nylon his haulNa there are very wt of our gardeners who are aware of the International Peace Gab den and because think you Ihouldknnw and would want to Know about it there Is the his tory of this garden as presented by its superintendent Tlnllne ACEitTAiN CITIZEN of Cut ada was returning In 1923 to the land vot hls adoption alter at tending gathering or gardeners held In Greenwich Connecticut and thinking it the warm welt come he had received and the in tcrestlng people he had assoclai ed with the thoughtume to him Why not have glrdcn on ihe international boundary line where the people at the two countries could share the glories lound in lovely garden and the pleasures round ln warm triend ships This man Henry Moore at lsilngton Ontario had graduated from the famous ch Gardens at England and had taught at Cornell University and at the Ontario Agricultural Coir Icga YEAR LATER the Nation al Association or Gardeners oi the United Stalta met in Toronto and approved Mr Moores Idea All international committee at three was appcinttdTwo Itlncr lcaus and one Canadian to select suitahle spot where the two na tions could mingle Ireer without barriers Largely through the efforts at Ilr Parmley Ipswich South Dakota and Mr Udall Boissevaln ltIanl tabs chairmen ot the Canal to Canada highway committee in their respective countries Dr Moore and Joseph Dunlop or South Euclid Ohio inspected the Turtle Mountain district in early June 1931 The State of North Dakota made possible an aero plane trip DVII the area and Dr liloIre described the trip over the mountains in these words What sight greeted the eye Those undulating hills ris ing out oi the limitless prairies are titled with lakes and streams on the south at the unrecogniz able boundary wheat every where and on the north the Iranitoha Forrst Reserve what place or gardcnl THE STATE oi North Dakota oitercd to provide two acres at iand about oneshall arm lands the remainder tree covered and gently undulating The Province Iianitoblt transferred to the Internatlonal Peace Garden cor poratlon or as long as the Peace Garden continues block or ad jacent land that measured when the final survey was made 1613 acres This was forest reserve extremely undulating with round ioppcd hlllr crowned with paper rblreh with poplar and oak at In tclmcdlate levels and willow on the lower lands Later in the War the committee of 50 met and reached decision which was almost unanimous that the otter oi these propertiesbe ac cepted DR MOORE In radio ad dress given Christmas night that same year over crnn in To rnnto made this statement The Great Garden will he on the Canal to Canada highway at point on the International boundary between Dunselth North Dakota and Boiasevain lilnnitoha and dornlias south or Brandon The location ls almost the exact centre between the At lautie and the Faeltie and but 30 miles north theexaet centre of the North American continent which is at Rugby North Da kota The highway extends train point 200 miles north of the boundary to thePanama Canal and Is to extend north to Churchill and south to Cape Horn Upon this Main Street of the Americas which Will be the longest north and south highlvay ill the world will travel millions rot people in the days to come THE HIGHWAY it to hoped will link this Garden of Peace with the monument Christ at the Andel erected by the Argentine and Chilean governments on their boundary in 1904 THE FIRST construction work within the PoacevGarden wars stone cairn erected in 1932 on the international line short distance mm the proposed ens trance So great was the Inter elt In the proposedleaee Gar den that tremendous crowdga thered onuthe border many miles rain the neareatvlllagea to attend the dedication ner mony on July 14 1932 crowd was estimated at over 50 000ileople Led by the hiahop Brandon they unitediy pledg ed themrolver 1n the wordaIn scribed on the bronze plaque built into the calmrand ram with Iidlan stone hammers vro qon in His GLORY Ws Twomintlonr Dedicate Th gglnrdenv andj Pledge Ounelveav Agnlnst Mother 1N THE inl years Peace Garden was sponsored en tirely by people living in the eastern part or North America The International lurorponted was organized un der the lawn at the State or New Yory and until ms the annual meetings were held In the City of New Yet lT WAS THE Gardeners As sedation at the that sponsored the Ing Peace Garden their committee that selected the Their appeal ma made to the nubile Including Individuals organizations and all levels of governments Wolds it was movement at the by the people purpose or expressing the deep rooted desire at all citizens or and maintenance goodwill relationships It is truethere Peace Garden accuse me old boy may out In openair tire lng accommodation lor 12 groups places are in the vicinity at the picnic shelters Also tlon high wire lence was built on the outer boundaries ON THE Canadian arnall lake was crested near the entrance to the large lake turther hack in 1939 extensive pianiings ol ornamen tal treesjnd shrubs were made around the small lake mile mad was surveyed graded and gravclledv new travelling over it get atlrac live views at the large body at It has been named Lake Stormon alter itlr John Stormon 0t Roll1 North Dakota who has been connected with the Peace Garden tar many years iirst as and more recently as chairman ot the board at nine lnclnentors two countries ea or hav and it was regula ror support date were read duly adopted Many Items correspondence were read It was disclosed that permit lmm Town Council had bccn secured to hold parade on Saturday Oct This parade ii one or the teaturea oi giant district meeting being held here on that date with Barrie aranehv as hosts It to expected that over 300 members and their wives will be present tor this daylong lune In other garden and people for the the promotion international harmonious tween nations lnttrnatlnnal out here largely origin In govern mental action and were llnarlced almost entirely by government funds and do not constitute an expression ot the common people for the ideals sought in the In lernatlonal Peace Garden move therefore apparent that this garden is the only one of its kind on the International boundary THE GARDEN was launched during the period at serious de Presslon sometimes called The Hungry Thirties three that visitors hridgcs iaund their An Inicrcstlng tact gleamed lrom Treasurer Ai Mllllcans re port was that Branch 147 had as of Aug Si 589 fully paid up mem large membership should rate the local branch as possibly the tops in Barrie scr vlce clubs The applications tar member ship were read by Ernest Woiien dcil and passed by included secretary Progress ot thll garden next IN MINORITY About do per cent at all post war immigrants to Canada have been women and children Ioliowiitl names James lit Miller Clarence Johnson John Bradbury Lawr ence Hart Archie MneMillalt Will There was Pint As the lime or the year is ap floor mueh unemployment and young gathered Civilian Conservation Corpsln the United States employed licliet Programs civilian conservation camp wall established in the In ternatlonal Peace Garden on the American side in 1934 ileilll lake and into UnA Canada ANNE STREET Ari artl ot considerable size rim was created by member ofthe camp through the constructon ot dam and separate spillway This lake has since been named Lake Udall alter Udall editor oi the Boissevnin Record er who had assisted greatly with the development gravelied park road were but with log bridges over streams lodge was erected adian logs We extend cordial Invitation to all our friends to visit with in at our BOOTH in Tile nonlcurrunat BUILDING lllllt lilltllltlltS SEPT 262728 and discuss your iceding plans with us Let us show you how SHUKGAIN with its many advantages LOCALMANUFACTURE QUALITY CONTROLLED CAN SAVE AND MAKE YOU MONEY romantic read Mill Three miles oi Billtllll using Can and United States atone This building is 105 teet long with wing do eat long which is used as dining room or group gatherings especially Sanitation connectons MADE anasn DAILY FARM PROVEN The lodge popular with or having international Three large picnic shelters were also built and seven tourist cabins the latter prov limit 51 washes ciiauan washes rAsran frosUY THEZMODEL or YOUR CHOICE error taunséacmt SALE MEAN castlnlscourlrsi EX IiA as Long aarhlen Shalllee Iu Not Take it Arnie an Irs saran Home Service Director £11m lilo com onstratlag this nap tasty lm controlled griddle plea or 30 pound turkey with ease to 150 degrees you can bake successfully at any level lwo buttons to set IN THE MDFIATVMBHW RANGE 1957 945 pm The at An seddent la usually the only rise nadnwn and the winner in the race name Afsherldan was plek DRIVE SAFER ed This member was not pru eat as required an the attendant prize grows to $85 tor the 0et 1be atone shotdd lnlt sure very large turnout Iain Johnson Annie Donaldson president and clearly brought to ionrnrnent Raymond Adams nines Smith the members attention the many George Kinlelln and Do and varied duties connected with ber All at than men areet being theipruident at this large peeted to be pruent and Initiated branch It was well delivered at the Oct meeting and Informative addrefl vlctsprrsident oatsrio Whit mm Command Harold mion then gave short and humorous speech preaching when the nominaqu we mum 5m mum fault be hematite toliowlnginnrm 0mm in Mum he ma on commute at no strenuoua sin viritia the gt =0qu 01 the WWW various mm In the distric The regular meeting held Sept Bah nuke Al Giles Ed Beiea an hm mm id 01 Branch 141 Canadian Le key Jim Hughes with put presi gion had In attendance or 122 den Cee Menulkln an the chatrv members and la oliieen present man tor mu uIL Several nut 01 town pm mum cum itahlgh level at humanitarian ell guests were present and lnlmduc gm at orts and thus continue to merit to lo the memben The attire it was an enlightening Harold Eaton Newmarlret 1st vlcopresitient Ontario Command him and Messrs ltnsscl and Burton oi the newly termed Alcona Beaehv tendanee gflnst time meeting monle among the members so that thin branch and the Canldlali Legion In general can continue ll unis ninth Hi the support at all the people The meeting was called or ad IN om APPLIANCE CONTINUOUS OPERATION IN LESS THAN ONE Holt The most advanced nppllanee ever developed to tnise the work out at washday thSlIllll IiilYEIi cinnamon will Magic Keyboard control Sulect The Number Minutes to Wash The time to Dry TOUCH THE MASTER SWITCII Bendix taken over Thats absol man ANY OTHER WASHER ulely all youdnror each The Bendix Duomatic washcs as no other washer can it dries mm ANY OTHER COMBINATION In one continuous completely auto as no other dryer can matte operation an IRVSEE AI FOR ALL FABRICS HiLOMATIC ELEVATOR CONTROL that moves ov en rack up and down without opening oven door THERMDSTATICALLY CONTROLLED DEEI WELL COOKER and decpJot fryer and Thermastalleally SUPER KINGSIZE OVEN biggest of them all hnlds eight SYNCROMATIC OVEN HEAT CONTROL preheats to 350 degrees in minutes complete selection of heats 550 down NEW PERIMETER BAKE ELEMENT oven heats so evenly AUTOMATIC CLOCK the simplest clock on any range just DIAerHEAT SWITCHES give unlimited heat selection CANADAS EASIEST TO CLEAN OVEN TIIESE AND MANY OTHER GREAT FEATURES AltE FOU