Despite wet wuthcrï¬lm inen and women anthersti on Thursdl nilht Sept ii at Burton Ave Untledchurchvta Ir Rev animal at Pra Bible in stttute Three Hills Albeltl into thrilling address based on humans The youn marltell couples from Minis rig were guests at Uhriltln Easiness hlens Coins mlltee for the occasion and were welcomed by Chairman ltuy Tracy Mrs Beillly thanked CBMC lor the invitation Tilt couple or the club ware prudent Atter the singing lit the theme song Thank You Lord or Suiting My Soul Dave Whitney rutumell thanks tor Ihe meal wtth neg Knlsht otthc piano lies Centre led the singing with Cleans Slaves and Sincu sinus Carot rlnlo bly llulrt Mr tlracy thanked the Burton Ave United latlirs For the hanquntr se InluLly surved replied to by Mrs thank Goring liner supper the crowd moved upstairs to who church auditorium lur ht program Scripture rend ing by John Culwill Barrie Prayer by any Carlton ol Allis Inn Testimony time brought evi dence oi the saving grace oi Jesus Christ in thtl lives at two men Knapp ol Barrie and Russell llliiumiicld at Port Hope nevi Edward lrosser of Port llopc song three solos The spenker was introduced by Ken Gray at llztppy Hollow Farm Slrnud llir Maxwell told of his early lite in Kansas City his con version ï¬nally went to Three Hills and started the lllbte ln stllule 0i seven members in his inmily six are headed tor the mission lield Telling bricily ot the working or the lnstitutc he said lve never hud birth ac count in 35 years 250includlng children stair can receive more than $100 your the balance goes into the We hear We have had New Testament Com tund or the institute talk about Communism munlsm for some time Attendance ot the Bible stilutc is 300 schalii wouldshelp inc go In Hell When died my lather Ernest went to Heaven made me think and was lost Christs sake saved me lie quoted Romans 82 ï¬ction MOTOR TUNEUP or gamma Heres imonzy ti ll your car misses ii ir suits if it is roa cyau are no getting maximum mileage and performance So drive in onions AUTO shamnlc mm Orre uffonly new Allin lttE Hem tlllrrls allqu Electric 33 Dbnlop st Phone in than carrier has not THEREIS Noan rrifziidï¬atr riMaxwelll Fortitude Hills Bibleinstitute lt Addresses Chlisi We tarm 1000 acres milk 50 cows have on the No member olthe staff in grillle school 450 in high school lion in Bible Speaking at unrest in his early lite the speaker said joined the church hoping it didnt want to my brother said Mayhe This knew Flniitly surrendered my life to Jesus Christ and cried in lied ier mercy and God ier Wait until pm and and Copy Wmï¬e Dellve all To Your Home ï¬rst tall Business Men the law or the spirit oi me In Christ Jesus hath made me tree irotn the law oi sin and death Mr Maxwell said ltyou are hungeran and thirstlng litter righteousness ll is good sign that you tars born again He urged the gathering to turn train set and live tor Jesus Christ to hive victory liver the power at sin through llhe tlnlshed work at ltpnschrtsl quoting Romans 613 Nulthcr yield ye your members as instruments of un righteousness unto sin but yield yourselves unto God as those that are alive from the dud and your members as instruments at righteousness linlo God lor sin shall not have dominion over you or ye are not under the law but under gripe He said Have you been hold ing reluntment againstssomeone Ilor years and atrald to confess llt Just use one sentence ml wrongI ll is hard thing to do bul get on your knees and lay it out 100 per cent guilty Talling 11 story at ll father who had llost his son he said The latherstond looking at the body at his son and said 11 only could put life in you and stand you on your leetr Jesus Christ is saying to its ll only could put my tile in your poor helpless body in closing his address Mr Maxwell said Hallelujah have iounLl llim An uttering was token and litter speakers ex penses paid 550 was given to Win Maxwell tor the work at the Prairie Bible institute Next months meeting will be Tuesday Oct whcn Rev it Crooks oi Parry Sound Presbyc tcrisn Church will be speaker This meeting will be for men only and all are welcome lihitutlry Over 94 Years Of Age Mrs Elizabeth Smith Died In Coltingwood Residents oi Barrie ol Edgar anLtanttLroundtng communities it Vespra were saddened on learnc ing of the death on Thursday Sept 12 1957 of Mrs Elizabeth Smith In Colllngwoud Although in her 95th year she had enjoyed good health until last your item in Vespra Township she was daughter oi the late James and Mary Moran and in 1881 was married to John Jr Smith who predeceased her 29 years aims of the nine children born to them surviving are John of coil ingwood Mrs lam Flarity Gertrude at Michigan Truman of Gainsborough Saskr Ernest at Hamilton and Laine oi Calitorniar Mrs Harry Bailey Mary prede ceased her some 21 years ago and three sons died in intnncy There are also23 grandchildrenand 2t greatgrandchildren Her body rested at the Trett Funeral Home in Collingwood and the luncrol on Saturday morning Sept 14 was tram st Marys Ro man Catholic Church with requiem mass sung by Rather Ellaid Pallbearers were William Tay lar ot Lelroy and Messrs Hunter Hunt BrandStr Amand and Jam dbS of Collingwood Interment was in St Marys Cemetery Coll ingwood Hidden Dangers In Wheat crop During the past two years head blight has been frequently report ed in winter Wheat in Ontario Blightlng at the head represents onlypart ot the damage caused by this disease points out Prof Fushtey Botany Department Ontario Agricultural College it also causes seedling blight and out rot in wheat and curb The head blight phase oi this disease is most easily noticed be cause Inlcctod heads appear to ripen prematurely bud contrast strongly with the green color at healthy heads Then entire head or any portion oi it may be all noted In later stage of devel opment the base of the clumps or chaif becomes Covered with salmonrpink deposit This pink deposit also occurs on infected kernels which are usually much shrunken when harvested The scih phase of the disease is an advanced stage of the head blight when small dark bodies are formed on the surface ol the lnteeted chaff This stage is not common in Ontario The disease iscaused by fun gus The iungus is carried over on seed and on crop residue in the ï¬eld Head blight usually oc curs during wormmoisl seasons when spores tram crop residue are hlown about by the wind and latest the young heads Since the disease is carried on seed and on crop retusé it is important to use clean seed and to destroy retusc Complete con trol is ditticult but damage can kernels iungl healthy seed Plough under wheat stub ble to completelycnver all refuse that may be talented no not plant wheat alter Allow it least wheat or corn one year between these sus ceptible crops ALL WEATHER WONDER brilllant red wool Jersey water repellent coat that smiles in the sun and revels in the rain with glintlng brass buttons and trim welt pockets some thing new for showers by Lou Larry oi Toronto be greatly reduced by proper management Do not use whenttronl badly infected crop tar Iced llavo seed properly cleaned to remove all lightweight These are the ones most likely to be inflated Treat seed thoroughly with one of the recommended on ganic lnrrcurlals to destroy that may adhere to taultiureflilunbltertE AIIAIK tars nor am rucnoslam no buttm or muss By John Christopher Ordinarily science lictivn is not precisely my cup at tear Too otlen it seen to he more con tuned with gadgets Inzn with humh beingsjoml too many at its Iuthoï¬ seem uninterested in the possibility admittedly re mate but human nature may have advanced in step with mettle anlnl progress THE DEATH OF GRASS how ever is something rather dillcr out John Christopher ignoring the tnvltlnxposslbtliltes at space ship and distntcgrztor rayguns aiding ln the conquest ol outer space In supposed ll vast natur ll disaster and has attempted to deduce poslhle human behavior in the situation peculiarly vlclous and stubborn virus attacks all grsacral the rice amt thus bringing famine and anarchy to the whole of the Eastern hem isphrre The western peoples congratulating themselves on their immunity turn all their re sources to ceding the stricken peoples and iindiog an antidote to the virus An antidote is found and the world relaxes but the plague thrcaks out again In it new and more virulent phase which st taclls not only rice but all species not grass Scientists work trant allyI but no antldotc powerlul moonlit can bl found and the virus spreads steadily lrom Asia through Europe Now the death of grass means eventually the death of all creatures dependent directly or indirectly all glass or llle including man himself The story toilows the adven tures ot lohn Constance and no glr Buckley and their Wives and children as they travel tronl Lon don to valley In Westmorelanll where tuhnll brother David on ucipatlng disaster has ptante nothing but potatoes and beets which are immune to the virus survive Their way becomes more and more dangerous as that venccr oi civilization cracks and the restraintsalld disciplines smoked struggle or survival which mercy and pity arc reveal ed as the luxuries of safe an civilized society Grave ethical problems or only for law who has the righ to lti prime minister is willin to drop hydrogen bombs on th principal cities of his country order that those who are left may have chance oi survivall This Kills thn and Roger with rage nnd harrorhut In their journey themselves would outlive and on which pigs might pmlbly social living hrcnlr Llle becomes used When survival is possihle to Blind Ghyll they nd them Eueiflil pa 34091 solves making declslons equal in lnhumanlty though not in scope to that ol the political leader To lohn Custance gentle roan with vast compassion tor seller lng humanity the leadership or the party fails decided by lilp ot coin amt to him when the lives ot his wile and family hang in the balance murder becomes merely killing lor iood lie dis covers in himsell the essential ruthlessncss oi the leader and discovers toe the terrible lone lines at leadership lloger Buck lay on the other hand had re Karded quencEs oi distant amine with cynical practierlily reality he cannot cleny the claims ot the civilised virtues and whtle admitting the tightness of Johns attitude and decisions irecly con tcsses that he would not had the strength to make them THE DEATH OF GRASS is not perhaps an important book but it is In its small way honest allth clearheaded in addition to belng an exciting story well told may lead some readers to risk and what the disastrous Well Eli mi in ilrar ilrii tllVllllall TELEPHONE BARRIE FOR THE FINEST IN FURNACE grow OIL METEEED DELIVERY coma Now lacing have it This is fine time to give in museumsSmith MERION BLUE produce good turt arrived then call is the ideal time Th BA RIE EXAMINER1957 DONT FORGET TO USE SO GREEN orlMlt hath reliable lertiliscrr Your Lawn Try some or the newest grasses vszvco full This grass hasrover 2000000 seéds to the pound whereas other grasses have great deal less and because or the plants vigorous scalding characters light seeding will MERIQN leaves are beautifully textured withvahtghly desireable broad lent Try this new grass in mixture with the usual type or town grass Fall sowing or town grass ORGANIIE CONSULT US ABOUT YOUR LAWN PROBLEMS Ill onslr Ilad OM allay Its Toronto euAltaujrsso it shun term5 years 51 1cs1trrlrlcarss pay Intarelt payable half yearly Uncendtttonollypuoroatood or to principal and intern uutharlud lmnmunt for trust funds IN runs osmwsaccumuurss to 4004 iii STERLING Trusts lruneh Otllsol la Dunlap 59 acute Slllil ggllr Slftilil fillililllllll 32995 on ANY ltEttlttll Ptlltlllt oil lllllilo with your Isréaenl oulrpidule Radio or llecbrdl Player llilitiliilitj lilils Mulls