Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Aug 1957, p. 7

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rtle telephone onlyooam en alto mixruler Phone Neon rnlctl PA foFPICE SPACE epeee vdhhlu or rental el use per month lnrludlee hellne AFPLY SEADDN carelellerlederel Dullolne rutth Yumhhed1nlfllled rooms every eoeveoleneut nltee cemp bop do Ploehem eteeley et Joell Ave Weeen Iseeon IHIMP PARTIALLY rurnllhed epertleent wlth rooole nle Iiilthldlldlfllie IIn modern home een no eeeen hone pA Inle noon modern Ighrtmflll ell con ulned with plote elhroom end he ed ICentreIly loeeted ltentlne Sept Idenltel ere ANDIIADI ER SIIIOUD PIIONB lorle l5flll Annmule on eeond floor room end betb heel end wllzr unlurtllhlltti buelneu ooup Sept Apply Dunooneld Si Illpow um houtellee lne room tarnished Apply on llple venue lovoaf Innuendo ltoorne upetelle Adultr Apply Dumberlend St lomte poem end oelh enund floor Very eenlnl Phone PA How lswtl hlllhllr roe llldsilllnl roorn phone PA and or epply nerely st loMm WALL eoertrnent ror mm sultnhle or young couple PA omit elter 1590100 loan hone Central could milk mum on not phone PA outs Irerim hoolvml houeo centrell loceled oaupency Sept Phone lxhsaloyd omen Inc to ehhrd Centrel Inc tlon wate Don Delno dxendn on llNlllRNlllIBD room theotre dletrtet Avelleble Sept PhonoPA on 1591 ltooMBIr unlulnlehed ell conteln ed epertlnent phone PA bum etter pm 159an llode end oelh Genre Apply lernee thklnl Tllfln 5t Phone PA 54m ikvl PAlewml on Nlenwey ll rent two roomed unlurnllhed cebln Phone PA Mm lsoou uNPultlellIo room heeled llot nd oold weler Adulu only 12Chr Ilne Street 5way ROOM onlurnllhed enrhent sell eonlelned Central loolion Phone pA own or pA in Ill97 us eren horde bedroom HARRIS néiilllllhe eprtlolflthelere Eeth re pe pert Phone PA 84049 month In muleint Box Lloyd 35119 Dodd roll HINT room tunlured tolled iMMEDlATE Wm lnondry priming me newi eoooe eon ren one POSSESSION on not ruanelleo epertlnent hntund cold olerNeu rurnhllnrt neer new hl ROOM HOME uncommon one PA um Soluble tor Iwu elrl or on Aleon aeeen need lnelde eon yoon eonple ve neee bedrooms hoeyy wlrlne hm treod lot neer oboot peved utqu lumlslled nontrnenl llrln roed setutntory reverence reoutreo room bedroom tItehen end nun chlldren no objection Lnnl tlrrn ren sundeclt Glnlc Iloi wuer heoteo tl wll ollIprlyete entrance Leonor tool Phone PA Mm 151 alluuNn noor lumith rtnl bedelllln room lolly eoitlpped tote en ptece bnthroonl centr Own en once ulm weekly Phon llvtnlfll Adlllu exu uoNrAleu urtlurnlrhed epe tnenl ln Allendele lerllo rooms Kltcnenelle pleee beth me Dr ell nd cuphluml Adulle Phono PA tom all two menu downlrelre ell contelned lteevy wtrlne tlnt wll er heeled Aveilhble sent Apply 11 Dunlop on roll Apt phone thn nInl 543MB Newmerllel lbMllw R00 Apertlnent ronln epertrnent end thewe loeetto Avelleble Sept Mull be oh lhinen No ooleellon to children AP ply iJI coIIIer St otter no pln lontl sxbycoNrAleD beehelor epertrnent Lhuo bedmung room hltenen end blillmom Hooled tenlral Untulnleh ed or portly lurnlehed Still eouple or buelnee wonlon pnono PA some error pen lssosl camtut Loooled lrlDerrle lm eounre loot heeted werehooeo with the end toilet leellltlee Addlttohel lm leet unheetetl Phone llln Gil more urn Simud or wrtte oo sky Inn Llne rerun berrte an lt00M gt domtu ROOM AND human iy Wenn orIIl Anrue uK ewu ouelnee em or teeeher so re room Nth hedl in new home phone pA MOE 1in1 ELDERLY ledy deelree rooln end boord on quiet horn In Dorrie Phone pA om ltPosl RODM AND lemon or one In new home Phone PA Maze or epply et Codrlnlinll 5t lemtt == RQOMS Pox RENT ROOMRD lurnlehed eperlolent ltii chenelle ehere bethroom Adultl only Phone PA Mull lbnhloa Doll llerlln bedroom rlvele epeet ntent in stroud Avllehe September Stroud mu 15811 thrtooM houee tn Allendole close to uhool ltent 75 per month phone pA emu elter iswno uNPtIltNlntBD Noome evelleble centrnl downlowh Apply Hunt St or phone PA noel lonvl home olent wllh tove end re lrleereto eeted Phone PA mm Alter ln PA um l597loti vhltv LDW rent roorn prlyete all renee Inning To be newly deeomed Apply tel urton Ave 1507 mom end beth Newly ldeeonted peelde one slog tleeted lnlent oe eopled Phone 34389 lsslvo Dz ROOM turnlrhed epertrnent with beth pelletn at No ehlldren phone Mn ollnuoret stroull urlz lSMfia Noolvlonlornlehed epertlnent us metre st Apply II Woreley st moon or phone pA um lyeMelt sumom unlornlehed epertnlent end beth heet end hydro supplied Phone PA own or tlrsl slrouo lbwlilo anuslull roorn Dltnulow on LeIle snoeoe lnelde convenientel Yenr round Lelmy srd Emle lllnltur loplw Mollan unlurnlehed epertmente one end bellman prime belle Penelend Street PhoneFA MW 159598 Mounts per duplex bedroom eutometlo ol heet end hot teeter ellole dept l5 Phone PA sol 15th ELF oontelned evrpeelou roamed lFIIIflIEnI modern EDIIVHIIQIIBEI nth echool IIme kallown earls 159547 tltooMunlurnlehed erlment prtvl ete entronoe convenlen perlrlno Av ellehle dept Adult only Phone PA earn lo tvxltr eomtortebly furnished roono oedelttlnl ronrn one bltehen In and lmllty phone PA 5395 soluble tor couple 1597 P11va equipped loneh oounter in an lllle lb etoole Only erperleneed need epply Apply no 15 llnrrte Zxm lner ikBIiilfl bmhonm new modern partrnent eoul ped with Irl end elove Ienltor eerv ee control loeetlon um ApAlitNr bedroom llylno roonl end dlneltee pleee bthl room Seperete enlrenee Adulle pA 07511 lolm JRDOMBD epertlnent wiill both hent end weler eupplled lrnlnedlete poo eeeeloh smell beby welenrne Phone um m1 EFFECTIVE September Myanmar bedroom eroond lloor yety eentrel Phone PA hem Alee1 LARGE reeln to rent tolnlnhed wlth reneetteedduend wnmIIILmlIhlrll Bl llllry St 59 NICELY lurnlehed bedroom tor zen tlenlon nur cal 5minuleh wnlk Iron down town Phone PA 340 gt ellwt puanellzD llooloe Mhy be rented eeporntely or oll mariner clone to our slop Adult only to llurlon Ave PA tom tomr WELL lulnlhod heddillhln rooln lilhl houlelteeplnn tn rellned hornelnle to rnIn street putlnen otrl Anrteln PArItoey horde tsnl ==== Accolnmoda II Wound WANTED lbedroont home or epert lnent lnr rent by Army otlloer enool ge ehlldren Apply box in Ellminer IIBGII COUPLE with eehool chlldren orl enuy need or room house outelde pnrrte lteeeonnble rent Apply pox II axernlner llpwa puorsesloNAl youIll women went bedelltln room with hrelut or noeld in gentlol loeotlon Iarly Sept phone PA mm lldI Iurnllhed emoll epertrnent neoe llll ereet Puhllo School wrlte nox 55 BI vllle ont lIIW WANTED bedroom home one nod ehool wllhln ennllnutlne dtetenee ol comp Burden ltelereneee ltent up to tan monthly Apply anfl Hhme va mlnee 964 complete telnle tench dellre llvlno eren lllmntton ADlflmneni lyle willh hour onven eneee pre me no Huvao 2Eth er lltgeI LIVPSTQCK FOR SALE lo plus lor eele weekflnld Phone PA um H1 IIEIFKB cALP Heretord ond Noleteln Phone pA 37831 991 IIDLSTHN eell lor veellnz month old Phone stroud l1rlz 097 out Poll veeltne tilerelord end llnl ltelnl Elli Mexwell Lot Con la Innlelll mum ploe well exerted us eecb lohneton llowllellone phone 1m 0m 995m llchlllsn jrby teenl eulet eround mehlnery Greydnn allten Phone Isl Mlnellnl man lnWBANED pine York end Tern ore Well eterted certer Phone mm ennlretown DVI PIHBEN pl weened Leth lt Yorlt llenlonebiy priced Dill Ilm mom Creelnoro phone pPWI MOD gtIllllmllhrll lflmenl Il ma all no lee lpPm PUREBRED lloleteln Sprlnlhll Herd lolly ceredlted Apply coon Thornton Phone cooketewn rim pPId ApAnmllNr Low rent ln exemnge rlnreuhwl ehlldren oer tew hour dhllylhond PA M210 hllzlJor ell weeteend lodm Lon trorn eture eeltlebe lleve dueflpllon marklnl Anyone knowinl nl Ibovo pl phone Oro 2m ll Greenwood I1411 Pullman rl laddill Indl lIIelelee VIIIrma tlne Centre It DonId at runnlne teeter met end lltht so eble lar utht huueelteeplne PA Mwmlr6pm EhnoM pertlnent tor rent el Iohn phone PA mod do Wflllmtfil III epertnlent hml VIIiI one Aolte l°l pr IH 2xoolvl5 lolnlehed end blltnnyphnl Phone 1541 Doom unlurnlehed epertlnen An PIII IHJW eth Bo ee entrtnee hot weter ell bee A373 lboqmvft dualsreel Illl Purmu Phorthorn ltoelltlw heloldo plus week old One lolly name It yeer old ouemeey eow lreeh Au et ll slewnrt Mecqumle mu mum at Pennelle Ill lnlleweet elr men AND Bpflnll Holetelne eredee end purebred ve nltld or blood nmdfluyt ow wlth werreoty Phone loee Cm son um strou Hullsf uohemm hull to monlhe oidl eleo Holetlnl heller Illuh peeture bred Zlnlflfll plow let hi hu tit Fordor Per ueml 2treetoe boo ltnleely ltltl steyner tango Int11 emoa menu teoeherl reoolre penlelly HIQH VALUES LOW PRICES I957 PLYMOUTH PLAZA DOOR whlle end blue Int mileege eer el on em 1950 PLYIIIOUTH PLAZA SEDAN One owner eel wlth lnw rnueeze rhet elllo blue Ilnleh only um 1956 STUDEBAKER Plleht llelelr WMII two tone whllo nd teneeldne overdrtve erp ownr eor upon onflnnl rntl only mm 1955 DDDCIE REGENT SEDAN LIIIII flyblue fill cItln IIILID fluidly 595 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN Llllht ereen eleen wdiichred tor oer with low nllleeee only pups 1955 FORD MAINLINE SEDAN Light dreen lllle new 31595 1954 NASH METROPOLITAN HARDTOP ltodlo tone llnleh to be en ldeel and all evllnder 1954 PLYMOUTH PLAZA SEDAN one whlll Ind blue In elulIenl IIIII Ilmlly cu I95 1953 Studebaker Commander VII Stdn Sold I0 III ellI2 11000 ur IlInII mllu two lfllll blu only Ml 1953 FORD CUSTOMLINE 2DOOR Belzl Illn brown rim WI 1953 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION DOOR 1951 enigma WINDSOR CLUB COUPE dleernlne bleoh torque drive eurtont redlo hendeoln oer 15 1951 DODGE REGENT SEDAN tone Ilth end white Ilne ruhlllrll cur edsl 1949 DESOTO CUSTOM SEDAN let oleelr eotomule reolo Exupon el common 95 mo clav coAcH redlo ups rm cllxvlmmrr sedn m5 mo phmoum simAN new we lmcasvnolar Sodnn em lm MBICURY SEDAN 95 m1 CIIEV SEDAN 395 me NAsll seden 55 mo PONTIAC Bedn lps lm csznourr sedon rodIo mo mo DODGE SEDAN up lIlANY artrm ro CHOOSE mull We Have Few Top QuéIily Trucks 52 FARGO lploN efxplllzss two 51 PAltGo IllTON pxPltms tops 52 PAltco stan epeciel new motor new tlree WEAREOFFERING TERRIFIC DEALS ON FEW DEMONSTRATORS HAROLD HILL LIMITED Miler Plymouth lend Ill182 BRADFORD ST PHONE PA 85355 onlcz ANDe snowman I55 Dunlap st weet perrle ldm on Palm FAIRLANE door eedln whlte welle no AllslIN door at VOLKSWAGEN pANzl cllhv PANEL As lllLLlIIAN slAlloN WAGON ADMIN door at HUDSON door 5t lllLullAN slAnoN wAtloN do humus oxPoltD door DODGE wrote PICKUP cm lyiul Fltqu WILLYS 1m wheel drlve VIAU MOTORS AND BALEs AND smwbz l1 howAN 51 PnoNl PA om Iw DOLLAR DOLLAR ow 7w new wi nlh¥IzuiI hot on vory eleon dood runninl only ms HUDSON HILLMAN I939AUSTIN coed runeInefondmoefiwlr 21 PAltll Si laAluulz BIlyillg or Sellillg we rtenee lete ludl lullIn none VII reeeoente let who applee looneon STEVENSON Au find or animal PHONE PA 35201 DDNwP ePl lAlrr up CAR OWNERS TOP PRICES MInlmum ehelee lor eelllne your uud eere truelte teetlere end treetom STATION smoup Phone urn CARS WANTED lunlbd Itlrwmkml eny eonot llon Will pey l5 eent per pound dellvered lo yero DOMINION AUTO WRECKERS TlloNAll sr llAltltllI IIIONI PA I921I rlNA uwrl lsoeoo METEOR NIAGARA me leoch tone whlte ll noten llde WIIIIIDW Wllhlfl lfllnmllll InnsmIslIull Inw milule ln Excellcnl candlllon 25 DOWN rolthuAnu PERSON Apply Viuu Motors PA 84837 1349 CH EAPI MDSTMAKP ROOM FOR NEWVISTOCK 1950 Pontleo Sedan anve Job Required 49 Studebaker 50 Ford Toll 48 Plymouth Coach 47 CHEV SEDAN FAIRWAY MOTORS Highway 90 at Ferndnie 1H6 97 IE to eeden In good running now dltlon Aemo IHW 955 METEOR PI egfiluentelonadltlog Green phone lhh m1 cusroM Dodpe Good tlree lion Apply 55 Mownneld st phone PA to mp 1391 lm exit IInnhiNfinlak Paflfllfllffillllg order lo or lne pholI lo Mlnellno lslwel CIIEV hnll ton penel Molar body ond tlree ln looli oondltlon Iteoron lzxeellent eondltloo Autornolle tre nttlslon hooter lelllo ttree litre new see tt et 97 Nepler at IkWW lsst Mount oxmrd seden new tlret motor nverh oled new pelnt lob Ap ply hlls neyheld st Groves prom phone pA Mm lsMlt less NAnll ltnnlblee conllnentu re dlo overdrive washers reellnlne reetl 21ml nllle heuoneble Ior eulelr role phone we ossso ltee 5nd Hood less FDR cuetomiine todor IIIIoleA to drive turn tenole lowollleeee or lelnol nwner phone pA Mm lyIrIw ms METEOR lol role Apply to Plan one st Iler pm 15 only prleed Phone PA mm 1396 muncunv Museetuueouo COLLECTIONS neepAbem zll rnh ye eteodoeu nearl Chapel lu Av oeue ltd Toronto lor eervlee et la In ehseturdey And lot etent lteunl rlueeot cemetery Property for Sale or Rum loan hooee lor eele urgent Aloe room untumlehrd epertmenl Awl llowell ml strutd COIL no PA ml lIvfl ROOFING mvlc donut helehee MORRDW MACDONALD PA um PAINTING AND none ee II should he done upertenee PHONE PA 88491 EAlmiE Don PeymenuDeey terme no mm L4H PAPERHANGING yeen lIomn noun bedroom nu Irerne help Ioee to rule he re lutehen end ethroool lored elr ell turneee end lnmlnum etolme end menu but °° KIhlfl nk rou one lhwn ===fi==e 0065 AND PET STOCK m1th Collie doe in month old Phone PAsw sm lwuln eoa semen eroee Col pu tor ee Phone PA one aerrle In oNlghogm ertfl ugh lullll lle to rnee Phone PA uotl unn Back Fill DozepWork or Loading CAMPING EQUIPMENT For Rent Barrie Tent dz Awning Co pyee uthIm PAINTING DECORATING sumac PAlzlt leANtero erbium husoltAetz ltArls Telephone PA 83847 mnmu floor covering only And eeeurtele donned end helle mentlrnelee WOLFENDE Toronto at Electric Motors JD Ross StBllrlie PHONEPABrbm ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE 1le WITHMm III HAROLD HART om WELLS CONDITIONED rtornl eewere weeping IIID 5M0 TANK UNITE MADE AND INSTALLED Atr eolnpreeeor wore PUMP SALES SERVICE Whitney Concrete Product Alter hour dlel IA em RR No am lewn looked eltee by en lerdetler phone PA um me FORD eoeeh Two tone llnleh whlte Idewoll qn our been new llrer plus two how tim1indlhlelq wethere ndiu two tron lender rel throuehout Phone pA 00520 lswt lndAt Iul le do pendeble do nllo per onl orl lnel lntlee eyl less Henry Cone worth et leolt was but the owner lehvlnl town will eeept not melt Apply agPhrry st lsm mom MAN FEII slam Iv loo Owen eervlee fillll la nten st PA um HOME deliveredto lhleeree PH eonre yerd peder sod co MINER ton Ont Phone nerllne out For Ditching Excbvaling IIe PHONE STEWART IStwPhon PAM bulur note repeullne mp cote cnmo Emvfl end Portole lee none st Phone PA our Illl FLOOR COVERING none PA um buu WELLS DUG TILED conrret tile or wells culvemunn PA as 31m WANTEnFnur rldere to norden on motor pool Apply hox o1 khng PDDNAc end chimney cleeolne New ll xon Drlnue Elke tnltelletl pply Trunk letterloe eolIrfilot HIE Km mowclldl EUIOIII MIG BM Lendeeepeee end Plop lete Deeullul lertllleod weedlen pod ulch per eted on dellve onto cell dedu rat nutmrul Noreelen Ulhounduphp roe to en Peleed moonole LAYEBHA ltennel AlunAbl run weeIle old tor eele no Phone 35354 In ltlenler south Hum 34m Dillymdx AuclloN SAleS nil Alll It complelo drags ollle ltered end and ltolel end ellerelreae end rolleln eonlplnent to II lot at Cnnxll Innonl ownmp the all my Polnt hood mils trellnt no No ll It huh Peln ole IIt Dov eeltl ell veeeln eted end terled rem euh No me the owner In lll heteth leery Colinllin Auctioneer pout selnrdey Aunul st Auetlon rele or term lrnl loelr Implements hey ultry lnfl some haulehnld II Ied or Chlrlle Clmemn II In Can le Township on caullly me nltlo nnllhl or werley Ind mIIll flflllhl wtll OI Call It ierdu rush DQIInIlely no nun alumniJ llltlnllnglvJ hméntiél pm erp err on Auctioneer moo noreel Com lele bl rlel Nullnlm IIRUI Ndan nor do and mm lttwoyeee rue bred for tell no ebuer ulvinl All mm ludlnl um Prelent the Itelllnerenoon ot worlo onenplon co mostly run end ell All lllIlnlIl undiluted Ind In lelled Shit onder cover to even or eln lot Pettenon Lot III con Van pll Townllllp mile north 31111 on HI may Illa Il III IIIIIII Milo Inn Dunnl In Sold at up 911 pruoteller end Son ltltehener Aoetloneere ptle NOTICE TO CREDITORS lo the mute el WINNIan MA IllALLtrutmu lele or to fowluh or oro lo the county ol slmeo wmow deeoeeed ueht lo the melee Act thet ell creditore end other hlvinl elelnte eulne the ebovenenled Winnltred Idenhenouna deeeeoed who dtod ere required to eend torthwuh to the IlnddISIlned spueltor tor the Deed lrtx dlthb Elihu olthe eeld WInnl rm MerehellYounz their menu eddrenee end deecrlptlone end lull pertleuler tn Initial veellledupon oelh ot their elelrne ol the mum it eny held by them AND TAKE NOTICE thet elter the 11m dey at Auourt ml the keen lrlx will proceed to dlrtrtbute the eeeele at the deceeeed onlono thnre entltled thereto heune neerd only to the elelme olwhtoh ehe lhell then hhvd notloe end wtll not he lleble to eny pereon nl whooe elelrn notleo hoe not been received DATE Ofluih onterlo thle alst mm mm dey ot Ioly AA m1 Owen P11 PAJHW poubroN Museum no 04 MILIIIIIII ENE Ell opluul anterl sollelloe lor the Execnlflx mus TIIIlIlslIIIEIls SALE orlIIlIn roll nulls By vlrtoe ot whrnnt leeued hy the Reeve or In Township InnII olundel lo bend nd the out or the la corporation burln dull the III dly Ill APHI 51 Illa Ilnllx In lmlll DI uxei in ma Towluhiv of lnnhlll wlll be IlEId II Come munlly Ill VIIIJIE ol Shroud If Illa hour of two oclockvhl Illu noon All Ihufldly the ml dey ol Aopult ml unleu the tue end eort ere eoner pull Notlee le nere vou went your letter limth by lull thet moellll ol lende lor In or Imlfl DI 11er Wu pub lulled In Th Onllrio out an III Foilflll dly DI MI 1351 Ind Illill EDDIEI olthe llld Ill ml bl hld II my Dulce II lends In not III Mild to Aneurt ml en eelouened eel Ileliluialri OHICE fill III dly ne tl utnoN None 15 HEREBY GIVEN pul on or about the net dey or my IP57 wlll be held on September Hill 51 hoth luyil Vietorle ll to henteoe Aoe 1m to In none hoeleed Dunlap 5t wt not DYDAhDAt Royl Vletone lloepluL In Dyoell em sonny my edeuebler tlleether Annl mom IN uhmmmunleep end all ere ed beppy lo noeuece the elml ol Ihflrxchull oerpeter Gilllhn leery outer toe Poul eeeoe en peppy to ennoultee lh Ir nu of eon on Anufun II In ee fioliflmuLooc oene end lullll ollNemNAl ltoy vletolle Itooil llurt on An Inn to Ir Mr rtohert nonton the lien Andwe Com bell Av eon RoomAl heyI mom lloepl berrle on And 31 ml to Ilr end In mole RR pent deu ehler tIlemrell hourAt ltoyel vloterte lloepltel nerrte on Au lm lo llr Mre demoed ltolr loo Noteele st on AmlNEAi noyel Vletorle or herrte on Ant leez to pl end Mu cleude st Anloln Peel so ten nrAt Rnyl Vletorle lloepltel rte on Ant 57 to Pt lohn Veylnykw etple eon tAnthony ohnl VINEINrAt ltnyel Vletoete IIMI el lterrlo on An em to nd In lneent CoriND Loop cernp horde deuehter tr phocstbDler hebeet proetwen no lelnlly VIM to extend tnelrheet lll thenre end epprecletlnn lo lhelr puny erlende end nelehbere tor lnel rnny net ol nlndnene beutllultlor ettlloole endneeeeo ot lympethy dunne thelr all one vrlnenl In the loll ol lnvlhl wll mother end erenontother upeclel thenlle to hell Geurlis ol llreeehrldge end Dr ore heot oi Allluo IN APPRECIATION We wleh lo lhenhlte melee Fer euron Dr orey our nelghho lrtende end reletlyee or let oI hlndl nen norel Iflblliel end meueee ol gulpthy dorln our recent bereete men lovlne huebend tether end erendlether lhre IL Meredoen end tenths7 SHELTER COMES FIRST in the year ending June 1957 the consumer prlce index intrane od by 32 per eent to new cord high OLIhé indexes new are components since 1940 shel lcr hlls shown thexrcuiesl In crease clothlhg the smallest itl creeee Aosrilun 56085 Benlo pewrd PnoeePAulu LonN mum All aerrteon unlwlo eenoeol ppm ue nut Dorrlted end yeliovredlpgtwulmllv Anodel 17 weltet oleek leelher driver lleene eod per II PA lln model elroplene hot eeeo met Immuvflm rewerd PnonePA In lIIbn nAvluoNlr end In luv wnDeemhound InK 3M Polot vuln AND llIIe lnsllllllllloll honor it llllstIIIIcf RADIO DnlleN ERVICIE 36 lIIlAltY sl PAL eellml Add To us The pront tlm oer new lllo wmulnn em on lull leeyte ue seen 11 Menu lflnlll due no gutI eoo el no ctuo ocunmr not nueheoon eetee no country home lulu telllette none 45 Ill colnun eh em on tteee In new In neut mod lep bltue Illnh tun hlohwey Plug eunoev euousr as no Mm eeenu eoo ed Illillvlll ehew me All eter rheetn up eneetllrte emu cltvltTll CHANNEL Loo lutlu unete em on otqu uo WAIth up et Loo rn IIIIIIlnIlPI no on com hoot Luce uo from no ohollenee lento when out mum on Thutn undoow lens rem In none rue GDmlllflllw to Tuunhv nation no wnhm rhom no condo Ituh an onmnel us rum teeveet eeoeu no cmmnm tone eey eltu meet at louuleheu met no IIMIah lel urunbev Ann 4° 33 Wm leouoev number no it come ceeele no MD ellol no net nettern Lon don chumo Tuna us Al to to tell no Weld lll weet no eummer cent moo too VIIhum Imtn Lu lull Cumuluan ml duel filo bl are one rut Perede lxm Nelle Hm vo lr to lean mum uel eewener rue looo to PI mud um one tmn snort ptreet Ill nurle rhe Ilol cerey ezo setordey Ihndlihnd on ll church celeoeel Ier eeorrr ler Nee Heeolloe ILW chureh etrlle THE IIIXEIISTAIIED MORE IIAN PAY FOR IHetcoSTor lbw eeeel noon lmo Neel too no llfmm no em on Peee etemt lno New meanne ffifl my $1512 13 mm Job ler norere ponder Poo New 10 Ml lo olole Hutu HJDVBHIY ureneln loeeI leerl mm out Alone 1b eoowlqy none 615 Iiml oullueo wu VI Church neme Blb Tho alone or pm me Meihchrino the It moo vnt ltlt I332 Itll er no nrueoev us It on oe mm ne teeloll or who peep toe el on ltoo we mm mm mm eeeweetern show Dom quDAv New some tone none petty tor the um Np end sport meet eno 33 It p53 £3 lloepl on 333 an pm mm llulAVA 325 an 12 run At erenut mm 53 oilo nee In Anne Th loan ltoulne Alone no Teen In not us come when tom III gt loneel lode llornelneltere mole lsoonm MI rred Poet um no um country mm rfil Neotoeent ILIII eloeeleon Pumice LEA

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