Among the exquisite and useiul display In the womens dlvhion oi the Coolstmlvn Fair Invent Itotnen were prominently inthc winners circle wasikeln and the entries were ill high calibre making the we mens exhibits one oi the most Interesting sections at this years lair Out at large display at pillow cases embroidered and cutwork Mrs Helen Strong ot Drati turd won Wilha rose embroidered on white pillow case and Ber tha Cowan oi Cdotutown with delicate cut Iloral design Bertha Cowalt also had the top display in pillow cases with other hand trim italtog entered mesh etiect nI Ilowen with lace border In this section Mrs Cowan Was the winner ot special award tor varied display at Iancywurk ltlrs James West oi Stroud won the gutst towels exhibit with an rntry oi mauve ilowers embroidr cred on linen Pink and while Wlnl st Johns WA cl Cookslnwn had the winner in thc ianey bath towels with pink trimmed white terry cloth entry liilss ucrlha Cowan came up with light gray winner in the Vanity Set section St Johns WA won the sheet class with dainty iioral and circular design Mrs Wesley itoge oi Thornton had color lully embroidered entry in the luncheon cloth exhibit in iirst place Bertha anan had mesh ct loci on table cloth which won its class Itlrs Earl Carr oi Cookstown had green and yel low tea only come out on top as did Mrs nerniee Graham oi Cookstown in the serviette class st Johns WA had the top bridge table cover with dark green entry Also it had the best crocheted place mats Mrs Helen iii Strong won the cloth place mats exhibit used loo Yeais Ago St Johns WA won special competition ior 12 articles used too years ago They included grandiatllors clock which be longed to Donnells grands lather and hay tork train the old Lent Homestead The Eastern Star oi Cookstowu won in the etched aluminum tray section Mrs Dull hlonltman ot Cooks tnwn won in the miniature garden class with small pool and var ious shrubs Mrs ltelcn strong had the most unusual table cen tre small section oi woods with animals pond and No lluntlng sign Mrs Don lionltman had the best collection at photographs St Johns WA had the best pen and ink landscape one or Black ruck castle in the crib quilt class Mrs James West had an elephant on her winner liirs acrniee Gra namicrocheted the best table cloth The St Johns WA had pink atin carriage cover which won in its section They also had the best hooked rug Thornton Entry Mrs Charles Spencer oi Thorn ton entered gold satin cushion in tile cbesteriieid cushion group and won Bertha Cowan came in for an other prize on her leather hahil bag the black tooled shoulder type Mrs Hunter or Cookstown had the best three hobbies with tooled leather belt in altim inum tray and felt runner nut competition In needlepoint St Johns WA entered and won with framed lose Bertha Cowan hldthe best rhesterfleld held Ind arm rests Mrs Robert Westlake Brad lord had childs flowered cot ton aunstlll as first placer Plzin Flnq In tiltl apron competition Bare th Cowan had the most servie able and the Eastern Star hail the Ilnclcst which was at green Drgnndy with while not trim Bertha thnin also had the win ning braided rug nine out one hiss Robert Westlake oI Brati lord entered pair ot boys stripe ed pyjamas and won ltrs James West oi Stroud had the winning girls print skirt Mrs Earl Carr won wttll her crocheted centrepiece nertha Cowan took another first with large exhibit at handkerchieis Mrs Evelyn SlnIIord oi Benton had the winning piclure cross stitch with bouquet of flowers in large whitevwithEreytrim frame Pinkerton WA had the best entry In the ladies workings with navy blue iclt creation Skid Ind Blouse Top In the girls school blouses Mrs James West won with yellow plaid She also had the winning wool skirt Pinkerton WA had light green childs smocked dress as the winner in its on Mrs Ro bert WM winning teenage Sundress and bolero Strlohns WA had the four best quilt blocks entered Mrs James Wesl had the win ning tea towels and the top wo mens housedress She also won or her three pot holders Mrs Evelyn Stafford aI Beeton entered and won with light blue crocheted hat tor it teenager Bertha Cawnn won in the mens alley socks division with pair at whiteI cablestitched ones llardiag Special Mrs Sutherland ot stroud won the liardlng Yarn Special with light green Vnecked sweater She also had the top mens mitts blue and red checked pair Mrs James West won with mustardcolored ladles cardigan Mrs Sutherland had the top ladies gloves and also won the lldry litaxinSpecial tor the heavy knit sports sweater Her entry was white with green and blarlt trim tulilengu ripper opening and roll collar aerlha Cowzn had the winning baby set pink coat booties and hat Among many oulits oi much handiwork the winner in the old Quilt class was St Johns WA Mrs Sutherland won in the alghnns and the St Johns WA had the best applloucd quilt Mrs Bernice Graham oi Cooks town had the best appliqued and embroidered quilt and Mrs wil lis corrigan oi Cookstown had the winning pieced cotton guilt Frnm the Kitchen In the baking and cooking class Mrs Earl Carr won the homemade tudge group with hallopound of chocolate fudge and Mrs Duckworth had first in the divinity section Mrs Sutherland had tht top loaf of white bread and Mrs Earl Carr had the best raised buns Mrs Herman Corrian won top place with her whole wheat loaf Mrs Don Motilrmalt had the winning special collection cl fancy baking and also the top uniced entered angel cattle interior Used only an second company executive See this car to Iully appreciate Its value and condition THIS PASSE IS in MONEY MAKE TC nudio nlany eains good tireaperleet manysonnets earbyn cookies and Mrs Emlyn Stlifotd mens1f mottletapwnlrktn cherry bestehelm buns nlnl salmon tool airs nuclrwonbpi name had the best anti shortbread ones the top cocolnut nncaroonlMls Borden Nixon at Coohtown nod the winning oatmefl cnqkin Mrs Duckwarth won with thocolztt layer Elke 1nd liso in corn Wuthke lemon mania In Earl Mappln And In Inuhnan In lonkmn lilo had the In Helen Strong had the lllb For do best donutwhite =1 exhibitod George Fania Cook tnwn won first prize and Marilyn Gil oi Cooksth hid the top In the canned thehblcnMII Far Carr lull the top Lonitoes In partisan pen and Miss Cow IflB BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDA SEPT 25 1951 cooksiovlgt Niall Conference GQbC Planning eoniercnco whirb broughl together all cnlet Observers and Regional Supervisors in the urea was held on Sunday Sept 22 South Death IIolti Youngs Point Antoni Ihose inlttelld Ince was Dullrtln Cooks town At 10 mm FI Wood 54 Ground Observer Corps De tachment Peierborough welconn ed the Kroup and called upon cutie contest with trusted single white cake lira Evelyn StlIIord had the winner in the Domestic Special litrs Earl Carr won in the Do mestic Pie special Mrs Robert Werilalre had the best lemon tarts litre Evelyn Stallord the best butter tarts Banu Cilia Banana cake honors wentto arr Dan Manhunt as did bran Mullins Irp Earl Carr hld the top dark run cake Airs £vzlyn Suflmd had the hast ottan or inle syrup and In Willis Corrlun the best hm dairy huLtrr erland perches Mankllln pears strawberry lain but apple tell little eucunllier chm ll sauce arm rNtxo hath Cam Auin Canned Imityllnnen wen Bert thaCownn IthIIierriel Mn Nixon raspberries Mn Sini lord thanks Mrs Suth Ind Mrs In Duakworth Ind the best Min Conan the And Mrs Nixon top puck lloblnd onus maria Bertha CaWailihn in ninediyapietrlu and chili winning salad Armin and Mrs Chantlar worrthe Club House Itions etc ed operational which covered endures and what type while Clare Kecvil my by the detachment Carr won lined luture training neuaud CD from ti tiround Observer Corps Unit North Bay tr speak on luture planning oper Flo George Carrulhers outllnr standardization reporting pm or aircrai to report to the Filter Centre Clarcntonli gave brieI outline oi publicin and advertising now being used At 1145 nu the group broke up or lunch andreconvencd it 115 pm tor discussion period and questions and answers Ler lunch the Field Ollieers outs Al etc AYLMEII FANCY CREAM STYLE conli GA CHOICE IIPPIE 190 CLARKS TOMATO 0R VEGETABLE soup NATunAl coMaiNAiloii Port BREAKFAST THRILL NEW CROP RUBY RED FLORIDA 10 GIIAPEEIIIIIT LARGE stza Suuxtsr lZ ORANGES mm TENDER AND CRISP TOPS IN SALADS LETTIICE km 25 noncnns or win FLAVOUR éSEeilless Grapes 29 jinnAi FOR EATING on doolimn FANCY GRADE qt nastiness wonTlt sailvmc nan cltEAMv WHITE CAIILIILIIWEII mi 15 IGA DOG HOUSE DOGFopD 12 IIUNTS CArsUP 1nd noaiN noon Gnocoura oil WHITE QAltalvllx4 190 mm oo 100 STORE Hoons Monauea ab 12 noon Friday900 ain to pan Stator The BARRIEV EXAMINER SPECIAL communion OFFER LBAILERLIE aunt ronx SAUSAGE 801 PKG TAFLE dayoilo to flllSE SPEAKS or ROASIS rnvlua cntcitau inA EVAPORATED Mllili rains or NlAGAltA lGA FAucv LlNcohN chaicnnhaves LtNCQLNqnolca Ltaar in TOMATO SAUCE FROZEN FOODS 1957 SLICED MLOGNA JIIIEE littms letters nu ma 100 Roomy illsr PEAS BEEF 00 tea worn roux gagulgglamg IHREFLEGGED on BEANS Mn cur on 553 100 Taming 00 KPPIEm PEACHES 100 Tomtttoes 20 00 Iililillllï¬ Jilin 7m 100 GREEN GIANT FAN liliM LUNCHE ll MEAT MUNARCH MARGARINE SPIUAI Sfllrlntt ED SMITH STRAWBERRY ill SPILlAt SHIRRIFFS CAKE If ultmti cu CHAMPION BUG CAI irlciail QUAKEZR MU ETS SFIClAt SIMUNIZ PASTE WAX FROZEN roons cl PNCALI Nil sEye Greenattennsi in Marion ltén Pot Pie not EntitieyWllole Strawberries to MOST Lonaw MAnxirs Good Iuslo Pouches Brights Illlod Cllélliies 115 ozliiki crieth ISFL HALVII arms FIEUZTS ito LEGELriELES GOLDEN RIPE DELICIOUS NUTRITIOUS BANANAS IIYDRO CO0LEDSWEETNESS TENDERNESS FRESHNESS IltESII colili DIRECT FROM SPAIN EXTRA MILD AND SWEET GENUINE SPANISH IlllltlllS linAoli FDIt Till POT WASIIED AND TRIMMED Spinach litNubian BIG value the EATALII eaten FAN 334 PCs Heinz Itllran snitce lmsweet Pure Ionian Juice FRESH into NFISHL aPECIALi GOLDENFRIED LwST lile No61 S7FCIAL oracles can it iiier can scold Sweet Orange Juice Zoxfriac 25 21c 65 39c nnqueiioinuro Snitchzazmti 27c mmrlgcl 39 29c 29= on new titii Allithth blacutArING mo unit Smiï¬ns it As incALI Liaqu OVENFRE$ SOSTESS PECAH FHNCIES nalsculr rAcxacs 39 law um SENSAIIOH Priéeoiltlm Coltee iio 83 243 no no LOILAW rlssutv naAsrro carnal nrAun turn on tollluws Ilesh Bread stlcsn on unstluo 37c want witsAv cucxn was 14 oz LOAF Loliaws Sultana Fruit ï¬nite 59¢ IPECIAL want Chocolate Fudge Creams 3S Annex can flcloller Issues NOW ON SALI Everywomalls Magazine Canadian Home Saturday Itlght 20c lnrttnnucmo NEW CHOCOLATE SENSATION SlllEll Illll CAAAMAILO Blili av swan MARIE TERRIFIC yALua NATIONA HWEEKI 27° 25° 43= 65c uAnno Aun loLl ADDITION VAIIETIES Llharty 10 Journal 100 IAI