Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Sep 1957, p. 1

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Polce search It Ci ewulmmfrrm ueféllun Iliston Area For Abdticiors Provincial Police arc aearchlnd BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAYSEPTEMBER 25 i957 auraruns userd cm run in nu otnn onean on who dragged 25yearoid Belt DRourke into truck No rloronto on Monday night The woman told Constable thetAllislon diatricl ior two m3 Elchlso oi the Alllaton detach ment that she had relusedih mens oiicr or ride and was pulled Into the truck by anaoi them as she walked along Yongo street after getting on bus at the clly limlll She lumped tree train the slow moving truck on tho ouukirls or Alliston Hearing woman scream and the sound oi truck In rant of her house liira Cunningham went to the roadway and round the sobbing woman Her right cheek was bruised and her late scratched Heavy Fire Loss Headquarters Oi Trucker About 430 pm yesterday fire all Last night the board or directors or the Barrie Agricultural Society met or the last time prior to the opening or this years Barrie Fall Fair Details were careiuily checked by them to ensure as tar as possible the whole exhibition will run smoothly while the directors checked linal dcinils or what promises to be the lair ui inirs ior Barrie people were busy in the main The racing committeee ported that Ihcre had been on overwhelming response or entries and lull program oi or pictllrcd on the right Miss Christine Mac arthur or the National Olilce is being used to obtain the maximum comrort tor the bed llODY nilClillNics new technique be ing taught by the VON educational instruct patient Miss Elaine Cline VON Graven hurst while Miss Gertwoad Ballart VON war discovered in the large siorv age garage at Dennis Moran truck ing contractor at 29 Anne Street Evidently starting irom ahort circuit in large truck it inch Miss ORourke ioldpolica that she had scratched the drivua race and iorehead prior to lump ing from the truck atives in the Huntsville is observing The dayanda halt conrerence is attended by all represent Thc twoduanll exhibition now In its 08th year staged by Fins Agricultural Society at Elnivale got on to good start yesterday with record making school parade and Junior lair Under tilrcateuing skies 060 students representing it schools accompanied eight decorated iioats to the arena Bass Lake Park Much Improved COLWATER Although nni taken over as provincial park until early this year Bass Lake park was exiensivcly unmoved and heavily patronited during the tourist season lust closed According to Land and Foreals Minister Hun Clare anlfi doram new records tor patrou age of provincial parks wereret in 1957 Records at August 15 indicated 113710aeblrate veh iclesobtained permits for en tranco to parks and many re turned for numerous visits Lloyd Letherby MPP or this rlding visited Bass Lake Park on the weekend and stated terrliic Job is being done In the way of improvements district Traffic Lights Now Installed quick headway The brigade ar rlvcd In good time and Mr Shana han and workers had hauled out two other damaged vehicles irom the building but It was burned down All or the racks belonging to many trucks and other vehicles were slored there and will be diiilcult to replace Fortunately another larger garage nearby was saved The loss may reach 0000 heavy bulldozer was not In the garagc but the driver had stored his car there for the time and it was badly damaged hall erecting stands ior the many exhibits which will be housed there The ccnircplecc oi the hall will be the display oi entries in the horllcullurnl section of the lair ilrs Jean Gable busy preparing the licrcd sland said We expect iiiui the entries this your will be ill best over There llns been no lmst In spoil the ilowcrs Dulside numberoi trucks had already drawn Into the air grounds some carrying loads ior commercial exhibitors who will be showing their wares and some bringing amusements ior lhe giant midway lectured at the ialr Area IIONs Discover Rehabilitation Idea Very olicn inmilies think its such as heart conditions irac grounds Last year 124 teachers and pupilstouk przt in the paradc so that this ysars parade sets re cord in numbers Commenting on lhc floats the judges said that the eight were some or the most arlistic they had seen The JudgeD Mc Cuaig Cup fur the most artistic iloal iasi year won by Elm vale Public School this year went to SS 12 Plus or their float on lhe theme Saiety Comes First 55 12 also won Ille prize lnr lhe bcsi oncruom school In the parade The prize for the best costumcd group at students want In Eimvalc Public School Grades and Best It Marching Honors ioi the best marching in the public schools section were won by SS Fins in the high Mhlmls class the only entries came from Elnlvaie and District High school and once more the girls Won out over the boys Somewhere in the neighbor hood oi Boo to Latin people went in see the junior air which had record entries in all classes The wide range of things covered can be gauged by the lact that class es included social studies crafts animals and iiowcrs and vege tables Spelling and Speaking in addition the school children had the opportunity lo show their talent in public speaking and spelling the latter there was lie between two boys from the same Talent Show Curtain Raiser Fiddlers Contest The first night oi Elmvale Fair featured public school amateur contest sponsored by the Saurin Womens Institute and Home and Schools Association Several dozen talented young contestants took part This was iotlowed by an Old Tlirie Fiddlers contest sponsored byiSlrncoe District Iooperative Services The iudges were group oi Ialen WiliDuwncr oldtime ild der oi OPP at Wasagn Jack Duchini the Bert Nlosl orches tra and Norman Oliver Master oi ceremonies was Emerson Swain Contestants wcre irnm Stroud Elmvale Goldwater and Port Mr Nicoll Sharing the sec prize money weré Hamid King Port McNicoIl Bert nulhnllrnd Strourl Joe Greenwood Goldwater Vaaey Beardsall Eimvnle Mrs liert Mulhollnnd played piano for all the contestants school in Grades and class Michael bell and Nelsorill7oad both from ss Plus Tile spelling contest or Grad es and ii was won by Billy Chapman oi ss 12 Tiny la the senior group Grades and the hnnnr or the girls was up held by Norma Anderson oi SS 10 Plus who won the corn petition The public speaking contest for Grades i0 was won by Barry Spring at SS F105 Willi Terry Barbour oi SS Flos The iirst days air was round ed oii by iiddlcrs contest which packed the arena In the evening Today at Elmvsle it is livestock day and tonight grand concert will bring this popular air in close inrailv other year Police éreei Men Who Took Case of Beer Thanks to the alertnessoi wa man provincial police were wait ing at the Ailislon address of Fred erick Tucr 28 and John Lauzon 38 when they arrived home late last night with case oi beer they had taken oil truck in Barrie The woman saw the two rnen re move the case oi beer from truck behind hotel and place it in car She took thc license number The irllilc committee of the Barrie Town Council an lillllanbarlrafllc lights are now in operation at Dunlap Street West junctionol Eccles Street The Installation at this In tersection Includes walkwait signal ior pedestrians toasslat the many school chlldren which use this crossing lo and irorn school Council Sels Election Dates For Barrie Barrie Town Councilon Monday night passed bylaw fixing the dates for he council nominations and clecliuns or this year and or every succeeding year The nomination mEEting Will be held at 730 pm on the second last Thursday in November and when necessary polling will take place on the iirst Thursday in Dec ember Under the bylaw polling stations tor the various wards will be opened at the lollowlng places Ward Codrington School Ward Public Libra Ward Oddiellows Hall War Com munity House Ward Halwig Motors Ward orange Hail Bur tori Avenue oi the car and informed police The men have been charged with the theit of the beer He said now lacilitics were be ing constructed equipment Was levelling iandandlthe changes being efleclodliadprogressed mi remarkabla manner MinorleoQUe Gels Tag Day Legal or Not When Barrie Church and Le gion Minor Hockey Association applied to Town Council Mon day night to hold tag day the quesilon arobe as to whether such body was legally entitled to hold tag day The question was posed by Alderman Paddison who suggested that the aplication should be referred to the town solicitor for clarification dont want to give the lin pression that am against minor hockey said Alderman Paddison It is just that ii any doubt exists it should be cleared up now Cordptrollerdreaaurer Gigs quoted from memory that part of the Municipal Act which oealt with the authorizing of lag days to religious charitable and patriotic organizations char ltabie organization was defined as an organization tor the relief of the destitute Minor hackey Is very dest IluLE uuipped Alderman Williams He pointed out that the only grant the association got was $450 from the recreation com mittee Any turlher monies re kindness to do everything or chronically ill patient whereas it is much beller ior their maximum recovcry if they are encouraged to ilelpthemscivcs as much as possible This statement was made by bliss Christine MacArthur edu cational dirocior oi the national ortice oi the Victorian Order of Nurses She is at Community House on oneandahait day cnnierencc Tucsday and Wedneslt day vithlivc area VONS one each lroln Owen Sound Coiling wond Orillin Gravenhurst and Huntsville Barries own reprc seniative hliss irene Edgar is unable to be present because at illness Case Clled To illustrate her above state meni Miss MacArthur cited case where the patient slliierecl mm stroke and was looked ai Ier by her family tor eight years at which lime VON was called who ionnd the patient almost completely helpless Alter sev eral weeks at simple exercise the patient was able to do things for herself and In gel out ui bed and take iew steps The psychologi cal beneiit derived by such treat ment should not be underrated according to Miss MacArthur The program or the VON has changed over the past 50 years tram one oi primarily maternal care to hire or rehabilitationi aver twothirds of the calls today be lng work with chronic illnesses tures arthritis and strokos said lllss MacArthur it is or this purpose that Miss MacArthur is here to instruct on rehabilitation nursing This treat ment is necessary to help people back lo the maximum oi Inde pendence and uselulnessmske life worth living ior them Filth Group Year This is her iiith group this year She is concentrating her eiiorls on this type at thing be cause that is what the program Is demanding This is due to an increase In the number oi old people the Icng term duration of various illnesses and the shortage of hospital space The procedure on the center Turn to page live please Weather Today Cloudy Cooler Wiih Showers 1le week has shown so as mostly variable weather with cloud sunshine and rain and with westerly winds and the same is rorccast for today but cooler Temperatures were High Low Sept 22 d1 51 Sept 23 al is Sept 24 so an council olRecrs INSPECTOR SCRUTINIZEAPPLICATIONS FROM PARTICULAR BUILDER Because of the discrepancies in Grants battle but dont think levels of houses compared with this is lair the level or the road at Shannon man William Street Barrie Town Council has am up was mm which pm instructed the building inspectors my churned are building in to carefully scrutinize all futurespecmr Mm 139 mum buildus applications of that the problem was one which Grant the builder of the houses even back to long before the no Shannon Street town had bylaw It is agrlev Acting on the instructions at one problem and am inclined council Town Engineer to flunk that some publicity Beckett checked the levels oi awould have It effect number oi houses on Shannon Alderman Pratt said We Street and discovered that these have to start somewhere variedlrnm as muébas six icctdnnt see any reason why this six inches above the street level particular contractor should not to our leet eight lnches balowbe named in thill particular caé quircd tor the functioning at the leagues had to be found by the association Last year ice time cost the association 51110 and much oi the money was raised by sponsor ing professian basketball game at the arena Mayor Willard Kinzle said My own feeling is that minor hockey Is very commendable thing for the town and we should do everything we can tor them The tag day date the association applied or was already allotted to the Boy Scouts and so Alder man Hersey brought in an amendment to the originalmotiun deleting all reference to charitJ able organization aud directing the comptrollertreasurer to allo cate to the association an altern ato date My thinking is that It people want to bring up the question oi legality Well letibem said Al Ail the houses checked were built Alderman Churchill was in by ll Grant prior to the flavor of leaving the past wcll iroductlon oi the town bylaw realone We have now abylaw so qulring the building level to be why worry about the past sat by the Town Planning Board Alderman Hersey spoke Alderman Golds quesvatrongly in support of his motion tinned the propriety of singling The contractor has an obligation out one builder in this matter to the town in which he builds Are we being fair in singling out To my mind there is no doubt one man when we know other that this man should benamed weltare payments etctotalled derman Hersey 43 MONEY KEPT MOVING in 1957 government transier paymentsthat is money collect ed by taxation and then paid out to the public in the form of lam ny allowances old age pension contractors havedone the same it will put other contractors on thing our not fighting Mr their toes The BARRIE EXAMINER 02333000000 at all levels oilgov eroment 957 THE KINSMEN owner Bnrrle ec officers or 1057458 as tollovvs Front rowydert torigh Bob Workman vicepresident Waiter Bellian Deputy Gov ernor Zone District wholcarrled out the installation George Lunnu president Cliff Brown past president HAL Sept 25 early 48 ii entl installed the new racing was ensured for both Friday and Enlurdny in extra division has been and ed or the nonrwlnncrl or 3300 class and there will be possibly an extra divisionvlu the 225 class on Friday 32 horses will be racing on the track through the aiicrnoon Twentyone cnlries were received or the nonrwin nersc lass 14 tor the 226 ii for the 223 and both the 220 and 218 clnsses were iiilcd to capacity Undcr Canadian rules maximum or eight horses can he raced only on the track at one time lira Gil Lloyd heading the committee in charge at the wo mens crnits and needlework said that she expected there would be an outstanding display at craiis and needlework at the lair this year in addition People would have an opportunity oi seeing wood carving metal work and weaving being done at the daily program oi demonsintlnna in the main hall an lnovation this year Due to the set that Mrs Eric Simpson is Indispored Mrs liaguirc has taken charge lbs committee in charge of the home cooking section Mrs Ms guirc has no doubts that then will be some keen competition iroln the best cooks In the county in thcse classes This year the directors have decided that carswill not be allowed to enter by min gates to the grounds in this way is hoped eliminate parking between the main building and the rails The only exception to this rule will be directors who will be allowed to drive in by the main gate to park In special parking aria near the gate house Motorists are advised to use lhe southern Essa Road entranca or the cntrmce at Campbell Avenue At both these ens lrarlccs there are adcquale park ing facilities and both parking areas are within csiy reach or the rest at the fair Barrie police adviso all householders going to the fair to make sure their house is properly locked up This will prevent petty pu ierlng irom empty homes Barrie Fall Fair will be ol iicialiyopened on Friday after noon at two oclock by the On lario Minisler oi Agriculture Hon Goodiellow BARRIE FAIR SCHEDULE THURSDAY SEPT 26 The grounds will be open all exhibits can amSecretarys oitlco will be oped 830 am to pmFrult vegetable grain ladies dayror the placing or commercial work and other hall exhibits may be placed ud Hall will be closed to all exhibitcra tag or all hall exhibits will commence llal will be open to public FRIDAY SEPT 27 000 amThe gates will be closed and only those in attendance stock or exhibits will be admitted unless they hold mem bership or upon the payment of an admission fee 880 auraSecretarys oillce will be open 1000 am All exhibits and livestock shown on this day must on grounds 1230 pmRlng Judging oi Heavy Horses Wagon Horses and Ponies Ring Judging Bee Cattle Ring Judging of Swine Judging oi lunior Exhibits in Livestock will commence 00 panOfficial Opening 228 class ml4leestock Parade prnAnthue Cars 00 730 215 pmlorse Races NonWinners or $300 class 226 class Ind 300 980 lainBand Competition SATURDAY SEPT 28 830 amSécretarya ofiice will open 1000 amAll livestock to be shown on this day must be on grounds 1230 pubRing Judging oi Light Horses Ring Judging or Dairy Cattle lung Jndg ing or Sheep 200 pmlloree Races 220 and 216claeses Team Rica and Road Race soo pmLivestock Parade 830 pmExamlner Beauty Contest 930 panDance Carter directmLGeorge MoKelvey bulletin editor lamb secretary Elli Brennanregistrar Harm Hodden director John Lang direcimr Reg Page lustorian Handy

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