as Coo flown Fair Wl dont think we should tell those who did not attend Cooks town rair all about what they missed That will not improve the attendance rccord nor add to tne trelsurcrs income new town old boy said he had never ever there was an average It in all those years opened an tendanco we tell even it the thing but his wiles mail and threat at rain did hang Iround most of the afternoon on entering the gate we agreed that it it rained bolero we left we would help the exchequcr with dollar and hall to com ponsate it or ouradmilunce as they would need funds The galeman waved us through on leaving with asmile However we can think at lot at people whom we did not see there lnnislil exhibitors were promv incnl in their winnings Social Evening Lakelnnds Hall on the 8th line was lillcd In capacity with lriends or Mr and Mrs William Lamb who gathered to honor this couple wilt were celebrating their 50th wedding annivelsnry following open house Wednesday previous They were presented with ill from the communin and the ell wishes hi everyone In It tendance The party had been cnmpiete surprise to them Their iamin could not be In attend ance as they were unable to get home until Saturday Councillor Criticizes Reeve and Deputy Over County Roads larerup in the last council meeting brought criticism mind the members township at County Council and the county roads department over the lack at attention to these roads which are said to be among the poorest in the township II we had the three mills titat we pay the county or the upkeep oi these roads we eoul make much better job at them Councillor Realty said The Reeve and his Deputy who are members at County Council were asked if they had endeavored to have the 4th line rcsuriaced and the Bth line given attention and they assured the members that they had It seems that the 4th line has Ilcen found to have such poor base that this will have to be completely rebuilt Councillor Torrens was most bitter In his denunciation the methods of the county roads department They went along and changed the holes into bumps by over ï¬lling them with asphalt he said They came down to Belle Ewart and dug canal witha ditcher that took couple days to do and lelt great wide ditch in order to drain water hole that only needed tile drain cleaned No doubt the engineer wants to show something tor his salary but what we want is some equalization oi the money we pay out tor the roads Councillor Torrens with caution ed by Reeve Allan Todd that there was member oithe press pres ent and he was likely to be quoted Quote me in full as feel we are not getting value or the money we pay the county on roads the councillor added gvus to the delay in the allocation made by Ill Department at Highways lol iniprovcii roads which alich the township ueh as the road from lrounds and took They were immlnni il also An other year we think there should be competition for this honor We will leave column as most of the stall of They the Job too representing the Cookstown to 400 Highway we were there with their good live stock and showmnnship and the prize lists will won their Just awards The lair was oilicilliy started oil at 130 lam antr Watson McClIin the Diycarold Coaks got told all lor that The num oer oi school children who parv aded in to the grounds showcd he last growth at the area We metwhat we thought were he test dressed couple on the their picture the winners mention at he prize to the news he editorial department wcrc on learned that there had been some delay getting irontago ul proper tles which are owned by the hold or oi security through the Voter uns Land Act They had been show that they paved or suriaccd 90 delegates attending the an nqu conference Ontario womens cancer xervlce commit tees 0t Kitchener were ten to right Mrs Brennan and Mrs Smith Barrie The convention held outside at Toronto tor the lirst time no than 100 centres in Ontario eroded This my hood rioonon In Emumg the auditors can Kc affix Deer Hunters Camp Borden In that was Day andthe garrison was home to the public all It the indiiterence oi the pub lic aboul this branch oi our des lance alien and the spenders oi millions ol our dollars were only law people aboutad our theory was that most DI these were army personnel who were all duty and wanted to put in an appearance it representatives from more lroningo in two places These allocations for improved roads are made by the Department in place or taking over more county roads into the system These unds are not part at the county levy or Information On 400 Servtco Road we mentioned that there was no revaluation made In open coun cll at what had transpired when the council went to see the deputy minister of highways on the 400 service road questlon We were oi the opinion as laras the re cords were concerned that lhis was another occasion when an outing was made In place All the use at the live cent stamp However we were In conversa tion with George tohnatnn Mil who accompanied the nets gation to Toronto and learned that they have been made an alter oi over $350000 to take over and builtl this mail It the units should prove suillcient to enable the township Io buy the rightol Way and build the service road as far as Ihe 90 line which Is more than had been laid out on tho ostlmatcs oi the department The township may spend any additional oi the Iunds they can save to provide this road They would only be required to build an ilvcrage township road not road They could use local labor and contrac tors and provide tor the sham nelling at considerable portion of this large sum oi money back into local pockets The owners at the land when they realize that this service road could maketheir property very suitable inr development purposes might feel they would be well advised to encourage the town ship to get it built slow to agree to the oi the OOTDEER tsaus NOW ON SALE Womans Day voun SETl BAPK l5UE3 STILL AV THIS WEEK Fancy thln itml FluPricI tins sactails AP 214mm his choice Qurlity AP PEAS Ghnin Quallly Aï¬P PEAC AiF FoncY TOMATO JUICE zvemrgsst ITS NOT TOO LATE 10 START FIINK 8r WVAGNAIIS livasnsAli STANDARD fliicliiitedia VOLUME on snu ier ntv99t Ior the road ioilowing the lance roads Thc road could wind around line at 400 highway as it could be that it it were placed back short distance the land between the road and too could be valuable acreage inr development later on hill and leave scenic site or home It could take the course at least resislante and the least costly and leave the owners good start on the development or sale of lands that may not be lilo valuable tor iarm purposes The tendency oi the council Is to delay this project in the hope that no road will he needed These owners should get logcther and press for action while the chances at he iunds are available Supplementary Bylaw Covers Paving liienllnn oi the act that no mir llun was read into the minutes oi council in cover the mile at my ing atSirotlil was commented on by the road supervisor tohn Co wan He stated that they had got the approval of the highways department or subsidy at 50 of $70000 ilddititlnill to pave the 25 sidaroati Wilhcarelul spend ing there had been saving which enabled the paving at mile through Siroud This may have in run into it little of the regular lunds belore it is ï¬nally compiet ed and the shoulders oi the 25 sideruad ï¬lled out but he was hoping that it would not he very much The use at the surplus had been approval on the Straud road by department engineers The department sent equipment We spent Sat However we The PRO sh luminary bylaw was vs the regular ruin approved of 590000 which was tzkcnure at in the budget which thD Ontario Government as inform in Comps Deer hunting season is last up proaching and good nutty local residents have urday Iitrrnoon It were ralher amaz There owcd iitlie tonsidA onstntions eralion ln Issisling to put all lhc show when wa Introduce ourselves with the hhotognphc We were told we where we liked and phatozrap what we wished He was too bit to see that we did us about all equipment and de already cleaning and oiling their lirerm Bus name popular local tion on several are Trout Crerh started could to level out the gratin at the approaches same operation building does not come under the Thcre should be no necessity SHORI CUT SHANK rutt cut RIB LOIN AILAELE HES emuï¬Ã© Tiie BA cost at the road It was good time lo get it done so it was in Rug Price tlnt asssAvE ii morons 9e Rap Price tin ateMu so 243 Rap Frica tin moSAVE in 163 33 1555 JFKAIS Rail Priu soosAvE to ouch napPriao sicSAVE too oi Highway and these have been pavedmine The irontage oi the township White 26 his Thank SPECIAL KECUKDFLAYEK STAND WITH RACK FOR RECORDS WIIOUGIIT IRON I7 by 12 by Lightweight Exeeptlonal Value Floral patterns Salepriced TAINS in flbyfl inch panels that are ti popular choice for living room dining roulil bedroom Sincll bent at bottom linch sidehams pastels Pair Sturdy construction parsen CRETONNE 47°yd 3GlNCIl Right Weight ior drapes slip covers cushion tops so on Day 2QPCDINNE SPECIAL WROUGHTIRDN WALL BRACKET WITH TIERS 221 DECORATIVE Useiull 20 by 13 by ins spacesaver lor practically any room in thc IlullSB Moneysaver tnni OPEN STOCK SeieetNasttarhk 549 GOOD manweli deserves anattraetivs table setting heres ivoryargoid Dinnerware in lovely nose design ior that auperbThanksglvlngDinner youre planning Dinner Plates Vain ylatca Soups4Cups saucers Open Stock to you can add more pieces to your set later on Wondertul Volael Minna oflén tllctollniu advice Throth connection at his own Bu received inklme amps trout where it is supposed to be ideal Iot hunting the zrgsdul Iniml camp he his ininrtmtiod about Creel Commanda olden Minute Lorin try his would welcome any ullau It his local business clllhlllb ment and would be very happy to pass on any further lnlonnltlon required and Pichucl liver roun mi 4an SPECI COTTAGE SET Rayon lll SPECIAL PLASTIC DRAPES each panel met with polkadot Chintz Top 54 by 25 by ins In gay designs that accent the by is in ash all by 34 ins popular cul cheeriness you want in FalldtWinter dec onrs Complete with howhnot oraiing Appealing colours tichacks Set 21 Exceptional Value at 99c LITTLE RUGS ARE ATTRACTIVE AND PRACTICAL have your highlypolished tloors and staynut Iloor coverings with washable Ul reversible lit tle ltugs See Zellers assort lilcltts SPECIALl RRASS Boudoir with alludes POPULAR Decorative mod crn styles similar to one shown with pastel shade Ex ceptlonni Value SPECIAL oRAPEsI 247 PLASTIC DltAPES ecorsted designs on line vinyl Iabric Eocb panel 54 84 SpoolIVIlue SPECIAI DRAPERYMAIERIA iiincn Attractive ilorai patterns and other popular designs in your choice at white grey nutmeg grounds SIlePricedi cmourttc titles grin god Washable as by 42 his nose bloc DECORATIVE AIDS rosooo HOUSEKEEPING noun nose count nits iinished in white Decorated with attractivehose blaelttrlms Select matching merits and Iidrlypv Only BREAD BOX Idé by by ins LIlts PC CANNISTER SET lor Tea Coilee VALUEltlGII1I tor lritc enand pantry Motl and set min Zellers Valueright assort Sugar Flour Graduated sizeal to lbs nly was UTILITY CAN Stemn type with Inner pail by 11 lnsDnly sr0lti= nouns 915 can 530 pm DAILY 915 am mo Noun WED zctums ultillreo so nuolap at on canto Openlriday at Tillch