New safety door latches resist Impact prevent passengers ram being thrown out programs based on enforcement education and engineer ing Tile causc oi accidents has been studied and restudied out llntil iour years ago no one ilad studied the cause of injuries io pursue this new concept it was necessary to employ the medical approachto mass disease problems ie the study of the host that incurred the diseasein relation to the environmentin which the disease was incurred To institute thisnew approach the Armed Forces Epidem iologieal Board made funds available through the Oifieeof the surgeon General of the United States Army to inaug urate Automotive Crash Injury Research in the Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine Cornell Univers ity Medical College This project started with the theory later factually demonstrated that thehuccldent and the injury are only related chloaoiog caiiy andthap the type mum Thisisanoiher in scrics Ill to articles comp tinder the dlrectlon of the institute For Saler Living at American Mat ll Liability insurance Company and ll altered by this Newspaper as public service to its rendersTile Editor save corks 3hr safer Driving JQHN MOORE Dlrldor Automotive Crash lulury tinarch Divhlen of rib Hum ood Preventive Medicine Cornell University Medical Cellgo This present civilization has oiten been referred to as The Age of Motion and by depending on this motion we have seen the motor vehicle become the number three irllier of all age groups and the number one killer of the fifteen through twentyfour group The Bureau at Vital statistics US Public Health Service has shown that 15 per cent of these annual thirty to forty thousand dmths and over one million injuries occur in accidents involving pasmger cars More than 100000 these injuries are permanent disability cases But each year the people of this nation demand more passenger cars and less deaths and injuries This is the problem How can we secure more movement for more people at faster pace and still produce much loss injury and death The most consistent extort to solve this problem has been in the direction of increasingly effective accident prevention Puncturelproof tires mean maximum road safety laminarimam panels help to urn lrnpuetrllrnlnute nrotrudlux blobs frequencyvand Severity of the injury are actually decided by such factors as ejection type or deceleration point of impact and seated position The three working tools used by Automotive Crash Injury Research are Fact Finding the roads and highways of selected areas in cooperating states are turned into giant ntsérblng steering when much nccdcd surety advance Thusa change in design could be predicted wproduce meapuredeeglee of improvement in the quality of the pro diPt ii Np research groups studying the causes at injury in motor vehicleaccidents can expect to produce data leadingto complete protection against injury observed in high speed jnbornmry sues when mp hundreds at new munng accidents at extreme violence However since almost70 injuryproducjlï¬g accidents are reported by the 10cm med preent oi nil injuryprotjiuclng accidents observed to date ical and state law enforcement agencies on specially design ed forms and accompanied by photographs Analysis each completed case is analyzed by trained specialists using standard procedure then coded and punched on BM card decksr utilizationthese decks are sorted and collated to formlstudies and findings which are made available to automotive engineers traiflo enforcement safety insur ance medical and educational groups The lllitial study or Automotive Omsh injury Regenrch was from an analysis of 800 cases and has been reconfirmed by an analysis of over 2000 cases it shattered the popular opinion that it is safer to be thrownclear of car during an accident The facts showcd that in almost 50 per cent of the lnjuryproducing accidents one or more doors pop open That when doors open one out of every four oc cupants is ejected That ejection more than doubles the risk of sustaining an injury of mbderatetofatal degree Another finding showed that there was little or no change in the injury potential incars tram 1540 to 1954 Still an other that 40 per cent of all injured drivers are injured by the steering wheel assembly Each new automotive year brings new and double chal lenge to Aummotlvé Crash Injury ameumh The first chal lenge is in asseing the injury potential of the present our designs The second is in assessing the injury protection of fered by the newly engineered safety designs Ini95i many ofthe new model cars appeared with such safety features as new door locks to cut down on ejection energy absorbing steering wheels to lesen driver injuries padding on the in terior iorward structure and seat belts These changes could be engineered and produced because for the tirst time theinjury potentialof the automotive structure could be ldentllled aslto its rank in the injury producingscale have occurred at impact speedsof less than sixty miles an hour the incorporation or satety engineering principles should deliniiely produce sitter cars for driving in the low speed range The next article NationWide CarInspection Programs is written by Rudolph King Registrar of Motor Vellicl chairman Massachusetts Highway Safety Committee Seat belts are good protection against crash injuries 10 THE BAHRIB EXAMINER WEDNESDAY SEPTNIS 1957 Populdr Couchiching Beach Hos Béen Town Park 61 Years was oiilcluiiy opened by the late Sanderson then mayor on June 22 1897 Mr Sanderson was lather at Jackson Sanderson school tnlslee for more than quarter of cenlury The declaration was hailed with loud and prolonged shouts of ac clnmutiun by thousands of people assembled iollawed by the tiring at salute by No company 35th Battery under Capt Drinkwatcr and the bugle band trumpeting it royal salute The Union Jack was hoisted simultaneously First pig Celebration There was great interest taken in the naming of the park and hundreds dl names were suggest ed Some of them were Couch Orillla News Letter lilnsl popular pl Oriillns six main parks Couchlching Beach has been town purk or in years before that it was the location bl um Ontario Hospital then known as the Asylum for mental patients rlrrcnuszdrrnm Government Largely through the eitorls of the late Robert Slaven Chairman oimurrlclpal parks in 1393 and the late George Thomson for many years postmaster who was then mayor the town arranged to buy the site from the Ontario Government and the sum of $10 000 was raised The electors voted consent to the council to spend the money tor this purpos on August 31 1896 TheJieautiiul park which to day is popular playground swimolillg beach and shoeplace ing Beach Orillia Waterside Park Victoria Beach Park Victoria Jub ilee Park Victoriila Park Point Pleasant and Silver Beach At the council meeting or June1M7 the name at Couchlclling beach was decided on The late Queen Victorias Dia mond Jubilee 1wau the ï¬rst big celebration to take place at the new park Since llmn the park has been much improved under lhc guiding hands ol the warm Brusr John and George Now it is one oi the henutyrspuis of On lario and is one at Grillias best assets During the summer months hundreds nl citizens spend their evenings there especially on hand nights when an unique and picturesque scene is presentedwiih hundreds of dliiereni crafts running about in line vicinity the gorgeously dress ed people and the beautiful sun roundings Once Hotel Site history of the park tollnws About 1843 or 1844 Henry Fraser built hotel0i the slle oi the asylum building The num ber bl acres of land he heldean not now be stated but the ground was Indian lots Mr Fraser 2150 built le first wharf in this part of the country right opposite the hotel and thonrcmains of two the piers are still to be seenunv der the water The steam boat Beaver the ï¬rst on Lakes Sim cue and Coucbichlng ran between Holland Landing and Orillla us lug Frasers whorl William Cal verley and someol his cousins cut lumber with whip saw for the construction at the vessel the owners of which were Capis Loh ton and Thompson These men hadservice from Toronto to the Bruce mines llheii stages ran from Toronto to Holland Landing James Millard oi Orllliil being one at the caril est drivers on that radio Al Orlliia passengers and freight were put on stages for Goldwater where vessel made connection for Bruce Mines anil the Son Capt Fraser who had cnmmund of the companys steamer Gorif known in Orillia at the time rnnse warn the days at cheap whlskeyiivegllions for $1 at the Coldwater distillery owned by an Engllshmau named Stcnnett To get back to the Asylum grounds other Mr Frasers hotel hadbeen in existence about 12 or thirteen years under his own mnnbgcment the land belonging to Mr Fraser was purchased by aToronio syndicate cast hoieirwas purchased by George Tipping and it was moved to Mr Tippings arm on iileColdwatchoad where was converted into dwelling gt The Toronto syndicate who bought Mr Frasers property then erected librick building about 1566 fur hole experiencing something of boom then and the syndicate thought they saw money in then exist northvolToronto The hotel the like ofwhlcb did not on the Georgian anlvasviell contractnis ware ï¬avuil Moore and Rogers the second named be The rough brain was ing anOrllllan Curious to relate the big building was never open ed as hotel The names of the men in the company are not now known in Orillia and indeed at the lime oi the construction of the building it was not deriliiely known in lawn who was paying for the work There were about three or our acres of land in con llection with the big building Al though the buildings was never formally opened as nnlelrsome at the cheap whiskey of those days wtis soldlhcre all the some The company sold out its right and title to the Sandlleld Mac Donald government and the build ing was converted into an asylum Dr Ardagh was the ï¬rst medical superintenden BUILDING SLIGHTLY LESS lllltl Raleigh Relations Church Anniversary Crown Hill United church an niversary services will be held on Sunday Sept 22 at ll um and 730 pm Rev Nuli meyer irom Emmanuel auplia Church Barrie will be the min isler or both services Special music by the junior choir Detroit Vlslt Miss Helen Kenny has been vis iiing lor few days with rela lives in Detroit USA Back llnme Mrs Atkinsonnnd friends have returned irom holiday pt Canadian Keswick Port Carling Mrs Scruton and children Toronto are visiting with her In the ï¬rst hm pl 1957 can parentslill and Mrs Charles struciion was started on 48413 lime new dwelling units compared to in the ï¬rst hall 01 1956 ml An EXAMINER WANT 1m tries $0200 Visits Colonies ST JOHNS Nllll CWCmdrr Waller Raleigh Gillllrl is sched uled to strip here Sept 2446 en route irom Engl col pales in Virgin and Maine 5e tlcd more than 300 yLars ago by his ancesto Accompanied by his wile the lhgl snerur ui Devon will visit the site of Sir Walter Raleighs seltlcincnt in Virginia and Ral eigh Gilbert colony in Maine Cmdl Gilbert is direct descend ant ni SirWallcr SURPLUS IllrlNG HP in the crop year jllsl cnmplcled Canada had quota of 99700000 hushuls under the International Wheat Agreement but sold only 58000000 bushels in IWA culm ar Eï¬MINEE life insurance oi the complete conlidence that his fondly place in him as good provider Andi mokethintthink hard about his Ii insurance rnnlres himwonderwv after themproperlyfif nything shouldillappento him way up gootljfloyjioiolk to to Insurance Company dead 017m ando Canada Havenlenoztgh to italicpilopa care It hum mighty proud todhin ther he has enough toloolc ndon ill rbpmsantotivt