Ann com or amass Since I864 93rd YearNo l09 MARY ART had fortunate escape when riding blcyclc too big or her she collided with car part across the intersection cl Owen and Codrlngton streets Taken to Royal Victoria Hospital it was round that she snllored only minor bruises It all started when her playmate Jane Sylvester wanted Mary to come and set her school St Marys Jane had no bicycle so Mary lent hers to Jane and borrowed her sistcrs which was too big for nor Specialto The Barrie Examiner The exception is automotive equipment 10 per cent of their spendable dollar for estables Bigger food bills are due in part it is shown in the growing usrof convenience foods such as frozen products and heatand scrve meals Locally increased spending was noted also in oihcr lines of rc tail business covered by the study Either local residents are eating more than they did before or they have developed more expensive tastes evidenced by diela consist lng of more meat fruit and vcg ctablgs and less broad and pota toes Whatever the reason the fact is that their and bill reached $6203000 in the past year It was $5704000 in 1055 The amount is tor nod bought lnthc local meat markets and in grocery and vegetable stores and the like for home consumption It does not include the amount spent in restaurants and in other dining and drinking places The survey report by Sales Management reveals the manner in which people in the various parts of Canada spend their money ward Part ol it attributed to higher prices Retail outlets forautos and Scout Troops Joint Meeting At St Giles It shows that peoples indul gauge in more and better food goes hand in band with increased earnings and reflects rising standard oi living ifapportioned equally among the local population would represent an outlay of $1262 per lannly sThis was above the Canadian average 5735 pcr family In the Pro nce of Ontario it was $810 harric fa leadership of Scoutmnster Welsman lics it means used meetings III NEW YORK SEPT ZoThe average Barrie family is spending more of its money for food than for any other consumer product but one according to the results of study of spending patterns in Canada and in the United States There was general inching ups however is other automotive equipment had sales at $8532000 in the year Owing to building operations at Trinity Parish Hall Site this lst and 5th troops of Barrie Scouts hold joint meetings at St Giles Parish Hall each Tuesday at 715 pm The meetings are under the Ian Boys interested in joining the Scouts are invited to attend these MON NIARIO CANAD one Killed lgleadon Crash DAY SEPTEMBER 23 l95l Iou eu SWMIlmlt Innu ofch CookstolMn Extiibl Ai Hawkeslone IIvuro After seeing the school the two girls started home down the slope of Codrlngton street Mary round her bicycle run ning avidly with her and screamed as she approached the Junction of Mulcasicrstreet An alert driver stopped at the Junction to let her fly past At Owen Street still unable to stop the bicycle Mary ran into the side of the ear drivenby Ena Martin 43 of Barrie 0n the extreme right of the picture is June Sylvester amounting to 26 of Ill retail business General merchandise stores ac counted for $1543000 mother per cent Home furnishing stores did $809000 equal to over Ind drug stores $678000 or Weather Today Partly Cloudy With Showers The past week had with little extreme temperature much rain and high for one day at all Northern llgbts were all across the sky early this morn Today indicates partly cloudy with showers Tempertides were omen arunas Campaign Chairman Barrie brancn of the Victorian Order of Nurses will beholdlng its oneday blitz star luuds in the town on Tuesday Oct Campaign chairman this year is Gerald Stubbs Ward captains arc Ward lMrs Vance 81 fiveanllc suspension bridge over the Straits of Mackinac is to take place in October or November The Mackinac Straits bridge is going to bring throngs of polem lal Visitors to Ontarios doorstep atikokan Progress thlcy 119 Hayfield Street Schools Leishman 100 Blake Street is $3500 Business and industriesw and hospitalZR Target tor the drive this year Arthur John McGulgau 21 at Georgetown was killed urly Sunday morning in budon crash on Highway near lekestoné lltGuigan was passenger in car travelling north and driven by John Pickle 19 of Nnrvll The second vehicle travelling south was driven by Denis Bev erlcy Dale Gill is who was taken ioSnldlefl Mem nrlal Hospital Drillla determinate injuries Pickle was rushed to Toronto General Hot pltal with multiple injuries The two cars mct head6n and lllt on their right sides Both vchiclcs wcrc badly wrecked Theatre Guild nnual Meeting Community House Barrio Theatre Guild are hold ing their annual meeting at Com munity llousc on Wednesday Sept 25 at pm Business will include the election of ofï¬cers cholccoi plays for the coming sessnninnd the choice of direc tors The Guild lnvltos any one who is interested In theatre work either acting directing or back Despite heavy morning rain and dull clouds in the alter noon 99yearold Cookstnwn FBll sparkled with activity It had new look principally due to the act that the curl ing club premises were available or the fair for the ilrst time It had an air or spontaneous gaiety which could be attributed to the enthusiasm of the children in their search For the first time exhibits were displayed in the Cookstowu Curl ing Club premises which were built last year The vegetables womens and school section were displayed to better advantage on the rink tloor than in the old wooden building which was Iurn ed over to accommodate the horse entries It was possible to ac cnmmodale commercial exhibits Bacon Carcass Exhibits These more extensive premises also housed the bacon clrcass exhibits incorporated in the prle list or the llrst time this year There were 12 entries in this competition of good quality but the number of carcasses entered were low if compared with 32 entered at Meaford on Saturday also for the first time David Smith of Hawkesinne was placed first in the exhibit at stage to attend this meeting may it Saturday was flttlng cloac It was pity that more of people were spread over the The seven difterent sites cov cred the various aspects of army tile carried out by the units at Camp Borden At each display adequate parking had been ar ranged aud there were in at tendance officers and men from unit concerned more than it ing to show and explain lhelr courtesy and wablllty mist have won them many iriends during theafternoon Tanks to See For the younger generation he display staged by the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps School must have won top place in in crcst for here were vehicles of ill descriptions open to the most detailed inspection he youth must come the display of various means of communica tion used by mndern nrrn staged by the lst Canadianl ptantry Divisional Signal It merit Here there was an oppor tunity for everyone to try out The ycars food bill in the town Hghwav 27 plum ope oliicers were taken slptal for treatmentof min nrglniurier and shock sner the in wh thcy were rid lng was sandwiched on Highway Thornton on Saturday ln cruiser wereConstables Nprrnnp Skinner Illd Arthur Dawson both olthc Allistnn de tachnient The cruiacr was travelling north alongillighwny 21 behind car driven by Dan Gethons4l of Thornton and followed by car driven feray Smi 68 AADISPMY which attracted majorvinterest from young er laitorsto Camp Borden on Saturday was that the Royalnanadian Annoured Corps School Inthlaplcturr can be ac armoured ca tank nndsherman Elcll IarlltL radio communication to work to Sherman andWallter Bulldog fRetreat ceremony darned out by the officers men Ten hï¬ndï¬vithnflchemnmmflcpat campBorden on across Canada Forfour hours the public had the opportun ity of seeing how the Canadian Army works and plays it was clear that large proportion of those inspecting the many exhibits were local army families ten best carcasses Others in or to therflrst Army Day held the local people did not take advantage of this opportunity for although number or camp at seven different sites telephone and to try his chill on telcprlnter The Atomlc Axe Slightly out 02 the way but well worth Visit was theÂ¥olnt Atomic Biological and Chemical Defensive Wrrfare School dis play The centrepiece was graphic plcturc Tomato after an atomic attack On large scale map was marked out the areas of total desolation and par tial destruction Bordering the map were well liked Pictures of the result of an attack on such places as the Crest Theatré Ea Turn to pagethrec please Eugenia street Mr= Page 61 fa 72 Puget Siren Mrs Car Fa dmg gag £3 15 belt lo Highland Drive lilrs W50 centurion 1o 55 Hotrum 94 shanty Bay Road mm units and twiddled all the 65 Ward ZMï¬f Feldman 14 knobs Fmirteenyearolds rais 53 5t new Street Ward 3Mis 2d and lowered the main arma iW Lvï¬renmn Svphin Street inent on the Centurion tank and 59 En lllrs Woods 29 As then went on to the indoor range 75 53 nss Street Ward 4lllrs um 5pm shooting up 22 51 Gurldry llo Sunnidaie Road my 23 My 49 Ward SMrs Moran 27 Anne street Ward oV Knight main and relemlntll omcm opening 0f the new 50 Burton Avenue Second in interest rating to 34 mnTlNMOOEEBand Denny now both oi Camp Bordenflnd cut from Ber cant Stuley oIAlberta how the Brown lng machine gluiworkaat the Open house or hidden treasure and the mystery man der of merit were Lorne shels well Cooksicwn David Webb of Bradford Cyril Drury Bradford Clurcnce Smith Utop Eugene Smith Utopia Prank lilumber son Cnohstown Jon Smith Cookslown Campbell of strand Ill Clubs To Furl Junior farmers play an import ant part in this fair showing beef and dairy cattle and swine In addition there was the Cooksiown 1H Tractor Club achievement day competition held in the morning of the lair This competition ac counts lor 300 marks cl possible 1000 or the years work and the judge said that the top our young sbowmen did remarkably good job of work They were Doug Spears Don lilartln Rider and Earl Cochrane The young dairymen of the Hi clubs dressed in all white relieved by distinctive grccn badge and wearing white caps or stelscns looked nmst smart and distlncllve contrast to some of their elders in the show ring His Day Among the senior exhibitors Two Fall Fairs Are Scheduled For This Week No Ill lain nu the lam iorppart oftblawlcek ro moirowsanil Wednesday ll Elmvalc Fair which always attracts large crowd and many good entries lnull classes Tuesday is traditionally Childrens Day It Elmvale and proocedingl are opened with big parade of schools with number at wcu dc rlgncd floats Wednesday at Elmvulo ts Livestock Day and weather permitting utore will be number of harness races The air cnmes to close in the evening with grand concert On Thursday evenings Bar rle Fair will open although the official opening will not take place until Friday at two oclock in the afternoon with pony show PT and fireworks display The tail ends on Saturday Waning with beauty contest and dance MONDAY waonssoay nnrlriuoav 5o singlo copy to PagesTwo Sections this was clearly not the day for Sproqu ln the Shorthorn clasies After what has been iuccessful season up until now he finished witb only one first in all the classes even his twoyear old hcltcr which has been win ning all this fall was defeated To Bill New of Stroud tell all top honors in tho Sharthorcl standing at its completion was Keith Robinson Geraldhabim son Morris Brown Newton Rob inson Robin French Rodney Coutts Wallace Black Sid Janos Thc final placing when marks for the years work have been taken into consideration may show variation in the above placings Showmansblp Commenting on the showman ship class of the beef cattle or Club members Stewart classes This was his first show ing this season and his hard took champion hérd champion bull and female champion reserve bull six firsts two seconds and two thirds in the Herelord classes Cyril Cooks magnificent bull again took the championship His farm also secured the female champiom ship Good Horas Entries The horse classes entries were Turn to pin Lbree please cam Club To Reorganize Bl Horse of Ottawa director of the National Association of Canadian Clubs was speaker at all informalv rccepilon at the home of Miss Gwen Fife presi dent of the Barrie club Mrlidorsepexprcssed his satis faction that the club was re organizing us mixed group He said that this was typical of the trend across Canada lie out lined briefly the history and ob lectivcs oi the Canadian Club Mr Morse expressed his pleas ure that so many men represent ing wide range of businesses and protesslons bad demonstrat Ed their interest by thélr pres ence He spoke for the executive in welcoming them to the Barrie Canadian Club The future of the club is promising as much interest is being shown in the coming visit of Mrs Robin Patterson who is to speak at the IOOF Hall Wed uesday Sept 25 at 030 ONE FIRE CALI The only call over the weekend or the Barrie Brigade was on Sunday at 150 pm to Colllnwood Street where transformer gave minor trouble Borden on Sutur av usetlvlonarmoilred vehicles or ntl protectionahd weighs Etlbs ts r3 mic 00 00 rounds per mlnu