Keep in mind Turkey Supper Utopia Community Centre Wed nmday all Sec particulars lstrr 104108110 nurkey Supper llawkcstone United Church Oct mm Bl0prn Adults $150hfldrcn under 13 75c litii21126 mance in Community all hand Head every Salurdzly night in Suptlmhert Auspiccs oi Anglican Young people Iltxions orchest ra Ad soc lDulDz105108iil Eastern Star lun Festival int eluding lunar recreation lea iurky draws bake sale Wellnes dry Oct nitcriloun and everl ing in Eastern Star Ruuilis Owen 5L Barrie 105103 mummagc Silll Saturday Sept 23 at ill aJIl at True Blue iiulll Auspires ui Ladies Auxiliary ii the Carpenters Ulllun Any dun aiions will he picliud up by pimnv ing FA 831967 105i11 flhe Sunset Group at Central United Church WA are having bake sale tell and sale tit work on Wednesday Sept 25 in pm at Mr Harts ilolllt tilr nar at Dunlull and High Streets Tel 250 The Barrie anti trirl Roland ed Childrens Ass ialiou invites the public lu their iall meeting on Monday Sept 23 at pnl in the King George School 170 Blake St sneaker Anglin will ullt line provincial issuciatiun ilOVL onrnents 10s IMPORTED LURES Very bdifling to tourists trn vailing in the iiililllmes is the extent to which some lueal handi craft shop ex bit giluds made in many tort ncuuniries Till ullion must be very distressinL in the provincial governments which have made vigorous eflurts ill recent years to encourage home ilanlliclaits in our custom prnvinces Ca phellton NB 16 ogGrower 16 IliiiiiY Iiiililiii PER rou Pig Boosler Slittied 8450 cm DANISH 675 Phil slim BUY THE BEST ivun LESS We Ire as close as your tele phone call us colleet FEED Mth Anne St PHONE PA 354204 nr 34504 Barrie rum RD 108 FIRST CANADIAN mum Tucker Mrs William llunler has re turn hunle alter spending week with her sister in Toronto Mrs Churchill has returned to her home in Boston alter spend ing Luuplu oi months with Mrs West Bark At Counter pleased to see Stewart he kind the ctllllltur again utter his lung illness In Hospital Wiiirili ltaenck has been patient in the ltuyui Victoria llos nital Visiting Friends Mr and Mrs loe Lennox Fan and Earl also Mr and Mrs Dai lon limiting visith on Sunday with friends at rhnrllhtll and Wiilliwdui liliiiTiiEliM SPACE HEATERS wmi rill FAMOUS MILLIONDOLLAR DUAL CIIAMBEII BURNER Weltlctl steel heal chamber SMART MODELS 25000 to 75000 BJIJJ Out put Attractive finishes Came in Let us give you full details how BALFE son 12 nayrlehl St flnrrie PA asons 53 ngnrlllcceAcn in low mileage oneowner ear with air conditioning IIIBMEI spotless Interior and spurilllngllglttgreen linlsh TH Dlhll Witil ill idiiiiti no iirdlilitni ï¬t flaws of Wmmton Mrs James Furlong of Eimvale spent Tuesday with Mr and Mrs Hopkins Recent Visitor Rnnent visitors with Mr Cuiiuuzh at Torbnlo me British Columbia George News LVerymlehad 11 load time 400 steps we received had dinner together group of women CARELESS HUNTER loaded RSTRAINWITH US KON EST JOHN ROCKET BATTALIDN The first group gun liars from the Royal Canadinn Artillery to be attached ror trniningl to United States Honest lohn rocket battalion at Furl Sill Oklahumn me leit to right are Bdr Ldrry Ont Sgt Mn Normnn Hurgest and Mrs Dalton Banting were Mr and Mrs Dniton Myles at New York and Mr and Mrs Roy lilcv Dr and Mrs Joseph Lennox at Victoria BC and Mr and Mrs Lennux oi willawdale spent Monday ht Lunnnxsl The Womens Institute and number at their friends enjoyed bus trip to Toronto on Thurs day The weather was ideal lid The ï¬rst stop was Casa Lorna and all enjnyed trip through the castle under the guidance DI Miss Carol Pgrlï¬is Yho did us lat the end i2 trp we had via ked lnilc and ousrler and climbed over VW We had lunch in the dunzeanette The next excitement was to see the Happy Gang wiltre warm welcome From there we went ti the Tar nnln Museum and saw many Walls dertul things then down tuwn on it shupping spree and then all The next move was to High Park Dark ness cameali tun soon for us to sue nil the beauties the park Then humeE tired but happ Beforetile hunting season is over needless loss or life will result lrorn accidents involving guns somehody didnt think was There is no such thing as heing too careful with guns or pistols Rouynrtornnda press STEELES CORNERS Sundry Visitors Sundry Visitors with Miss Ail een Gardener Russell and How ard were Mr and Mrs Funk Brown and friend Miss Shirley linndy Mrs West tnnd Kerb Mrs Anne Huughton all of Bil rie and Miss Emily Gardener Brldinrd All attended Inniveh sary services at Ebenezer Uriited Church Weeiteï¬r Guuts Misses Noreen Margaret Jenn and Muriel Kneeshaw ï¬nd George Jacksun Toronto ware weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Wilfred Kneeshaw Weekend and Sundin visitors at Ernest Daies were Mr and Mrs George Dales Mruand Mrs Will lllrn Hunter and Robin and Mr and Mrs Adams all at Tamntd Visitors on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ernest Kueeshaw and attending anniversary services at Ebenezer were Mr and Mrs Al lan Brown and children at Dil slnn Mr and Mrs Edgar Stur goon Donand Margaret Howard Ailen Churchill Elmer Roth contractors or Farmers Na sullNo alsoan Spruce Ind Plna lehlr Rough or nreuad armored nnthu job by truck llllllllilÂ¥lllon Lillillitiliim Port Loving Ontario Visii Ind 90 MAKlismruRpAYs HOME IMPROVEMENT nAYSl AND le ussnowvou IHOW To GET THAT ADDITIONAL LIVING AREA INYOUR HOME NowilCOMBlNE New liDEAS lABOUR iN OUR busstar flights lupilournltnr or any as The BA MATERlAls PACKAGE Sherbrooke PQ ondsgt William Tischart ertson Ont The group consisted of three oiticers and warrant officers and Moos all of whom are graduates the missile courses conducted at the AntiAircratt an Guided Missiles School Fort Bliss or at the Royni Cunndinn School or Artillery AntiAircraftat Picton Ont lchrtdeMr1nd Hrs Willinu Rein Rothweli and Mr and Mrs Arnold Meredith Giilnrd Sundry Guests Mrs George TIyItirand Kath leen of Barrie Mr and Mrs Herb Hughes ind Margaret oi Gillard trunnion irternleu new vlrlt withher sister Mml Du nlond Brldiortl quintet Mr rid Mrs James Thompson oi nev BL Mir mated 4a Weddtnrlcurou Hr 1nd Hrs illub Paddiren handed the Kinghotrayiorrwed inllinBncebiide on Silurday from attendan mentalJr Schell wedding ilst Srlurday were Mr Intl Mrs George Sciteii bin4nd Mrs Harry Allen Mr Lorne 0nr0lthrrlne and Fred Schull IndJlnilyl Golden Wedding ervand Mrs GBer Truen Ind he attended tlle 50th weddqu anniversary Mr and Mrs George Truenoi Toronto on Sli um Mount Pleasant 1nd Mr nd Mrs KeniStnlKeon and boys at Church Ill were Sundaysuesu of Mr Ind ended anniversary services Altnlvrrsnry Smirer Ebenezer United Churcll was well tilled lor the services on Sun Lilly when Roy Neweonlbe preached It both servicu Rich rrdleerlnore song silly at both services Also assisting wrs the gt Recent Vlsitan Saturday evenlng guests wllii Mr andltlrs wi Dales were Mr and Mn Ruuuil nruper and Mr and Mrs Charles Hounme oi Cookstuwn Mr and Mrs George miles at Toronto and Mr and Mrs Emcst Dales ot Gillord pleasant evening was spent in euclire with prize luners being Mrs Russell Drape Georgi Dales Charlesllounsonle ond nussen Draper MntnrTrlp Mr and Mrs Ernest Kneeshaw accompanied by Mrlnd Mrs Everett Kneeshaw eninyed mos tor trip recently tome Erin and Detroit Mrs Sheldon Walker Sharon and Janie ol Sitaan were Sutur Brlldtdrd Miss Irene Thwnilrs or Mrs John Rurnhle lluponlllhle Ilent sales dud estle Wellknown national Can WANTtEbf lynes oliuraile doors including industrill éomnlerelnlnndzdanl Protected territory Write Mr Keirrtelri 2llnle Ave installlion repreléntitlre or oil ndlnn manulrcturerx Torontoln Annmshqlprrdand IndxMrsEmid TruunJMl Joe Mrs Ddughleneeshlw Ind Bruce lily guests at the farmers sister Arno Mrs Murryhurries o1 Odith My BIHINI Services for Sundiytheflnd hive been nrrapded as follows AnglicanRev Church neetnr Goldwater St lnlhhs Church 11 IimChlreh Service Holy communion ll lm Sunday Sétlool 730 Imus Ohurrh Service 1Bull lngnmr tinned churchRev Roucum minzfliniater Sumner WnubduilanoLl Dayï¬suriee iï¬ruxbfluflim mull ieldstmt iREVflI GOHEEN SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 12 155 loiooulmaSUNDNYSOIIML tlatm1730ipwn¢1PREAGfllNd REVHD Asstmo dl artilluvrrill mmfbhlrï¬tserice bill Sunday School ii mm and 111mm Chinnil Services lur Justin lflltehedashSl Julias Chumh 4mm 18mm School MMIelimhip Chip Mann Kroehr Pastor rimRemchtlrlex Cm Sumter tun Sundry School apul Church Service sinner tlr Marie Number 49M alumarms new bezguest apolkvr morningvlndw nulng lluoom rllxr inhalation inlurlnu hit are GRAHAM stool Toronto rorlntervlew When ynuvnrrdthrip lnlplnndllu your lunarore mayouiflynlrtkkip an attenuator ll blindChoir 1m 5m ruin Aonl Thanew silhouette Loknsh in of mink tolls illnvlilns l2 litlo It As sketcilrd in iumou let hinrk English wiml and ulpdzuiarnl voell ll with button dawn iï¬lfl Slur moire luxurious root son lay1 English wool and mohair trlmlt mud with lira Ilegunu Choos from Blown in link Mlulld cloth main aligned in thn nlw coldl nan styll Choos horn Bluranholroo in Youlllwear proudly from new till Spring Styled by Lokclsh and Lou lLérry famous for fine luiiaring of better Thrillingiy bedutfiui coats with new sup pld that gives you wonderful silhouette new way tn look in new fabrics of luxury looking velvety waeis sgit Illxurious feeling wool and mohair and tweedswith new color and dintension Finely tailored by makers noted for delt famous Ed Interlined and with éhampisbdcks for us sured wqrmih tailingl Exquisiteiy Jim