Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Sep 1957, p. 10

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m4 Mrs Frank Kall Sr entertained Coltu omrlnnlnru nun hen cputluuglto spend weekend at to homes in Cold water JVOIthcr warw Ideal launch the numhs vial tois ItPortSovm and oihnr nearby yngltion spou was almost on or with summer tuna while colanderHo Dumbo oi thosn ownlnz cotugesv visit them the year roundu weather pep mill the majority in Goldwater district chili alter Thanksgle in weekendl not belowv he muralconsensus oi resort own en ttnd other urrylnfl on husl hess in the Vacation Iron ls thlt the past summcrylelded bet ter thnnaverus buslnoss turn over largely due to Ivorhie weuther church Anulnnarlu numhu Lthurvh Innlvc snries tire to ht hold inColdwntcr area within thagnext tow weelts Two lucdonte township churches wlll observe Lhclr ulllllvnrsary on the some Sunday Knox Presby Ierinn Church hloamtune und Hobart United Church anniver snrics are both on Sept 22 it hurt unnlvamnry is especially slg niticanl it it lha 100th anniver sary tor the United cangrugntlon in that village Fall Fair Arrangements main topic al lnlerest in Goldwater now 15 the Iorlhcomtng all inir Final arrangements lor the show Sept 18 11 and 18 were made at dlreclors meeting on Sept Pupils lIt puhllc schools ot the district are practising marching and getting thclr costumes in ruadiness tor the parade on Sept 17 and tire also busily engaged preparing total at hundreds or entries or Huronla School Falr which will he hcld In conjunction with Hurunll Agricultural Soci etys with annual lull air Spnrlrcd by tho energetic lurid errhipol President Georlc Gra ham of Early tho executlve and GltEORD Minion and Martin nriiord Mission Hand held its September meeting The meeting wa icons Lo Me the Lordmayor Joltlcero wera its name elected and inllowlng the election Joe Snwyar1lie vicenresident WWW Mmde School took charge as Jack Neshltt the president was absent John stnrn rent the scripture and the min utes or the inst meeting were rend hy Betty Ann Dales wits answered with the nanan oi somui gwe had read in the Them were World trienaa children and two lenderspresent Cdllecllon was taken andWhlter Webber had birthday the Pennias Dropping was sung mm ssfgesfid Ella tiy at Tornnto Wllliam Rutledge Shim mm by 333 ataro who is now in Ottawa and neetlng closed slnn Eunil Creed The took over and lunch was served Community Sympathy Expressed The sympathy ot the commun ltyl ls extended to Mrs Frnllk she and daughter Rum and sun Gordon on the death at hus hhhd and lather on Wednesday sont Mlsullaneous Shnwer for her niece Mlas Joyco McKen zle New Toronto on Saturday with 11 miscellaneous shower Vlsitors at Paul Russells corn roast on Saturday evening werev Mr and Mrs Lloyd Gohn and lainin Lu Markham Mr and Mrs Sid Russell Mr and Mrs Frank Russell and family at Toronto Mr livid MrsWiitrsd Wade Ancaster were visitors with Mrs Frank tllughes and Gordon last week Sorry tore girl Mrs Robert Bayes lll NEWinnrket hospital speedy recovery Emailed for vlsitors with Mr and Mrs Sherman Todd last week were Mrs Robertson and daughter Olive Barrio Misaiuarjoric Todd enjoyed ln Gillord turned from her summer holidays Sunday School mum on Sept in New York City and is leaving opened with our community to attend nurses lollnwcd by troinlnl It Royal Victoria Hosp Ruu lclt weré presented with New Hear land who ls attending NitMaster vmlklnxi who it thebut tn Additional countri puma 1min Goldwater and mittoa uted towards In tncréue in on rolrnent at Orillla Collullna VocationLluututo Evay rent occupied by xtudenu on the Coidwnter hm Irrylnl ltudentl tn Orlllh Last years enrolmrnt nx 1010 rhlii Azure lumprd to 1117 the first dry oi uhoul Illfl ldmtnv mutton ofllcllls tntiulplte tho rtml number attending or 1857 may shnw an increase or Iho Over hull those attending thd Calleglnle are drawn trom tho urea ouulde the town Orlllla Coldwatu public school enrol melt climbcd about 20 for it tau at 185 pupils about hall o1 when calm lrom outslde the village Personal Mr and Mrs Wylle ed their lonlnd daughterl aw Mr and Mrs John Wylie Gull on Sunday They also called on Mr rind Mrs Archie Dlvldson form crly at Port McNicoll who r5 aian in the same city Mr nod Mrs Dnnby nnd Lorne Lelhurlly uteomplnicd and Mrs Lloyd Dunlap at Mon atone onun outing Sunday In Honey Harbour aren Mr and Mn Lester Letlierby of Weston visited tho farmers mo shun Mrsloln Letherhy ml 3th ay MANSFIELD Atkndl BIpllamtll Service ers Sam Flues was in Toronto over the wgeltend attending the hnntlsmalnervice ol her grantla child the daughter of Mr and Mrs anrenca Armstrong Death oi Mrs ionros Moltenu James McKennI nose passed away last week noon at Msnrtioid Cemetery nitrous at Student wuss isaheiie Turner has re in Sunday afternoon slx young mole of the United Church Sun day School who am leaving or further education or already have Testaments In the revlsed stand ard version hy the Sunday School They were Isnbeile Turner who enters Royal Victoria Hpspltal Barrie for training Ruth Ire Unlvurslly Hamilton Jnhn Irei land who leaves suon lol unlvers to one Gnniph Maignret Fnrnv Mrs Jenn Olson livlug now in Nova Sentla Flingll Servlgea for Phlng Mug We deeply regret Ihc passing oi Fidulis lilaes on Wednesday morning at last weekjollowing it trying illness Mr MaEs was successful tobacco tanner and during the few years he had been at Mansfield was Hand neigh bor and won the respect of all who knew him Funeral servines were held at Alllston an Saturv day morning Our sympathy lS cxtElldedto Mrs Miles and tha family ln their bereavement Mr and Mrs Willlaln Gal lnugher cht on Friday or weeks holiday lit Huntsville and points north on Sunday atternnon the am fly at the late Mr and Mrs Wil llallt Cauthers were reunite at Rlverdale Park Alliston Presx out were Mr and Mrs Charlton CauthersTeriuce BC Mr and Mrs Roscoe Cnuthers Port Cred it Mr and Mrs Stanley Geni nings Taronto Mr and Mrs Alex Armstrong Mansfield Mr and Richmond Hll trip to Slratlord oyor thu duh and anuJt you rived non call VI nliliif gt nun tusrnnnnrioh clarity and wid roaao by tlu in manual naqnot Maker chmll in dulquod to win lull6h nurturinqu incorporation admin dualduly tub Automudn volume contull illuminalnd Mlulc dial Flt uny cur or hit its onuioadinn Coordiaa nu voluol unru unlofll nnhi ulnqfldl cunt1 vaston cloon onr ourw swoon Hondu Ivvhn coho atyth am 01 la vnltopexotion complete am and aortasnam us arkVon rain in Al windMN hlwln mica xrn th ddruhll monthqan CollK Connr ll Includd or yarn amur hundIIIv mo ndvud lorlnmflnnn air ll aa dupdmv isoninv tubmu Ly uud all alumnu ulan an with In mam anon had too ond an Dlapuobl Bowl many is holiduo ol urrtt on hirerton and to antidri at ¢n mun hém and adjour Mww fink lurtliol itqt en mu rwsw rang aggulrflJq tag WA nunsn amt SelfClad White Longer nl your lmm In hm on can wlth qu ls STAYW Houu VPnlnh Cull palit paint ml Putu IIIth load ondlllo lulu whitolor your tho mum on In In yru 5209 no on Krndhav cololm loo wwwyzrv surziitsusric éxrsaioii SE PAINT icuc0Louns so Lorri Horn Dorarnnor nongoot incurwound Itch toilnomad and warn Gunter on savings Malia your home smu Sosatssiio Point Canadian nro opio and gmn tinirirrhai mint rororoaa llvu Hnlnl nrororor Hon GALLON

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