today as the last group breakfast enjoyed one line vEND or SUMMER Simone Presbytery Comp closeddown lively band at Explorers ate swim and sadly packed their belongings shown in the ring lowering ceremony above are two or the camp leaders Carmen Formitaro Mansiield left and Jeanne Vancise stuynerI right with Explorer Lin do Broekbunk oi Goldwater assisting BEETON Miss Wailwin visited rela lives in Toronto duringihe week end Mr and Mrs Gordon of Guelph visited the laiiers bros lhar cordon Nichol on Thurs day Mr and Mrs Charles Ferguson Toronto Visited Walter Stewart on Thursday Visited Relatives Mel Palmer Taronlo spent week of his vacation with his mother and his brother and sis lelvlhduw Mrs Palmer and Mr and Mrs Don Palmer Mrs Pcarson of Barrio visited friends in town on Sat urtlay Guests at the home of Mrs lilcCaguc during the past week were Mr and Mrs Anderson and family of Toronto Mr and Mrs Ralph Appleton Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Watson on Sunday Coltage Holiday Phyllis Stocks Toronto visited her cousin Lee Coburn at the Coburn cottage at Wendake Beach Lakc Simcoe during the past two weeks Visitors luring the past Week and with Mr and Mrs Elwood McCuguo were Miss Woolley anLlMi and Mrs Lilly of Toronto Eastern ontarlo irlP Mis irwin Reynolds and daua ghlcrs returned home last Week from two weeks visit with rela tives in Ottawa and Cornwall Fort Erie Guest Sylvia Lisk is holidaying at the home of her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs John Sunnerton The camp located on Georgian Bay about live miles borne Mr and Mrs Zutelt and Kenneth of Detroit Mr and Mrs Albert Bulman and Danny visited friends in To ronto on Sunday With Uncle and Aunt noymond Lisk returned home on Sunday irom two weeks hoi idny with his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs John Rutheriord at his Cedar Point Lake simeoe Edward Appleton Turnnto ViS lted Mr and Mrs James Watson on Sunday Sharon Llsk spent the past week witbjher cousins Gregory and Lo Cocltbu Wendake Beach Mrs Ted Dale and tamily spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Camplin Wasaga Eeabh Mrs Fleck and Harold Flcck ot Shelburne visited Mr and Mrs Wright on Monday hay and Mrs it Matthews and Veari Stewart spent well ncsday with friends in roronto Webb Reunion The Webb reunion was held in Beeion community Park on Sun day Aug 18 Mr and Mrs Frank Lisk aev erley and Charles spentrsunday wiht relatives at Big Cedar Point Miss Margaret Williams Toron lo spent the weekend at the home or her parents Mr and Mrs Henry Williams sroNDnnurrs Since the time Adam sneaked up on the old apple tree and tasted oi the forbidden fruit peo plc have been trying to get some thing for nothing But we find it difficult to understand the thinking at some people who will think nothing of spending aboveMidlnnd is owned and above total or some EDENVALE Sprlnmter llrk Service number tram here attended the church service in Springwater Park on Sunday morning Rev Vinet gave challenging ad dress on The Christian Church combined choir of 30 voices assisted by Miss Moira Knapp soloist provided the music Vlsitors From States Mrs Marks and Mrs Evil Williams Neweusuet Penna spent Thursday with Mr and Mrs Albert Maw Prim Last Friday Mrs Ward Gunil fellow and Margaret and Mrs Gordon Gififen attended tea given by SaladaShirriffHorscy Ltd in Toronto and received $10 prize tor the Edehvale Wo mens institute branch in the company sponsored layctte com Petition The members who worked on the layette included Mrs and Ward Mrs Bert Maw liirs Graydon Girlen Mrs Russell Maw Mrs GordonsGliien Mrs Cecil Ward and Mrs Mary antl Grace McDonald Week With Family Mr and Mrs Arthur iiarnhic ton ayron spent last week with the ward families Successful Scholar Congratulations to wilircd De geer who was successful in his upper school subjects He has accepted school at Mount Fleas lant Welcome To Community We welcome Mr and liirs Dougall Jrand children to our community They have taken dver the BA station gt Mr and Mrs Robert Richard Folt Erie Recent guests at the home of and Mrs Zuiéit were and Mrs seaward of Col 510 or $l5 to attend some enter tainment in the city but refuse dollar to see local event ilumhol grill l956l3lkdsmoflbl a5uper rhis csr dncw For 54400 Now as oration or the slmcoe Presbytery oi the United Church at Canada This summer the camp has provided delightful outing for six groups the first two being boys camps fol lowed by two CGII groups and the Explorers mentioned 300 In addition Young Peoples Weekend Camp was held in late June grain immediate slble oulhrcah ol Asiatic lnIluLnu In the United States rhe epidemic may never sllike in this country said Dr David Allmln Atlantic city AMA pmldenL But the American Me dial dissociation is anxious to have prseticing physicians mnhirocu and alerted in use an outbreak docs occur Thousand ol persons have operated by the lamp Corp Bell son Barrie spcnt Sunday with Mr and Mrs checr Back From Holland Mr and Mrs Kolichlotzn and lamlly have returned alter spending two months in Holland BAXTER Hiime Bulldln Calvin lichice is busy building two houses in the village Sunday Visitor rontn vsiitzd iriends on Sunday Mr andMrs NCochrane eo tertained number or iriends on Saturday evening Mutor Trlp Mr and Mrs Menary and Mr and Mrs Edgrir have gone on motor trip to Montreal and the USA From Ottawa Cpl and Mrs Brockwell and children of Ottawa are visiting relatives here Staying With Friends 02 and Mrs Miskey and daughters Cheryl and Lynn of Ccniralia are lpendlng few days with iriends here Sunday irlp Mr and Mrs Denney acr companied by Mr and Mrs Len nox of Mansfield motored ta Tob edrmory on Sunday and spent the ay QUEER LOOT BRANTFORD CF unit case stolen from parked car here conï¬ined voodoo dolls and shrunllen heads It belonged to Robert Williams Pontiac Mich manager of travelling ghost show séeour wide in KRUG hes Limcd In all ti 5pc sultan tram 30 chai oerhack Dunean Phyie table Wlleu on pool with custom radio hydranttic no grain Illa ivory rww mLEAGE ON or in your present KISth Forrious Names As GIBBARD uylng dining room torniture be sure to visit Clark thigrnngo of styles is on display Range Accordlnlto report iecelvedliheen by from the Americ don the moss on is launching Mr and Mrs Morris oi iro oiy dolenoe Ehn with the disease in this East during the last ten weeks and it is only good medicine to dell in probabilities now when we have the time in that way the American people will be best Icrvcd item medical standpoint lie ï¬rmed that there was no immediate cause or Illrm The Board oi lrusleel has authorized special AMA committee to ban dle the project Chlirmln oi the committee is Dr Harold Luelh of Evasion Illinois who has been serving for some time as choir nion oi the AM committee on glut leapa oi CAnldl MedlulAml reparedncss pro to combat post nallawwide DtlRJitï¬i More than 200 years ego lndinns came down to Snndwlcli bylag canoe to bring their precious furs to this house centre cannabis noisy Mansion was him by lndian Agent Jacqua Duperron Baby The tang of French wine and cheese tilled the air is traders came and went Here General Sir lsanc Brock ltud his headquarters in the War of 1812 when toge ther with lei Tecumseh he repelled the American invad ers The homes original brick academia since been stuc eoed over Clay right on the site was mode into bricks to build The Grange beautiful structurenlong the linesvof on English manor house in 19091 was bequeathed to the Toronto Art Galleryllt one time the home of the distinguished historian Goldwyn Smith was meeting place or the Family Com pan the leading govemlnent ï¬gures during the turbulent 1837dayo or rebellion in Upper Canada KNECHTEL Oak walnut and Mahogany rs with Sopholstcre nests auditti turnitule pa crime old Hudsons Bay post in what is now Amhersthurg to it it will iadluta tho airlearn fllï¬lfllm been Grout relllnce therefore mun totality be placed on home becqu oi the current high occup ancy in civilian hospitals Speclll problem willdevelop it the lily cue occur in camps and at large meetings or assemblies because us daily there are insuliicient tolnlnodltlnn or providing bed care for large numbers at pail who suddenly become ill it is estimated that the pluck rule would run between 15 and 30 of the population at any only where the disease reached epi rmic proportlo BIGGEST CREATURE The muchhunled blue whale biggest lllimll ever known to ex ist can grow more than loo lael long and weigh 150 tons committee pilnl to lntorrn all phynlclum tbrmlab out and county medial minis unho lodel with any Mini ins nucnn epidemic urge these so sinus to prepare and develop madby programs and plan to cope will any epidemic allotid it occur lormullle plum attlle na tionl level In utilizesLl mcdioll penonnel trotrules or type at practice in lime oi lufluenu enl ergsncy and coordinate state nnil loft programs with gubil health as attic and hell apartments Dr Lueih Hid lhll ihcAM and the US Public Health Se plan to carry on cooperative public educnllonnl program with tho help or newspapers and tele vision lnd radio stations The pub ill will be given information about the particular virus type Far mt strain which causes the Canada is rleh in story and tradition Many landmarks main to tell the totem our countrys earliest days its heroes and heroines Here is rericr live historic old homes which are all still standing today and each by which tells its own story in its own way The beautiful illustrations are by Dal othy Stevens 1mm the bookHisioric Houses Canada Katherine Hale Ryerson Press ii lllloi In the lovely garden at the redbrick Rectory in Fredericton New Brunswick the poetry of Sir Charles Roberts and Bliss Cannon song out the glories of our lakes and forests This is where Sir Charles was born and spent his youth and where his equally renowned cousin wasoiien visitor record unequalled in Canada is held by the lieloiont homestead built by Supreme Court Justice John Murray Blis ln 1820 in Lincoln New Bninswlck Within its wallslived two Lieutenant Governors of the province two Speakers of the Legislature Justice of the Court of common Pleas dud aFederal Mlgtall or them related to one another Bound by the St John and eradicate RiversBelrnoptr was construe tedtof yellowpineand linedthroughoutwlth brick making it frostproof in winter and cool in summer Fiery rebel andpetrl am you Mackenzie was given the home ion by lriedd whenheiremrned to Carla from exile in lass uiilol gr brlck3it issitutied1 at Bond St In Tor lo andtodayhouses an interestingnun inndingiflanadlonrvthecityh seum in memory this all ï¬rst mayor impedit nulliuc oi entangle