Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1957, p. 12

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wan Li SAY NEXT Hort Mike Pearson Cnn adas former external affairs minister und now newspnpur columnist us well us an MP seems to be in pensive mood lnghls photo taken in his Dulce as he writes it column political comment Thefl0yeurald foreign urrnlrs expert writes his cdlumns in innghand with pencil then turns them over to his stenographer rot Coyright 1956 By ANNE htcthN One of the slmngest love fairs in history took place in Russia towards the end at lhe last century It was strange or several rem But the strangest rcasonol au was the iantustie tact that while the allatr lasted ncarly lourtecn yours neither oi the two partlu involved ever met the uthtr law to lace Madame Nadclda vpn Mch was middleaged widow husband had been one or the wealthiest men in Russia untimely demise he lclt hcr nnl unly ttrc cuntrolling interests oi must at the tiussian railways but numerous landed estates at well some at which possessed woodcd parks extending tor miles The vun neclr money was lifd lihc were happy with tho are may rr up in practically every known rungcmcnts and could lac tell her nu mum nan 3TH duslry in Russia And Rindlint Von Muck cuultl account lor every penny or it in Her lull In his spite of her passionately artistic W5 AIRJEr osmt HAIR DRYER Ev SIMONIZ WAX naturc she was very practical woman she had in tin She had eleven children The man with whom she tell ymln Being paironess rat and music violently in love La llt he nuscgny on his desk canto acquainted with his works Na detail would be overlooked my lhmgi so mus lor thr scrvunts had their orders typing T66 Many Beer oil Growth in Algonquin PEMBROKEStudies al lorcsl regenuntlon in cerlain portluns ol Algonquin Park indicate that Ihc deer pupulntlun is tut high to be compatible with the tatlil ableloorl supply and the result is that the regeneration or valu able Intest trees is severely cur llllefl This arch which is an important producer at pint will have its torest production severe ly reduced in the years to come ductu tilt act thitt seedling Irccs llc hian destroyed by In Exces ilV dcci pupulhllon Following hutital surveys and ground surveys or deer popula tinn In Algonquin Park conducted hyzglologtsts and Conservation onicera rcports have hcen prev parigd which indicate that deer populations wilhin the Park batm iitaryarc cxircmcly high Ac cepted census methods have in dicated that there are areas where winter concentrations oi deer run between 32 per square mile and up high as 400 per square mile Concentrations of deer in this hrervery dangerous rum pint or view ot the deer pnpul months can quickly re thrttpghout the entire herd lead inglo nnhtural decimation oi the twp ltaiioh wtoresiuiion experts who are collie Bd ihuul the establish oi the tuturc crop or trees in Irrcas the southeastern end otig quln Park have recant hat thefiplantihg program mailed there due to the I3 that blunted trees are very it quickly killed by the excessive nufnbnrs ni deer icians hired to entertain her and Nadeidu supported Tchaikawgky liur lamily in the great drawing or must at the time during which iuorn pl llIr town mansion in st their famous friendship nourish lctcrsliurg Alter tirl hearing his bdauliiul daily and folded in between the music played in her own home sheets oi Myst heartit the she was dccply moved by the sons you Mock iamtiy crust was rifle itivity oi the soul who could pm substantial cheque nccdcd only he wrulc too much by the impractical com tliludc lvr pm arrangement the hunting easlcriy ctlr tore that special he made to permit oi deer in the south ncr ni Algonquin Park south east at the Ontario llydro Transmis sinn Line heiween Whitney anti This area is an producer oi which reeds the mills ot Barrys Bay lilodawasira tnd Pumbrtlku The whole Algonquin Park area is suilcring due to excessive deer lorest types within Algonquin Park are or very high grade malcrial in limited quantities only in this It would not he ccon omically practical to tilt the lur cst productiun ol Algonquin Park out at the economy at southern Ontario Forest invcnioryrccnrds show that the oncoming forest in thisi area is not of as high qualily us is tound outside the Park in areas where the ricer population is kept under control by hunlcr5i Stand lublcs prepared hy Tun her Management experts shnw few in the small diameter classes inside the Rnrk than there wildlile Managers and Fnrcstcrs agree lhut some in reduce insidub Des Junchimsl impnmm ducc such wortr and him in pour out hcr tiis giving her such JO That lira letter or her hegan we complete my 11 the must filmuiis cttlrcspondcn in hislury ascrics olatmostdalty km pg mm and as enhanced OYIr musician She wanted to make it ihrriccn lilnbtr populations We hurled at more ch as is found Hul letters were addressed nun vhusu nnlnl is synonym ans with hcautitul sound lcttr llylrh lchairkowhky The world at music owes debt Wurk to Nadejdu vun llcck She made All site seemed to ask in return it possible so many times torwns the privilege 01 being the Tchaikowsky to retreat to the 501 first In hear his new cnmpnslllonn iiurle oi the cuuntry whurc in and tile rurthct joy of knowing peace and serenity and in insplr Ihal site was at help to him ing surroundings he could pnur torilr on paper the melodies he heard in his hcitrt Nadejda would write him mum mm HAVING AREA unc oi her ciuutry uslrttcs was being prepared or his coming she hlid sent stall of serv iniahe care at that she lunged in know Province ur recs are outside mcasum News 715 CVJW rship dnwn to the practical level the prulccled ducr herd Algonquin Park Tile ilinsl uCuni nmical and effective way tniic complish this is of course thui establishment of deer scasun icurn ruttsi lur with Mrs Constable onlhnugms nu his dank his km ilhuisllnyi The symmliu oi the cumulImto him were titled with concern ily is extended the rumin 0L his wclraread 10w the late Mrs it Luwry ML and dlrsllan Tulld spent ion hecause any diseasel which slrikcs during the winter1 CHURCHILL liliss Mury Sloan nttcndcd ID the weekend at Fergus Fall GA Conterence at St Siml ons church Toronto on Saturain Peters on Oct Mr and Mrs Glenn Kinncnr Miss Mary Sth and Tomspum the wk at mm collageibeaulliul works were written in Robinson at All Sainls Church in litiliburlon liarvcst services will he holdknew my mummy day Sept also lie vcdding Carn Rnflsts ii hteoting Peters The WI held their September mceling in the Community Haliiall great artists there is story with anaitcndanoc nl la cninycd corn roast alter practice on Fri duy evening Mrs cl woman it has been recommended thern Jimmy Filuilnmnns entertained Scyinour Kcll was the speaker Very low mcn achieve great somc at his young tricnds ton tor the evening SARONG BRA In elastic and eltibmidtsred nylon with alIclostic hock literally movus with yep tor parted fit Washes end dries qtlkklyncedt no ircntnp Bondcau and Lohgline rtyler rnnge or styles tor iv trtt npura typer SARst BRAS ANp GIRQLE$ talury Loin ploty that Humentlr Av int horn prvptration odors Stay llawuIrnhIuil Ionav Illuin Ill Id dutllinfl In trough and washing COESULI UR CORSETIEliE FOR VOUR PRQPERfiTnNG aMIJ BAIiRiE VllLn he would arrive there cler bis pilléw beside hi1 plate at dinner on the keys at lht piano Foriull of Nadojdas cllllcs had bcitutllul pianasi Thorn would be flowers in his bedroom and perhaps In small 0d She wmte to him almost IORG aAnlitooM sCALl av CORONAIioN onions ASK tiittrttttsssitttlg MARKETFifitinifvl SAVEALL CARDS SAVE All All lull nu unruly On Call PM PM MI ttllLEs iMrottrANi ttEAn CAREFULLY rhonuct rlcvuus on and lit be matched upstart no nucr rtctultrs ottLv cinch rs wipopor our or upnpn in Louuws scititty card can In playd on any at iii ipuppi ad or print dudp rt min min ol tit third ml sepi prev hut cardr in wt and rndutnubin ottLv It played an on tutii viouAL wool mprpor ad or nprtui nunucr rtctuttts eard given away lm or all Louw roan mum purchom or required An your suntan conti nut obtaind through through tlto mottocan latp Co nerone ohicetive appeared t6 obstacles Uicsucccss ol Tchai casy tor him to compose so she removed all his practical worries by paying his dapts supporting him an iihernl hllowancc and providing him with the ncccssary pleasant atmosphere so inspiring in right to nlul wt in stud mania train any on on van Ills might appear in any silo withinpane we man That they hevcrmct is not so astonishing in view at the tact mcel tor they could express iglcal intimacy and your out their gt0 13133 suuls to each other on paper tin hring such beautiful relation would have been in sense to shatter ii eventfulI it had an ethereal quality to it cuminI9an My Timlo 45 Tchaikowsky confided all his ltLuI nous ouvrs flclumlmhuquuzllillyfflhfl ru rlMlnrmplrnurr na nucleusnu chain or hwych his jars in her and her letters plantainting Hnmvlvu NUGGET Tth were probably closer than MM hM SHOE Oi5 in linany people who are married for can pin Beam me Emigoliv can he truly said that they tatwruIAdCm lavnu nonunion 50ml of Tchaikowskys most Giannini Raplihls 91 pl vlnusqtunu can In WMNM chained byllflllll for fill gains Fn¢MM9I to 29MEIINitA TitEEl roitqttrootttAitIo PLAYING AltEA Hrtrtzsaursusaras lhlnn Nico its stand oloii the In rum airnap nauru denlvnmAmiM notet Iwnl Nut New warm nnnm all many can choic icicu iv no man arc IMNI varv Ant sum please Nadejda or to cypress gratitude to her tor all that she did or him But then bchind the works at lncss on their own nanny ALLrlll mm tur mm nEquttr lunaws OVAL mum INatnwlL casts snub PUDDING éiiririi arm KO Mur mt no ioevi tttAW nurv gt emu luv It tirvnouzs cam3 as WW um own Iww rm rn chun memos woriSLil ii figililmiaflhmfirfl rm Hr Joxlu ix iiiarascira3vi LOVER sovnnau HANDS tn an loam LEAF VUNA EIEGN anoirlvsmon Oon within mine In ti unnam nutcit lonltt not out vmuttGui rid rahelm howl ado and Ilnlnl at ANADIAN NNEI wlm lcwsl snout ytm taunt In Inuit or ALVMEI EAW Noqhgunho panama mt Cpnun in lawntill nd mum mom to doll neuairanra not helmi toning iohoomv andracamo aimpails mm iii In acumenI All WNG mm wlliigmfiihgv lull loiltlmr lt flfiiflfimmw lhe airsass girdle Ihnl slinn as it astiacésl 4° tam Sump mu nun Tlsp yousilwalkvberid oldunca ma com Manxnow cm gt with wnhdnvlul trantlum in complete llltl SILK no BOG soon TOMA SAME °° alHocltcfiNbl Innfltmulll MON soil to Hum rah IHE am amrui in mi my up 339 17 MONAICM It Mix FOR LAsrineFnEsHuzss mam ct mg ratar amt gt swash ow ii auntmoan iminnaanuiur hm irnrmnroviraauauau MONAIOI vi mm gownMM lefllmflflilflubl nhnolmu menus WWT Sll ithrivhptiu hm slim to fvivihamn Iim DOMINIONCORSEY co in 035 itsuai dltllmlivq at Indy irtho mutt AVAILABLE lNrPUlLON FANTV ZIPtlElt ALLlNGNE 9Vl°

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