flea everqu othte are well am theyltlow that appunm ii is trout elauau tho petrol dually their ll it now recount we out ts Redmth the Volt mitt mauled elotlï¬qdflt his clothes and tool out at place Pie therei time for formality IllllJ tinteflor heln cannula no It look Womble ih his dotltu tierIna lie always held comm He his conï¬dence in himelk appeaaou is the damned ohms Irsnnnce Although to economize in our lindenidea itsincluding our chanced nicest rout at us have tooldue our clothing oltuny very confidence in others because he wellIll Tintll WK if so important emu thlt the clothed WIN when youreIiwae WWW hertzindfla tlr our suits me chock IllMill stylel colon patterns whit let you apartK mltholmvtd mod abut Bolh meo andiwome are showing an lncpdsihgfendeory ior lighter weight atrial in their outer elm Titli plies to the overcoat or longest It hrlvy overcoat lasts long long time slid every man should have one despite wha we hear about milder climate it could be fleece or Melton acmi srnaoth strolls hurlsting ma eat fabric showing little pat tern and in staple color so it can be worn with any color or pattern or uit it be single or doublebreasts til single With the great ratios ol no rlcs tort sultings your Job should he deoldittfl actor lll lhE Wife of fabricyou selhcLThe travel ler may ch06 purowdol tllet tweed that resists wrinkling sud wan to Weill outer men ind that firth Sports ind casual wcnr pro vide the opportunity for the man to enjoy thauuse ol color Colorlul lenty or shirts with tropical wanted slacks provide cool comtort vior the active sportsman and endless opportun SHCKtTmDhntuyiearvlï¬le checks toohroad lopelsr uloug ladreta which all tend to short err thé tigure no wear stripta or plains asshorts jacket as is redsonable trousers with out cuffs give added leg length long narrow lapels longer pointed shirt collars are to your advantage strain AND HEAVY Atten lion to the details at IPPWDriote dress can make you look slink rher and iallernvoid pro Curreot furnishings accessore ies alld glides help to create favorable um impression They sdd so math to your oppeamncc that they deserve special atten tion Hats top all the outlit so he sure to coordinate themwit the rest of your ensembleï¬nd wear the rightenlodel ior each occasion The hamburg is topsjtof rdressy wearthe snap brim excellent orhusillesstho Tyroleln or Porkplc comrolernem your uslial clothes chance to use color your taste and in dlviduhllwcolored or phtlerfléd shirts are line or daytime wear but white is preterred alter dark DQnt overdo one pattern or coiling Pllirl with pattern is good rule to toilowpisin tie with Your clothes will look hetter and hams longer it youglve them proper care and cleaninz header or its unique surface texture wool quickly revives withcaretul linishlng Clothes should be brllshed immediately they ken nit Givetrpecill attention the reVerae sideof pleats collars Ilpeis nnd reyers here motli eggs are often hid en You need your garlnenta do too Afton brush cloltl list surtac duotone combination ot woollen and war steo ydrnspor in heavyweight worried gabardiueu For thc us list mindedrdugh sortred htt gt trounced checks closer iackeisralld how ties rich or vertical stripes are your best betand hove your jackets pointsdont draw attention to loryoir end for trunnion lly no is prefer Every tdin must have top mt It should be remlor tull lirled It lmy be naveneliln Hcsruch tweed or chevlots are always goodbut here again beware or tilled obtrusive pat terns Runemberrttle tnpcoat Is port of In ensemble lflllllcll suit and ibpcoistv should not light each other Lrisp worstcds unsure trim welidresled look durllll the business day and remain treah looking lor alterhours appoint mania er Worrteds and woollen nit unendlese variety oi raorios usit thu adviceVof your retllier tor the best choice for you ities or color mnblnatltills Tweed lsckcts poln checked or striped with worsted licks or the drossler worst jacket with slacks6t heroicoiling colorlight with dark ordark with light provide cashsl vela lor leisurehours gm tailored with long lupels TALL AND THIN Ledvc stripe es alone and choose pluin flbrics or build checks Youre not hard to nt but you should dress to minimize your height and create luiier appearance Avoid lung pointed shirt collars and narrow lies Youll laak best in short collars with thick ties or hows patterned shirtplllli shirt with patterned suit Your inkles are not your best than Socks should blend with suit and shoes always be garter ed and wear sucks inngenough to avoidany hare leg show Nothinz can mir your appear ance more than lil chosen on kenlptsllues keep them well polished and Lreed when not in use Core and rest between wearings will greatly extend their life Forbllsiness and dress wear shoes should he trimmer pluiner and tighter vllowever tile weight of the shoe should vary with the torture oltlle lair ric you wear Thick woolly tweedl call for heavier brogue tyPeS in roomy Xwardrobe or cup board tor lit least hours he tore warring again Thia gives the naturalelaaticlty of wool chance to do itli stuff Avoid overcrowding the wnidrobe close the doors tightly Men are usually the worst ot londerswhen it comes to treat ng olothes badly Remember that Mkets stutter to bulginl will soon losc their shape it strllu is placed on buttons there twill1m he strainhon lubric clothe arethroyvn down or ring and flat It gt the Illlflfllt lint Inll swimmlnl not breasted able nor home mom THE WilmaDRESSED WOMAN Dmm Wm DRE$SED MANwusthe theme or showing of mens wear presented by the Mens Apparel Council in Toronto Included in the preéentutionut basic wtudrohe for the busln wasthis wall tailored dinncrJacket or midnightpiueï¬provide variety of interesting we which to choose for the dinner sulli messenger5 ness man Dinner meetings and into demand proper dress and this met with jetted pockets thotb natural shoulder line insures dressed appearance Proper dress shoes are essential and as in oil suits sleeves worn short enough to allow Pmrtpult to show 77 éss mllfl Pin wool inert black es rrom the busi chntngv occasions on pedkedlhpet model on uptodute welle Au add vest In practical good lotlklng aTltllflflll ll vest is patterned wear plain shirt Jacket Mens jewellery such as cuff links collar pins tlo clesps add sn extra touch to the welldms ed look but small pldin littks Ire preferable or business latentpocket handker chiel well dressed imust preferath white casual pushedlllqu donfld but dont IPlaiowithmnttern is the rule wear solideolor slneks with put is popular plain tie with temed jacket patterned shirt etc Shirt collar rhould coat collar to back below sleeves how abovc shirt cum both about hair on wear colored Always wear erned slrl is white shirt after dark For professional and husiness men snyagc proper but should be theVrulc the exception or pull worn livith one star hesitiitle to Wear gally colored harmonizes Plain dob same suit it will look smarter and last longer ll you give it at least30 hours rest ooiore weare lngit aglln lput prl brushing it Use hunger and see that the shoulders orepro periy set overload your pockets or leave articles in them overnight try to conceal with tightï¬tting clothes trylo attract attention by yuldPlA sundry Service Service next Sunday it St Georges Church wnlbe at 700 every day out le suit and shirt Spoiltlle appearance oi ll town suit bv wenrllig shirt or pulloveflwlthlt wear brown shoes with black or blue suit or black shoes with brown suit torg with your suit without sports your retailer is able and wt to tosdwseyou at any time pounds urdoy afterllnon before HIEWKEF vice Flowers lrulis fand veg etabics are req eated Harvestanniversary servlce on Sunday Sept 15 Special preach ers to he announced later Servlce no Sundaw at Christ Church at 1100 as 4t bodiidayw carrier the end grenth mu program at udnllu quietmu idlesest nit5p both me girls made their own instruments for rhythm band at or pere were lt lhedund While alldlriroog ers Bare ne outstanding event or tha second camp was exciting treasure hunt through the surrohndiag bush Theroute was hollowed by maps and hidden clues The day camps were concluded by houralld hair at dir ptoyr and entertainment tor trlende and parents An ideall dump kitchen was constructed by the camp mt group Tables 01 craft onslpled OI ahqllwnrk paper bag masks wooden name brooches decorated bottles cqp per bracelets murals and besios modelling Tomahawk were no ddsplayed acrobatic stuptthdramajies donc ingjond rhythm nd The pres caution of crests and pins tor the swimming classes concluded the program Retreshrnents were served by the Painswlck Day Cultlp Committee Mrs Sisler chairman is tbe committee had made arrangements or this Val Brurker jllla the director of both comps Ho was asslltcd in the first compby June Owens Elli Baker and Wilma Evans During the secondsAmp the leaders were Susanne Wat Wil mu Evans and Gary Fraser Lynne Wells and Arlene Gregg assisted as volunteer helpers roar isuccesflul day camps hsve been held this summer un der tile leadership of the Slmcoc County Recreation service Friday Aug at Westmalls pmpefly on Lulu Stmcoc Vthc loliowing Pqitiswick children possrddheir Red Cross cums JuularLlred Harbridge Fred chtink Margaret Lawrence rnlerme aiealeter slsler ï¬eginnerrJoyce Slwyer Bab ryShewtelt Elaine Smith Fran cis Crhnfleld Ruyinulld Cronlar ty Tom Finnis iina Heutink Ellen Heu llk ltlnrvellu Pitche ENGAGEMENT Muvl Isobel to John Douglas Hughes son 91 the lute lur and Wesley Hughes ot Churchill he arrlage to take place Saturday Ptemherzl 1951 aheadoclock Midhllrst United church Mldhurs Ontario 101 bridle of Allistou at 1100 lm REX King of Minesiug All families are asked to assist decorations on the So it til lann BARRIE EXAMINER ln theicnlcia nlnent period the visiturs enjoyed sinnongs MR AND RS CHARLES RODERICK MAS ANNE MARBARETTAYLOR daughter at Mr and Mrsufl Taylor 306 Baylield Street Barrie morried Charles Roderick Mason sonot MrundMrs George Mason West Hill in Col lier Streetrvnltedchurch alt oelocksatulday August twenty lourthwitlt Reverend Lewis nmciatlng The couple will ilveln gentbar shoutEd down the MT diran Eth FLON CPL1h SI vaiio Amy announced it will soon gin construction of mnodeltodel here ltwlilbo altnatedtm Church street waer an oldrxludel wu demolkhe in male way =torltllo ymMhtlflhmm on melon inkbully as non lose at arpcllws edit an plaia Iuem rlarlas not or lieumber tharnuj rygmr maria Iuiliingrelielwlth tNrIranslull Pinkhuus raider Con hdoot utrlzlï¬o Smflhke lnr Bods mï¬qmlaeouuuojyowwm on oaotupormurlrr read ply no tor nheelol refund of your my lane thouInd forum ial on El tron utieliad men Jol than today Try nor amid plans Get our muo New qul on taunt realm and fled or Compound with vueauu nl le Hon uln ourslo bNYflllh tees famousr HWEWRF VIQst inTH rAtl rASHleSI Revealing new beauty on youl llere exciting ecuordination achieved by complementing your fall ensembles with these beauti fully softWane tint shades of litr and Mrs George Coulis ol Mtdllurstvitsh to announce the telling méllt of their daughter your new fall ensemble hosiery thats in lleqt metedwlone with cverythingyoull Wear this schson fromh dwtoe Hosiery that will bleiid pbrfemlyxwith Jlia the right Salonstint to portant Colours found in sit ggest thatfo oreLVersotiIeevardrobe okyouolioose colours Add ournearest vangelinc Shop has it Now has added colour tone WIlll your shoes this seasons all We my Smoke tsorr om Nilgold sorr mow iBlonia Gin onsepmms her costume Contain and see her Were sttre ou eilectthcy can make on youtlegS toolEvangeline colourtinted hosiery comes ln Weldmts fully fdshionedt5rdenl sheen