Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1957, p. 12

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ill libert hu moved trornMEe merot Yonge Ind Peter Jtreeta tohls new home on Peter street which has Just been completed Mr and Mn Don Frenrh and frailty who resided rt Woodhnd 82th moving into use Gil hert house on the highway In Preston ML Mary Preston Ind JlmespDetrflit Ire visiting withMr end Mrs low ard ltowley Ind other triends Miss 11nd Oossling has re turned alter vishlng with her uncle and runt Mr and Mls Dukes Ind other rolltivcs in To rnnto AM GBlrrett and Miss Ruth uwleprent tew dry with hit and Mrs Miller Ind lt tended the ONE llr and MnW Wutson Mr nnd Mm John Watson Toronto were BilletI Mr Ind Mrs Gossllng over the weekend Mrs Currie spent the week endeith reiutlves in Toronto Mrs Alvin Archer has returned nitcr visiting with Mr and Mrs Coulis Eracohridge Mr and Mn Eell Greenblnh spent few days with Mr and Mn Cllre Knlpe Richmond lilll darn Junie Bowman is upend lng couple of weeks with friends in Blrrie Beardsnll returned home on Saturday taller visit with his son and daughteninlaw Mr and Mrs George Martha Thistle tawn nlr and Mrs John Houden are visiting with Rev and Mrs stuhbs at Big Bay Point Death 01 Davis William James Davis dicd at the home at his soninrlaw and daughter lilr and Mrs ilarry Ritchie on September is 1857 lnlerrnent was at Elmvsin Cum etery bnM0ndny Sept Miss Marnie Greeniny has re turned alter spending the sum mer at Bradrord Mr nnd Mrs Timfilte and twfl daughters have taken up rcs ldenee tar the winter in the aparlv ment above Hills stare EDGAR iAnnlvemry Services Sept 29 Anniverfiry services will be held in the United Church Sun day Sept 29 at 11 Mn and 730 pm Kev Bannerrnun of nur rle will he the speaker for the db ills and Mrs Cooke Toron to are visiting with Mr and liirs Cooke Bidwell spent law days at the cottage with his son Former Resident Denter The community was sorry to learn that Crawford tanner resident had passednway In Sni dlers Memorial Hospital Orlllia on Monday Service was held from Doolittle Funeral Home on Thursday Sympathy is extended to Mrs Crawford and family in their bereavement Several tram the community httended anniversary services at Dalston United Church on Sun day Mr and Mrs Slessnr Mali lyn McLean Robert and Len Ban ney Glen Bidweli and Ralph Hayes attended Toronto Exhibi steps lanterns withinImus hit Just tvm week away thing are getting underway With children prac tising nuth for the 24th and some buyan reserved sent tickets iorthe inlr concert on Wednesday evening nukes one think Autunin is on our door Snell Evening fit the Burl On Wednesday evening Mr nnd Mrs Alvin Anherentertaln cd tew iriends It their cottage It Woodhnd Beach tew games at curd were eninyed Prizes were won by MrsA Belrdull Mrs HerbRitchie and Mrs Terry Refreshments were served and Ill dunked us and Mrs Archer tor mmomwrble evening Mimiinneeru Shower On Wednesday evening Miss Valerie Freeman war the guest at honor at miscellaneous shower Mid It the home of Mr and Mrs iarnn Graham She received many lovely gilts smiri gettogether and lunch brought pleasant evening to close Valorin is to be married Sept 21 to Murray Jumieson Enter Schoel of Nursing nvu iiilss Ruby Wood and Miss Ann Bertram lei Monday to enter the school 01 nursing at Royal Vic lorla Hospital Barrie BOND HEAD Wiener Rolrt The members of the United Church choir enjoyed wiener roast It the home of Mr and Mrs Douglus Wilcox on Friday evening The Girl Guides and Brownies commenced their Full meetings In Thursday night while the Boy Scouts intend starting this week Sunday School Plenle The Anglican Sunday School held their picnic at the park on Slturdly Mr and Mrs George Whuien Buffalo and Miss Rose McEwan Bradford visited Mrs George Gummerson and Mr and Mrs EEroolu last week Baptlrnui service Eileen May and GeruldEdwurd children oi Mr and Mrs Edward Gilmore were baptized in the guild Church on Sunday morn erslnn Band Meeting The Mission and met ini the church on Saturday Illeillfluil with 38 children and three lend ers present Mrs Watson and Mrs McKay were welcomed as new leaders Japan the president Velma Smith and secretary Phyllis Lang sat on cushions beside low worship centre Mrs Watt demonstrated the Japanese pian of flower arrangernent and this was used in the worship centre After the call to worship new opening hymn was practised Doris Sutherland read the scrip ture and Velma Smithled in prayer Two more new hymns were practised After the busi ness was condueted the three leaders tank the study groups Two new Japanese gumes were played Luneh wnsprovided by his our study this year is on non rent tow daysathu homebere Rev gndMrs Kenneth lhttlh ews Toronto visited Errand In lrwln McMahon while on hell days The Rev Hugh sbunnop New mulret um rpeeill mutter at the United Church onAAug lB Ind 75 All welcomed hell and Mrs Shannon hack in our midst Mrs Hodng has returnedhome utter spending two week in Torenlo visiting friends Community Extends Symptthy Sympathy is extended to Mr rno nu Ernest Vivian lnthe delth or his mother to Mr Ind Mrs Edgar Crawford in the deuth oi hlr lather at shanty Blynlso to iir and Mrs lvnn Slrseor whose son Freddie wus killed at Milton In motor mident lorm muny relatives in the vicinity Womens instituteMeetiug The monhlly meeting at the Womens institute will he held It the home othirs Morris Shells well on Sept 25 Rnll cull Why preter rural liie Motto Lite is like garden it hells the trult you sow Mrs Harry Kendall agriculture and Clllitdiiill indul tries convener has charge or tbr program Food convenes are Mrs Richardson Mrs Eds wards Mrs Vivian Ind Mrs Pugsr lay Womans Ausoclatinn Meetint The regular mnnthly meeting vol the United Chumh WA was held at the home oi Mrs Earl Scott Nehty members undsix visitors were present in this Ilr sence of the president Mrs Roy Gray presided The WMS rally will he held Oct 71 in illvvlte stone United Church tuxlay supper was planned or Oct 30 in the same church Mr and iiirs no ssywell at Cleveland called on their uncle hir McMillan over the weekend nmrsl nmksrljlrg Service scrvlces will be held in St Aid nns Cburth Sundry Sept 15 At the li Im service Cannon Read oi Trinity Church Barrie will he the speaker and at the 730 pm service Rev Allan lttx of Crown Hill will be lpecil speaker Rev Rix is son of Bishop Rix llllss Wands Grrsle Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Gerry Croft Si Aidlns WA Meet The monthly meeting of St AidanswA was held It the home al the president hirs Victor Brien The 1st vlcepresident Mrs Ellis Leigh conducted the meeting There were 20 mem bers and seven visitors present Thanksgivlhg SErvicel Well Attended The thanksgiving services were Church both morning and even ing Choir numbers solo by Mr Slessdr and Mrs Smith and duet by Mr Smith and Mr Simor were greatly enjoyed Rev Gor don ohnstona of Coliingzwoori was the speaker tor the services PRSLIFIC CGRN EDMONTON CP Willilm Whitehead retired commercial gardener grew nineeared cob at corn The ear has one mlln tinnone day this past week Mrs Cuibert Mrs Watson and hlrs Richardson Get blueooail With blue coal youre sure chopnudity hard ooaiif tedhlueasntradeénlurlr So don be blue ooal burns clean and hot And theres for leis Waste than withordinary coal les need to tend your furnace whrnyou feel the difference when you burnit heat the hlue way coali Get bluecoal today Youcan see the diflerenec when you buy ityoucan cabs were grouped colorb nd when you buy or resident oi the village with Speclti banvest thinksglvlng well attended at the United col around which eight srnsiler enginn to rigid factory specifications Our Factory Training thooi Indine with on policy of constdnliy impravinganreervtoeprgonuonon gt and fully confident that Canadian acceptancesll Volkswagen will continue to grawwa have now doubled on premises on Torontos Golden Mile by opening huge spore guru depot housing million doilnra worth of spare parie In nddition modern Engine Shop is now in operation to rebulideuilcmgo attended by key personnel Iron all over Canada will enlarged threefold to provide more service experts for our 280 dealers These dealer in turn are rapidly expanding their own facilities to keep pace the growing volume at Volkswagen on Canadian made More and more the motoring public in Canada mcognixes the obvionl advuntdger at the mull an and light delivery truck We Volkswagen Canada Ltd are proud that oneplrodpcl plays leading role intltla tiald rind every Volkswagen sold in this country is an impdrtnnt actor in further strengthening the trade bonds between Canada nod West Gennonynlreody one oiCanodoa best

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