Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Sep 1957, p. 10

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sz 4W Now these are the Laws ot the Jungle and many and mighty put the head and thc hoot oi this Law and the hauach and the hump is 4w on they So wrote Kipling in the train of the Law of the Jungle Learning to obcy Altela the Walt Cuh leader obey at once and without question it the rim real training in obediEnre that many small boys receive Wily is this Is it not because many mothers and tathers are bit confused on the subject They see the overstrict parent who has been dictator at home demanding instant nnqucstlouing obedience is not training child to stand on his own loci and main his own decisions as grownup 0n the other hand he tooindulgent parent who leisl clilld dons he liltcs or gives an order ind does not see that it is carried ouiaiso tells his child iii lnot preparing him tor world where ithcr are conin thingshe must do and certain nhiigations he must carry out child is unlikely to obey cvcrytinac mother or daddy spcnki to him Sometimes his tailum to obey la partly ills parents iault beeup the directions given to him were too complicaled ior little cbild to iollavl At anotber time he Ibsorbcd in his play and mother does not make sure that be heard and understands her command It lltlie wonder that he does not do wbat be In told There is always reason al gt though sometimes it la hard to and tar contrnrlness Disobed icnca may be bid or attention from child who longs tor little more loving or more inter Est in his small attairs on the part iii the mother or dad Every hcaithy preschool child passes through negative stage when he wants to say No Nol to al most every suggestion What are some practical sug gcslions to parents struggling with tbc problem at avoiding cuntllct and establishing the habit ui nbcdicnccl Make it easy for child to ubcyl Parrots should agree on the minimum essential things to which thl child must conform in his daily routine Never let Jun ior set one parents wardover against the other parents wishes in order to get his own way Mothers request should never he disputed or questioned by taihcr and vice versa Never give command un less you are in position to see to it thatiyour child car ries it out Give as few or ders as possible mean each command you give and ex pert obedience ruin your child Tan and courtesy are as important in dealing with child an in any relationship chEr shout or whine at child in order to frighten him or arouse his sympathy to get obedience Last but not least put yourselt in your childs place when you give an order Is it reasonable request is this command consistent with the rules which he had to obey yesterday normal child will usually respond in sensible orders which he knows llB must Carry out Mother and RUGBY Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs George Carter Ardtrea visited with Mr and Airs Mnniord Horne Mr and Mrs Wilfred Jnhn slon visited with Mr and Mrs Wilfrle Moon Forest Home Mr and Mrs Mansel 6055 and Gary ot lIawirestone visited Mr and Mrs Clark Horne Anniversary Service number from this community attitudes til anniversary services an Forest Home Church on Suns uy 8m Mr and Mrs Moi strachnn and son Barrie visited her parents Mr undnra Lloyd Scott looting good Willa Horne presided tonk ipiarce rummage sale in Novenaler Mra Roma campbol district president We talk on Things we some Take Time For which was cameo very much There was discussion on the pair amnion cup was surged yum and am vaahayd saint The on anet at Mrs neg Ruth eriordson Wednesday with The videoantacid Mro Cleric Suvml bunnies tnnsuotiona Pian werc rite to have The month closed and aooial iornananmc mailman anion am 21 1951 in 110 By Nailcg Ithvrlittillld we the habit obedience as necessary part oi character training but parents ahould not expect nevor to mend ls itnot ctrlilo ban onus imperfect titben and molhm expect perfect obedience all the Jim ruin their child This is setting too high rundard tor any buithy normal youngster with will oi his own Learning to obey the requests at parents and those in authority is slow process Mothers and ether usually agree that in thinking oi obedience they must keep in mind training child to grow into selldisciplined adult The little child nerds good deal of definite direction from mother and father But as the years pass boy or girl should become increasingly relt aponsibleior his or her actions Possibly Keith Preston was think ing at this when he wrote am captain at my soul rule it withstcrn toy And yet think had more tun When was cabin boy trom An Amul Responsibility Copyright Veteran Teacher Happy to Retire INELSON EC CPlOn his tlrcrniinl here Aubrey Bate said he was glad to be finished with teaching The kids at today are too much or me said the man who spent 87 years in the profession The unwilling attitude many hiah school students is traceable to poor home lliel automobiles television too many organizations and too much spending money The tension oi teaching iihrouflh the attitude of students is terrific Iiecl as it tre mendous Kati has been lifted from me Youth is not entirely at fault he sold It in part of todays soclal conditions The proiession is also losing much of its purposeful ground through bickering between school boards and teachers groups over salaries he said Mldhurst Station Toronto Visit Mrs Reid was in Toronto Thursday visiting hér son Merv von who is in the hospital there From Toronto Mrrand Mrs William Day To runto spent the weekend at Mr and Mrs Charles Days Mr and Mrs Rodinlay and Gail of Toronto spent the weelwnd at Mr and Mrs Charles Bowderys Markham Vlalt Mrs Knapp spent few days last week visiting thEr daughter liliii Raymer anti iamiiy at Markham Vancouvcr Trip Mrs Peacock left Sunday evening on the Continental to visit hcr daugbtor Joyce Mrs Dawc and family in Van couver Mr and Mrs Ed Lcmmon and family Cirillla were Sunday vls itors at Mr and Mrs Jones Sunday Guests Mrs McNeil and Carol oi Barrie sent Sunday at Mr and Mrs Collins Sunday visitors at Mr and Mrs Jones were Mr and Mrs Nor man Hamilton Mrs Dylnent Miss Bell Miss Miller and Ken Hamilton of Toronto From Beettm Mrs Colborne and Stephen Beeton visited her parents Mr and Mrs DAngia on Sunday Lovely Dnhilaa Mr draw dahllaa are still ve Oaks 2an ence Untapped Resources was dis theme oi turneday cauicrcnac tor United church Grey and Slmcoe counties held over thcwecitend at Scnt 2022 at Five Oaks near Paris Ontario Slewarl TMmbury mulled it is surprising the number of people who are trying through lite on the original tank lmmd gev Ru George Ferris oi Slroud with to go iui at gas Webster ot 5L pauis Churc mustncr lodlcally he stole to go inrward spiritually and ac featured Ihe threway gatherimi Members or the Sunda Schoul Irewilllns God can urcnmnlish stall at Bond St UnltedyChurch great things working throukll Toronto ml at Five Oaks during uclivcrcu thc some weekend and joint devo ccmpilrh Gods purposes Webster nesa oi Gods blusings he stated we mint show an nneompnimls ing willingness to in along with God on his tennl not on our own Othrr speakers Included Rev Beverley Orton who establlahgd Five Oaks Christian Workers Can tre Rev Ralph Young secretary at the United Churchoi Canada laymm of anti Gib Macklc of Toronto who itllv challenging atidrrss stewardship Dr Gcorgc over the cnniercnce which was altendcd by over 50 laymen Rousing hymnsinging was led by itarry Dunbar oi Owen Sound at the piano Discussions on meet ing church prcscntday pmhicma three challenging addresscs dun tiunal services were held with wMSflG FREDERICKDORION Que bec City inwyer has been men lloned as this man Prim Min lstcr chtdnhukcr will nppolnLas Speaker In the Senate air Dor ion was an lndapandcht mom bcr ot the Commomlor Charles vuixSaguunay irom 1042 to 1949 He was dcicnlcd in 1953 wbcnhe ran as Progressive Conservative Advise Career Irl Osieppaihy As Profession Young men and women is they discuss with parcats or vocational advisors at school what their liies work shall be are usually advised to select ilcld which is not al ready overcrowded But without specific information it is not easy or the student to know What that llcld might be The Canadian Census Ciassili cation under Professional Ser vice lists Ostcoputhic Physician Doctor oi Osteopathy Osteopath iicrc is prutcssian which Is comparatively new and conse ouently presents many openings or both young men and women particularly in the smaller towns oi Canada where there is great shortage oi doctors Although yearly nct incomes ior established Osteopathic Physicians range from $8000 your up to $20000 there are only about 100 Osteopathic Physicians practising in the whale UK Canada This then ia one field which is not only uncrowded but also otters iucrntivé living and is in need at young men and women who have lives brains hearts and hands it dedicate to it rhc estaapaihic physician while he is highly trained in and makes full use oi all accepted clinical methods or diagnosis and treatment of disease and iniury places especial emphasis on struct ural manipulation This is the art and science oi detecting evaluating and then correcting any dcparturcs by the body from stain of normal health The required training which is cacricd on in Osteopathic Colleges is long comprehensive and thor nugh nut gives the graduate pro tessional standing which is race ogllized all across Canada An interesting and tuilyexpian ntllry monograph on the Osteopa thic Physician is available on re quest irom the Vocational Guid ante Centre Ontario College 01 Education University of Toronto 371 Blonr Street West Toronto Ontario lovely to look at So anyone who loves lowers is welcome to come inand see them belore the rust Bets them Husbands Wives Get Pepiiim Feel Younger rnnuaanda cl ccu arc wrak woiacui hauled occurrs locks iron car in angcr ruling talkr to try on Trunk anlm Cantata lama lot pep vim mpnlcincat dais Vitamin at in sharia in 0mm in much hon in raw oysters oi liver to taunt lanai tact acaaalntcd rm corn litaleorlly on Orm Economy sire and Intro 75 All druuiala ing the conference said personal the Groysimroc group including pride is the greatest menace to communion service on Sunday Processed Fruits New Business KELOWNA nc CplEating limits all Canadians are changing due to steady improvements in quality of pruccssad traits sur vey ny British Columbia irec Fruits oiiiciais indicates air and lllrs Average Ciiiaen an caling mnrc processed truit and lcsa trcsh nrottucc trend noticeable lai lhe last in years the survey taunt ruxcn iruit production is the fla Bonn of the Five Oaks stall and itcv Ruy Webster Others trom this area attendinz the contortlire were Roy Gobli icilow Lloyd Cumming Ronald It Fox Struud Dobson Dr Alvin erklns Lem Cumming Alvin Thompson Lloyd Thump son Cyril Cook Everelt Emms Lloyd roster and Everrit Smith Barrie Bertram om blunt factor in the paying trend but canned nut also finds lavor with tsunamica wxfiaaiosis Honor BridhIosBe Misses Marilyn Robina and Verna Fallis were hostesses at miscellaneous shower at the home Mr and Mn Charles Robins on Thursday evening In honor at Miss Joan Motionuell whose mar riage ltkes place Sept 22 Day in Toronto Mr anti Mrs irrd Cook and John Edwards spent Monday in Toronto their To Work Ron Douglas retumedto his work in Toronto utter two recks vacation at his home itere At LlridSly Fair Quitc number of people train the aurroundlrlg district attended Lindsay Fair on Saturday At Moonstone Anniversary loudly visited with Mr and In William Miller at Mount St Louis on Sunday and attended the aunt versary services at Moonstone Presbyterian Church Weekend Guest Mr and MmAiex Mommy oiWasagl Beach spent the wee fnd with Mr and Mrs Jack Eat Prom Coldwatcr airs William Bench Srldr Ind Mrs William Beach Jrand family Jerry Beach andJriond all of Coldvlatcr calicdzon Ira Lnrnc Carruthers on Sunday at lecstoclt Saiea Angus Rawn leit Tuesday to attend the liveslnck sales at Thrssnlon antl Manitoulin Inland air and tits Charica Houn some Mr and Mrs William Cripc pm and Mrs Ernest iiuunwme visited Mr and Mrs Gordon Sal lows at uracenridgc on Sunday rot sinners when ship is at anchor in rcpentance To rcaiite llie iuli morning conducted by Rev Jana Station Mr and Mrs William Inllts and log luud hell is kept clinging Sylvonias Slimline l0 Television proudly heralds the introduction of an entirely new conceptin contemporary TV design permiiiing cl trim tapered profilea new dimension in todays home decor Sylvonius revolutionary new HO deflection picture tube whitiles inches off standouttype tubes yet enables YOU to enioy unsurpassed bigscreen defini tion in new more compact cabinet styling CElnad as FIRST Portable TV SYLVANIA SSfliii1 im light and lovely reoly portablo Strongesl tringn nren reception icich second set the greatest vnivc unywhere Comfortable recessed carrying handle Builtin fully rotating telescoping antenna Choice of modom twotone colour continuationM ggett brighter picturn in any i7 antVa full ISO aquoro inches at viewing pieuiula mum 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