he too was stricken and is now para plegic but carrying on sales business in another line by tele phone and mail To both men and especially to their wives andJamilles are due the highest praise for courage and perseverance through the long strain They remind me ot Signet ring which gave me at Christmas many yeais ago It is worn thin but the gold is still these and it dropped it rings clear as ever EDENiALE WA News The Edenvule Womans Assoc iation held their Smamber meet ing at the home ot Mrs Du geer with an attendance at 11 members Roll call was answered with the name of missionary The members decided to have bazaar on Nov ti aud to cater to the Sunday School convention Mrs Herb Dickinsnn took charge oi missionary program Papers were read by Mrs Sage Mrsr Guodtellow Mrs Giï¬fen and Mrs Dickinson At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the hostess assisted by VMrs Dickinson CHAPEL FOB JAIL WELIaAND Court grand jury inspecting pub lic buildings recommended chapel or otbsrtaettltiu or is iigious services at the county after an appendicitis operation Borrow where day and has improved with age When you borrow money you want service thats backed by years of experience Thats why most people turn to RFC providing money mica backed by to year rapmcncr ALHFCyourecelvepromptlmndonfluidly but businesslike emcleucy your money vial nrc mday monnn jail money service in one your choice at repayment piles muaniue EXAMINER At Her Ho lnSrroud ry occurred very suddenly on Wednudayseptember 1957 at her home in Strand following stroke Her passing me just little less than two years alter the death oi her husband ll lawry on November Ill 1955 questloned could name law oi toriA Supreme Mn MlnriteLowry The death oi airs Minnie Iow Born at Coulsans lllll she was Brandon and her early III was spent there then 17 years at Cherry Creek and Bradlord Ind 20 years at Stroud During the early part oi her lie she had engaged in arming but then re tired Conservative in political views she was an Angllcan and mem ber at St Pauls Church WA and Stron Womens Institute The iuncral on Saturday Sep leather was from St Pauls Anglican Church Line 12 lnnis ill Township just south of Bar rle with servlce conducted by the rector Rev Lionel Rowe with iricnds neighbors and rela lives present from Stroud and distiriet nnd number mm dis lance including Mr and Mrs ums Up Canada Continued from page seven had occasionally appcorcd during the postwar years The presidents widerranging stocktaking on Canada and Can adians henrd by it distinguished audience that included many in dustrial and proiessional leaders gave closeup oi Canadas phys lcal iezturcs her people her re sources and her economic envir onment recent CNIl survey on Amerv lean attitudes towards vacations in Canada showed that the aver age American pictured Canada as wild and primitive land person liied both by King pl the Royal Mounted and Nanook oi the North The majority 01 those Canadas largest elties Dominant Impressions Dumlnlnt impressions of Carl ads were cold and wilderness great open spaces rugged terrain and backwoods settlements But more flattering View of the Can adian people was heldthey were conservative clean reserved rev liable courteous or honest Mr Gordon suggested that the events at the past 20 years which would most impress businessmen and industrialists would be the rapid and broadlyboscd develops menl in Canadian energy re suurccs in the mining manufac turing construction and transport industries in national produqtlon consumption and trade in popula lion growth and ï¬nally in the development at amatlonal cori rnmliit sitrr 21 51 lndusance Ad Ex elected President of Lite Insury anti Advertisers Association ln Philadelphia Secretary ill The Excelsior Lite he is the lirst executive at Camdian company to head this international body which will observe its 25th anni versnry In Montreal In 19 uclth Gardiner ileatord Mr and Mrs liarvry Curry ot sradiord Mrs Thomas Archer and tamlly or Orillia and also numbcr oi others irom Toronto Churchill and barric interment was in St Pauls eemcicry with nephews and neighbor as acting piillbLsrers Charles Archer trorn Orlllia no bcrt Archer and Tommy Morey oi Toronto Belth Gardiner hicatord llilscn Cersweli or Gravcrihurst William Kcll Giliord and Gar don nix Stroud Many beautllul lowers were message or sympathy and regret trern relatives some coining rum distant Calilornla and from friends and also the Ntcrnoon VA oi St Pauls the stat of Walkers Store Barrie Carpenters Union of Barrieand the Gar 49 Club in Stroud Flower hearers were grandsons and neighbor Peter Bilcski silly Weatheriil Danny and Dougie Lowry and Billie Mul hoiiund all oi stroud and Lam hert Wilson 1min Thornton Surviving members at the Lowry iurniiy are tour daughters and one son Mrs Jessie Walkm oi indio Calliorrita and Mrs Fred Mulholllnd Helen Mus Bert Mulholland F10 and Mrs George Weatherill Evelyn and Russell Low all located In Stroud tario REPAIR worn llllillflt morass DODGE DESOID DEALER 75 Bradtord 5t PHONE PA 85971 sclousness Arnhem Canasta imitate rumour wniard Auto 113 full factoryfresh pewer Written guaranlao rendadluttmant policy nullme couoirtous Alisltlss customise or let lllurdmalcrhofcn id MOIPOWER rum ins sunk PLUG la aclcnlitlsollp dailcnod and ongimnd to an EXTRA Lln with nu pom amp that will mum Instantaction nippnu to the touch at you to on th accelerates or rattle his to his up or pulling unc loud Replua old ant plus new with M0 rowra TURBOFIR lc dillelenu you can uolly lull ltIPmptiltl EelAway Ellis FillPutin Unitl lost lltllites roiling Pltlgilllii Boosls its Mlltigt Have You Checked Your Plugs Lately spark Plul should so ruinsc ct inst ovary lDOfl° mllu to her you vuln midu in top will star as to incimm em you scroll dollar onlyalto Mosrowel SPARK PLUG TOOL lOAN SERVICE trill loan you in win mun Engineer ApprovedSave Up to 40 MOYOMASYEI IGN 0N COIL MOYOMASIEK IGNIYION TUNEU Mort all Ipoglllse KITGet batter peslarmunel by chains who placing Au Ioln distributor parts srlcnllllc bolsn Kill Induda valor sandman and Ill pcinrr CTC TESTRUN GENERATOR ExclllllltiE sortay rebuilt and nut sun to guaranteed not patiomalice standards Nor tori overhauld 54 complcraty nhnilr All parts ahatin in ulphtcu us on 050 to sit ellviolet luvu mom to 122 lardprod Plymouth 193330 mouth sums seyi other 120 to MDTOMASYEI iGNlTlON CAILE MaraMASHR VOLTAGE outs sons toulty voltago rebutlot will you out it at not humor nl insst Plvneulhr lvuvss rota orcdustr llSI other Lair to shined rlrc rhonll pris 01 MataMinter vnllll rcgulut orplnai cc our yot sl mm halt in IN YOUR Old Broke EXCHANGE gt For Wheels onlalllilLfmillilitersquaint headylined iinliilrn MmmFFLERs Brake Shoe Eltchanga scam to install14c rivalriesN sumo or typo ncw used Io original cqulpncht iiiowisl inilMWlw li 1° an luv sign art sci steadyLinus iivah sh anchoran Nuns colrnri ii or hooki on your can so at and lunch chmotii Lluca shearours sln do lily at last ens run but yin as an Clilylollll sinc 2WHEELSETExoflllï¬i rates Chevrolet 193740 most lms 593 333 turn 6yl 195 some Chrysler and Do Sate 4952 6yl 910 Dodge Ins52 85 910 NT 5345 59 cnomler ma 7335 535 194954 593 833 195L56 420 335 195555 55 raid and or gist 5g 335 Plymouth 4952 910 mm 5356 ocyl 1030 mm 94 120 95156 10 22 410 385 526 oscillated anouin tor prices 50 studs Champion 194155 805 Clampn can pair MufflersExhaust Pipes and Tall mzflrï¬nmgluflt hi pr rm Pi as 4+ Forever stir and truck Mumuwumw Also ramI super ea ccrh TO practice