Windmill rumu Blaikiezr Ladles AicliiDisicvuss Alliliation Wilh Society The meeting olnuler LIdltl Aid was held at the church on Wednesday evenlng Sept it will 14 memben Ind lnttr vidlr an instill Till meelln opened with the call to Vlonhlp Ind the ringing of Psalm 31 Iollowrd Willi we Trinity Guild And Atlxiliiary deve Meetings 1rlitlly Chuteh Womens Guild met It lho home 01 NH wtuiarn Modill on Sept 10 with nine members and one visitor present General hllzlncss WIS token Mire oi rlilc which adaiuty lunch wns senrd social lull hour euloyed by all Outstanding leadership hasCanrda and hi his own studio lo beenohthlned or the humid all Toronto Bundles ol hid wk Arts Grain Weekend sponsored lIlVE heed uhlbitnd In mny by the Sltneoe County Am at taller and he in beenulled one Call Arsocintlon Illdto he huld ill worlds foremost lather on September and lrllsts Mr IlleKlnnon coir For llte lirst time workshop Ilden ll possible to give lroup session In Drelive ertiniwlll llrlrl foundlion In the on be altered and Anthony Frlsds llzure urva ln lourweekend Mn William duet wu rung by Mrs ll lzdgsr sud Mn It Henry 11 was enjoyed by hlL The incrcmys report was lbltl and appmvrd and the treasurers and slaucommillee reports were given wot gllsh teacher In the New To unions For those who will to or by Ihe president SCII lure Mn Jaellrom Stayncrw plflhnbwfllt mullle of °° 5°Y5h°°l l9 mum anlmbmh reading wlh takru irom the 5th present and gave an lnlemilng ll cwmv Wr HS be nhlpler ot nomsus talk on ttng with thy wd the home oi airs Cumming Tlle meeting opench with hymn and pnth hy lltc preslr dent Mrs Cumming airs llelon gave as tho llihle reading thn 19th Psalm litrs Armslrong read the mlnllles at last meeting Mrs it Wood gave the llcasurers report and collect whmd men contrihuunn EdMlLESc dDl prose and poetry from youth rs murmur an rs no all over Canada From ese we reodlnl ni The Doll with and his assistant Mr Haraslï¬ Canfflnm hc Chtrmctl Life which was mntle selecllon and edited intn nulnyud try all moo iirst all Clnadlnn anthology The Arts is Grail Wakeid thilnly umh was served and oi high school prose and poetry wlll he held at Blue Mounuln Social hallltoursucut which is entitled First Flower Lodge right miles northwest or my Colliugwoud The iirst session The unusual nrl oi mndtllitt will hlsln at 1030 am on sat urday Suptomhcr 28 play party on Saturday night worship on Sunday morning and inlormhl group discussions at meals and odd moments will round out lhl possible loo Perce Gardner In lonelier on the stall at the Northern Tech nlcthommerclnl School Toronto will give leadership to this group Mr Gardner has been to slmcoc County on several oecnslond speaker and leader oi weekend groups In palnll Ind Interior decanting promising mens Missionary Society Vole of thanks wumovrd by MI1 Edgar or hinting Mrs slack pruv out at the meeting Thcmeelllig hroughtto lost with the singing hymn lollowed hy the Lords Pnyer repealed in unison Refreshments were served by the lurwhnommltttc in oharga AIId conllderahle SINCE ill Itlmulal lug young people nndadulu to nuttruss thornsdlves through writing Following no experience in leachlng English at Pickering College which hid brought Iorlh worlis oi Isle Ind lnlegrlty from his young sludento Mr Frlrch Bible study dusstlona were prepared rhy Mrs GaulrySr tram the Im Ind tnth uhlylen hi Luke Thu offering wu tak on and dedicated with prayer by lllrs McKnight Roll all was answered wilh vent from lhc Bible remaining the word 10 pipe unlllletl Ou The engagement Is an nounced ior Marjorie Pearl twin daughter or Mrs Goldie Davis and the late Wilbert Dnvln or Burris nnd Iormerly roi Mineslng to Albert Preston eldest son or Mr and Mrs AI bert Preston oi Kitchener Th wedding will trike place Saturday October twellth Mlnoslng Anglican church Pl oclock noon DYEIllNTllEV00lr The term tiyril in lit woutntlgurts and hands irorn ledlhcr originally meant lhe ttyrtug ofjwlll hr taught by non llIncKlnnnn won in ilsi lnnso skill below or Ir iliMK1nnult has had wide ex lug suun lnlo vrusll llecd so orlence in the ï¬eld oi Millers ll dyes Sell hall lil lust to Wall an Instructor con llilfll stand the ensuing tiuishlng prodcnlonslruler and writer Mnlwcskond Anyoncluteresled Is cessesfllhc term has now tome tllchinnon is El nitmiter of th1eLome lo allcnd lfl moan Slendlrlsl unswur rtg iCllfllch Lenlhurcrall Society ull llEaSe register wllh llI ullve secroury Miss Louise Col Icy Court House Barrie beIor Seplnmbrr 2d IIIY EXAMINER WANT exec POPULAR SUE EMMS Former star nortorruer oi the She has also rnrvort as tits in norrts Skating own oil and on slrucltlr in Cltdlhnm where her or the last our years popular husband was playtugtor Ihu Mar nud prctly Suunrlc EmmS wllioons and skatcrta little tor the organize and instruct the clubclub in ilarlon Ohio when Paul this your trout the position ollwns playing or lhe ttarton Bar Proiusslounl nus tarut team at lite Cleveland The 23ycnrold mother oi two is the wild oi Paul Emmi oi the 5u0 linan lhn mcmflershm Suturdhy Night Fiona and the the club will tttcrcasc this scasuu dsuahlcnlnlaw ollheintttous Hap esnccmlly lit the senior grout Sun has skated since she was ten She cmnltnsmd mmmn when she him he mm and exorcise llld snort uiiors Skating cluh Her iirst solo was The club should start October Autumn ushersin bright new fashion era of quality anci qtliel elegance We like the gotogelher look the mark of newseason knowhow siond 0rd of the wellplanned Wardrobe And to make it cosyweve built all our fashion cqllgeqions with co Fergus ttstt iiiss rhylils nnrlross loll Sull day to spend low weeks with heruncle in Fergus Vccktdtd Guest liirs Walker oi Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs ii Nobhs Mr and air nud ltr and and Gloria oi day in Burlington UTOPIA tiaryost rostival St Georges llllrch congrega tinn have been invllctllo attend the harvest val al Christ Church lvy text5uuday at 11 nm and 730 pun ordination in mind rlltln Whipps llotlgiiinson la spent Sun short if that Saint year when She not 15 and the hours will be Tuesday inrtund to Tm Always chasing 845 to Tllursdayt to it Fri event clearly heruuso her mother 330 Wis scared of what might happen cw club championships Int Hnmlllon started Sue on earl Recent visiors with Mr itntl son Ice Fullleswilh which she nnd Mrs llittn and Mrs Ioured lhc 15 and cumin Clll George Torirl Pendiang Mr and lrllnlng also arid lt wns duringJanonlo one summer spent ln Barrie hill was one oi the Flyers Memorial Cup heroes The other summer under the direction of Sheldon Gllbrallh teacher oi world cham Sue onloynd oil spurIS through her Della ngh School days She of two years tor the Collegiate as cheerleader Suzanne is very close lriend of Margaret Nield who was club Rainbows She remembers heday 43a to and Sunday 240 lturlranrl Flyer eer wllh the Shipsiad and John Mrs William Nevills were Mr hill5 Summers were spent oh MrslLloyd Netills andehildrel1 she met her husband Paul whol seasons were spent in Schumucher pion Barbara Ann Scoth also served the maximum period Friend oi ExPra proledslonal in Barilo lor two years The girls skated together in the Hamilton group and both periormdtl In the modal carnlvnl here when Margaret was ln Bar 79 rie ï¬RlNlJALlaXbUI riill mourns to flurrlal Lonll Furriers who trill ID on only LAM SELECTION 10 cl nose anM WllllllllS lUllS BAnniB TonnNro 25 DUrILDP ST nsnatrtng Remodalilnl onld Slorua Clolnllu EABONMLE FEIOBB SAIlEFAOTlON amass lnllvo Ind Whit until 312 hni not arrived than gall barrio Will no Delivered io Your Homo For those unable to SD lo Ivy there will be service at St Georges at 700 lull SundaySorviccs St Georges Church was healt tttully decorated lor the lullvest ihanksgiving last Sunday lnsp lng sermons were preached by Rt Admits ui Coukslown and Rev pt Coleman olCamp nor den soonal music included an lhems hy the chair There were also two sacrrrt duels by Heather Muir and Ruth tttggtnsun and by Margaret amt itary Ellis Everyone mttst he immunized to he curtain oi protection against polio smallpox diphtheria whoop lngcough and tetanus warns the Health League oi Canada spnn sors of National Immunization Weekr II any mombcroi lite family is zsyet not immuniled the family doctor or nearest health authority should he contacted lm edlately BLouSrs and Ir your new Trryluno Youll ll low low prices EY WELDREST Agood snisottori blouses iu Dugron Wool Jsrsey nnd the he the PAIR Watson CHRISTIAN DIOR Priced from $295 nartruent rey Kid Grny ovalliy run JACKETS Bodutliul tors in our Fur Muskrn lowest prices Sentour renlly wonderiul dolléctio Dy Isltirts neversihies plaids ilo JUNIPERS lanlzen Lady Anne andrlarlynr ed from $49