Candin Pre Stall Write When Chnilry Wriahl died few weeh ago his are given at 45 but some boxing erven beiirve lie was older than that At any me the records show Chalky was horn In 1912 It Dun Indo Merino lie began lighting in lim and his int pro bout was in 1948 when his ï¬le was listed is 36 iii career will noI spectacular lie Wun lot and also lost quite tow But he was world leather wrighl champion and in exciting lighter lie was also weltrliked Innloving treespending man Although Wright started his pro Career in 1928 the record book doesnt pick him up unlll 1930 That year he won the Junior lightA weight championship at Ciliiornll llis activity lulled all Itierwariis and he had Just one houl In 34 one in 35 Ind none in 1938 Durinfl part of hit period he was chilli PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE ALL MAKES 31 CLAPPEIIION $11 We Title chalky resumed his rinl comer in 1937 He was very active the next two year and Sept II 19 he won the worlds tehlhemlllhl title with on Hillround knockout over Joe Arrhihuld Wright lilned to deteud agntnal tanner champion lnrry Jettn but New Yorkstnle retuaed to mow hill the Wrightdetm bout and demanded thlt Chllky meet Lulu Costantino who was undeleated III 60 book Ind hld beaten ldirl Ind Arthihald two champions chalky agreed to tight Constan tino Ind he won close decision Then he met and dateted Jetin In championship match Some two mo ths later in Nov ember I942 right Iced tho drlcnrs for his crown Pep won and that ended Chalkyl vinonth reign as ienlherweishl champion Wright was so years old inun or olderbut he continued light my Almost two years alter losing his 1910 Pep he was given crack at regaining the champlon ship but was on the wrong end of II lsmund decision chalky lull little In rherr nhoui atler that Lalo ill 10 he hull another meeting wilh Pep and Willie won the nontitle bout with thirdround knockout Wright managed In light twice in 19 rind had the lint bout oi Ills career linrch 1948 when he was knyoed in three rounds by Era nic lluliiek at Salt Lake Cltv chnlky Wrights end as tighter was unspecmculorus was his be ginning But he provided plenty oi cxcilrncnt ior boxing inns Iind from Illl accounts hail his share oi Inn out of lite Young llnvywelrlli hot newcomer to the heavy wï¬glit division is Roy Harris whose hometown at Clix rind Shout TRACTOR TIRE Repairs Filling TAKE NDth THAT ttoned works til the following named atree the cost upon the land abutting directly on NAME or man Laneway batman andpmillel to Collier Street and Dunlop Sine running from pwan Street WW Illllqclllï¬ is Ill will FF54 ountoo IIIBELESS TIRES vim lNSRrCTipN TIRE ROTATION REPAIR SERVICE wnrri BALANCING ian It the home lack lon Ielth with 10 mention noun villlon present weddtnr in Toronto oii Soturrlï¬ Noth Sunnidale Oshnwn arier npending éouplc Midï¬nrn thorn in Mrs Irvlniiinapp and Mn II Hill MIG smu Weill SundIy with Ml Ind ll Knapp Kr and Itn Charla Day nls tended the Htlloek and Thuriw aninlso spent the weekend vii their no and dauxhtulullw KI Ind Mrs Willlom Day Iiorllcnlluni corn Roan tVeron Hortituiiunl Society are holdiux their meeting in Forestry lunch room on Sept 11 at pin in the arm at corn roiist Miss Young will allow nudes hi her trip to Enlllnd Ind the continent which will be idlerr 25th or the children too Every one is invited Ladies bring cookies or tarls Mn McKénzle BIrrie lpenl tew days last week with her dau rhlrr Mrs Jones Mn IR Wlliwin Ind tamtly movie to Barrie on Sniurday Mr Ind Mrs Chlnnen Ind boys attended In CNE on Sli nrday Mrs DArlgio spent roupie ol days in Taronio last week sundry visiiors with Mr and Mrs Jones were Mr and his Campbell ind innilly Wye vnlr ans whrluu Toronto Mrs Emmet St Thomas and hr and Mrs Krye Thornhlll United Anniversary Sunday Midhurst Untied Church hnni venary services will he held on Sunday Sept 16 Mr and Mm Gibbs Ind Mr and Mrs Gibbs Ind tamily Brleehridge went Sundayat Mr and Mrs II ra Texas suggcsls he might be uuiiu nsl tighter He is The 23yearold Texanhua won 21 rights In zl nlarls and iwo at his recent victims were such durnhls heavics rr Willie Pastranu and Bob Baker with Lilli kind oi record some boxing men are betting Hurrir will We in 19 05 PM get crack at champion rloyd diamond shaped bloom Patterson wiliilna year or do inches square there are 36 bin block can be knitted in about that it goes with Mr and Mrs Reiiiill Car Michael and II JConk were lilr andhirs Allen Carmichael Miss Michael and Mdrgoret Wilson have returned to their home in man Carmichael Camphell Coilingwood Mr rind Mrs Cyril Cook and family and Mr and Mrs mil Cook Barrie On Wednesday Rev wil lirrns Wasaga Beach visited with Mr and Mrs Hnrve Alkin son while on Thurrdny Mr and Mrs John Alioyme Ind Mr nnd Mrs limes Morris Queensvilie were guests Mr and Mrs Rnyniunil Cook Debbie and Carol and Mr and Mrs Lewis Ceok Spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Gerald Fisher Avnning Mr and Mrs no Culhum Mr and Mrs Sheldon Culhurn motored to ThreeMilo Lake of weeks will their aunt Mrs Raymond Cook Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Lewis Allen and Donna were Mr and Mrs Waller Mid dielun Mrs Ken Guthrie Janice and Sheila Elmvale Mruuml Mrs Cyril Cook and family Bar rie Mr and Mrs Jack Maginii arid Gayle Toronln speni Saturday with Mr and Mrs Art Taylor Mr and lilrs Albert Fisher Donnie and Jimmie spent Sun rlny evening with Mr rind Nil5 William Stark Friday and Saturday visilors Borrow where money service has improved with age it your choice oi repayment pinns dAYr Phone or visit HFC today Hangman FINANCE rend floor phone PA 5529 IAIIII ONI own num how II In munao um nounsrid SirIi lieond floor phon inn OOLLINGWOOD 0N1 when you borrow money you wiint service thutl hacked by years of experienne Thats why most people turn to ler providing money service backed by 79 your experience AtHFCyoureceivdpmmptntientionJriehdly hut huninasliliu eillcieney your money in one LOCAi The counell or the corporation of the Town or Barrie SIT0R rim westerly thence southerly Iran the aforementioned lnneway lo DunlopSlreet East and thence on Duh inpsiresi East to Clrpoeilon Street Application will be Th to the gridiron will inth and anynwnermiiywtthln 21 this lie the lirstipuhlitiitlon iiy theCorp IMIéiitfdliiiIvIEhTiioricE ihebnia idliu nicipni III otlce intends to GOHSQIIIEIZIIISVLOCVEI Improvements the under men tsbatweell the pains hereinafter mentioned and intend til specially assess commotion smile oilcan mann or ANFUAL run 7l335549Ia sashes silos 56261 15 Board ior ttii approval or the undertaking of the Said ivork tile with the Board lila objection to the said Work being un lit before doing so it may appoint atline rind place when iin objections ARRIE needles and you will be surprised how This lovely warm afghan ls Measuring 54 and Mrs EXAMINE knitting tn cks and each one hour bl lllg the week CNE Briese and Mfs Will Morris Ackernliin Richmond Hill islor Mrs John inmily Creemorc were Weatherall present at the Church Sept home of Mrs sans ihrrne Ml am cRAleHURST Mr and Mrs Walker Cowari Toronto visited Mrs Evuy dur Mr and Mrs Thomas Hodgson and tamily Mr and Mrs Ralph hodgson and inmin and Norman Baldwin spentSaturday It ihe virSchool opened last week with Iluskokn on Sundawa spend the dry with Mr Valli Mrs Reeent visitors with Mr rind Mrs Charles Aekermun were Mr gt Bryon andsun wsyne Kingston hir and Mrs and lurnlly Barrie nnil Mrs Bill siniih Mrs Alex Grani Bowmnnville is spending this week with her Morgan and Mr and Mrs Orluy rirck or sundry callers ul the horns oi Mr and Mrs John Attend Wedding hlr and Mrs Culham were EntesColueli wedding in Nuiluwn Preshyleriun Jacks Lake WI Jhcks Lske Womens Institute haul the monthly meeting at the lvnn army on Wednesday evening The mollo Be Canadilln buy Canadian was well given by Mrs Cuiham white Mrs Lewis Allen convener at Canadian industries presented on Interesting program REV Rt milllam BA Bi RALLY DAY SUNDAY scrioor 103 lluo um ro Unite With Congregation For room day Harvest on the Morning Worship SWARM 0F BS ll 15 uuuiiiys in uro foremost vssuniiuls in our service yei Reasonable Churgts nnd Highest Stand iiriis always prevail omnmsr like to have the directions Just send stumped seltnddressed envelope to the Needlecraft Department of this puper re huesttng KNITTED AFGHAN Leilllet Nu CW94 Miss Hazel Hurst Parry Sound in the senior room and Miss Fallls oi Vascy in the junior hir and Mrs George Hodgson Dearbarnn Michigan spent few days with relatives his truck Harvey Prince wns home inr till wnqirend Mrs Bert Castan is teaching in Hiiisdlie this term Miss Jun Gaston Barrie was home tor the weekend Mr and Mrs CharlesSmlth Jerry Goraldtnn visited Mr and Mrs Thomas Hodgson on Thurs Pelerbilrongh Harvest Thonllsgtvliig Service thanksgiving sarvlce will he held in St Johns Church Sept 72 at Our insuron Time Payment Plan ol tuneral purchase is nanulnhle to every individual need or requirement LLOYD STECKLEY Funeral Home 30 Wouley St IflioNE PA 35553 lilliiTliit ills lliIiTEl cum MR DANIELS us nusJIM inlennedirle 945 lintADULT Ell SfUDX ll nanPusan hub Itir and vi no Culiirr Street Mlior and mi Crew SUNDAY SEPT 15 mar II oarDISCIPLESIIIP Lls yumSUNDAY scnom pnvSIRAYING SHEEP There were ninely and nine that lately lay in Illllelitr ot Ihe told But one was out on the hills lwly For ot ruin the gale ill gold ital Nursery Kindergarten and Primary Department pcIpperinn St Wunicy anv LUCK on an uinirier Miss CLOUGIILEY Organlri Ind Choir Leader BATTLE OF BRITAIN SUNDAY soar is 1057 850 mm IInII0LY counUNipN suNDAY scuool li armMORNING rilhlliiil Classeatorlil axes SUNDAY scuooi ll LILGroup from llCAF Camp mam CQMWNION liordrn will worship wlih us Pruehnr The Rector pinkEVENING WORSIIII EVERYONE Wmoln EVERYONE WELCOME Convention at Onllrln or Queue TmianRcu SCHOOL and Senlor Departments GROUP will berth It meetings SAINT GEéRGsi gt Anlllnn Church Aflluduo letter Ru Nuninsular an omnisl MRS SHAWMCM choirieader umln Smelhunt srfvn TRINITY CHURCH sTi ANDREWS Anglican in Coillrrfltl pgasavYTEmAN TRINITY XIII sun in CHURCH Own and Wursiey Sitsi Rev Ylmcs Ferguson llinlslcr Alirrd Clarke liius and FICL Organist and Cholrmuslcr SUNDAY SEPT 15 1957 II lamMORNING WORSHIP pniQulrlerly lreparalory Ser lce Ind Reception at New Men an Mtnislcr at both services The Church School to lamJunior SNIMI Clam Il ImoBelinners Kindergarten CANON READ Ind Primary Classes gt choir Director Mrs nohms 09MB 10 CHURCH l1 LzL1 IIIIIIISIIIIII SCIENCE ST GILES Anglican 95 Cook st WW 3mm 51 SUNDAY SEPT 151951 945 uniSenior Sunday 1100 nniMurnlng prayer ImrSVBSMNCE rlln Lunar TEMPLE Sermon 41 Collier Sh Barrie REV 101m Rilmlsi iunior sundry School ALL ARI WELCOME 300 norHoly Communion 910 umlsmiiy Service and Sundry School Blhy DEPIIIJIIEIlt 1100 tubMORNING PRAYER Broadcast Sermon lAnelineu REV SHERRING Baby Department 700 DMPEVENSONG SERMON Seriri on the med believe in ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV GLMUIR BA Minister MR FRANK DUTCHER Organist 5UNDAY 5mm 15 1957 945 umCIIURCH SCHOOL ï¬xes and Ill 11 umNursery and Kindergarten ll munTHE saiwams or non 730 Inn The Teacher Prepares The Teacher leilches Christin Educlion Clnss Everyone welcome THE ALLIANCE CHURCH at The Christiloind Mirrlonary Alliance CORNER SERCZY DUN0PSTREET EAST MR GEORGE Ross 5103 SUNDAY salmon lo iiin ll nonriloliishs ro Till ovaRcomnli MILTOPIC Prepare to meet thy God Till vvliou uosrahroRTm wuom waian EVERYONE WELCOME MID warm showed WEDNESDAY him CENTRAL UNITEociiuchx R088 and hoistso snows REV cool BRENN URCIIILL0rganlsI 184 Toronto Street ei VSliiI BENT IIIIJIGIIEST Stilllifl lull ImL8ENIOI1 ouuncu scnooi Ila yearn andover um limpm CREED 3110qu BY millioncnuiicu ï¬enooi lisp to years WARM WEPCQME AWAITS YOU