Gtealioootsslatslsl ndlo Ind now In In lnérgadngman 6r Vanni wlll wanl lo r9 Youthful rtlsl To rt child continue to need hls llnres shots no on special hnle cue the great book or the use ghoulu ulullzrdyrt the no Mlnz When Junior threw mg outsideho home number ol home TV are other lunbbom rod nine to llrrl Grail soon cluhhnlheen hlve elvnyr intended to rend the other mrwakened an Ihe lure In whlch hellves ma hm puenu ncourlgcmentuld dlr ldyrrnd annlvexsaries mum at eome ideas to mum of afteran nd under Junlor The movla Ire mother gullian rlnw the membersrol AC lotmed In Blrrle The hurpose glut boon or the our tutthe Wd Sum In May by mm from which he an hunch ttul action In exploring ireh mas gapp WmSmth and real mum ollnfonnlllon But Eamlly gender Especially ln at the cluli lrto rendlld dis lnlornuilon my be ohlzlned by nukes Ind lhu mall ol hlm lntq the more lmpersonal world 555 but young ï¬nd am Not Pmnt realize It can cm the least ol lheie lestlvals on lhls boola as old as Ihg mole nd nry PA own or lurex luley fudlgrélï¬ he Socltl worker In London Enz sullen hn ltr own ldeu 015th mnttnent ohurvcd on the sec Ilnew II Prlud PA 57m hnd were united to dlseover buulllul Ind sntlslylnx lnlllem our Sunday at May Tons of The minnow mung Mk Quoting What nloe mpfluf how little the Alr Ralds In World lure ln nnnlo ln on Tutu Ire thousandI at people nuke on el mm on mum my Wu ll adversely alluded the never run ln growing lndlvid tortro give their maihm pieasm Hwy mauled Ln teacher nld thats whll nm boy Ind ï¬lth whose putnu re ull Ind whnl Junlur prelersln ht on that ayt Raislng amily ls Gku Bum cm In new qu rre turrullnlor nld Ind ruined calm In the tree o1 dnn irons he will llhoty allle to lhem ehrllenglng and sallsly ex Mud hm man then land conï¬deMy youu nor Thus youngsters hrd htr twenties llut Is odorlort int 01 human ndeavmr Th Mme cm um lute my tout We lud or lot or loose shieldlng them from the la recrlit The atmosphere or Psalmist says or Gods plan tor when the GM Boo human mm threat olkuforélhs whlsh might home where llteralure mole and thetrnctii He sotteth the solitary ll ï¬lm of em lllll EL MWM mm In um Wm In mural mum On at huge and art are enjoyed nlmuhtes th menity evidentl wen cont unpreeintion or the ï¬nest thi Calmlghl orglnlnllnn ll chlam gnun otlmm mpuyuu mu wlth Ihh thy cltlldren went homeJo inns lxwrll lcyhrl in our culture my 15 lo peoplu 18 WI hlm Ind Ohm half nod lmltd mull Thar or olhe es Ida have MM 189 Tom and In udgetr 1an or mothertn cakel ï¬rtnlï¬xvmrau 313d he E19 NATIONAL CIVIL mg to dlscuss bookswrllln by Anna my an tn tnros or the world ln whlch he DUENCE rife rlholseruifmghejhlmo chm alum 1nd mil SEW medhwjewwg 11 Ed boots nnl jusllthe llynlthherltlgrmlllï¬mtlll lmlfegufmll 4i loundlhrt the hooks dell wlth Weekly o1 woodwelt nthndod tu hm tn is an In one in well hooks Ind those he borrows Iron lo remember at or Lh bet hash problems as current 1nd 0ro Pair mi visited Mrs Addison recent yum pullan protest we mm mm muIIIINHMMV impartml today when they at Culxhursl and Mr and Mn not Ina neat comm hha mm went wrltten the nrohletnr of at llldtilnr Barrie who or lhll event dunenun 51 EHiwhinï¬ï¬‚ï¬swflrï¬nfluly junllce hopplneu hnmoyhllty be at the thumb luve chanted government ond the nulure at Mt 15 FvWm their emohult rt thll tltno nun Eden 49 locus on Chrlnuhn Funny woe the moneyNelson weddan Ind pub mkï¬ï¬dpflï¬ï¬n wen vltltors ll Mr and Mrs Eul M3 ï¬ï¬ywï¬mfl mm to do the readan theyltgonlw Tumr Th lilo numb both mother Planned to do 11an exchange ideas ï¬gï¬xd If ï¬ï¬fggfn other to thlok Ibotlt the lonrllya ggghï¬mgggigs llnxBmelr st Mrt Ind Mn Wu t5 mg to 100k not Maw mm 3mm Icy Caldwell or Guthrie Ind Mlu preeticrtl actuation about the are the mm Member Margaret Caldwell Burrle were emu upon much mien rm ma also Vlslton at the chkllngholne dltlemt lond hm Jgrzed then on liked quesunnx Th be by two coleaders volunteers who HERB 31 whit °llzlhht rommmvm mute do supply the SWMIM Sherp were unknown In the the UNKCO Unlttd Nlllonsy Pamdpanu do Thu chm originl Indian lnluhlthrtu conference whlch met lll Pu mm 0de mm ferret Th ï¬st sheeps9 Rite gelrillziles ItrlthttteoetI til rollglole owwnrty elmywnsljo mm We the snrnlrh explorer Coronrdo rzreecl Iunilyshould he Mr Illolden enlphsslud that ln 1540 By lmlnlewrheep had butter to protect chlld tram lho wider the dlflelEnccs ln hacke reached Audi now Nova Sco too huh Contact wlth rulltlcs Well known for herartistic Movements Nancy Hodzson ground nnti oceupallon among the tin and the crnrdlon wool lhrough hlt grwlnz pslod 14yearold zmde nine student at North Collegiate wfll be members the livelier the dlscus lndurlry began ï¬lter to internret Io hlm the looking tootld another llrst to her cureer rlon would bel Everyone wel newlyenrolled one in the Mr armor School stauwzfrgqmgsngg Gel peace of mind about Nonéy has entered the contest for the experlence and the romance Hm whnmended tun sonnet moneymatters at Blue eyes und honeybrown hair are the youngest contest Books Foundation in Wllllnm onts lentures she weighs llll pounds stnnds nt 538 and townJMossl this summer agreed measures on even 36s2536 she preters unusunl clothes as neglepllelnuéltguogs lxlezllzlnhlï¬g meny earreuc sht wants to be different from the rest Library She muted um Nancy mode herself on unusunl palr or sunglnsses from the Library Hnu will be lVIllIhlE toothpicks one your in currylng out thlsdeslre to he dlller 1on the llrst regulr meeting on entt she sold she wore them to the ONE rind everyone looked Monday Oct Meellnls will he at her as much as at the exhlblts held everytwo weeks Mrr San Malay Wu oppolnted Nnncys nrtlstlc endeavors have brought her muny varled experlcllces She relates the tlme she sent design to the Chmmfl 1° gmup Dmumon Whether you need SZOOï¬ï¬‚fleven $1000 the plum 20 la HFC At Household youll moelva lrlendly money whim Inde by 79 yenrn exporlenua Cnmdlr largest consumer Annu mmplny provldu money ln one day And will vnrlaty ol repayment terms Vlsll or phone are loony HOUSEHOLD FINANCE yomwaf 11 Jone Ardell comic strlp and It dldnt nppeztl until two years ï¬fgeï¬nï¬ Meiï¬ï¬ï¬ie later The fan mull she recelved lrorn the sketch cume mm gummy Am ms mo England Oklahoma and Texas and one or them held I1 present were Mr and Mrs Chan 23 Dunlpp sow shunt floorphono IIA luao nonsown 31 proposal or mnrrloge from 59yearold bachelor who les wllson Bottlenmlel Shop ammo auntsannotated morn wonted somebody to look after hlm Altogether Nancy hns ofl Miss Florence McArthur ulss alum much llflhmunuhhnund nu¢nst fannumï¬ï¬ulgufvewr rccelved much fun mull trom various endeavors and corre Loulle Colley Mrs shlrlry Cook mm 5mro£6ndhoorphotro so unriv Ihulty In kuï¬ model spends regularly wlth 20 persons ï¬nd Medd coumowoonlom dull lord ol enmnt to Nnnc other main lnterest ln llre ls her dog Frltz van The quesllonol books wns dls Yxrnlgvrllfllgll cussed heading muterlll la rue Frlegenerstrasse purebred German shepherd or eight vuthr Iluflnv no soul to huh months Although he is very dltlloult to min and it real fulfwin xiuisxfsmï¬giapiï¬ tut dimtr hillIlls SAVE NowBequ lMDYAT CANADIAN Tull devll nt tlmes Nancy hopes to enter hlm In dog show ln my bring mm bunks bar the norm future row them lronl friend or lroln the library or purchase inexpen minutes for safety beats We pperhound editions tram the down Ivory HallPOWER shlrzny oumnmdlor Mentor run or anl do Cruise Deer BéDdring amassmurxsrsrum month or repairs DRIVE lfoundetlnn it WE lllll ninlee ZYeartlillaranleo 4Year Ellatanlee lsownrr Monopownn nonpow Canadas MOSl IllIlvr ur llatlery SllPEllSEllllcE lllGAPAGITY 39PLATES 45 PLATES 61 PLATES nan LIST sumo Ell LIST $2125 llluLlsrszl15 AND Your ofdzlrgrélv old Buttery OLD EATER rsau slwl as air Ilul lullI nnw re euro grunt on orgrt hm no 53 am In IdlersFlaked our vur v3 v7 only in mull lawIla gt You luv nun You an nu Ilamo nror win reit with lxlrl nrotor throesFond llon lay nulormneo run moot popnlu daulklng Compound may hut Ion liningser cold anu mum doord Ind wh mls lIANDSOME handwoven wont tweed dress and stale air sunblols ideal or cruise and country The dress ln shades of gnldantl green is sortly pleated and llghlly sashedr Gold rrlnge trinls the ridge ot the stole and hemline of the dress slumbleï¬zedrndouqd rwdlpalnu Ind in sum Bolh6ondl2volllrns IW0°dwmklllld0Lheglrhn to ï¬rmuleun OnrhnndyCcttoquuclonls blghelp Intel In your color phmilng0n92 you picked Burl ntht llll newlplnel IE In Iony nrlntl roomsznvmrl you to on wsll Lincolnmix their to you of mini toys The BARRIE EXAMINER 1957