Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1957, p. 1

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AND county or saucer BARRIE BRANCHJ OF THE CANADIAN LEGION on Mon day honored rt group oi its older members Harold Eaton of Newmarket ist vicepresident of the Canadian Legion Ontario Command presented George Lear with life membership of the branch ior the long years oi active workyiith the Barrie Branch Inbnckgrottndlett is Dr William Little who received merit tltc second highest award in recog nition oi his work in assisting disabled veterans in obtain ing assistance Dr Little is charter member of the Barrie branch The presentation was mode by honorary past pre certificate or Despite new policy or admitting children up to lo years 93rd YearNo 107 Servlng meromornaimns Sinéel864 FI CD 93 Alnluild ucurd Clnl no It to Put can flopml on CD or age free Midland Fell Fair attendance reached record with 4846 paying ior admission In addition public school competition reached it peak in entries and only the winning entries could be displayed instead oi all it took three judges about 12 hours to choose the prize winners in Jack Blackburn urer said it commiitce the school sections secretarytrees would appear new would have to be formed to handle the school air alone Flue Livestock Classes And with the crowd at capacity the livestock exhibits were some of the finest seen at this tall fair Webster Oakwood heavy horse judge said extrs good horses This is an showing of heavy have no hesitation in saying the turnout today is quite bit ahead Tudhopc who judged of most local fairL Hawkestone the light horses said that this division was the best or the past three years both in quantity and quniity Don Bell Judge said division is Barrie heel cattle The quality rIn this excellent throughout Quite etc at the exhibitors showcd their stock at this years CINE Delnoldrmcy Barrie sneaking oi the dairy really great exhibit must of the one County cattle said We have top herds rrcrn Sim and one oi the top herds ot the province from On tano County from the Seed house barns Their top bull is second to none in the province Ellsworth Collins Wyebiidge chairman of the swine division was some years in this section in his This is Lyin Edwards year to crow as far as achievements in the Vasey Calf Club are con carried The 15yearold son of Mr and Mrs Roy Edwards RR Vasey Lyle not onlymade good show ing in classes atMidland Fall Fair Friday but also finished on top oi the class for his years work with total of 899 pointl At the fair Lyle came first with his salt in the heel darn with 13 yearold brother Blayne Edwards placing second He also linished second in the showmsnshlp class Grand champion showman this year was Bob Lawson with Paul ine Robinson rounding out the Pauline had won top Bob placing third in the same division 0n iheyeaib work Bob was runnerup to Lyle with em points top three honors with her dairy call only one better than Pauline Other standings were Blayne section said the entry in the live hog the heaviest or We also had very ilne showing of dressed bacon with Cliif Carscadden of Stroud winning thergraod championship sldent Ht Burton MM Reginald Smith next right received the highest award the Meritorious Service medal Unable to be present at the hurt who was to receivehis 25 year pin Mr Lockhart ser ves on the Barrie Collegiate Board which was meeting the same night Edwardl 1156 Donald Hawke B49 Grant Robinwnfm Poul Smithain 840 Neil SLraLh 833 Jim Rnwson 513 Lloyd Curry 808 Janet Stewart Bob Me Keown 796 Wayne Sbeardown 7g2 Garnet Irish 167 John Blair Fiddlera Championship On Saturday night an audience of more than 1000 watched Gra hem Townsend 16 ofToronto take top honors in the Simone County fiddlers Championhhlp His success was largely due to his playing at his own composi tion Grahams Hornpipe He was presented with $50 cheque andtha stmcoe County cup by Arthur Gardiner TinyTry Agricultural Society president Midland boy Keith Preston took second prize Third earns Harold lng of Port McNicoll Emcee tor the event was Barries Shorty Smith star of Western Theatre and Country Junction Board To Raise Rates Barrie Hospital Room rates at Royal Victoria Hospital will be increased by one dollar per day on Oct This GEORGIAN iitil ASSOCIATION igaiiiiiouiicn NEW COMPANY town PLANT AT EALLISTON The formation of new comp any formed under an Ontariochar ter is announce Neville Keefe general manager ct the Georgian Bay Development Association to commence operations in Allisten immediately Known as the Lepco Company Limited the German ilrm will manulscture and process fine lea thersfurs and chemicnir used in the detergent ileid The princi pals of the company are group ntEiIfopcan industrialists experts cured in the manufacture of chum icals In the industrial and domes tic field as and plastic rhlurationh well as the synthetic paintiield have already coin menced oil of 5000 so It building in AIlistun and production is Ex pected to be under way within the next two months TPresldent thecnmpany is Dr Otto HaberLotti who states that sale will be international as theyshave connections throughout theworld you HaberLotti and Mason Canada Ltd plant in that location date We appreciate the continued ciforts Mr Keefe and his as sociatlon over the last iew months in securing or us thirdalrubie location which has made it possi ble to get under way sooner than We had anticipated stated Mr In the last few months two other tirnis have decided to settle in the Georgian Bay heglon Fee of Monasquan New Jersey has taken it leasemn building in orange viile for the manufacture of metal products for various uses and plans prove satisfactory may erect In pnrhnrn 100 acre ferni has been purchased by an unidentified German industrialist whose plans will not he announced until later This is the nth chmpany locat ing in the Georgian may ieglon this year and brings the uncle tion ahead of its onesmonth proV decision was made by the board of trustees at their monthly meet1 ing on Monday and the increase applies to all classifications of room accommodation The necessity wasoutlinnd in the finance committee report pre sented to the meeting which show ed that the present rates were inadequate to meat the increased costs oi the hospitaluperation The new rates set for the Barrie hospital are in line with room charges by other hospitals in the county and similarcommunities New BulldingProgress Rev James Ferguson building committeechairman reported that the boards solicitor was preparing private bill to be brought be fore the outline legislature in January to seek authorization for the esteblishme of hospital area taking in he communities or parts of communities served by the hospital This action was made possible after permission to proceed had been recalved rain 0m Townlblp Permission for the Ireqiiéet IlltI been received prior from Innishl Essa and Yes prn townships However it was made clear that the townships have not committed themselves that they will approve the area estnbllshment and will BARRIE ONTARIO CAN hership and work for the branch Andrew Jones right also received tile membership of the branch He has been member for many years and has served on many committees in his work tor the branch Ads to iot his long standing memv ceremony was Clliiord Locklt Weather Today Started Simny Rain Later The week started with March skies deep blue with snowy clouds on Monday after Sundlyn humidity and rain Today stmed sunny but rain is expected later In the Tamperaturcmwere lligh Low Sept 14 as on Sept is 7o 54 Sept 16 70 55 Sept so in Sept ie err it South Simcoe Junior Farmeis Joinjn Worship Approximately 300 people 1min diiterent parts of SlfllCDE County and neighboring countiesdolfled with the members the South Simcoe Junior Farmers Associa tion Ior their annual worship ser vice at St Johns United Church Alliston on Sunday Sept 15 Prompily at dimpm several members from each of the five Junior Farmer clubs ln South Simcoe under the direction 01 Mrs Knowles choir director and organist took their place in the choir Ross Brett county Junior Farmer president conducted the service assisted by Russ Brethet county vicepresident who led the reading of Psalms 122 and 123 Bill Kell member the ChilliWilli Junior Farmers read the Scripture lesson and initon McArthur county director con ducted the prayers The choir gave two very ap propriate selections We Would Be Building and Praise to the Lord and also assisted with the singing of the hymns God Our Help in AgesPasu What Friend We Have in Jesuslf The Lord is My Shepherd and Lead on King Eternal Arnold Banting member of South Simcoe Junior Farmers who was recenin licensed as lay reader of the Anglican Church of Canada delivered the scimun Mn Banting took an his topic It Now and his text was ehold new is the accepted time behold new is the day at salvation The speaker emphasized how many people desire to have life that is fsatis rid fullrof meaning and in but whm were uncertain about the way to go about it He suggested that one way to overcome this uncertainty was to attend church and forget about some of the excusesvwe of iten make Secondly he advised the con gregation to start to pray and explained how simple prayer is when you start to pray sincerely The thirdobllgatlori that Mr Bantingmentioned was the work ing of Gods Church The main function of the church is to send make this decision after the per ilssive authority bu been receiv The BARRIE EXAM NER each one ol back to nwarld as Christians he seldind we are to be Gods Church where Coohmol nonflnl Old Bnyl wlu crucially spear ory oi the Barrie Collegiate Board two principals reports were we scnted on Wednesday night at the regular meeting oi the board giate was settling down to rogut of extra curricular activities were made up as follows urur MONDAY wronssoar and FRIDAY single copy admired ozuwmu 20 PagesThree ADA WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 18 l957 Ceokstown Fairz Will happened By Iowniold boy IL Watson McClaln one 01 Coohtmm Fair on Ill Sept 70 common is chcdnled or 115 pay Mr mdlltely allowing lbs per Ideol school children In the fair mend Thll will be the Will Flt oi the fair and thean Agricultural society antic iinla it win he one or the mistMing hire the Idler lecture of the air will be tractor content tor mean here of Cookstawn True tor club The contest has been mannered by the society in cooperation with South Slmtoc Department of Agri culture tonight In Nenly university woke up from floor at St Marys Parish Hall this morning to set on on the fourth leg oI IOOp mile pilgrimage by foot Irom To rpnto to hlzrlyrs Shrine at mid land The sludeiiis mostly rem 0n TWO PRINCIBALS REPORTS HISTORY AT BOARD MEETING For the first time in the hist Hamilton principal for North mllegiote In concise re port indicated thntthe new caller lar routine and already number being covered The substance or Mr Hamiltons report is given below nesttraitor Our registration in how students 254 boys and MD girls Grades Boys Girls 110 total 211i Grades J0 Boyl 34 Girls 71 totalloi Grades llv BoysflS Gllllfll total 74 Grades 12 Boys 29 Girlfhl total 61 We have l7classes slx Grida Principals Act Truanffllfié Temporary is Because Barrie Collegiatanoord have no truant otflcerrtberprlnrlm lumber clpals of the two collegiate Igrecd to serve as temporary truant oili cers each or his own collegiate Simcoe County Childrenl Aid Society used to set Is truunt olfb eer lor the BBC but intimated before manner recess that they would not be able ton=cept this responsibility for the coming year The board is now considering the appointment of truInt olflr cer and in the interim the prin cipal will act in that capacity if necessary ye work to nulre living every ay The last duty the speaker mell tioned was the loyalty that we have to God our faith and our church and Now is the accept ed time The challenge came when he asked the congregation How do you stand in this growth of Christian lite and when he raid Start now where you are and Do it nowj Following the last hymn Rev Shilton minister of St Johns Church pronounced the benediction The oflering is being donated to the Canadian Cancer Society The ushers were John Rumble Nottawasaga Junior Farmers Roger Sturgeon ChilliWilli Jun ior Farmers Bert Sehaly Ivy 9s six Grade 10s three Grade lls two Grade 12s This registration wouid Indi cate that the zoning system as worked out by the boird has worked qulte auccelslully Cafeteria surv of the student body Indicated hat we have 240 stud ents eating lunch every dayand HI whocut in the cafeteria one or more days week Assuming that those who occasionally eat lunch do so two days ntweek in the cafeteria this would mean 503 that approximately 300 students day are making use of the exile terlas facilities in order to ac commodnte this number comiort lhly we would require 70 to 15 tables Glee Club air Ross reports that he has 87 itudents registered in his Glee Club He is very pleased with the number and the progress the members are making to date con sidering the lactvtbat many inexo bonate juniorl iscr Under the sponsorship of Savage the lSCF is organized with Cadet Sb members of the stalf ar interested in assisting with ya eis At meeting held in my Turn to page two please 4gt SUBSTANTIAL FILL 0n the waterfront iust south of boathouses heavy crane is and rubble iron the wrecking of Central Church to form new replacing the huge concrete blocks in Primage students lario arrived here last night ai ter sunny 25mlle hike albng back concussion roads irom Brad iord Tonight they are scheduled in pitch tents on the Illlm OI Joe Sullivan at Orr Like 20 mile walk Three students are to carry nineluot cross the last day of the pilgrimage Thursday constant chain at prayeri planncd bctween Orr Lake and the shrine Eleven ol the sludents are girls nine inch One is Chris Wilson OI St Michaels College at the University at Toronto lien tenant at Camp Borden this lum tncr Wilson sparked the pilgrimage with the idea at following similar devotions held at Cambridge Child Drovvns Playing At Barrie Dock Stephen lilanger son of Mr and Mrs Steve Manger of Duns lop StreetE Barrie was drown ed lsie yesterday afternoon while playing at the Government hock at the foot of Bayfield Street The boy and his sister Mary were playing on the steps or the dock The boy slipped and tell into the water The little girl went crying to the olfice door of Delaney boat Lines Dean Arbutbnot came to thedoorto see whatwasthn matter and the child suidthot her brother was in the water Arbutbnot and Peter Anthony ran to the root where she said he had been but could see noib ing in the muddy water The two men took bolt and probed the area tinaily locating the body Thcy were assisted in bringing the boy to the surface by In no identified man who Jumped low the water to help ArtliiCial resuscitation and in aalntor were used and the child was rushed to Royal Victoria Hospital in an efiort to save his Vliir and lure Steve Manger came tram near Budapest Hun brealrwnter irr that area gary to Barrie early this year Junior Farmers and Stan Bro TecAWerlli Junior Farmers large number remained for the fireside hour in the Sunday School rooms sponsored by the Alliston Junior Farmers Cook member at Ivy Junior Farmers projected movies of recent trip to Switzerland where he attended the lntérnational Rotary convention These pic tures were vorylcolorul and in teresting Ross Brett acted as chairman and introduced Farmer guests from visiting coun ties These included North Sink coe and Halton County John Hughes secertrryiuoaruror or Simone County Federation of Agriculture was introduced and mooted Junior Farmers for the work they are doing Mnriorn McMnnn leil tnsevcni novelty singso oon eluding with Falth of Our Fathers and the Negro spiritual Steal Away to Jesus withber sister Sandra Mundannd9ing the solo part ed by Alliston Junior Furniers and Rev Mr shillon concluded the evening by complimenting the Junior Farmers on thelcyvell planned aadLconrlucted annual service worthlp 957 Les several Junior in wellchusen words vcompll Light retroshmdntswtaresé flhre Pilgrims Murthoncnrd 18nioii mondlfllll Judy Pureel llhToronto Mary lioNahb is the only Haltij arrie University in England where he once studied Catholic discus sion group at St lilichacls and the college itscll ore cosponsor ing the pilgrimage All but one oi the pilgrims in Catholic They icit Toronto Sun day morning aiier mass and walk ed 2c miles through rain and muggy weoiher to lho Augustin ian Fathers reireJt at lilaryiake First Cosuziiticl No one dropped out the first day and the priests greeted the group with luxurious bol meal showers and beds Girls were lodged in private homes and nearby hotel where roomsware donated The second iny was about in bed rolls on the floor at the Holy Martyrs ot Japan school hvo students were driven over the 15milc distance from Marys lake because they were loo still from their first days walk couldnt even lilt my legs said Bob Pinto St Michaels student lrom Hartford Connecti cut Bod rolls cold drinks personal effects and casualincs were car ried forward in land rover jeep lent by ncotos liioior Co or the trip Driver Gordon student on the trip so far not to complain ofsorn ieet blisters and being stl Lise slderoad The group travelled along small slderoad halt milewest eschew minimal Sev nral dropped out site part of the distance because of blisters and tiredness The rest at Ltmes grouped together to pray or sing songs and sometime split up into small groups who talked or nursed their aches ood puns They arrived in Barrie singing Iitanics and saying the rosary Curious children andhousehold crs watched as the group some barefoot most in slacks march ed througb the town to St Marys Church After dinner they sang and nursed their feet lileu slept on the concrete floor at the parish hall gymneslmn while women were upstairs on the andltoriuns busrd floor Turn to page two please

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