Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1957, p. 15

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14 THURSDAY QNIINIIOUS SHOWS JVENING SHOWS AT 650 9pm FRED ASTAI RE CYD CHARISSE Ik Stockings In CmemaStoue so LIETROCOLOR PLUS FOX MONDAY SEPT 23 THRUTO MArINEE WEDNESDAY AI DARRYL ZA NUCKS Status JAMES MASOeroMI lflliltilNE DOROTHY DANDRIDGE JOAN CULIINSMlCItAtl RUINIE HARRY BElAiDNIE xx CARTOON MON TUES WED FOX NEWS PLUS THE HIGH TERRACE DALE SIX GREAT sritlts III uIIIz IlsIIIIII PLAYING ENTIRE WEEK COM EVENING sIIows AT6so 9PM THUR arm SAT NTERT INMENT TIIun rm SAI continuous SATURDAY 230Phl TWO HITS SHOOT IT OUT AT MEDICINE BEND WITH RANDOLPH SCOTT AND JAMES CRAIG ALSO LOIS MAXWELL AND ANGIE DICKSON Milli TUE WEI TWO lililltlli PIII II FEET Arrth IN RENO JOHNLUND ANGEM GREENE DEREK FARR ELLA RAINES MAN ON THE eoao ROXY GRHNHDH lflMOlS PEKWBSTHEIIHES rmuesohv seer Hi1 Worship Magistrate IL Foster presided with Crown At torney at Thompson Court duties were by Sgt Bnnny mile are and PC Sciu OPP Adidurnmenis adjournmenta one or two weeks on various emerges Traffic Trouble member of the armed tomes Ilelnz Meyer was cenvieled on careless drivine charge when go tug across the road herollided with another Cer with damage done This was at am on Aug in Vespra impact came In the centre lie had been drinking conviction brought line oi $30 with cosis $12 and license sus pended In Ontario or two months MoiIncite News Fitting Sentence Charged by PC Shepherd boar OPP with stealing hen Thom as Iiurphy and Peter alaritzlo had Ilsotaken other and had killed the one This was on Aug in Vespla whcre they hnd tale en ihc others The armor re ported at 745 am and the attic er stopped their car 15 minutes later mamas VjSATUR 30 EM The peonis iiismworshtp had no sympathy for type at crime and the theufvflb tine wits $50 with costs $15 each Got In Trouble John Anderson with three charges under trailic by PC Chsddock against him on July 20 in Oro explained that he had party in two other cars besides Ihe one he drove going north and he was trying to keep con tact with them The oilicer had noted on 400 and il in Sun Vei Icy at 840 pn his high spccd He followed and also noted high speed passing trolilc over white line pulled to right shotil der Ior I00 yards and back to road downhill Andcrson told of taking to the shoulder tn catch up with the others as Ihe party had become separated Too much hurry said Mr Thompson and His Worship add Those ac tions cause accidents Anderson did not own the car he was driv ing The line was $75 with costs so or 15 days and Iiccdse sus pended lottwo months PC Pill Injured 0n luiyzl Sunday in the Ma vy trailic down Highway 27 Sgt Andrews OPP and PC Pitt OPP were on control duty at the danger spot Dunns Hill and quarter mile north of the hill top at 1130 pm Both were on not using flashlights and the cruiser was ed off the road way Pitts rice was that it had been ratnmg but stopped They had been on duty for 15 minutes when lilt was struck by Internaiional bestseller are on the seieen OBERTSON sq News of Mormon Ionnctt were tirs Jack Wain right Calgary Alberta and Airs George McKnight Cayuga Ittr and Mrs blnyu llarris and iamiiy barrio spcnt lust Sunday at Vernon lonnnt hirsFraIIk limdle for part of last week Attend Anniversary Several lrom here attended St Georges Anglican church anni versary ot Utopia on Sunday Dr and li Howard Ellis Tor nntn were at at Carrs Wllam CW 35 duflyg mm irom Iiamilton at the ltrst or this dn week with hot mother Mrs wit EVC liam Sharpe Ontario sittll wuh hor Innihcr Mrs Scythes lelt with her tlauglttcr hirs Iaek Garbutt tor three wcoks stay at Malion air and Mrs Angus Campbell were guests at the Nelsonvlidoon ey wedding in Barrie lsst Satur doy liceent visitors Reccnt visitors with Mrs Alex Donncy were Mr and Mrs nny Clark Grand Valley Mr and Mrs Inck Ellis and Miss Mary Ellis Utopia Mr and Itirs Archie Macdunald Richmond Hill Mr and Mrs Edward Denney nnd tarnily Toronto Mr and Mrs Cecil Denney and family Fair portBeach Mr and Mrs William Gauicy and family Baxter baseball risyoiis It not surprising to seethe streets lined with ears here fre llucntly nnwas it is the baseball player Irrne llrs Grnnl holcro entering tile University nl Wosirrn ontnrio at London lor hov filial year in the Bachelor of Nursing Science course Mr and Mrs Andrew Cunning ham or roronfo ivoro guests at itlSiIRAItEE aczhcv 4o outflow nouns gt2 PA 84427 ir rinEC movou kNow Inar onefilth oi the area oitQuebcc province la south of the St Lawr ence River goriiEthNGfDALENCEf ignores solitarySept 2i 49 on at the church on Tuesday even ing was well attended The offic crs elected were Honorary prea vnssers northbound car and had his side injured and one toot crush ed He was taken to the shoulder and laid on the grass and later to hospital by ambulance Sgt Andrews added Ihat the Cmiscr was parked on the cast shoulder lacing north with two taillights on He could beethc car coming fat and could see Pitts light flashing before the accident The card river David Walters 01 Toronto came to them and admitted he was the driver At the trial delence brought out that the oflieershad no its DALSTON Bible Society Elect Officers The Bible Society meeting held ident Mrs Ilandy Sr presidc lint Allan Brown secretarytress urer Mrs Harold Moore Can are Misses Ruth 33 Laura Warren Della and Myrtle Emms and Wallace Key Bazaar Date Nov Foui requests were made tor warned Turkey Ihat any military move against Syria might spread into world war her daughter Mrs Harper to Aitcruiobolss Maurizio and The Womens Association held their meeting at the home oers Handy on Sept very line missionary program was giv en by the WMS president Mrs Ball This was iollnwedby short WA meeting The date chosen for the bazaar is Saturday Nov The hostess and Mrs Ken McLean serveda delicious lunch few from here attended Mid hurst anniversary on Sunday Sept 15 Orn IIIir Winner Quitc number to school pup its obtained prizes Ior vegetables and flowers atDro Fair Congrat ulations to Dalston school who iron prize lnr their school ban ner at the lair Wln one Prizes Congratulations to Mrs Wll son and Mrs Ducitworth and silly stator who won prizes for pickles and baking nhthe ONE Toronto Mrs Dora Hart accompanied lpronto for low days 4gt PRESS HAS DJUTY Rhys Sale President Ford of Canada Only flaw in theCanA adieu economy warranting grave public concern is continuing pressure of inflations condition that demantk the best tittorts and wholehearted cooperation oi gnvermnenIa bunneae labor the press hurt the public Today the presé of Canada has an oppor tunity andan obligation to was ningonr economic growth tinne on give no leadership in iinguishing marks such as white caps gloves or hands Speed was estimated at 45 to 60 miles per hour Judgment was reserved by His Worship until Sept 25 at 200 pm This was Jack Pitts lirst serious Injury in record going back to Scotland He was born in Glasgow and received his first training there as police men or seven years His wife is ot the same city and they came to Prescott where he was on the local force ior two years and then joined the OPP This meant posting in many parts of malaria including Pembroke He mm to Barrie eight yearsago and has been valued and effective mem ber of the OFF since Cose oism sod In judgment given on charge by David vlusher against Irving Mundelbaum both of Toronto the case was dismissed An agree ment in part had been reached by the partins Involved Complicated Cris his brother names hed retained tractor trailer or some 21 days Without rdellnlter agreement with the owner Thomas Mur phy of Vespre the letterlald chargewhich came up before Mngistrsto Foster The original trip was to wind soron Aug Mint price $200 but following they had gone to Trenton and other places and lied planned to grotain It until Leamlngtnn Falr Tillsonborg was elao onvthe itinerary nndwtbe last message was phone call DAY SEPT cnadisn PresStatPertcr The Soviet Union again has The warningin personal let ter irom Soviet Premier Buiganin to Turkish Premier Adrian Ilen dereswas based on Soviet char ges that the United States wants to organize military Intervention Tom without in Syrias lnernnl allairs The day before the Soviet lat ter was delivered Russias for eign minister Andrei Gromylte accused Turkey concentrating troops on the Syrian border Tur key replied that Its troops are on human maneouvers BulgInlns letter said we have met wilhgreat concern the report about Turkish troop concentrations on Syrias borders as well about the shipments at American arms to Turkey to elicct an at tack against Syria The Soviet Union cannot remain lndiiterent in these event The Soviet premier did not mention that these repurls origin ated with Soviet or proSoviet sources We believe hls letter said calculations that military adlt venture against Syria could be In some manner localized are dang eruus The first as well as the second world war began with local military action by aggress ors but everyone knows the dire citoot these wars had tor the at gressors as well as or mankind Turkeys Reply At islonbul Turkish foreign ministry circles accused Russia of trying to ahnwTIIrkey Irisst an aggressor to conceal their own real nggrnsslve aeLivltlin Commenting on Bulganina mes stage the sources said the Rue slan charge was Propaganda The Istanbul newspaper Milli yet reported two Sovlet embassy attaches have been arrested on uspiclon Vol spying The news taper said Turkish political pol Ice identified them as Alchsander Mikhailovich Marlaein and Mikail Listhin deputy naval attaches at the Soviet embassy in Ankara They had been under surveillance since they were seen in restrict edareas in Bospprus the news paper said UN 0n Hungary The tlth General Assembly oi the United Nations special ties slon ended last Saturday with vote on Hungary By 60 to to with 10 abstentions the assembly passed renewed condemnation ni Russia tor Its repressive meas ures against the Hungarian peo ple and of the Communist govern ment of Hungary itselt for In part in the suppression The special sessionwss called to keep the Hungarian question alive in the 12th session which opened this week It was con tinuationor the general assembly which opened last November with the Hungarian and Suez crieisat the boiling point During the winter the Middle East crisis had been resolved to large extent through the use at UN Emergency Force in the Site area lorce which became efforts of the then Canadian ex ternal allalis minister la Pearson The Hungarian crisis had re solved iteelf the hardwey utter llussie intervened with mechanized lorces to crush the anticommun ist uprising Street Caves In 4TlIe threat oi flogda brought new anxiety It the weekend to the Lancashire industrial town of Fernwoth where cavein had already gobbled up almost whole street The cavein last Thursday was blamed oh the count and jseerned quite Encore was reserved by Magistrate coal mine had webkeneilthe fix the shed tollowed by shouting lntogtbeing mainly through the brat discovered collapse of water main run ning under the street Some oili eials seldthcre were indications thtit veins at lungaabendoned Aug Nicholas appeared in but as Detence Counsel Liv ingston remarked The missing iinkseems to be brother Jim The regular rate at rental on the vehicle is $100 daily Judgment Fos eartJta curtcc Annr Altuh An angry mob at am warmed over coppehladen river schoon er at Montreal last Friday night attacking the crew and smashing wbaiever lhey could during 20 minute demonstration in support at strikers at the Gaspe copper mine In Murdochville Que Police arrived to find the riot era had smashed radar and icle phnne equipment on the bridge oi the lidton Mont Royal over turned Iileboais poured paint in thc engines thrown the chic en gineer In the river and dumped about thrco tons or copper plate overboard The attack occurred as the ship tied up near abed along the Lachine canal Capt Roland Des Kegnler said live care drove around mnh on loot The captain sntd men lumping out of the Carl weved banners saying this copper is made by scabs and Gaspc copper is bloody copper As soon as the ship tied up men swarmed aboard No trace of the attackers cnuld be found when police arrived Feeling has been running high since the United Steelworkers America CLC went out on strike at lilurdochvllle hlbrch 11 The dispute has been marked by three dynamite explosions and rockthrowing clash between In her demonstrators and nonunion company employees One striker died as result at irduxiea suit ered in one the dynamite blasts Challenge of North Any young mining engineer who Is not prepared to meet the challenge oi the north had bet ter choose another profession says Claire White general man agcr at United Keno Hill Mines Ltd He spoke in welcoming dele gates at the Commonwealth Min ing and Metallurgical Cnngreu at the twin communities of Elsa and Calumet in the Yukon There is great deal 01 iat Istncilon in living In the northern parts 01 Canada he sid Truu there Is challenge but we are prepared to meet it 34 Summerv Traplines For Mamal Survey NORTH BAYTrapliue opera tion normally is considered win tertime business when some 12000 men and women operate treplines throughout Ontario harvesting lur bearing animals for profit How ever Lands and Forests Depart ment personnel also operate trap lines during the summer too in the interests of management re stocking and research One such project now is in operation in the North Bay dis trict Its known as Small Mem mal Survey end its aimed at the little allowsmice moles and shrews Cusson Assistant Fish and Wildltte Supervisor here ex plains that these small ailimais play an important role In refer estetion tnrest protection and wildlife management troy seed crops and commercially important tree species but are helpiul in preying on vettolls for est insect pests in wildlife man egement their abundance is im portant because they provide good portion at the diet of such valuable furhearers aa iisher martenlynx etc Among the moles and shrews insect eaters the trapper may capture little animals with such Iancy names as Hairy TailedStar Nosed Saddle Back Masked Dus ky and tiny Figmy5hrew This tiny animal weighs less than lencent piece is sexually matured when it weighs an ounceand one can only guess at the weight at its otlsprtng at birth Mice along with squirrels chip munks beaver muskrats porcu pine and groundliogsare known as k11an and belong to the radeht order They are divided into many familles Such names as Tasseleared Loneeared Fox anionsrailed Eastern and West ern andThree Stripes accompany the squirrel and chipmunk rut They des deneltles are affectedby these llt ter until Sept 23 stillr Be sure your time keeps regarding tire trouble there and in cuatbldg the force of in on gtIV The BAfiRI promiseml returninghomeon EXAMINER 957 ilfllli Illilill COST III1 IIllli rising building Check it with ueNo ob llgetion orvany klnd TO IN In Chains the fellows seldom seen by day tire insu place With tunnels DIAeeA ure forests and animal population OREIFRI ST PAULS Recent Visitors with Mr and Mrs George Stunden and Mrs Thomas Calder were Mr and Mrs Wench North Bay and air and Mrs Archie lllseharough and children Brantlerdp Months Iloilday In Manitoba Rev and Mrs Lionel Rowe Esther Kenneth and Andrew le turned home alter wonderlui munLhS holiday at Elgiu Man itoba Birth Congratulations Congratulations are In order tor Mr and Mrs Albert Gow on the birth of baby girl Rev and Mrs John Fralick on the birth of baby boy and Mr and Mrs Doug les Neeley nee Hilda Lynch on thelbirtb of baby boy School Fair Protects School began at St Pauls School with new teacher Mr Caron There were six new pupils for Grade The pupils are busy with their projects tor the school lair t0be held ln Stroud Sept 18 Visit Manitoulin Island gt Mr and Mrs Joseph Fratt and and Espanola and retnrning by Wiartolt pauictles in Cooking School The Paulettes usen Fraliclr members present votionai and business meetings Strand Community Hall Rev ing quilt patches over tea iamily spent tow days at Mau ltoulin Island going by Sudbury terryto Tobermory and on to meeting was held at the home of Mrs Ferg There were 16 Mrs George Weetherlll presided over the de Plans were made to present cooking school in October ill Rowe showed slides of Keewatin diocese which were very Interest small church at Reedy Creek Manitoba has asked for All members are asked to bring some tor October meetingto be held at Mrs Rowes home social time was spent WA Notes St Pauls WAheld their Sep tember meeting at the home of Mrs Noble Hanna There were 12 members andlone visitor pres ent Mrs Leo Gibbons preSlt ldent took charge at the meeting Mrs Lawrence gave an interA esting talkvon her visit to the Synod Mrs Leo Gibbenatold of her day at the annual deanery meeting AILmemhers are reminded to bring their parcel pest boxes to the October meeting This meeting will be held at Mr James Lawrences Adainty lunch was served Mr and Mrs Robert Green and boys spent Sunday in the Agin court district with relative PLANE HITS HOUSE and if this Is YOUR house will your iNSURANCE COVER you Damage to your home by telling planes is included in our new homeowners Policy which coma bines all at the essential Insurance tor your home into one policy YOU SAVE 10 and get better Insurance Coverage Call about this Money Saving plan today ii abbreviation William wiser Usmrrtie lnsuronce of ALL KINDS HEIDulnlnpSL Eo PA 35201 fliiIISMEII flows with

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