PRolEllTl rail dillr programme lieur FRUIT tr VEGETABLES I1 TEN noon lilllcx lion ull heeled alum suluuo or lwo llmlllcl mill street Ana room lmrep brick pom oil Iple odour as will Mom rel Apply cum Dino st Dorrie PA um lslop rooms pin Ioon sum Ind renuerIlor all lieled Very renun rerun Ipore moo rnanluly Adulu only vreier damn mole CIICIIM urnn IirI mule PA Mm lseloa AVAILABLE OCTOBER urinllmisum 0N2 umnuun Armrum Very modern hulldlnl inn rompieird ceIImle mod hull Loundry room wuhdr Ind dryer lZLEPIlOND mm isiu gtBEDROOM UNFURNISHED APARTMENT leliiK room lIrIe InchIi moodrue modern piece oIInroaIu linen clo uds prime emrInce eIr puk Im vaullflunl Above shoe smre APPLY AT STORE isimm on rumn1 Iilronyenimeos lilimll ivy rli ISrlm new porno Kiichen il room bedroom lieeyy mufï¬n euppooni Ioolu mound or fur iIued repnu Inlnner tuned Avrilnu uy line on IWLVW cm mum RollI mu roeI resideIi IN bullpenm polro Ieelleu Also color And been uue lurednod Iputmul nu Nixonl number lsloolil vim amu luau room Ind plm pummel pony Ivlrlu II nine in Pudhlllly purl ups on lmnw Armpm mm Ila row bedroom no new Cutlnl woman on peeling ilol Ion rpm No emidreo Illard Mun or en PooII rA um IlII lIlNrIlanlliul hula room in re AdullI only PA um mu pJIL MIDI lronl lIrddiiilIu room lu round noor Ipmmeni Prl no II mum chum mldenll II me during women or roe Ay ply led nuniop so evenlnn lsluloo UNFURNIIIIKD modenleli Um aid run until eduld III heued room with round lulu Iteu lhlc mldflll October Wmlflild Illllnl room Ilkllendle lil MM liol thlur nitll lmllfll lulluhll or MW AFN Dwell SI PA Id LVIIIIII PA Ml lBlfl nmenl runol or Imoll WOOD FOR SALE iiAlmwnulI IuilIlIlI tor luroIeo Ind lireniIee cordon uuuuoolo uwo yloIm non liloDllllN nniurnuhed IpIIImeri urued Ill emu Iomm in heIied nuns more 1351 SI lA nun lemu lo mun cenir loeI dIIndneI lsilli arms arm Ilou Wnlc no uouli iiouse liy rurIthep oule limie coll ulup ihone PA rilo lsluu Alonnuu omree down ioun Dee iririly lilippllul per month FA owl oi noun InlIlud Iponrnen inn Ilencil ror lnlornIIilon mom Tilomfinrfiiu wen Avulluhle on 15 None rA fuanï¬onl lione Inimllrl llIrrle Yury mumule renl Auurlimml iuIled in ca on Ap ly 2m Vn lll Ry TclTliuou met It Ieli eooiIined leilied sea Avllllule on Phillie mm maul noonI ugflmy PM lsio 108 95 re noon Furnished rimen pvy duly slum Ind lrl Ieir caulkng lhone PA us up Wlnlellvfl srnuuneunAp Pnh on rlesor in Keno are 15106109 ACE uEliï¬l Home All eonven Talus In mid IeIIonuu Pnono ivquIllaw lirlll inrumlsl I1 room IpIrirnenl seir runioined AvIllIole phone PA 89451 ism funnel lunIiIhed Iprrtmeni Avnl Ioie immediately Aluminae Nu chll are rhone PA p715 isiodum mam lurnished Illfle living 1221 lledrnnm Ind kiichen in AIInnA IiIle an renl PA emu lsplne 0s FLEAEANT Tlrllsllledidnuble bedroo Use or genre nun lsinadus IT 00M eelnu leelion Illnzllrlllmrdpund unheued Avonole lnuneoleioly Plione PA lino lsm mold Inmenl lITrniihed oed llilnl no5 Ind lriiehen Cull Iir rho rA muse cluon Adu he Pme nonyl Apuflmenl wiih min min ules lo pus cIii niler prn ldr 5L Allflair Asian or on 1540M UNFUILNISLIED Honiiu Central Incl lion Apply lispgiflaflmï¬ Ilfl bilcmk er door or one AWN ALLANDALB loomed IpIrimepo prime bull eooei Ille or child me iy is Guwm sz ren wel pp 5107 UPPER Duplex IyIlioole on Can irIi locailull iionl waiver hï¬nilnrholi ull Iry PM 15101 ou AGNES Sn bedroom brick pun lilinw inhlmmrwe eondluoln Ill in ii er rnon 5312u isiod FURNISHED ApIrirnenl room Ind hum not end eold weier supplied oil li smuil blh Impied Phone PIT gt l5ioe BRIGHT IpIeiou upper duplex bedrooms eoninl newly deeomed Availhi oel all henllnz Phone PA muse lsioli DBAUmULE room bunlnluw on Leke simcoe inIide conveniences Year round Flinn Lelroy are Ernie lIIiIlleer 154004 mom llouIe hllllulml woier in coenlown Apply oerou lroni AunI lIurIm or wriie Ruse Welsh iisiooiio LAMB hened Iporimenz unluruixlr ed bedroom Iell conuined Very central AduiLI prelerrod SIS Phone FA all lsioou FURNISHED Rooms cloIe lo puI Iiop llol and mild wIler supplied suilobie lur 2rirlI or ooyl PA mm is nurlou Ave islna ATI BACHELOR Aperimenl Ivllllnhl now 53 Ind wter Inppil cenlroi an Juana rioor wllh Frlxldllrd Apply uundnneld lie10740 uranium new oneoedrooru IpIrt meni equipped with lrll Ind Inove JInllor service Availole on Flinn PA 6410 l5iosdn71i amour IpIeiour upper do lex bed rooms on edla ol lown ewiy decor Iied AvollIlIie col Apply pox ii Berrie Euuuuer lslMlw lioaM modern IpIrunenl ireled Iolr contained opuonol and Iiove t1 Exclullv reddenuel IMI Apply lIrirIonMolon villaflu inlaid unlurnlehed IpImnent oom pleloly Ieil eontninedJuinlIhle Seyl an Allo room iurniIhed Iglrlmml Ihlo on Phone PA imp lsloell Privele IrnI wile Acnpr one Merv 17 pm loloodin nonMApIrtIneni Ind IlIower Can an Illon AvIllIlIlo now More ha IIIlnIrI Nu uhieoliu in child ly ll CollierSi Iner ml prim rum lumplrmrmu lly nnnnlult pol emu buy dul MilWham luellllmnl llov Dunlap Wen PERSONAL LAulrs um CLOTHING ALTERATIONS AND lmPAm sanvml HOPE PA on Mann um uInlI el Nov Scoli Dosm WWmo norm AND IIOARD Cuiinl mono PA 37790 ilmdoo AleIElrSD Bedroom wiih room Ilard il drumd lenl loeIiioI niaem min den Gellich erred parking IpIre rghon new sman ROOM Ind hoIrd sulloulo lor worklnx or bullnï¬l Apply li Sunrord SI lhonu PA um lIluloo MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS dilution Cndll pureI urnni PA um Back Fill Dozer Work or Loodinq 1W Dunlap SI FLOOR COVERING Armlinnll noor em ouuooer Ina mooll Iii Cunoltulnl Pheu Well me linenu suppler Ind leiali modeler Ill roronlo it SH Electric Motors 10 Russ so Barrie PHONE PA 8530 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE liner uniIain no menu HAROLD NARI flurrll mm noun 33 Owen 5t PA Does Your Fumllure Nud Reu pholsiering We liecover Ichesierdeld Suilep ODCCISInrlal Chairs onuil Benches Ochrnme Chairs Blylleld sl IIormrewen Weepine luI SEPTIC TANK UNITS MADE AND INSTALLED eomproupr Iron PUMP SALES dz SERVICE Whitney Concrete Product All noun dlll YA you Item Lou nowx iwn leaked MIn Inked Le lip Phillie PA IJGNI prepnun urvln Truck lIImlu Ellzli ill in am me Eelulllul delivered ini ere on obliullolmwm villi ruiiy A99 Collll ur mm Plano soon you lsluln ulnymeul who pry 3Tomnl Eli uioolw up For Ditching Excavating PHONE STEWART PhnnniPA we sioomr WOLFENDEN MIPhï¬ cIil ror quoielionwlllmur ohllnllnll Barrie Tent EAwning Co Phone PA um slosil LLS DUGTILED OLD WELLS CONDITIONED Collch IliI loe vein eulum one lm N0 cum no rm FURNACI Ind China Clllllfllr lmzued an prime Humid outi um 01 rpmneed rumor plume PA 75 H1 ALL Pm commotion Indn llr work min lurvlceworlr nIr véLr CAN SAVE HUNDREDS oElpo LARSON 1957 DODGE DEMONSTRATQES AND COMPANY CARS FRENCH MOTORS Your Mgr Desalo Deniers $195 Never in the time so right to buy um your model compleie wlilull tilt dill you know moinrln Iud villi new all Vinnull in relieve you worry Ellllg In your old power ulnaou poorer our ur new Iud ind out whlil good deal you can nuke on 1951 $450 my fluï¬ï¬‚fl omlm Sodn uood 1957 Dodge Regent $195 Econme Ii tylinder molar In two one Bounyn Blown Ind lnll Tull Wllll whllwulb mummy1m Tiller inn iueel conrl Ilene deflodon elm llahlzr underlain Greatly MM Ill price hu wiihiull mini you Inve good elem In model ur in trad yourun rullx In dell with lhisone 19571DbdgePRegérit Auoluer lull vinmnly cylinder car finished Ill boalllllul Iwa lone Ellln Green mid Givy aim powerful transmission epon mouldlil liter wheel covers alone dolleciors Sign Hillier wlilllwl ll Ilr conditioned heldnl direelionnl dgnIiI Youiii me envy or your neighbours with lhie parked in lilo will nod your driveway 1957 Dodge Crusader Rd etc 11le sale ll ï¬ll llfll Ill Illa henuiy ul millraw 1ti rungs Club Sedlll will cylinder molar 1N0 MONEY DOWN lacunaWounds Ilium USED CAR EAEGAINS muddled $450 ioned neuinI 550 luurior on new $495 oul ueihuy liel or $595 TRUCK BUY Shimt Tan prim has ï¬ller 51011 deflection Ill condiiiollzd lion lIBIlllll directlnlul Slglllll Ind Ilia lull wlrnnly Dependable Used Cars are your be buy Checked lar solely relllhlllly and gulrlnleed good T955 Chevrolet Coach Thin In one owner cur ilfll very low mileage Finielied in Cash more Blue paint Ind ï¬lled with seat covers 1956 Dodge Regent V8 Sedan with Win who Black Ind Pink llillSll Inlalnllic trails missinnuovlliieuilll um Ill conditioned halting direcliunpl lig lllls 1953 Cllrysler Sédan Very luxuriously ï¬nished Ill Coralinan Blue Ills Iiilnlliilllc irons mlssinll liew whilewalls wheel covers turn signals seal covers 1955 Dodge Regent Door Sedln ï¬nished Georgian Green equipped Sulex Glass Iir conditioned hailing windshield wlshus wheel covers etc very nice car indeed i953 Dodge Regent Club Coupe in Vermont Green just reliuished New seal covers and exceptionally cleIii FOR FAMILY OR BUSINESS USE 1953 Dodge Suburban Tllis Regenl hes lwo tulle finish and was raid by in orgiuIiiy Whennew llu wheel covers radio etc and Ills been well cared for 19553Dodge Royal Lancer VB motor lhree lone Sundsione Beige Seal Grey and Sagueany nine Custom bulll radio timeless um ale heating signis Wheel cuvén one the ilnesl can of Hi year lllil ln except lonally nice eondluon $295 EDSEL AT BAY CITY Showroom Ind ulllcu ll ilIrlei soun Blrrle Phone foul llld cr ioi Ii Endlnnl Elmerleth P710111 PA In with fldmnlnll lunmuoe STEVENSON Au TYPEE or MARC PHONE PA 8520l Ill nUNlInPsr An FALL SPECIALS dfleFordlnlrlliie 54 Chev Moor Sédln in Volkswagen Panel gt 54 Chev Panel 51 Austin ddoar 51 Ford door END OF SUMMER SPECIALS PRlCED TO SELL FAST I956 STUDEBAKER V8 rider Cinch two one Black IndSIndslmu White with lzcldnlllllilnl unholsiery windshield Wlsllï¬ll and other extras $164900 i955 DODGE CRUSADER SEDAN $29900 60 Marri Minor MDodge Iirloll Pickup 42 Willy Jeep WIlull mull VIAU MOTOR$ SAME AND SEEch DOLLAR GOOD TRANSPORTATILON SOLD AS TRADED I95l Hudson Sedan I951 Initarneï¬onul Ton ER ON NEW 0R GOOD USED CA SAVE MONEYQN TRUCKS 1957 Dodge V2 Ton Exï¬resses I957 Dodge 3V2 foli l7lCab clad Chassis fllk um show cmyumtrml 0MB owulm nodueper Ind non lartmxzd weedieII Ion no Ikw lqlllrl ylld Bede Bod Co Lem no on durum WE undid race lumlul the bluwlnl meihod wl our all III Iowanrem umdnwli on laueooe llloeIiuI oiliddm I957 Dodge Ton Express 75Brldldrd Street The BARRIE CASH TRADE TERMS YOUR BRESENT CAR MIGHT MAKETHE DOWNPAYMENF REQUIR PRICEDITOCLEAR coME IN TALK llERMS 13108 XAMINER 1957 DOLLAR $29900 $7900 you CANT $449130 BEAT DEAL BEE ounpmuu on will Llul mull Trunk on low mileu Paulie PA flllllllly mun FA Om Ill Ill eoneluoo um in mail FA uim uuvomw am II IKIIOR door untold um Iir an STUDEBAKER slIIllm Com Iir murmuredinning orlnuolpew MOTORS ulu Buying or Selling WIIW Ill nodl our Vfl flllmlm flu HALWIG ltluw uoowl ANB BOARD Muir Ilr llllmfl new Pk 93 liIU den lm Meteor salon mo Von ml 1H1 Bulllk isso Plymoulh im done could ilion non PA lielo 3mfl mlm ion mv ewe lni rirnnioe eopduioo oo amtm lee nu CDNIUII Seam Wbï¬ï¬‚flllfln gt laelmio mi CANADIANWHEN con warm isl l0l Ad lull Ipre lolly mind lï¬uiiln 349p Bu il porn out run Inn on con vIIpr Aim miner uimoe pm on ladlnl low ip truck or eel rupplied oy th lownlhlp Clrflv lulnulml nuld euroneon led opIouI lor moon oerompIny mm ml vol II no 3m be dumped more umloeie um uiol pod one ï¬nd Amhr Ink out III Ill DIM on No II hunt our eoouoo In IiIo Ion IM lulu Hemp eomio AUTOMOBILES HAROLD HILL LTD HIGH VALUES LOW PRICES 1955 CHEVROLET 150 culioiu ndla wry elun eor IIzhl mo illrum club doIrpe Al on greed low mileIr ihmlhoul amlle dolili 1955 DODGE REGENT SEDAN 1955 DODGE CRUSADER new oeol rovers only sisal 195+ PLYMOUTH PLAZA SEDAN issa omsMOBILE DB SEDAN owlI block linuh low mue luxury eIr II low prirr 1950 Dodge V2 Ex 1958 roan CUBTOMLINE ZDOOR press Good iransporta uIII villi brown mm um 1953 CHEVROLET DELUXE COACH slurp elun law mlllll cor llehv my only um 1951 momma SEDAN oolo running cor nerx llIllu cleIn noun curioin rerun only em 1952 CHEVROLET DELUXE DISPLAY ï¬$€l5 no no mo DESOTO CUSTOM Ii eononoo om ioei PLYMOUTH oedIn mil lodl cuzvnoun door sous lloi Palm door we low HILLMAN SEDAN only you me cllsvnom sodn me We Have Few FARGO wroli xrdxss our 52 FARGO ï¬TON EXPIRES $595 new um WE ARE OFFERING TERRIFIC DEALS ON FEW DEMONSTRATORS HAROLD HILL LIMITED ciryeier plypIoInp ano PHONE PA 85355 omen MI snowman Dullan WE Blflll 9in 0mm Phillie FA Man or captionl condition only in Sandman um Township of Velma unni in MeLEAN uni BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 20 15511 ENGAGEMENT The engagement is Iililounced ll Duroiliv Julu Owens deuxhlor 01 Mr Neilson Dwell and he Ille Airs Uwelli oi Burnt Donald Nuniilln mplull sun Ill Iir and Mrs Cpnipbell ill Sirmld lhc plucc Silurday lei 12 di our In St Andrews Prymylurluy in Church Barrie BORN monomerm our marriage in lake vmerio linie on Sr 10 inn IehImqulih hum was given alsu flrliu rcpuri Ananlnnry lu Li Ind lilll Vinmi si merry InIl VieioIII lidpl m1 eluibon lelroy on 5e Mr Ind Mr Ken IlneI lllriwruh Duivlll AI lloyIi VlriuIl Houdini norm on sun Ind ii ll irrnioy Ml lilrrlv mil IrhomII liaul MAKINAi nu nmeroi llnspllI Tn PulllWk mill on Sun lJ l957 in Mr lull liuilulil IlIkin Duvldlun oi uer ei sruunzssAi hrr home on WulueInhl 14 im lznilly Io um iiorolhy Uuilhalun um Irudaiuo IhIIp rieIn llule lou mun Curion Sed Ilr condo biflyi HW smAN aiouo mil ruuom rIdlo volirr Sunken or Thurman iilrs Nor 10min wullIm loriIri ul lnronio niomrr llinIieyl lion whliI Ind blue on oreelleni mm Ml CONSUL SEDAN orlwni oluo union in Imueui eopdlllIn uIroth IAirI wiirnd Pllduy or Cooklluull Fr CirIts oilln rioronre Inn 1an or rownlu Edward and clillom or rnnrhlon Leililllnl ol um snollon Auu Ann vlvrd ny no Irandrhildrrn Ind one IreoIdrendeliiid Filmrill ilome lee on sIlumoy Illlnrmvnl SI Juhnx lilllillcun Comelery cookuown CARD THANKS iliIPWe will cunolp main power hrIlIeI LIIy lyo 2o lllll Ilmool new while mil lireI lupin livslllll II llulilrd coukuowu lor Mr 2i oi ii VIATI nilr ruiIll tor lllllr nuny exorrIIiuni dull ii unil neienuon ol kllldnml and mm xlmwn or iilnm Mill drum or Mn 3W IomIruo lloliy ulul rur ll lladiilllill llarlll IlrIIliilis uenneu umpoihy lomeile nuio Exclpllnnr ulmlis in Iuvlnd memory or nun pend nnd lolher Fred ilodIu who Grade pomd Iiwa stl in I951 lhoIe we love we never lose For Ilwuys my will bu Loved rememoewd licamrrd AlwoyI In our memory in null II lm CHEVROLET seden rIdio ms m1 leruuulil SEDAN Ilnly mo MANY olllnlis 10 CHOOSE FROM KNAPPln minemrmory or our door roihur lornes lirriuri Kiilpp ruined nwlly rm ml your premium over our in your love rumolnI wliu ux yei You were lie kind or rumor your loved ones would nerrr tomrl Vsndly minid by lrenr T99 Qualin Trucks Wolioce mm me vAlnln lnvlnfl memory or II dnnr hquond luld uncle iohn Vnir who med llwny seui ll 19 Slll In memory you or wlih uI uionehe and niece iilnrie iliuh Milan Moll Iprclll new molar Adcommodalion Wanled ynllllu eonpio me roonu with slow and mm Rcusallnble quire use or wuhhur Phone PA is or Aporlme lor ad monihu For on children norm umle Examiner PM VETERAN wire null children unionle ly need ear lnllrn houue ln Simud PnianlciI Reuiniiuhlc will l72l32 BRADFORD ST UPI nurold ion reouire Ii room unrurnlsileu new wllh one control or enum iiinulue WANTED 10 Iiinll by younl proiee ionul mIn wllh romlly or bed ronmed hallsi or opnIlmenl nonr hair Apply Box i4 linvrie xImin lllMlllï¬ uuoiNxss lIlAN wire and Zélilldlen bedroom unlurlluhell mull by on liorrle Flinn FA Mud islnl lm mun coupe in runnan order Army snurdIy morning so frirun one PA mm lliosii ml Dona aedIn Anklnr price nu ly lls aIyrield si or phone PA in Iller leI isiolina Mill in reni homu uI soon or nnulhle lieinrenrel Iuppiled Pleore wrile Box 16 name Examiner illn1iod VI lilr vollons There whom Rev ii ilrwiu lull in prayer 75 in WW ed rho liilsllss Acnvil ddiniy In lunch AlliI ers milllr mmM 33 MARKET PRICES om lllllhu SlJT go 065 CATrut mus POULTRY lnenk hire Crack MEMBRIAM mil rln Imlllil memory at moihnr OVA 11 Emil arcing all who owed Iwoy Grad eo Thuuill oluonl Ihe Is very anr GYMI sull loved IllIl mined silll very new Grade granny rzmrhrnhumd Ily duKhlni lop Grade 45 Ills AERIAL CUSTOM aennui INSTALLATION ilioam KIT Bax llll ANGUS WA and was Regular mommy nilclings oi Angus WA and iViiS were on In Wednesday errung Sepi iu ill Mrs Thomas Wilkinsons iieeimg uptilrd uuh hymn nllowell or Ueiuliuns wr LIiunLr we by ii Minum mail and adoxllril iirI llull Call was lin lllLl Otlilbi Mrs Duckwurlll lnllil illu LillilS lil usurer ripcrl loin cumnilllecs supper in Hip hunll on ul 1130 pm This slipper will lll Mrs Shurii uni low mung cull in iinnk im Iur lll Sllu Ii Ilnue inr ilu WA llLI wili clip Mrs Scull illallked my much wards in and plcsulllull illil sducur As quailLl by Fllsi Cooperative Packirs oi aninrlo Barrie Hulls $3 00 EGGS Large ClllCKENS In ll ll Grade Grade in lid lbe Grade lull Grade Under lbs no price Wm Cdpuns up in line uccurdlllg in weight and ï¬lialiiy FOWL Diel lbs Under ins INSTALLATION WlTll EVERY lIEW Clili liiilllll Purcllilsed Al Tiliizsollii Barries only car radio drive In service 36 MARY STREET PA 83810 lurrls lrdylr liken lly Y5 bur and on LI lZll illecllng will lake do upprr nnIursnry IQ and NICE Suws $2400 sou Sdo 555a mo CIIEV coupe in lood eondilleu new rum lilb redio good lim Ap uIylield 51 or phone PA msl Illoflmï¬ 1354 uurclr Specill mrellenl condi linn mm mm ilree mo mileI eel RR male Terr re isi loll 1m mill CuIlom iooo Inner lwo l7 ROWAN 51 moire PA 111 lone ulue Ind erem Privule owner ply mi MeiroIe Ave ioirlaios mIBIINAnoNAI Pickup 3133 fir SIFl all us no chrineo em vIrpIrmInl rune mo command Appmm due lruclr lor iho price Phone PA Mm islolrioa now um uIed eIr uniii you have Ieen me im Plymouui Sodn It 117 aurian Ave Primely owned Phone PA Mm 13min mo nusm CuIeu 19000 miles new but ouIr Mun Idl mu week lieIon lor elllnr paor lienu Phone em Sirnud lllllIlflfl ml nlLLMAu sleek SedIn new bol lery new orokes conleer rIli or lr or boll all or Chryuer prode um Bun1n Ave Iiier vim Au in In uniiod lime IlluiiIay nirol Lou cu 10 mm 20 common H111 Mavil runny errr III roor Fukhnll rmuimlliori II up Dunn us ram mum luluI BBPROGRAMS one do no cudII lm nonuu School our Hepnnelllul nod Um ml molar DP uxelihlI lu in road eondillon Would mom ood hunllul mop smelln Edir hope our nIrrle 15101 nu mu Ford lrueiI epmpiuollon dim in Ieod eondluon wui Ieil reIIonIoie wiih lob be leen work mlleI well or 27 Hilllwly on lv roId or eon cl mnline li Bumill Ave isinl on Al Wholeole Price mi ieep wllh lIydrquc olIde lm chev 5e rlllnuv no can run undue hm liImI le eporu In Ion nuileuu poem an inn Endllml in no mule Show lieu sum score Ioo Null or upon scores iom New span Scared 00 um es aporl doom ne piIn Oil IAIUIDAV Ion 555 Elln en NIII nan poo McLeIn show no lien It apoIi Score pa rum uIrIel pepoIl Nlll anon deem iieIoIineI sssEE ae ng ash DIlnll 23 3838 ==Spmnqdw 382 render will be milled lry the una Irnned Cllrl up to ix oclock noon idly BI lemoer lo loud IIMcu ydl o1 IAWIBAV am In unullu mo aooriI piIuI inzlrhe lim core unn imouerm Mun imn lieu mo pimooo iujd pquilu loud mo um uIIoinII rie counli nu CKVRrv CHANNEL do counlry cnIIndIr Nulldly Ion ow IIINDAV Illll ooum leNnAv IKFI rm Faun 445 mm in mm 500 zoo arm New Heldiipu eoo ihI Jim Care on Iv undueI uemu izepon on upon lln iiIII dnzk mule Show IlnfllAV Ml Heparin wminr ll Ilyuiory liporz senru urn Ind LyrioIi church cIiIndIr purl stay or ugh nd Lyricpi NIIII oo churen ervieo Nluw we snarl My Lillln MIrIIe My um 1h Mllllurlllru word Pdwn cnIuInuI mumInoqu Tnum one quI in Today in loom 1120 cummunlllr Mm wean sun You roll Wullnl ram norm upon limo LI line no in imp commlolly II luo Mom ioo Now ileIdiipI in do ior wm 10 Buildy Pen on ion do on Io Bibi Hour no piliy anpm Ami Nrwwhl voriou om Ave Mono Hour am AlonI Tun Time Oul Alone chureu one mun or lune Ind ueleepueo o5 aim on moumw AlJl dl 3in on nu eimuli tor one 15 pop uoleIn show an NuIII sum Eton us rum Mum pepo nu um At 5pm lo News lieIdilneI 2i Pun Al pm Now on main more up In mm In anon poorI lgfl py loIIni Ion Luey lilildlnrr rqurI rs In one soom nie upon wIIlpIr eIn lull Nylon allow