Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1957, p. 5

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Department of External Altai where he was engaged In the ex change of German and Allied prisoners He made voyager on the exciting chip to neutral pain Sweden as diplomatic niflcar concerned with deliverlnl sick and wounded Germllu and pick ing up Allied prisoners In 1015 he ruined the Univer sily ol Totonlos history depart ment and was Dppointed an assist ont protcssor in 19st and In as socilite professor In 1956 Professor three editors simcoe County convention tit Institutes hits eel ttinly chosen an authority to ad drtss them on their lhemeIlis Imd Currenl Eventsi loot back and step attend Prnlessnr Careless of the history department Verslty 01 Turning is one at many speakers who will be introduced to the members when they gather at Collier Street United Churth or II tw0dny convention Stl tng Thursday Sept 20 Professor CartI055 the womens Gripfliolm In Spain and lorltal Research DI Unl is one oi the Canadian iiistorical iteview and has pub lishcd numerous articles in this and other Canadian editor or the Books ol Knowledge encyclopedia puhlish ad by the Grolier Society at Clin will speak Careless during the atternoon session on hiddy at 120 career in Canada most Interesting guest horn In Tortlnlu and manual Ing Irom University at Toronto very active nlztkes Ilim journals lie is Ilie Mr Careless dill research 111 Harvard wits ll Sheldon Travelling Fellow secured his MA postgraduate where he lie is the author at Canada or Challenge Governor academic nonfiction lulnt author or and Where Story and PhD During the war he was posted with the Canadian Naval Ileatls quarters Ill Ottawa in IllLI Naval liislorical Section and then in the The protessnr 51qu Line Natural Gas For Lindsay LanSAYIlInyur lllck manipulated llll ditching maeliinr hegln oIIicially construction of transmission line that will carry natural gas to homes and industries here this Genurals Award or In I053 and other recent works is married and convenience and Lindsay was en liieate necessity to serve made by Chairman ll Cruzier on Sept ll The section or the transmission line Iaunchcd run trom the Ltntls lino to meet second spread on north at aydr llick will suuth lllwn Illl first ennc Controls Sept 18 Three spread will work till tht line which will Join up willt the 20inch TorontoMontreal TransCanada pipe line Consumers Sadmile $750000 section ut the north til Newcastle Gas oltielals said Contraclnr from Lindsay lnwnllne In Litiord is Mid Canada section line ls expected section completed by0cl tt anti work on the 5000000 distribution sys iem In tiic Town 01 Lindsay will Announce ment ttiat the nnlario Iucl Board had granted foils thc iniddlo tram Ltiiord tu Pontyc pool Show Ltd and Irom TransCunado started sllttrtly lonlyptiul umers Gas Line 11 ll Sulllerlillc Th0 Esamlnu Radio Column 0111 THE AIR WAVES AEoUT PEOPLE AND THINGS Favorable reaction has been torth CKBB Salulc Whals been happening is that the station selects person who has made some contribution to his or her community or been elected to an organizational post the selection CKBB jointlysalutes the community and the person during an entire day The salutes are aired minimum at 10 times and can be heard 15 minutes alter Who knows you may be soon on CKBB Salutes The station has mouse retriever and according to reports Pussy has done an outstanding job The lelc ine specializes in the hold variety on Friday membershad to curb her enthusi asm when she iound baby bird lust outside the studio port the bird is eonvalescing nico ly and Pussy is back on the hold mouse kick cKVRTv CHANNEL no Wootorn Thutn triyttt rtoaort WHATS NEW DEPT thing has been added to the alter noon program schedule on CKBB The ndtliliutl is uptdllleminute racing results Iront the various trucks throughout Listeners who iottaw the Sport of Kings are alerted lo race track bulletin by the Results come inliLlwuen In line with the stations New Sound pulicy of less chatter and more platter winter program change ncdur red last week Where 130 to 200 p11 had formerly been Drama Time on CKBB now can be found music with happy theme As we pointed out previously Its most diIIiLult to cater to the lrIlIIIy Varied tastes 01 listeners oily we keep trying to program our broadcasting day with every member oi lhe family in mind Every letter every phone call oil program suggestions is caretully nuled and aids the program do partmcnt greatly in planning the daytoday broadcasting schedule coming on the the province gle can Following 230 and 110 the hour Natur however two Stat 1351 re tom um and Thor loan it ttatr dc rear tioo cat Km tiis Today in doom tto community leI ttso Wmlllnp Tilurtsnitv Test rottorn us sdlyatton 590 Dd nd ttoot show maubitv up not nitin us than to tun soc zoo nuott no woomn vnootro Lott eomino yont bin channdl Saluul us rarm Morton hroort can us soorta 1oo all all nily country iunotian oo Ito roon can as studio natur ttis Today in loan 712 Community to ttsa inoyio WEDNEIDAV sun no hit up My Little tarot no lily ttcro loll Tho rtttt vita torn To In mornr ttaoort on the uy sport mt runtic porrndor no not ll Today In room tiaa community IIan SEPT 24 Aooointrnnc at it br TunDAI 1121 Illnti combo Elinu CKBB PROGRAMS ottmtv ttcodttoer lm Corry Eno sports ulcers llkb nub tiorkrt Room 1210 hows 1115 atmcoe County harm and humour mid bulletin Board 100 newt Neldlltleh Bun Plum noonrior DIAL 123 wzonquv lull 1155 Elrp Dn new Headliner om titreorth or Today dib bob meteor show news and IMIM 1=arrd uarkot noaort treat it sport scores news Headline Fun At areaktatt soun noun an Nova News out courts can hoot ood sport poo itcwt p01 aton Taylor show 1000 ttoot tubs Homemahort show an Nut uti ltm Corey show 55 Radio Fremont hound Vii be got wrists PJI mid tlcwr ncadlluu liio sports mrctt mo 1mm 1mm napori 1230 New in dtmcoo County Farm and libido New 1150 buttrtib Blind 100 new Monitors 01 mo Finn Fulani Alan lelor Enol Taylor show port Benn Ttylor Bhnv Toastt randy 00 News llm Cibrrrduahow to as 233 nordca sport are matters show New BEnt says it lists ciao 1120 ltm Corry sho iiss tudto rrcoudut wznuulnv no gunk H1dunu oor 1230 Pix I230 rm New uovta tirrry no ticnil Firm Market Report uarktt Report 1211 atmrot County Farm Nod iletdllpea camp Burden abort out uovla item as Routill ivyt ilnadttdat ails ram unrkct Report and Item Not mo bulletin ttotrdI Inuwprys 332852218 Elm Taylor ano hltw No Pullnl parad New Jim Carey duo II uranium itordo doorto mm at om us dirt on Nova madltntt IMmranltll ror Todiy no gob Mekong 830 can an an 311 ram uprht Ila ti mu 700 now as aas it Rutlll can =Suosoaau 229 528 and about and on tdunu or sport acorn his our children He in tnv ted tolrly lwltlely icrosa Co the United Slilu Brltlln parts or Spain tries 11 opt1111955 In Brill Pmtcsol Clreless ls how vi the Ontario leolo tell and Ililioril SI number at the lnvlled oped the Department of Agriculture Iionic itag lie allows DRIVE SAFELY and Jack Symes first whi more and training on the rifle range interested In an aetlve boys group will lllid all utclr rec qulremcnts in the Barrie Navy every Wednesday nlltht at the Barrie Armoury at 045 water SATURDAY SEPT 21 ers were plentiful Vegetables heads cttcred at 50 cents perbasket 65 cents tor others cents basket Home Baking cakes and ankles cents slitroe county llétsllhxtlnil to Maria Cutlrell Ind Robert Bales who wett married at Nuts am 10mm Mr and tin Dick Rizband auditorium tawa on Sept ob 0cll the shame County Health tintt will begin new pro lmmunirttion tor the county In addi Mantle held their annual thonkottering service in Zion Presbyterian Church with Mrs 11 Cultlaln conducting the totvice Scrip ture reading was led by tars Gordan Bulc Mrs ilaroltl Woods ted in prayer Burn til children in Ihe lion to the regular lmmuninllun available monthly at the 11 rog ulll child health LEIIIIES this way diphtheria whooping cough poliomyulltls will be made avail ahle More the end June 58 to all children over three months of age Colllnz 1030 nm Adjalu 105 Legion Hall pm Tottenlum chulnsellt Adjsla 101 11 OeLzl Nun19 Dom18 ltli Hall 930 Madame 14 Mlllthcdllsh 12 Drilliti 10 15 Swilts School Wlublusltent om lay 12 Mldland Health Unit Office pm any ll Tay Uszo Is 0cL15 Nola20 Doc11 litn Mldhulst am Vespra Phelpstont 1030 am lltis tiS 61 I1 Elmvalc Community Hull 130 ptli EImvaIe Flus 10 15 Ill Uta Wycvale Tiny 12 It 15 22 lice26 Now28 Jim25 Feb lulttcsltlg llartlgc Hall MIL Vespra to UII 15 F105 Ui Sunllldale Corners nail to itni Sunniditlu 10 Fltis 11 Wang llcaclt 11 am Plus 12 actual Nola21 Jllllnzl Feb Bmdrord Town Hall 930 am Brndlord Wesl Gwilllmhury 12 la 14 Uniled Church lnnislil school and northern European couli lnllcnlnin immunization on Rotikekller reselnh l1 against tetanus 519 Coldwatcr 11 Coldwalcr Tuy 14 inrsion hand sting solo Br yontl the Sunset till School Fair on Wedarsdiy wellprepored and Inspiring lost mflmfle was given by iirs Alex iteAuley oi Elmlale on Why Missions intantr and oreschool School tho rutoi areas Special cen ers will be Min Ethel Chapman who is in the home econoqu service extension branch with children will be served llrsl tres are being set up in as many areas as possible children There will he clinic in cacti centre tour months had no immunirutiun tend alt tour clinics roliomyelitls vaccine will NOT be available during the Iirst two It Is considered import Immunization other diseases be started belorc pollomyotttls vaccine is lllven For the iniunts and preschoul children In the larger centres at Itarric 0riIIia Coltingwood Mill Pcnctnng Alliston Eeeton politirnyolitis voc cine wilt not lieavallnhte until aitor Christmas areas will be immunizations liuth rural and urban attLI Christ JERRY COUGKHN weltknown auctioneer and auto mobile Bllesman has returned to Mrs ti Sage and Mrs 11 Mc couloy and oticrtory prayer by iiis itoryan Miss Chapman is it gradull ot observe Ihcse htucdonald Institute she spent 1ch years as assistant superin tendent til the Womens Institute hraltcll She is eIlIlor at the ctlon til the Famous the ttoti oi ooogerlleld ttdtort Ltd tilth leave at absence dur ing the summer PHELP From Detrolt Mr and Mrs Frank Fitzgerald of Detroit spent week wllh Mr John Hagan Hagan returned with them to visit Iriends In Wisconhln and Iowa At Uncles Funeral Frank hioran ot Evanstoa ltl attended the Iunertl or his uncle lie is spending it munth tor child who has should al Schuul hasemnnl Miss Chapman who has been with the Department of Agricul ture for live years does some treelance wriiing when time School 245 pm months not that or the onod itrr Cumniunit hotter he sate than soriy Communlty Beach and Sluyner Wasaga DRIVE SAFELY Dales or lhest uLll luleI lnllflhloran lew days here Recent Vlitltors tohn Moran and Joseph Lottus at Toronto lire visitingglrank Lol tus and Inmily David Kenny and lllr and Mrs Kenny spent low days here slllug relatlveg Angzla erly visited her sister Mrs Snider Waverley Funeral tit Johntlllonu The funeral of John Martin 01 Toronto iormerly oi Craighurst took place at St Patricks Church Thursday morning Rev Thomas Hayes cellbnted children also will lie done ment 1030 ll West Gwill mliury 10 Holly nutty United Church ptIl Innisiil 12 12a Essa ll in the lottoring list the Incas tion at the centre is toiltrwcd by the school section areas that it is meant to serve only to the proschool children to the area not to the school chil Those apply No MoreCounly Roads To Be Taken By Ont Highways CIIAIHAM CPNo township ar county roads In Ontario be taken inl0 llic provlncial high in the Ioreseeuble says Ilighways Mlnister It you have any questions can coming your lien or which centre you should attend please call your local ol fict ol the Sinlttle County Health elliltls immunlw lit the third week at their re cruiting campaign the Navy League has in new boys They lire Daniel llulr Joel Anderson Peter llorrln Paul Thompson James Elstuh Neil Crowley Fred erick DAmbrosiu Richard Webb Dennis Therricn Robert flirtin mel Clifford Bradshaw Garry Walsh Allrud Barnes George MC Gomigal Glenn Campbell Wayne Llntlslron Ross Little Ted Main requiem errin was deacon and Rev Morrison sub Belltlves attended from Tomato Owen Sound Earllo 1th St Louis and Evanston 111 1an For Rational Meetlnl Al the CWL meeting Tuesday evening plans were discussed for the regional meeting to he held IIEre October Plates on which picture or the church is em bossed were displayed and mom hers were appointed to take or ders or sale at them In New York Mr and Mrs Peter Fallon are in New York with lllr Fallons brother who Is seriously ill llonor Newlyweds Oct Non1 nee Jim United Church base Vespra us Dalston merit 310 no 174 15 ltillstlatc 10 um ttodontc woverte ribs U3 Itchontc 12 10 Parl McNtcolI Legion Hall pin Port hIcNicott Tay 10 Victoria liarhur Itoyat Victoria Hotel 230 pm Victoria itarhor 15 12 ttttnieipal Chambers am lnnistlt 81 10 ll 15 17 Palllswlrk Chumh 130 14 deacon way system Iuture Allan Presbyterian nlztltsc Helga hi Irlosz 11 am my 21 Tay 11 11 blunt answer to Kent Cuunty mails committee af ter several some Kuht rontls cluded in the provincth system We feel it would be foolish to make any Imtenslon to our high ways until the existing system is much Improved Schuol suggested should be in members These boys will learn In their eason basic soornanshtp includes rank badges gen eral ship organization lead and line dcop sea sounding knots compass parts oi ship and murh minister Allan suggested some coun ty reads already absorbed In the road network might to county adminls in answer to increasingly Council They will also take basic drill provincial even reVelt lratinh complaints St Pauls Anglican 1030 am Innlstil 13 noys tram ages at 12 to 14 He said Sentl ale Corners itrceotty tainted Congratulations and best wish wus Service iiAnluitIatAmNm him siziu 1951 KNOCK SundayVishnu Sunday vlsllars vrllli the K21 coytomily were tar and Mrs Howard Kclcey and ur and tics and Nick Wardropp went On Sunday Sept 15 the was to Niagara Falls on Sunday hst rI ltoconily Married Congratulations to Edna Allen and John 6053 who were lnlr ed in Turunlo in Salurday Score 111 iolots Congratulations tn the teacher Margaret Mclachrrn of the and pupils or Knockficliool on The altering was received by Rev Jack closed this very Smoflnlllolvell inspirational ctrvtct Hlll the mvwmum bentdiclion 1t their high points soured al lunlsc Iloitv Is Your HEMIll SMOKING but Na one Itst Fridav ur and Mrs Ed 53 1l Buie attended the funeral aI imaltzr most up their cousin Jack Trace at Allen wood tolnty would be It lot better on It thcy could brook their addiction and Motor Trip Wei hereby ttnp tin and itrs Everett Lougheed yaw orrntntnll or lhelr Iclt Saturday or motor trip to hullh Western Canada roboceo In okc contains no loss than ntnctuin dtIlJIAWY OJIOLM Alert todayalive tomorrow relll polbit and every one or them is capable oI pro ducing deadly ntlrcu Several of those such as nicotine prukttc acid bu Id ll IIdI RAISE YOUR CAIV55 13°93 miii ds the matter cannot possibly Papa their toitle cuccts The deadly ottoct o1 nlcalinc might be vtiuollmi by tho tort that 11 or drain hos been known to kill on adult Fltlnen grain or tobacco when smoked dcvctoo about 75 at carbon munoiidc rhti rat Is the me as tho octtro element In the rich II Iron can which to lrcournt cause at death when 5mm lllll their outomobltea in cars wltb tho doon sbut thn lntl It rnlcn Into chemical leomhlnitlltm with the hemoglobin ill the red blood It thereby dutmyl more or Pnrlnn CI Slatlam teat here coll whose runction to T1112 GREATEST on my train the lungt to up THE ALL varlout tissues at the body Carbon monoxide iile till direct action on Now wllh small additions the nervous system first tllmttlullu recently made we now have tor you lwon greater coll sitterole amount oi degenerative chins and than depressing It and In the muscles and glands tr produced con Stitltclla So much so that get All tobacco trncttuid lhoulh we make you FABULOUS conscious ot it are tultertnr more or lru 1mm urban monoxide lioiloninl OFFER and Its continuous tt to Interfere wilt Take one dalry heifer call In normI derglnumunt nlld mdltttn find out he puma once ot both mind and body Startcnll It Elle is not the The absorption or these many pal toni hat many other cirrctttipun the biggest and best call you cv us well luCh HI lrrd er ratsed at months oi oi lint Ind smell tLthm2 plus being me to in blood pressure and heart ntu it II it large motor in producing atomch cast to produce we will give ulcers and there you the Call startena AESo bdwoen imoyinr nd litSJciiIilfi LUTELY EitEE hyatntogttta also agree that tobacco Is heart alien and in You Cult he Your Own Judge cring evidenlzn that It is legorilrrelblltliil my TODAY In Sign ot certain typoit or cancer as FluHy It may be told that smoking Hume 1mm Supply en cot nnLlJtunan moth 17 Midas should be mortdtsrourageu PA $2982 me against the baby and It HARRY 1101M Dr mlch or ctnnornltcrlc Child lleallh Centre YMCA pm Oru U19 Vespra In 12 23 Oct Nov Dec Jan Smiths Hotel 930 miscellaneous shower was held Wednesday evening or Mr llnd Mrs Nicolas Ayotte at tht home of Mrs Ken MeNnhb Midliur mm heavytruckint was tearing light tJerSlllp lfllltES 10 bits The counties will evontuat allwcather unt rld League Corps which meelis Iy have to build roads Washngo am Orillid Cumberland 1030 am crime 4b Health Unit Office pm Drillia lb 10 Dec 14 Jan School basement am Tiny to 15 19 24 Schuul basement 1015 010 Tiny 13 Tiny 22 Tiny 22 Tiny 23 Ilolds Work Back The minister suit construction Tronchnada expected to be completodin 1900 and building at Highway 401 con stttutcd tllair on dupartmenlal presenting maximum rnprovtag existing st Station Weekend visit Ittr and Mrs Aylmer Knapp and tamtly Toronto spent the weekend at Mr Knapps The plans for trip to Humil toh are now well underway At llanlilluh the group will he the guests til Hamilton Navy Length Corps and there is ll pusslhility that the group may go out on School on the Highway Ollllla and Mrs lucillties At mutton Fair Brown and Monteith spent few days at London Fair and also visited Snells Da Gardens in Lambelh last week tlltr and Mrs Anderson and Sherran Toronto spent the week llnd Mrs Charles He said Kent would be one at the last sections struction would 101 slnce traliic her than in other parts School 1115 nm In which con tdke place an Is lighter of the pro4 School pm Tiny Pebotang Legion Hall pm Tay Oct 13 Nov 11 Dec tan Slnghamptun 030 am 114 115 15 Duntlmirlr end at Mr Buwdervs We are building now from Toronto outward where most of the traffic isnearly 100000 cars day at the latest countfj he Sunday Vlslt Mr and Mrs Hughes of Barrie spent Sunday at Mr and Mrs Knapps liotn lorunttl Mr and Mrs Rollstllt and Beth Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Peacock Channen Paul and Ross spent Wednesday in Toronto Ottawa Vlslt Frank Jones spent two days this week in Ottawa Visiting Sister Free Mentord ls spell it few days this week with his sis ter Mrs Reid Moving llme Mr and Mrs Mayer and family moved to Collingw Mrs 11 Garlley to their new horn1 in Allistnn and Mrs Wallwlpdtnll family to Bantu Interesting Melting Horticultural meeting in Forestry lunch ronm was very luleresllng Miss Young showed slides or littl tri In England and Europe which everyone enjoyed Cutn cookies tdru and tea were served byllia It was moved that We show display of flowers ill the BarrieFair for our soc orange Nottawasagu U2 U3 Community 11011 1030 am antawasaga 12 18 Heavy early morning rain did nothing to spoil this weeks mar ket The stalls carried Im ex cellent selection or vegetables home baking Ilnwers and host or other things and the custom WEAR MORE capita consumption at cot synthetlc and wool iohrics in day is about 425 yards per yearabout three times the world av CANADIANS Nottawa Mélnurinl Hall pm Npttpwasaga 13 20 200 to Oct to Nov 12 Dec tan Leglon Hall 930 am Tossumnlio Everett Tussoronliu and 23 Baxter Essa ll 14 Alliston Canada In Hull At this lime or the year the 12 U11 housewiie has wealth or choice in the vegetable line at the mar ket Carrots at 100 per bunch and potatoes were good and pleat tIIul red cabbage was selling at 75 and 15 cunts for line llrrn Orange Hall prn CllllSIILIll Science Heals Pullllc Library 230 pm Essa 12 Tecumscth 13 15 17 Adjaln it Oct Nov 13 use to tan Town Hall Nollawasag TV SERIES or Everyone Tins WEEK MESSAGE r011 EVERY PARENT CKyltTV Channel Shiv Creelltore Creemorc 22 Sunnidato Utm New Lowell Community Hall pm5unntdale 12 Angus Legtnh iiall 215 pm Essufl 10 Ba Vespra U13 United Church par sonage 030 n1n DTlllia 51 13 Yellow tumalnes were not in great demand but were avail able at 65 cents basket Green tomatoes for chutney were being nod Mr and Good looking apples were pric ed at 15 eents toi Wealthies and Vespra was Uhtltoll evenan Late beans brought $1 per basket or 25 cents per quart Cnrn has been late In coming this year but is good and was selling at the market for 40 Wannlnster School 1030 am Medante ll 13 19 111114 Qrillia Ora U5 llawkestoan United Church basement pm 0rd 10 13 Shanty Buy School 215 pm Ora 11 ismsis Nov Springdale ladies tety next 11 Deé21 Jun Church hoscment 030 drn Sprlngtlale area pre school children nood Head This department grows to both qualin and quantity Another vendor or home baking tits llow lulnetl the market and there is wide cholce not the hest of 30 cents Braided loaves Cunudlan Chelsea bulls lnslildlt were cents EggsAnd Poultry change in egg sizes 3642 Super tiile high bulk 100 orlon neck style long sleeves lovely cqlours ZELLElts UNITED 00 nutvlor Community tIall 1000 imWest thllirnbury 35 10 ll Tocumseth ii fleean Arena 230 pm TE itumiietltl 10 11119 Community Centre Dre to 17 id Cup ookes were priced at Iltx tor 25 cent drop oaoldss cost 25 cents ti dozen hulter tatts 50 cents per dozen date squares were selllng well It six or 25 There was no prices this week butthere was sulflclehl supply to meet the demand Chickensalso maintain BI 45 cent per Guthrie ed lhglr price pound rattan orangc Hall 1930 Essa 15 innistit Cooltmwnii Town Hull 130 pm Essa 311 us it at Ioulsitl Chocolate calm could liefhdd with whlte 01 chocolate icing and either way it tastes good Bran mufllm were priced at 35 cents doughnuts ltt 45 cents SAFELY bite Is not so rhnit that there ourtesyl1uVE Pitt mm Is not tIrne for Tecumseh 1957 351igtlfdvatv Automatic Transmission Radio Just came and priced clear 13 lungth tut Pfitll alter the flimin ond having enough My Life InsuranCeriian didagrarid job for me Ed Att talk over thcback fence isnt about sport or politics or trio in 11 programs Veryoften its about such vital things as looking money to retire on Your lilo nsuranbc miin is well equipped to solve these problem ruined to analyse hll Ihe facts about Iarnilys iuturo req mcnts He serves Canadian funlilies by altering practical plans to meat Individual needs Life Insurance repliuntnlives have cycepttcnat training opportuni lies today Their own companies provide them with basil courts covering wide variety ot tublccu Through the Lil Underwriters Associaliolt oIVCsnIidu they have access to Ille experlenoe of many Ihle men who have helped to malt Canadians tho worldi bestinsuml people This Association ha 01 2year training program tor Itflnemherx in odditon those who desire to pursue more advanced stud there is 3year university extension course loading to Ilu Auccio on design on at Chartered Lite Underwriter CLU This Iholoulh training plus prnclledl experience in list in Io explains why millions or Canadians have welcomed ou£or the moduli Litr Underwriter itti tlFE IltSllllIliCEtllMlillllES tltcA Alli

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